The Monk

Volume One Chapter 799 A pair of thirteen

Chapter 799 One vs. Thirteen

The monk who just spoke immediately realized something was wrong. Most people knew who this guy was, but no one reminded me. I hated everyone in the field.

The 24 stars had a great hatred for Zhang Pa, so they didn't dare to speak easily. They were always thinking about how to get the treasure in the black stone wall. But looking at the expressions of the people around them, they were like wooden sculptures, with their mouths tightly closed, and had no intention of speaking. In order to get the treasure that might exist in the stone wall, they must not start an internal conflict at this time. They coughed and said, "This is Zhang Pa from Tianlei Mountain."

Who is Zhang Pa? The monk calculated in his heart. I have heard of Tianlei Mountain. It's just a small sect. When will it produce a top-level monk? He looked at Zhang Pa with cold eyes.

Zhang Pa was very angry. Not long after entering the mountain, he was swept by the spiritual consciousness of this group of people. Now he comes again? He said in a cold voice: "I have something to do, I'll tell you guys, don't stop me."

He has been arrogant since he appeared, and until now, whenever he opens his mouth, he is full of arrogance, obviously challenging more than a dozen top-level monks, I am so arrogant, what's the matter, don't accept it? If you don't accept it, come and hit me.

He can be arrogant, no matter what the thirteen top-level monks think in their hearts, they are unmoved on the surface, still surrounding him from a distance, not retreating a step, nor moving forward a step.

Zhang Paquan treated them as if they didn't exist, what can the top-level monks do? It's not that he hasn't killed them before. Turning back to ask Zhang Tianfang: "Are you staying here? Or going down?"

"Nonsense, I'm here to watch the fun with you?" As he said that, he drew out the ghost knife and strode down the mountain. Zhang Pa smiled slightly, followed slowly, with his hands behind his back, looking as relaxed and comfortable as if he was taking a walk in his own backyard.

Zhang Tianfang walked forward. A thousand meters ahead was a top-level cultivator. Seeing his fearless expression, he coldly drew out his magic sword, pointed it at the ground, and looked at him coldly, ready to fight at any time. Zhang Tianfang looked at the top-level cultivator and smiled, "Finally, I met someone who wants to fight me." He let go of the ghost knife and took out the Fu Shen Sword. His Fu Shen Sword was made in the same batch as Zhang Pa's, so it was sharp. He grabbed it and wanted to kill. At this time, Zhang Pa suddenly said, "Wait a minute." Zhang Tianfang looked back curiously. Zhang Pa turned sideways and said to a forest in the distance: "How long do you want to hide?"

Then he heard a silver bell-like laughter in the mountains, and a graceful and beautiful woman walked out of the forest, looking at Zhang Pa with affectionate eyes and smiling, bowed from a distance, and said softly: "After all, it is because the young master has a strong spiritual awareness that he saw through the hiding place of this little woman."

When this woman appeared, the faces of the thirteen top-level monks all changed. They were the top masters on the continent, but no one could find the woman hiding not far away. They had all kinds of thoughts in their hearts. Those who were angry with Zhang Pa just now also suppressed their tempers at this time, thinking that this kid really has some skills.

After listening to the woman's words, Zhang Pa secretly thought: It's okay for others to call me a little woman, but how can you, an old man of 1,800 years old, say so? Although she is indeed as beautiful as a fairy, you can't flatter yourself like this and talk about youth in various ways.

There are many beauties on the mainland, and most of the women who practice Taoism are stunningly beautiful, but Zhang Pa has seen only a few of them. One is Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier, and the other is a delicate and charming woman, each with her own beauty. Then there is Lv Wan, the granddaughter-in-law of Song Yinglong of Wuliang Sect, who is also a descendant of the Lv family of Yuling Sect. Because of her beauty, she caused many troubles, and finally her husband died and her son died. She was rescued by Zhang Pa and placed in seclusion in the forest.

Then there is the woman in front of him. If we talk about charm, the most charming of the women is her, the ancestor of the Yao family, one of the eight great families in Lu State, Yao Meier. She has a soft and beautiful figure, as if a gust of wind can blow her down, but she is also gorgeous and dazzling, as if all the beauty in the world is gathered in this body. It's a pity that this first-class beauty in the world is cold and ruthless by nature, and her pair of jade hands are stained with the blood of countless people.

Seeing her coming, Zhang Pa sighed secretly, all the heroes in the world were attracted to the Monster Mountain by her words, which is really a disaster. However, the Le family and the Cheng family are also troublesome. It is unwise to kill people for a possible so-called immortal mansion.

Yao Meier spoke, but before Zhang Pa answered, she raised her eyebrows and asked softly: "What are you thinking about? Are you going to embarrass me?"

Zhang Pa was speechless. Why should I embarrass you? I promised others not to trouble you. There is an old man named Tie who defends you with all his strength and is willing to sacrifice his life for you. Although I am not afraid of him, there is no need to cause trouble. Speaking of which, the Tie family is also one of the eight great families, and he is also a top-level cultivator. Why didn't he come to this big event? He looked at more than 300 people in the valley, but didn't see him, nor did he see anyone familiar with the Hu family.

He was thinking about it and didn't speak. Yao Meier's third question sounded: "You called me out, but you didn't say anything. What do you want to do, sir?"

What should I do? I won't tell you no matter what I do. Zhang Pa continued to be dumb and walked down the mountain.

The reason why he called out Yao Mei'er was that he was not used to having someone with ulterior motives around him when he was doing things, and the second was that the thirteen monks around him were only hostile to him, so he dragged Yao Mei'er out to share the burden and also to play a game of harming others and benefiting himself.

Yao Mei'er asked Zhang Pa three times in a row, but Zhang Pa did not reply. Zhang Tianfang smiled at Zhang Pa and said, "You are still awesome, cool."

Zhang Pa did not answer, but looked at the top monk who was blocking the road in front of him. He did not take out his magic weapon, but had his hands empty, and swept his cold eyes over him, saying coldly, "Make way." There are two words, called pretending to be big, Zhang Pa continued to carry forward his style of pretending to be big, with nothing in his eyes, no matter who you are, want to embarrass me? I will treat you as a fart.

After saying these two words, no matter how the monk on the other side reacted, his clothes were caught in the wind and he stood up straight and hit him hard. Zhang Tianfang shouted anxiously: "That's mine." Are there two people like this in the world who both take top-level monks for granted? They are really crazy and ferocious.

The monk who blocked the road secretly regretted that in so many places, he preferred to stand opposite others without dying, so he was in big trouble. If you give way, you will lose face; if you don't give way, you may get hurt. Just as he was hesitating, a soft wind blew from the top, and the monk's expression changed. Will he take action now? With energy flowing through his whole body, he slowly raised the magic sword in his hand, changing the blade from pointing at the ground to pointing at Zhang Wen.

Zhang Ping laughed at his actions and shook his head slightly, as if to say, you shouldn't do this. He kept moving towards the opponent's sword tip.

As he gets closer and closer, the atmosphere becomes tense. No one knows what Zhang Ain wants to do. Is he planning to have another fight with Thirteen? Is this something only a madman would do?

The monk who was blocking the road felt particularly great pressure as he was directly in front of him. The back of his long robe fluttered to the back, flying like a flag. At this time, in the space of several hundred meters between him and Zhang Wen, a strong wind suddenly came up, blowing the grass and trees, and countless fallen leaves and broken branches shot towards the monks like flying arrows.

Zhang Tianfang was very dissatisfied and asked Zhang Awei: "Did you take action?" Zhang Awei shook his head and suddenly stood still. The raging wind in front followed him and stopped suddenly. The branches and leaves that were caught by the strong wind were blown by the strong wind just now. Power, continue to fly past.

The monk on the opposite side stabbed forward with his sword. With just one strike, thousands of branches and leaves were stabbed and fell in front of him, spreading out a mat of grass leaves.

Watching the strong wind rise and then subside, except for the monk on the opposite side who used his sword to defend himself, the other top monks remained motionless. Zhang Tianfang looked bored and asked, "Should we fight or not?"

Zhang Ai slowly revealed the Fushen Sword and spoke coldly to Zhang Tianfang: "You step back." "Why?" Of course Zhang Tianfang didn't want to. Zhang Jing did not explain, and his figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air, followed by the sound of the impact of the sound magic weapon coming from the left. A big man looked at the magic weapon broken into three pieces on the ground with a look of astonishment on his face. He really couldn't believe it was true. He has murderous intentions towards Zhang Weixin, and the magic weapon has been hidden in the sleeves of his robe, ready to take action at any time, but how could his opponent find out?

Zhang was afraid that his sword would pierce his opponent's magic weapon, so he jumped back, his figure reappeared where he had just landed, and said coldly: "This sword is a warning." No more unnecessary words, I believe everyone present can understand him. the meaning of.

The force of this sword was so terrifying that the person being stabbed was struck before he could react. For a moment, everyone's hearts were moved and they did not want to be enemies with him. In the distance, Yao Mei'er chuckled and said: "The disciples of Tianlei Mountain are famous all over the world. They are really powerful. Surrounded by thirteen top-level masters, they can still advance and retreat freely and kill enemies easily. This kind of power makes the little girl envious. ”

This sentence sounds like a compliment to Zhang Afraid, but in fact it is an incitement to thirteen people to fight against him. How can a group of masters who have been famous for a long time allow a young boy to act recklessly in front of them?

It's a pity that her provocation failed. The thirteen masters, especially Qingliu and the twenty-four stars who had seen Zhang Wei's methods, silently sighed in their hearts. This madman seemed to be more powerful than before. They originally came forward because they saw Zhang Tianfang beside Zhang Weifang, and planned to use him as bait during the battle, and they must keep Zhang Weifang. But looking at Zhang Awei's crazy performance, I knew that I was wrong. Even if I could kill that big fool, who could kill Zhang Awei? When the treasure on the stone wall is not yet known, Bai Bai and Zhang are afraid of risking their lives? Among a group of experts, no one is willing to do such a loss-making business.

Twenty-Four Star chuckled lightly: "I know I am no match for you, and I don't want to be stupid and look for trouble. I don't care about your affairs." After saying this, he pulled away.

Seeing Erxing talking like this, Qingliu cursed in his heart: This bastard is always like this, he only wants to protect himself from Mingzhe. In the Shangji war, he refused to join the battle in order to protect himself, which made Zhang afraid of becoming famous with one against six. Tianxia; At this moment, he is the first to quit. When he frees up his hands in the future, he will have to settle the matter with him.

However, Twenty-Four Stars could be considered as finding a way out for him, so they did not say anything at the moment and followed Twenty-Four Stars to retreat together.

When someone started, more and more people followed. After a while, all thirteen people dispersed. They came here for the treasures that may exist in the black stone wall below, in order to transform themselves into gods, hoping to extend their lives, rather than to desperately seek death. Since they can't scare Zhang Awei, then the best thing to do is to retreat temporarily and try to follow up.

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