The Monk

Volume 1, Chapter 816: See you at Yijie

Chapter 816: See you at Yijie

Zhang Awei really couldn't bear to refuse, so he nodded and said yes, and the little fat man happily picked out a bunch of books, looking for stories he thought were wonderful and wanted to tell them to Zhang Awei.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "You pick first, I'll go talk nonsense to the big guy on the fifth floor." The little fat man said hello without raising his head, and added: "You can stay a few more days, I want to find a story anyway. ”

So Zhang Ai entered the void space again. After entering, he remained silent and stood silently, as if he didn't exist. For a long time, Ghost Ancestor's deep voice sounded in his heart: "You want to compete with me in Silence? You can't compete with me."

Zhang was afraid and said nothing. Ghost Ancestor sighed, knowing that he was not in the mood to joke at this time, so he said directly: "In a bad mood? There is no use hiding in, why bother?"

After saying this, Zhang Ai said firmly after a while: "I want to take him out."

Ghost Ancestor sighed again: "After all, you have lived for hundreds of years, and your cultivation is invincible. Why do you change three times a day like a child? You don't have an accurate idea?"

"I have a definite idea. I will work hard to protect all the people I want to protect, let them live well, and make them happy." Zhang Ai said softly. Although his tone was gentle, his determination was absolutely unshakable.

"The little fat guy is not an ordinary person. Let's not talk about whether we can make him enlightened or whether we can make him perfectly integrate with the magic circle. I just want to say that all this is done. If you take him away, what will happen to the Valley of the Gods? He is separated in another area. What should I do with the fish-headed people in the world?" Zhang Wen had thought about this question countless times. It was because he thought too much that he finally decided to give up on Hai Ling. However, Hai Ling looked so excited when he told the story. , deeply moved him, making him even have the urge to cry.

He once thought about how great it would be if Hai Ling was like Fu Ling. As long as he had enough spiritual power, he could take him out of this prison.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Awei whispered: "I don't know, I want to try." Gui Ancestor didn't care, what did it matter to him if everyone in the world was dead, so he replied: "Then try it, wait until you figure it out. After you try it, come in and find me. I will tell you a set of tricks. You can use this trick to find another person for help. If he doesn't help you or wants to kill you, just accept him. "

Zhang Awei refused directly and said: "I won't go. What if the other one is cruel and terrifying? I don't want to die."

After saying this, Gui Zu laughed, and as the laughter gradually subsided, he said softly: "It's a pity." This was the second time he said the word "pity". The last time he said it behind Zhang Awei's back, this time he said it in person, in a tone of voice. But it's the same, saying the same regret.

Zhang was afraid that he might have heard something wrong and misunderstood the meaning of the words, so he shook his head and said: "What's a pity? Even if you accept the other one, you may not be able to accomplish anything."

Ghost Ancestor smiled and said: "You are so evil. I asked you to find him for help. If you really can't take him in anymore, it would be better for you to go straight to death. But you are right. The Temple of Refining is too powerful, and it will be in vain for me to do more. ." He paused and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Ask you, you don't tell me, what do you think I can do?" Zhang Ain complained.

Ghost Ancestor smiled and explained: "I couldn't figure out the Temple of Refining in the first place. I asked you for the array diagram and you didn't give it to me. What can I tell you? As for the method of transforming into a god, haha, I don't tell you for your own good. Gods have different ideas. Performing his duties, masters of spiritual transformation are the gods of the future. It doesn’t mean that you and I can succeed in just a few days of practice. I just want to tell you my method. If you don’t have the foundation of mine, you insist on cultivating higher. I don’t care whether you can succeed in cultivation or not. If you use my method to save you, it is basically harming you. It’s not easy to harm your own cultivation. You might go astray and get seriously injured and die.”

"Okay, I accept your explanation." Zhang Ain said with a very generous look. Ghost Ancestor laughed angrily and said: "Get out of here, do you dare to make fun of me? How many heads have you grown?"

Zhang Ain talked to him for a while, threw some food, and returned to the fourth floor of the Refining Temple. Little Fatty Hai Ling was still reading books when he saw him coming back, and then asked: "So soon?" Zhang Wei said: "Compared with the fifth floor, this place is like heaven. Why should I stay there longer?" Hearing this, the fat man raised his head and said seriously: "As you said, it's pitch black in there, there's nothing there, and that person can't move yet. It must be very pitiful for a person to live motionless in the darkness for thousands of years. You can talk to him more." "

Zhang Ai smiled and said nothing, and went to let the biting rabbit out. A group of little guys jumped all over the big boat. It became lively and full of life. Hai Ling also left the book and went to torture those stupid guys.

In the next few days, Hai Ling found a story book that she thought was very exciting, and told Zhang Awei again. After finishing the book, she took the initiative to say to Zhang Awei: "I have stayed here for more than a month this time. Go to the fifth floor and talk to that person." Let’s talk and then leave. I’ll tell you a story next time.”

Zhang Fei patted him on the head, feeling very sad in his heart. The more sensible the child, the more heartache it feels. He patted Hai Ling on the head, and Hai Ling dodged and turned around and asked, "I've been wanting to ask, why is your hair gone?" Zhang Awei was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly. He was forced to shave his head because of the fight. Although after more than one It's been months, but my head is still smooth.

The skin and hair of cultivators grow slowly, which is a way to prolong life. But growing hair is easy if you put in the effort. Zhang was afraid that he was lazy and didn't think about his hair style, so he just left him bald.

When Hai Ling asked about it, Zhang Ain laughed and said, "It's cold with a bald head." Thinking that if the bald head went back to Tianlei Mountain, Song Yunyi would definitely ask the reason. To avoid worrying her, he immediately said, "I'll do a trick for you."

He concentrated his mind into his heart, controlled the hair growth with his spiritual consciousness, and released his spiritual power easily. In just a short time, Zhang was afraid that another head of black and shiny hair would grow out. He tied a knot behind his head and said to Hai Ling, "Isn't it fun? "

Hai Ling looked curious and touched his little head. There was some sparse hair on the top of his head and said, "I have so little." Zhang Ain picked him up and smiled and said, "It's quite a lot. When you grow up, you will have more hair." "Hai Ling sighed like an adult: "I've lived for a long time, but I guess I will always be like this." This sentence was based on the tone in the book. Zhang Wen laughed when he heard it. Think about it, if he keeps learning and learns everything, what will happen in the future?

At this time, Hai Ling suddenly shouted: "He's messing around again." He ran towards a little biting rabbit. Zhang Ai saw that the little rabbit was everywhere, so he laughed and went to the fifth floor of the Refining Temple to say goodbye to the Ghost Ancestor, talk for a while and give him some food and wine, then came out and drove the boat in the opposite direction. Ten days later, I arrived at the place, said goodbye to Hai Ling, and walked through the small door.

Zhang was afraid of leaving the palace, so he fled out of the valley. After a while, he floated to the ground outside the valley and was surprised to see Zhang Tianfang sitting cross-legged and meditating motionless. He asked curiously: "What are you doing?" Zhang Tianfang closed his eyes and replied: "Why do I have to tell you?"

"Okay, if you don't tell me, are you going to leave?" Zhang was afraid to ask again. Zhang Tianfang suddenly opened his eyes and stood up and said, "Why don't you leave?"

When he stood up, Zhang Ai was even more shocked. Looking at the appearance of the land where he was sitting and the surrounding land, the colors of the two places were different. It was clear that he had been sitting upright for a long time. To put it simply, this land had left traces of sitting on it by Zhang Tianfang.

Zhang Ping really couldn't believe it and asked one more question: "Have you been sitting there for more than a month?" Zhang Tianfang didn't reply, he just glared at him and walked forward. Zhang was confused. Why did this guy change his gender?

I was originally worried that he would run around and look for him after he came out, but I didn't expect that this guy not only didn't leave, but kept sitting still. wrong! Something is wrong, what is this guy doing?

While they were thinking about it, Zhang Tianfang impatiently scolded him: "Are you leaving?" Zhang Ain smiled and imitated him: "Why don't you leave?" Soared into the sky and flew north, and the two returned to Tianlei Mountain. What's even more unusual is that Zhang Tianfang was very quiet all the way. He didn't talk much nonsense and didn't go out to play. His expression was serious, and he didn't know what big things he was thinking about.

He was so abnormal that he scared Zhang Ai so much. What happened to this guy? Being beaten? After pondering over it for a long time, I couldn't figure out what was going on. Just ask him. Not only would he not say anything, but I would get an angry glare from him. It wasn't until he returned to Tianlei Mountain safely that he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He came to Fang Jian and said, "This guy is crazy. Can you see if he can be saved?"

Since he could glare at him, it meant that everything was okay, and Zhang Zing didn't want to feel uncomfortable in front of him. Calculate the days, go down the mountain again, fly to Wuling Blessed Land, and come back in a few days. I took this trip to collect five fairy trees and plant another batch. He also worked really hard to make a big island for Hai Ling.

When he came back, he went straight to the back mountain, released the monsters from his body, and then went to see people. Many people had seen him fighting in black and white, and Ruiyuan and others came to join in the fun and talk to him about all kinds of troublesome things. It was easy to meet everyone, as well as a group of disciples and girls, including the beautiful Song Yunying and Xi'er. I just thought about having a drink with Lin Sen. Someone came down the mountain and wanted to see him by name.

Zhang Ai had just sat down with Lin Sen, and before he even raised his wine glass, he heard the bad news coming from his disciples, saying that someone down the mountain wanted to see his master. He was so angry that he shouted: "Drive away the men, and ask Zhang Tianfang to drive away the women." The disciple who sent the message said respectfully: "The person who came here is a young monk, and he proclaims his Dharma name Yijie."

Hearing the familiar name, Zhang was afraid that he didn't understand. Why did this guy come to Tianlei Mountain if he didn't go back to the mountain to meditate?

Lin Sen smiled and said to him: "You go ahead." "Where are you going? There are endless things to do. What are you doing every day? There is no cultivator in the world who is more tired than me." Zhang Ain complained. .

However, he complained and summoned his disciples not to leave, but to stand with his hands down. Zhang Awei asked: "Is there anything else?" The disciple respectfully replied: "Master didn't let the disciple leave, so the disciple dare not leave."

"You are really a good disciple of Ruiyuan." Zhang Ao muttered casually, stood up and said to Lin Sen: "You drink slowly, I have to leave, I will accompany you next time." He walked towards the mountain gate with the disciple who was summoning him.

If someone else came to see Zhang Wen, as long as they reported their name, they would most likely be led to the guest house or the mid-level pavilion to wait, where at least there would be a seat for the visitor to rest. However, this monk Yijie was a bit weird. He had a scar on his head that he had never seen before. The Zhike disciples did not know his purpose and did not dare to open the main gate of the mountain gate. Therefore, they did not invite him to rest at the mountain gate and just stood outside the mountain. Waiting on the steps.

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