The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 814 Hai Ling Reading

Chapter 814 Hai Ling reads a book

When Fang Buwei saw the help coming from his family, he considered withdrawing from the battle group and letting his disciples work together to kill the beasts. However, the two of them fought fiercely, and it was difficult to quit for a while, so he had to continue to be the main force and fight fiercely with the Lin beasts. But at this time, he remembered that Zhang Ai had saved Linshou's life, and he couldn't help but hesitate in his heart. Would this bastard intervene again?

As the old saying goes, good things don't work but bad things work. It works even if the other party doesn't do anything. What he worried about came true. Zhang Awei is a good old man. He wants to help when he sees someone who is weak. He wanted to help him just now, and now he wants to help Linshou. In addition, there is Zhang Tian beside him to add fuel to the flames. He yelled at Zhang Awei and said: "Go kill people, those guys are a fool." You don't exist."

"Should you pretend that you don't exist or that I don't exist?" Zhang Wen said helplessly. "It's the same, one of us is following the other, if I don't exist, I will pretend you don't exist. Hurry up, the Linshou will die in a while." Zhang Tianfang urged.

In order to save their ancestors, the Fang family showed no mercy. In the short time since they appeared, there were three more wounds on the Lin beast. One was deeper and the other more serious. The blood was dripping and dripping. Its dark leather armor was very cruel and bloody.

Zhang Ai sighed and sighed: "That's all, I'll save you one more time." If the Fang family's children had not joined the battle group, it's really uncertain whether he would have saved the Lin beast again. There is a life-and-death feud between one person and one beast, so why does he get involved in it for no reason? Now that he had an excuse, he parted his sleeves, erected two air walls in front of and behind Linshou, and said to Fang's family, "Let's go."

When Fang Buwei saw him, this arrogant bastard finally took action. Knowing that he was no match for him, he shouted coldly: "Back off." He led Fang's family away. Before he spoke, several attacks from the Fang family's children hit Zhang Ai's two Qi walls, easily dispersing them.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't use too much force. Seeing that the Qi wall was broken, he waved his hands and raised two more words with an indifferent attitude. If you don't feel tired, break it. At this time, Fang Buwei spoke, and the Fang family's children retreated. No one attacked his Qi wall, but the Lin beast broke through it and roared at him. Seeing the meaning, he probably thought he was nosy.

Zhang Awei shook his head, patted Zhang Tianfang on the shoulder and said, "Leave it to you." After speaking, he took a few steps back and sat down. Zhang Tianfang was stunned and asked: "What do you want to give me?" Zhang Ain pointed at the Lin Beast and said: "Didn't you say that there was an injured person and you wanted to treat him? The opportunity is given to you."

"I won't do it!" Zhang Tianfang said angrily. When he turned his head, he found the Lin beast looking at it angrily, as if he was ready to fight at any time. He didn't want to fight with the Lin beast in vain, so he quickly took out the pill and threw it over and said, "I guess you can't do it." Bad luck."

Unexpectedly, the Lin beast was so arrogant that it trampled all the pills into the soil without eating a single pill. Not only did he not eat, he even screamed at Zhang Tianfang, as if he wanted to challenge him.

Zhang was afraid that he would be helpless, so he took out two life pills and two spiritual energy pills and threw them at them and said: "Eat it. Who will avenge your son if you die?" After hearing this, Lin Beast lived up to his good intentions and swallowed the four pills. He looked at Zhang Wei for a pill, glared at Zhang Tianfang, and turned around to go back to Monster Mountain.

Zhang Tianda was furious: "What the hell is this? How come you don't know good people's hearts?" Zhang Ai said softly: "You're not much better than him." He walked to where Lin Beast was staying just now and took out the pills in the soil one by one. take out.

Zhang Tianfang curled his lips and said: "Stingy, even if the monster has stepped on it, you want it." Zhang was afraid that he was so depressed that he jumped up and kicked him into the air. Then he took a breath and explained briefly: "I I am afraid that the spiritual energy of the elixir will leak out and cause unnecessary killings."

"Excuse, you are stingy, you are stingy, and you still don't admit it." Zhang Tianfang kept talking with this guy in the sky.

Okay, I'm stingy. Zhang Ain stood on the ground and waited patiently for him to fall. He kicked him higher and shouted: "I'm stingy. I'm going to beat you if I'm so angry." What's going on?"

Zhang Tian let the hero not suffer the immediate disadvantages. While floating in the air and unable to come down, he accused Gui Dao of being traitorous and not helping him beat Zhang Wei.

Looking at the heartless nonsense of that idiot in the sky, Zhang was afraid that a feeling of loneliness suddenly arose in his heart, as if the sudden desertion after a carnival made him uncomfortable. He lowered his head and thought about it, but he couldn't remember what happened that made him feel this way. Instead, he remembered the fairy cave not long after he came out. He only stayed there for a while and didn't go to many places. Judging from the three houses he looked at, no one lived in them. The beauty in the portrait must be dead.

Thinking of this, he suddenly smiled. What does it have to do with him whether others live or die? After entering the so-called fairy cave once, coupled with the inexplicable feeling of loss at this moment, it made him clarify his pursuit and seize the present.

Wouldn't it be a miserable ending to cultivate to the stage of becoming a god? Examples are listed in front of us, ghost ancestors, mountain gods, if the owner of the Monster Cave Mansion is also a master of god transformation, his fate will not be good.

He raised his head and spoke to the idiot in the sky: "Can't you come down?" In this dark sky, the idiot was lying in the sky looking at the stars. After hearing Zhang Wei's question, he replied: "What do you think is on the stars?"

"Practice quickly and see for yourself when you get better." Zhang Ain replied casually, turned around and headed south.

"Hey, why are you going? I'm so depressed, how dare you leave me? You wait, you wait." Zhang Tian was talking in the sky while rummaging around in the storage bag, and finally found something to hit Zhang Ping. .

As Zhang Wen was walking, he felt something flying behind him. He glanced back, jumped up and disappeared in the dark night. Then I saw a very beautiful firework blooming in the dark night. The firework was a little big, covering several miles, and the sound was a little loud. The loudest thunder in the world was no more than that.

After the fireworks went off, a thunderous roar came from the dark night: "How dare you blow me up with the seven-star spell?" Something seemed to fly by in the dark night, and Zhang Tianfang was seen flying freely in the dark night again. This guy was kicked far away, and he kept talking: "How did I know it was from Seven Stars? But this thing is good."

"Not bad?" Zhang was afraid that his anger had not subsided, and he flew to Zhang Tianfang's side. He held him down and turned around, taking away all the things that could cause harm, leaving only the Fu Shen Sword, shield, life pill, and spiritual energy. Dan. If he doesn't even leave the spirit stone, what if he goes to the market and buys some powerful magical weapon?

Zhang Tianfang's body was restrained, and he shouted: "What are you doing? What are you doing? Robbery, molestation, help." Not to mention how unpleasant the voice was, I just said that this night, because of his shrill screams, it became eerie and terrifying. .

After Zhang Ai finished tumbling, he used both hands to throw him down to the ground. Zhang Tianfang continued to cry: "Kill, please help."

"I'll let you shout again." Zhang Ai turned out a pear and slammed it down. Zhang Tianfang's shrill shouting suddenly stopped, and after a while, he said loudly: "Are you going to die? My tooth fell out, oops." When he opened his mouth to curse, a pear fell into his mouth, and while he was handling the pear When I was doing this, I forgot to drop my body and hit the ground directly.

Seeing him in such a mess, Zhang Wen was satisfied and flew south. Zhang Tian slowed down and hurriedly chased after him, yelling: "You bastard, you bullied me." Zhang Weijing just smiled and didn't reply. Zhang Tianfang continued to scold, scolding him while flying, without delay. Zhang Awei encouraged him to continue with a smile. Until he got bored and didn't want to scold him anymore, Zhang Awei said slowly: "The scolding doesn't hurt, the beating hurts." Zhang Tian was so angry that he continued to scold as usual.

Zhang Tianfang didn't react until dawn, and asked, "Where are we going?" "Wugu." Zhang was afraid of replying. After hearing this, Zhang Tianfang thought thoughtfully and said, "Wugu? It's a very familiar name. Why are you going to Wugu?"

"Why not." Zhang Ain replied. He knew that he couldn't persuade Zhang Tianfang to leave, so he didn't bother to talk. "What are you doing if you don't do it?" Zhang Tianfang asked persistently. Zhang Ain grinned at him and said, "Guess." He sped up and flew away. Angry, Zhang Tianfang opened his eyes angrily and cursed: "You bastard is entertaining me. I won't be able to beat you to death until I am better than you." He sped up and chased after him.

The two of them flew in and out, fussing and fussing, and arrived at Foggy Valley five days later. Zhang Aing said: "Wait for me outside." Zhang Tianfang refused: "Why? I flew all the way here to be in a daze?" "Do you want to stay in a daze?" After saying this, Zhang Aing sank into the ground. Zhang Tianfang, who was on the ground, was so angry that he suddenly calmed down and sat cross-legged in meditation outside the thick fog, thinking hard about how to deal with this bastard.

He missed his, Zhang Ai escaped into the foggy valley and appeared on the platform inside the valley. Fortunately this time, there were not so many terrifying humanoid monsters looking for trouble. He quickly entered the Refining Temple and arrived at the boundless sea on the fourth floor.

After entering, use your spiritual sense to find the direction of the big ship, and then tread water to get there.

When he left last time, he promised Hai Ling that he would build a very large wooden island for him. However, the Five Immortal Woods were scarce and not enough to build an island, so he didn't go to Nitian Cave first.

After driving north for two days, I saw a big ship. Hai Ling was reading a book on the ship. Seeing Zhang Ain coming, he rushed over and said, "These books are quite interesting." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "As long as they are interesting, I will bring them to you next time." Hai Ling nodded and said yes, then asked, "What are the things in the book?" Really?" Zhang asked, afraid of not understanding. Hai Ling raised the book in his hand, opened the cover and said, "This is Tiangong Ji." Then he pointed to a small pile of books on the deck and said, "Return it. There are those, The Legend of the Fox Fairy, and The Romance of the Warring States Period.”

Zhang Weijing sounded confused. He had never read any of the books that the little fat man mentioned. He smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know whether it is true or false. You can ask it yourself later, when we go out."

Hai Ling nodded and said yes, as if he had gained strength after reading a few books and was confident about leaving here.

Zhang Ai looked around and asked, "Where's the rabbit?" "Humph, those troublemakers know how to eat, and it's convenient to eat. They have to clean up several times a day, which makes me exhausted. I lock them all up, so that we can Time to read." Hai Ling replied.

Zhang Wen laughed when he heard this. Children don't grow up. Once the novelty wears off, what did they do before and what they do now. Walk up to the bow of the ship and inject spiritual power, then steer the ship toward the small door leading to the fifth floor.

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