The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 798 Many Familiar People

Chapter 798: Many acquaintances

"Senior, please go into the tent and rest first, and allow me to report in detail." The disciple bowed and stretched out his hand to lead to many tents in the distance on the left.

Zhang Weijing said, "That's fine." He followed the three disciples and asked again, "What are these people doing outside the mountain? Why don't they go into the mountain?"

The disciple smiled bitterly and replied: "There are more than ten top-level masters in the mountain surrounding the stone wall. Let's say that anyone who dares to enter the mountain except the top-level masters will be killed!"

So cruel? No wonder they all stay outside the mountains. Zhang was afraid to ask again: "How can Song Yinglong enter the mountain?"

"There was no such rule when our ancestors entered the mountain. They left early, and there were more than 300 Yuanying monks who went with them. They were trapped with our ancestors. Although they were trapped, their lives were not in danger, but they could not move." The disciple introduced the situation and then added: "But this happened ten days ago. In these ten days, the top masters have sealed the mountain, and there will be no more news."

"How many top-level cultivators are here?" Zhang Tianfang interrupted and asked. "As of today, including the master of our sect, a total of thirty-three top-level masters have arrived."

Zhang was afraid of hearing him call Song Yinglong his family ancestor, so he asked casually: "Your surname is Song?" The surname Song is one of the big surnames in the Wuliang sect. The disciple replied: "My name is Song De." Zhang Ping said with a grunt that he understood.

The five people walked to the left and encountered some people gathering on the way. It was a small shopping mall. Many people lined up in two rows to sell some cultivation items. Song De led the way and happened to pass through the market. As he was walking forward, Zhang Wen suddenly stopped and turned around to stand in front of a stall. The stall was very large, with several monster beast corpses on display, and Zhang was afraid of staring at one of them.

Zhang Tianfang was puzzled and asked, "What are you doing?"

When the owner of the stall saw a customer coming to the door, he greeted him warmly: "Fifth-grade monsters are sold whole. Whether you want fur, bones or inner elixirs, you can just get them yourself. It's very cheap."

Zhang Ai looked at the corpse of the monster for a while, sighed softly, turned around and walked away without saying anything. He knew that monster. Before he became famous in the battle with ten against one, he had bought a monster at the market auction, and it was this one. It was such a big lion beast, Zhang was afraid that he was unwilling to kill it, so he sent it back to Monster Mountain. Unexpectedly, decades later, in the end, the lion beast still could not escape death.

Thinking about the many lives he had saved, there were people who had beasts, including the beast hunting team monks whom he saved last time at Monster Mountain, but they still couldn't escape being killed after being rescued. Thinking of these things, I feel a little depressed, as I always seem to be wasting my efforts.

He didn't speak. Zhang Tianfang didn't understand at all and asked: "What are you doing? What's wrong?"

Zhang Frightened: "It's okay. You have to be careful. There are dozens of top-level masters in the mountain, and I can't protect you."

"Shall I use you to protect me?" Zhang Tianfang said disdainfully.

The five people continued to move forward, and soon arrived at the temporary residence of the Wuliang Sect. There was an open space surrounded by more than twenty tent houses. Dozens of disciples were standing or sitting in the tent houses. Two Nascent Soul monks were standing at the main entrance, far away. When he saw Zhang Ping from a distance, he raised his hands above his head and bowed to salute.

Zhang Ai said quietly: "There is no need to be so polite." The figure floated over and helped the two of them up. After the two stood up, they bowed again: "Wuliangmen Yun is dressed in white. Wang Feng has seen his senior." He turned sideways and invited them to enter the tent to rest.

Zhang Ain looked at those tent houses and suddenly didn't want to go in. He waved his hand and said: "I'm not going, tell me what's going on inside the mountain?" Yun Baiyi said: "The location of the stone wall is three thousand miles away in the northeast. Uncle Masters He forcibly broke through the wall and was restrained in place by a strange formation, unable to move. There were more than 300 people trapped together, including 20 top-level monks. So far, 13 more top-level masters have entered. They arrived in the mountains. They were very capable and cleared everyone out of the forest. We were all weak in ability and were unable to rescue our uncle. We also cared about his safety, so we shamelessly asked our seniors to go down the mountain to save people. We are grateful for your kindness in coming to our aid. , The Wuliang Sect will definitely retaliate in the future.”

After hearing this, Zhang Ain thought for a moment and asked Zhang Tianfang: "Will you go in with me?" Zhang Tianfang nodded and said: "Nonsense, otherwise why would I come all the way here? Just to watch the excitement?"

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and Zhang Awei said to Yun Baiyi: "Let's disperse, we will go to the mountain tomorrow." Yun Baiyi and Wang Feng also wanted to persuade the two of them to go into the tent and rest, but Zhang Awei and Zhang Tianfang had already turned around and walked away. Stopping in an open space, Zhang Ai meditated and adjusted his breath, while Zhang Tianfang lay down and fell asleep. Yun Baiyi and the two looked at each other and went back to their houses to rest.

Soon the night passed and the sky was about to get brighter. Yun Baiyi, Wang Feng and many of their disciples came together to see Zhang Awei. They looked around but didn't see the two of them and knew that they had already entered the mountain.

Zhang Ai led Zhang Tianfang into the mountains outside the Monster Mountain. Perhaps because many cultivators suddenly appeared, most of the low-level monsters in this area went elsewhere. The journey was quiet and safe. Zhang Tianfang curled his lips and said: "Monster Mountain has such a great reputation, but there is not even a ghost in it."

Zhang was too lazy to tell him whether there were many monsters in Monster Mountain and whether they were ferocious, so he kept silent and moved on. They were not traveling very fast, and it took them half an hour to reach the three-thousand-mile mountain road. Zhang Ping was looking at the terrain and calculating the distance all the way.

Half an hour later, we finally arrived at our destination. Behind a green mountain was a valley, about a kilometer in length and breadth. There were more than 300 people imprisoned below, standing or lying motionless. Only their eyes that moved from time to time showed them. It's a living person. This group of unlucky guys had been trapped for who knows how long, and their faces showed some signs of decadence.

In addition to them, there are thirteen more top-level cultivators scattered everywhere on the mountain ridge outside the valley. They discovered Zhang Ping early in the morning, but no one came to trouble him.

Zhang Ai stopped at the top of the green mountain and looked down. Opposite was a cliff, more than two hundred meters high and wide. The cliff was covered with vines from top to bottom, turning the more than two hundred meters vertical cliff into a lush green. From a slightly farther distance, it doesn't look like a cliff, but like a tapestry woven by a weaver with great perseverance, covering the cold stone wall long and wide.

Lower down in the middle of this green patch of land, about fifty meters above the ground, was a patch of black, surrounded by gray stone walls. The vines originally attached to the stone wall must have been cleaned up by cultivators and cannot grow back.

After looking at the stone wall, he turned his attention to the thirteen masters. He sighed in his heart, what a coincidence, he met an acquaintance again. The boss of Yulingmen, one of the three major cultivation sects in Song Dynasty, was among the twenty-four stars. In addition to him, I also saw Qingliu, the leader of the three sects of the Song Dynasty and one of the three elders of the Qing sect.

No matter whether this immortal mansion really exists or not, just looking at the posture of these top-level masters, it is difficult not to believe it.

Seeing Zhang Weifang and Zhang Tianfang appear on the top of the mountain, Twenty Four Stars and Qingliu's expressions changed. Why did they meet this unlucky boy again? The two of them were sullen, thinking about random things in their minds.

The thirteen people are all masters. They can see Zhang Tianfang's Nascent Soul primary level at a glance, but they can't see through Zhang Awei. This kid looks like a commoner, but no matter how stupid a cultivator is, he will definitely not be. laity. Ordinary people do not have such momentum and character. Judging from the performance of standing and walking, that kind of strong self-confidence is definitely not something that an ordinary person can show. So none of the thirteen people made a move against him, or even asked him.

Zhang was afraid that he would not care who was paying attention to him. After looking at the thirteen people on the mountain ridge, he turned his attention to the valley. At a glance, he almost laughed out loud. There were more acquaintances trapped in the valley. Not to mention the three top-level monks from the Chengjia Lejia of the Lu Kingdom who were against him, not to mention the members of the Wuliang Sect of the Song Kingdom, he actually saw Shura inside. He didn't know how, but he was still wearing a black robe. But the bronze mask fell off somewhere. His face was naked, with a look of shame and anger, but unfortunately he couldn't move.

Apart from Shura, I also saw a long-lost master, King He, one of the two giants in Longhu Mountain of Qi State. This guy's apprentice went to Zhang to fear trouble, and this guy also went to Zhang to fear trouble. Seeing King He's appearance at this time, Zhang Ping felt really happy. If I ask you to trouble me again, just be honest.

Zhang Wen has experienced a lot in his life and met many people. There are more than 300 people in the valley, and he has met dozens of people, including a bunch of top-level masters. For example, there is a top-level warlock from the North, Datoutuo Tongmu. . I don't know where this monk got the news, so he rushed here to join in the fun.

Looking at this bunch of acquaintances, Zhang was very happy. This was the price of making things difficult for me. Of course, Ku Wu and Tong Mu didn't make things difficult for him, but it didn't matter whether they made things difficult or not. What was important was that these people were in trouble and he was watching the excitement.

Seeing his silly amusement, Zhang Tianfang asked: "What makes you so happy?" Zhang Ai laughed and said: "Secrets, don't tell me." "Don't talk about your head and virtue." Zhang Tianfang said contemptuously.

Zhang was afraid that he was here to save people, so he walked down the mountain peak to explore the secrets of the stone wall. But as soon as he moved, thirteen top-level masters moved at the same time. Qingliu asked: "Fellow Daoist Zhang, what do you want to do?"

"Why? You can't even look at the big rocks?" Zhang Ai said coldly. This bastard guy fought with me several times and wanted to kill me. How dare he call me fellow Taoist? Who is your Taoist friend?

After hearing Zhang Awei's cold words, Qingliu felt annoyed, and her hatred for him increased. But what would happen if she hated him more? Zhang Awei's cultivation was terrifying, and he could fight the three elders of the Qing family to death with just one person. Since it was hairless, Qingliu could only endure it and remain silent.

But he remained silent, and someone among the thirteen top-level monks spoke up: "May I ask where Fellow Daoist Zhang is from?"

Zhang Ai smiled: "You don't know me?" The monk had never met Zhang Ai, and he had to find out his origin before he could decide what to do next. Zhang was afraid that he would not tell him.

"Why should I know you?" the monk replied coldly. We are all top-level monks. Who is afraid of whom?

Zhang Awei shook his head, looked at the other ten or so top-level monks, and asked softly: "You don't know me either?"

What is arrogance? Dare to speak like this in front of thirteen top-level experts, this is arrogant, but it is a pity that there are no people around to watch the excitement, otherwise it would be more enjoyable if it was accompanied by some cheers and cheers, and it would be even more arrogant for everyone in the world to know.

He asked so rudely and arrogantly, most of the dozen or so top-level monks did not respond, and they stood around in a cold atmosphere, not knowing what they were thinking.

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