The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 813: Chasing and Watching the Fun

Chapter 813: Chasing and Watching the Fun

After waiting outside the mountain for a while, Zhang Tianfang didn't respond. I wondered: What on earth is this bastard doing? Why don't you reply? After thinking for a while, another communication charm popped up, and with a swish, the light and shadow flew towards the west.

We were in the north just now and now we are in the west. Did something happen to this idiot? The hunted were running for their lives. Zhang was afraid of moving out of the way and flew rapidly towards the west. A moment later, another communication charm flew out, lighting up a ray of light and shooting into the dark night. In this night, the messenger talisman became a light guiding him, and he followed the light and shadow, chasing after him.

If outsiders knew that he was squandering things like this, they would definitely call him a prodigal. Talisman materials are difficult to find, and communication talismans are becoming more and more valuable. This is why many sects know that talismans are convenient for communication, but insist on creating some troublesome fireworks and arrows to send messages and warnings.

Of course, Zhang Wen, who was afraid of his wealth, wouldn't care about this waste, so he continued to throw the messenger charms to look for Zhang Tianfang's traces. As the distance approached, the direction in which the messenger talisman flew became more and more elusive, sometimes east and sometimes north. Knowing that he was getting closer to his target, Zhang Ping united the two minds in his mind and used all his consciousness to search for Zhang Tianfang.

He quickly found the target, locked onto him with his soul, and flew over quickly.

Zhang Tianfang was not alone. Zhang was afraid of Yuanshen's search and found three targets. The first is a top-level monk, the second is a super-level monster, and the third is Zhang Tianfang. He is dragging at the back, far away from the person and beast in front.

After discovering this situation, Zhang was afraid that he was no longer in a hurry. These three auras are all familiar to each other. The first one is Fang Buwei, a master of the Fang family, the eight great families in Lu State, and the second one is Linshou. These two brothers have a life-or-death feud and will fight when they meet. As for Zhang Tianfang, it is certain that this This guy is watching the fun, 100% watching the fun!

Fang Buwei and Linshou's auras were a little messy, and their spiritual power was much weaker. It was probably the result of the fight between the two brothers, which resulted in both losses. So it was extremely sad that they were running like crazy and being chased by a mischievous Nascent Soul master like Zhang Tianfang to watch the fun.

Zhang Ai quickly caught up with the two men and the beast, and shouted angrily: "Stop!" He shouted at Zhang Tianfang, but because they were too far away from each other, and Fang Buwei and Lin Beast were not easy to deal with him, They all thought they were looking for trouble. With a crash, the two guys stopped and looked at Zhang Afraid carefully. I wonder what this bastard is going to do?

The two of them stopped and refused to move, but Zhang Tianfang, who was supposed to stop, did not stop. He chased after him with interest and yelled: "Hit me, why did you stop?"

Zhang was afraid that the anger in his heart came from a distance and glared at Zhang Tianfang: "Just calm down." Because he was standing far away and shouting nonsense from thousands of meters away, it caused misunderstanding between one person and one beast. He had to eliminate it. Misunderstand.

Zhang Tianfang glared back and asked, "What are you doing?" "What are you doing? Why don't you send the message back?" Zhang Fang said angrily.

Zhang Tianfang grinned nonchalantly and said, "I don't have time to talk to you, I'm too busy watching the fun."

He guessed correctly, this heartless bastard was indeed watching the fun. Three days ago, not long after Zhang Ping entered the mountain, the Lin beast came out of the mountain and came out to trouble Shura. He didn't expect to meet Fang Buwei.

Fang Buwei killed the Lin Beast cub and knew that it was a life-and-death feud. He didn't want to come to Monster Beast Mountain again, but because of the immortal cave that might appear in the mountain, he didn't sit still and came to join in the fun and take advantage.

He knew that he had a murderous feud with the Lin beast, so he kept a low profile at first, staying quietly outside the mountain and letting his men go in to find out the information. He planned to rush in and take advantage once he had the exact information. But God's calculations are not as good as those of humans. Shura and the Lin beast got into a fight and were beaten out of the mountain for unknown reasons.

The Lin beast was injured several times. I won’t talk about the previous ones. I will just say that this time, it was beaten by a group of people first and then by Shura. The beating made it feel sad and resentful. When the injury got better, it went out to trouble Shura. , and found a guy who was more hateful and worthy of killing than Shura. It was so familiar with the scent of the murderer who killed his child that he couldn't be more familiar with it. In order to avenge his child, Shura stopped looking for him. No matter whether he was in the mountain or outside the mountain, he was crazy and wanted to fight Fang Buwei to the death.

Then there was a fight, but Fang Bu didn't have help and dozens of disciples. At that time, the four thousand cultivators had not yet entered the mountain. There were also some who were watching the excitement and those who were ready to take advantage, so they started fighting in a mess. In the end, one person died. One beast kills both.

The Lin Beast didn't care about its own injuries at all. It had only one idea, not to kill the opponent, and fought with its opponents several times with the same death strategy. But Fang Buwei didn't want to die, and he couldn't think of a way to win in the face of the crazy Lin beast, so he could only run away.

At this time, Zhang Tianfang was enjoying watching the fun. When he saw Fang Buwei running away and Lin Beast chasing him, he forgot all about Zhang Weifang's words asking him to stay here and chased him all the way to watch the fun. Fortunately, the two brothers were seriously injured in the fight and had no time to talk to him. Otherwise, they would not have come to kill him and would have run away without a trace.

Hearing Zhang Tianfang's heartless reply, Zhang Zhan didn't even know what to say. This guy just watched the fun and could watch it for three days and three nights. What kind of spirit is this? How much perseverance does this have? ah. Turning his head to look at Fang Buwei and Linshou, Fang Buwei didn't say anything, but Linshou looked up to the sky and roared wildly, then rushed towards Fang Buwei. It fought hard and would rather die than avenge its son.

If one takes action, the other will not stand and be beaten. At this moment, it is clear that Zhang Fang does not have the intention to kill, so he does not want to escape. Zhang Tianfang took a look and was unhappy. Why did he run away again? Can't we fight in one place? He yelled, "Don't run away." He continued to chase him.

I'm afraid Zhang is very depressed. What's this? He chased after him with a grimace, grabbed Zhang Tianfang and said, "They beat them, what are you doing?" "What am I doing? I am kind-hearted. If either of them is injured, I can help treat them. It's all in vain to tell you, how can you, a vulgar villain, understand my broad and generous heart?" Zhang Tianfang said in a surprising tone.

Zhang Awei held him down and said, "Who taught you such nonsense?" "Don't make trouble, what if they both lose and die? Let others get the advantage in vain? If you have the advantage, you might as well give it to me. "Zhang Tianfang struggled to show his broad mind. Seeing that Zhang was afraid, he continued: "Besides, if they are seriously injured, I will treat them, and they can keep fighting, and I can keep watching the fun."

Zhang Weijing was completely speechless and said helplessly: "I really want to know what you were like in your last life." Let go of your hand, you can chase me. Zhang Tianfang was not always happy and complained: "I just wasted my time and disappeared without a trace. Where can I find it?"

Zhang Ai looked at Zhang Tianfang seriously and said seriously: "I owe you." He pulled him and flew straight in one direction.

Fang Buwei fought with the Lin beast for three days and three nights, especially the life-or-death fight on the first day, which made both guys weak and skinless. After that, one tried his best to escape, and the other chased with all his life, and they were tortured to the end. To put it mildly, it is almost as good as even if the oil is not exhausted.

Zhang Ping and the two caught up with them at the edge of a lake. Zhang Tianfang was surprised: "Where are we? Why is there water?"

Looking at the exhausted appearance of the people and animals by the lake, and then looking at Zhang Tianfang's energetic state, there is such a gap. Zhang Ain sighed: "I admire you for being so energetic after running for three days and three nights."

Zhang Tianfang accepted it calmly, and then said: "There are plenty of spiritual energy pills, just eat them and play with them." "Is this the spiritual energy pill I gave you for this?" Zhang Fang said angrily. Zhang Tianfang looked at him with disdain and said, "Just tell me, have you forgotten the time when you took the spiritual energy pills and gave them away to people all over the world?" "That's my pill, I give it to whomever I like." Zhang Ai defended. Zhang Tianfang glared and said, "Whatever you give to me is mine, no matter how I eat it?"

The two of them were quarreling, and Fang Buwei and Linshou were very angry when they heard about it. If they weren't worried about their face, they would really want to say to Zhang Awei, stop the quarrel, and give me two pills first. The two guys were exhausted. First, the life-and-death fight consumed too much spiritual energy. Second, they were injured and could not be treated, which made their physical condition worse and worse. But no matter how tired he is, Linshou still wants to find Fang Buwei and fights to the death.

It was the most unlucky. It was first attacked by a group of top-level monks and was seriously injured. It finally recovered, and then was injured in a fight with Shura. This time, the injury was just a little bit smaller. It fought Fang Buwei and his men desperately. If it weren't for the monster's strong body, it would probably have died a few times ago.

Fang Buwei also knew that he was suffering. The last time he failed to deal with the Lin beast, he ended up with a life-and-death feud, so he had to endure it slowly. But before he could get through it, he was targeted by the Lin Beast. All the family members were injured or killed, leaving him alone to escape in embarrassment.

The two guys were both resentful, so they fought together again. Zhang Tian was such a bastard that he actually took out a handful of snacks and ate them while looking at them. He took the time to say something like "The Lin beast is really strong" to Zhang Awei. Zhang Xing said angrily: "It's a miracle that you weren't beaten to death."

One man and one beast fought to the death, and the fight was quite exciting. Looking at the past half day, it turned out that the Lin beast, with its thick skin and thick flesh, finally gained the upper hand. Looking at the skills of the two of them, I guess they would be victorious after a while. burden.

The two of them fought hard, and the loser had to die. Zhang Wen was hesitant to save Fang for once. At this moment, a figure flew quickly from the distance. After seeing the scene by the lake, he threw out a communication talisman, then took out his magic weapon and attacked the Lin beast.

Zhang Tianfang was not happy, and stood up to stop him: "One against one, what do you think you are doing?" He waved the ghost knife in his hand and cut off the magical weapon in the man's hand, and then shouted: "Stand still, if you go forward, you will be killed." ”

The person who came was a pill-forming practitioner, so of course he couldn't defeat Zhang Tianfang. He was very anxious, but he didn't dare to move, so he had to wait for the family reinforcements to arrive. Fortunately, the cultivator ran fast. After more than twenty breaths, more than a dozen people flew in from all directions, ranging from Dan Jie to Nascent Soul. Seeing the situation on the field, he rushed towards the Lin beast without hesitation.

Zhang Ping said angrily: "You think I'm a dead person? Stop here." He said this sentence for too long, eleven words in total. For a cultivator, the time it takes to say one word can easily match dozens of moves, let alone eleven words. After he finished speaking, all the people who came had surrounded the Lin beast. Some took action, some waited and watched, and some were preparing to save people. They cooperated with each other skillfully.

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