The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 797 What's going on

Chapter 797 What’s going on?

They have been practicing together for several days. I wonder what the situation is like outside. Has the sect caught the Lin Beast? After practicing for a long time, they felt unsure. The two of them discussed to stop practicing temporarily and go out for a look. If there is a chance to practice again in the future, they went out.

The two of them walked out, and because of their strong feelings, they were intimate with each other as they walked. They couldn't help but practice some more anytime and anywhere. This time, while practicing on a mountain wall along the way, the female disciple of the Le family was too excited because of the too big and violent movements. She grabbed randomly with both hands and tore off many vines. The married male monk looked up and saw that the mountain wall was densely covered with vines. A small gap was pulled out of the vines, and there was something faintly underneath, which was different from the normal gray color of the stone. It was black.

Of course, this change did not interest him. Comfortable cultivation was much more important than the black stone. But when he took another look, he saw that the gaps between the vines disappeared and were once again covered with vine leaves. This aroused his curiosity, and he stopped practicing and flew up to take a look. The Le family woman was actively cultivating. Suddenly the man left. The woman felt empty and asked, "What are you doing?"

The man stopped at the place where the gap had just appeared, and gently pulled open the covering vines. Underneath was a black stone about a person's height and half a person's width. He knocked it with his hands and found nothing wrong. It seemed to be just a black stone. . Just as he was watching, not long after, the torn vines covered the stone wall again. Now even the Le family woman saw something fishy. She pulled up her pants and flew over to take a look, asking, "What's going on?"

The man thought about it, took out his magic sword and stabbed it at the stone wall. He heard a clang sound, the magic sword was broken, and a huge force pushed him over. The stone wall did not change at all. When encountering such a strange thing, even a fool can see that something is wrong. How can a Danjie monk be unable to pierce a stone? The two of them temporarily forgot about the very comfortable cultivation matters, and studied around the black stone wall for a while, burning and smashing it. They tried all kinds of methods and struggled for several hours. Finally, they smashed a small piece of rubble off the black stone wall. That's it. At that moment, a large white character "Xian" appeared on the black stone wall.

With the appearance of the fairy characters, the black stone wall returned to intact, as if nothing had happened.

The two knew they had encountered a treasure, but they couldn't figure out what was going on, so they spent many days under the stone wall. Because he had been thinking hard to no avail, he spent his days practicing spells when he had nothing to do. Just when I was enjoying my practice that day, bad luck struck.

The most numerous monsters in Monster Mountain are monsters. The place they stay in belongs to the outer mountains and there are no powerful monsters, so they dare to stay in the mountains for a long time to practice. I also encountered some monsters a few days ago. Due to their lack of strength, they were beaten to death or injured by the two of them. But this time I encountered a super-level monster. The Lin Beast is back!

After the Lin beast was rescued by Zhang Wei, he recovered and returned to the mountain. Because he was angry, he bravely killed the cultivator who entered the mountain. When he met the two of them, he would not let go. He easily injured the two mandarin ducks, but did not kill them. , playing like a cat catching a mouse. The two people who were killed had only one breath left, so they were taken out of the Monster Mountain and thrown outside to warn the cultivators not to enter the mountain.

These two people are going to die, but they have a big secret in their hearts and they have to tell it no matter what. The problem is that they stayed in the mountains for too long, and even the injured lin beasts that were being hunted recovered and returned to the mountains. How could there be any cultivators staying outside the mountains?

But it just so happened that because the Lin Beast returned to the mountain, there were always people who were unwilling to do so. Some high-level monks wanted to come back and look for another chance.

These two people should have died early, but they were really fierce. The self-violating golden elixir protected the Dantian breath and the consciousness in the mind, so they must live. The two of them were lucky enough to persist until the master arrived. When the master saw the two of them, he thought to himself: These two are really afraid of death. They are so virtuous, and they are still trying to survive by using gold elixirs. What's the difference between dead and alive?

He didn't want to pay attention to the two of them. As for the things they had on them, he just turned them over and threw them away. He was a Nascent Soul master, how could he look at the things of the Danjie monks?

The two saw the master and begged him to help inform the families of the two clans. The master was helpless. Thinking that the two major families were not weak in power, he saw it as an opportunity to make good friends. He casually found two cultivators nearby and asked them to inform the two families with spirit stones, saying that a member of the clan was seriously injured and waiting to die. He is here to guard the wounded.

What happened next was that the two major families came to save people, but they got shocking news. Because of the word "immortal" that appeared automatically, the stone wall that was as tall as a person was said to be the residence of immortals. After receiving this news, the two families were in a state of excitement. The Le family rushed to the Monster Mountain first, and the family masters went to study the stone walls and intercepted and killed all the monks who entered the mountain.

The people who were chasing Zhang Wei a few days ago were the Le family members. Barbarian wanted to kill him, but was scared away. Then Zhang was afraid that he would meet the adult family again on the way to Wugu, causing some unpleasantness. If it were anyone else, he might have gone back to Monster Mountain to find out what was going on. Unfortunately, Zhang Ai didn't have that curiosity and continued to do what he wanted to do regardless of what the two families wanted to do.

If things continue like this, maybe no one will know the secret inside the mountain. I don’t know what will happen after the two families enter the mountain, whether they will fight, or how the spoils will be divided. The best outcome is for the two families to share the benefits.

However, because of Zhang Wei, the hunted team left one alive. This person was a disciple of the Yao family. Of course he had to cry to the Yao family when he was wronged. In addition to their usual business dealings, there was also a group of monks who were friendly with them. These people encouraged the Yao family's leader and told them that the Yao family's animal hunting team was wiped out, which was a slap in the face of the Yao family, so they randomly sent two Danjie monks to check. what's going on.

Unexpectedly, these two people were killed in Monster Mountain. The Yao family was shocked and sent two more Yuanying monks to investigate carefully. No matter who the enemy was, they must take revenge! The result was that these two people also died.

When the matter was reported to Yao Meier, Yao Meier became angry. Has the Yao family been repeatedly slapped in the face? If you don't get this face back, how can the Yao family still hang out in the Lu country? So I came in person. As soon as she arrived, she discovered that the Chengle family had blocked the entrance and exit of Monster Mountain. Without asking, she knew that the Yao family's children had died in their hands. The anger in my heart is simply indescribable. We are both members of the Eighth Family. Is there anything you can't tell me? Are you going to kill all the children in my family? She retaliated with resentment and killed more than forty disciples from both families, leading three top-level masters to pursue her.

At this time, she discovered the secret of Shibi and understood why the two families killed each other. He also knew that the Yao family could not survive alone and could not defeat the Chengle family together, so they escaped first to save their lives, and then spread the secret to the world. Want to get some treasure secretly? Just dream.

This is the origin of the whole thing. After Song Tie briefly introduced the situation, he bowed to Zhang Pinchang and said, "Senior, please save the Wuliang Sect."

Zhang Ai was a little surprised after hearing this. The attraction of the dual cultivation movement was so great that the two of them were able to have sex in the mountains regardless of the danger. They were really capable. It's a pity that after Song Tie's narration, Zhang was afraid that he would only hear this story.

Having said that, he was not interested in the so-called Immortal Mansion at all. It was just a broken stone wall. Was it worth the effort? Seeing Song Tie bowing to him, he thought of Song Yunyi. She had something going on in her homeland, so she could help if she could. In addition, Ku Wu and Song Yinglong were pretty good at Tianlei Mountain and had been trying to make friends, so they decided to take this trip. He nodded and said, "I'll go and see if I can rescue Song Yinglong. It depends on my luck."

Song Tie was overjoyed and said respectfully: "Thank you, senior, for your help. In the future, if Tianlei Mountain has instructions, the Wuliang Sect will go all out."

Zhang Awei waved his hand and said, "We'll talk about these things later. You can go and rest first." Song Tie responded and went out.

Ruiyuan asked: "Uncle, are you going to Monster Mountain?" He felt pity for this uncle in his heart. All kinds of things were endless all day long.

Zhang Awei nodded and said: "I plan to go with Zhang Tianfang. You should take more care of the mountain." Ruiyuan responded: "Disciples should do things without the instructions of the master." This uncle is too lazy, even if he doesn't go out, he will do it. It's as if he didn't say that he was taking care of Tianlei Mountain.

Zhang Ai nodded, got up and left the Tianlei Palace. Zhang Tianfang was waiting outside. When he saw him, he asked: "When are you leaving?" Zhang Ping said: "Go and ask Fang Jianbu Kong if he wants to go down the mountain together?" Zhang Tianfang was not happy: "What do you want them to do? It's embarrassing." I."

Zhang Wen ignored what he said and summoned eight shadow tigers to tell Song Yunyi, Lin Sen and others that they were going down the mountain again. He then asked Bu Kong and Fang Jian if they wanted to go with them. Fang Jian refused and said, "I won't go." I'm going to stay in seclusion for a while." Fu Kong Xiangxiang said, "I won't go either. I'm tired of seeing this idiot Zhang Tianfang every day. Let me relax for a few days."

Zhang Tianfang was very happy: "I wish you didn't come." He dragged Zhang Awei and ran down the mountain.

Just the two of them released Fei'er to fly south and arrived at Monster Mountain in the evening of the next day. Most people enter the mountain from the south side. There are ferocious beasts on the other three sides, but the outer mountain in the south is slightly safer. Nowadays, the outside of Nanshan Mountain of Monster Beast is very lively. There are piles of cultivators living in huts, setting up tents, or just resting in the open air. There are people everywhere, which is even busier than the shopping mall in Longshan during the Warring States Period.

There were too many people, and they lived scattered, covering more than a hundred miles. There was also a small shopping mall in the middle, and some low-level monks were walking among the crowd with a few jade slips, shouting: "Immortal The latest situation in the mansion, thirty spiritual stones and one jade slip.”

Zhang Ain looked at Anle, these people are really smart, they can still earn spiritual stones through this.

The monks camped outside had various cultivation levels. Zhang Tianfang asked, "Why don't they go into the mountain?"

At this time, three pill-forming monks came towards them. They stared at Zhang Ao carefully, and when they got closer, one of them respectfully asked, "May I ask, is Senior Zhang Ao of Tianlei Mountain?" Zhang Ao nodded and said, "Yes. "I." The three monks hurriedly bowed deeply and said respectfully: "The disciples of the Wuliang Sect have met their seniors and thanked them for their generous help. They traveled thousands of miles to rescue our master. Such kindness will never be dared by the whole Wuliang Sect. forget."

Zhang Ai glanced at the three of them and asked casually: "Did Song Tie inform you?" The disciple respectfully replied: "Exactly. Since receiving the news from Junior Brother Song, we have divided into dozens of small teams to greet the seniors separately, or is it still a disciple's luck? It’s good enough to see the senior’s style with your own eyes.”

This person is so good at flattering, Zhang is afraid to ask again: "What is the situation now?"

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