The Monk

Volume One Chapter 796 Private Practice

Chapter 796 Private Practice

Zhang Ai smiled and said: "I'm afraid of you, let's go and go back to drink." Zhang Tianfang said angrily: "Go away, I don't care." Zhang Ai smiled and asked: "How are your four stupid tigers? Are you alive? Xiaohu?"

"Go away, your family is the stupid tiger. It's only been a few days, how can you give birth to a tiger cub so quickly." Zhang Tianhuang said.

When he spoke like this, Zhan Yun burst out laughing. He opened his eyes and said to Zhang Ain: "Whoever raises tigers? You haven't seen those four guys. They live under this mountain and occupy the mountain as king. Who can They always roar when they come, especially the two female tigers, one is terrifying, the other is miserable when they bully the two male tigers, whenever they see them, they are injured. "

"Huh? Little pigs and kittens don't care about them?" There are so many terrifying monsters on the mountain. How can four ordinary monsters dominate the mountain?

Zhan Yun glanced at him: "Isn't this your mountain? Why don't you know anything?"

"What do I know?" Zhang was afraid to ask again. The two of them were talking like this, forgetting the existence of Zhang Tianfang, and the big man was so angry that he shouted: "Shut up, everyone, I'm going down the mountain, let me go quickly."

Zhang Wei shook his head. The young monk was too oppressed. He took out some spiritual wine and spiritual meat and said, "Come on, drink some first and chat while drinking. I didn't even go to Uncle Lin's place..."

Before these words were finished, eight shadow tigers appeared, followed by a large army. A group of sand bears and dozens of monsters rushed towards them. The leaders and commandants were a dozen fat babies, and there were also Zhang was afraid of three stupid dogs and a red wolf. The large army came and charged at him with howls of all beasts. Zhang Ping was helpless and pointed at the eight shadow tigers, three dogs and one wolf: "Are you rebelling?"

The dolls didn't care about that, they just threw themselves on Zhang Weifang and screamed: "Did you bring anything fun back?"

Zhang Awei had a grimace on his face: "I've already been emptied by you, how can there be any fun?" "Huh." A group of young ancestors found nothing about Zhang Awei, so they all turned around and ran away. They saw a bunch of people on the high mountain. The monsters walked away under the leadership of a dozen fat dolls carved in pink and jade.

The dolls walked away, and Zhang Weifang picked up the wine bottle and was about to speak when several monks ran out of the main peak, Tianlei Palace, and scattered and ran in all directions, as if they were looking for someone.

Zhan Yun smiled and said: "I'm looking for you." Zhang Awei was very depressed: "I just separated from Ruiyuan and something happened again?" Seeing the busyness at the bottom of the mountain, Zhang Tianfang stopped being angry and shouted to Zhang Awei: "I'll go down the mountain with you. "The tone was so decisive that there was no room for refutation.

Zhang Aing looked at him and was worried: "What are you talking about? Do you have to go down the mountain when you don't know what's going on?" Zhang Tianfang said in a clear voice: "This is necessary." "I need your head." Zhang Aing put down the bottle of wine. , say sorry to Zhan Yun and come back to drink with you another day. I want to see Uncle Lin.

Zhan Yun picked up the wine bottle and said with a smile: "Go ahead, enjoy the wine all to yourself."

Zhang Tianfang stood up and spoke to Zhang Awei: "I'll go with you." "Let's just go together." Chong Zhanyun gave a slight signal and turned around to go down the mountain. Zhang Tianfang never leaves him like a shadow.

Angrily returned to Linsen's house in the back mountain. Linsen sat on a wooden bench in the courtyard, with some wine and food on the table in front of him, and said to him: "It's been a long time since you came back to the mountain to come see me?" Zhang Ao pointed at Zhang Tianfang and explained with a wry smile: "How dare you Ah, there are too many things going on, and this bastard is getting into trouble with me again."

As long as Zhang Tianfang lets go of his worries, he is just a heartless bastard. No matter how scolded Zhang Tianfang is, he won't really get angry.

Lin Sen said: "Someone just came to see you." Zhang Ain replied: "I know." He turned to Zhang Tianfang and said: "Excuse me, go out and ask what you want from me." Zhang Tianfang said kindly and ran to Tianlei Mountain. Main hall. As long as he can get down the mountain, he becomes diligent.

Zhang Ain walked over and sat across from Lin Sen. While pouring him a glass of wine, he said, "I went to the Wuling Blessed Land to see it before I came back. It's quite good." Lin Sen expressed his gratitude and raised his glass: "Drink one. Underground World Although the spiritual energy is rich, it is far less colorful than outside.”

Zhang was afraid of drinking and talking: "I have also looked at the darkness under Wuling Pond. There is nothing in it, and I can't fly to the end."

Lin Sen chuckled and said, "Aren't you scared anymore?" When Zhang Wen saw the darkness for the first time, he was too scared to go near the edge of the platform.

Zhang Wei also smiled: "Don't expose my scars, okay? We are all so familiar. Only by forgetting the tragic past will we be happy in the future."

Lin Sen shook his head and said, "When I think about how inferior you were before, I feel very happy. I don't have to think about the future."

Well, you win again. Zhang Ai stood up and said, "I'm going to see what's going on." Lin Sen laughed and said, "You can't say it, so you want to run away?"

Coincidentally, Zhang Tianfang came back just in time. Zhang Ain quickly defended: "Who said he wanted to run away?" He asked Zhang Tianfang: "What happened?"

Zhang Tianfang said with a smile on his face: "The Song family invites you to come down the mountain. I can tell you that if you dare not take me with you, I will break up our relationship with you."

"Song family? Since when did I know the Song family?" Zhang Ain thought for a while and looked through the major cultivation sects in several countries. How could there be a Song family?

Zhang Tianfang was stunned and confirmed: "It is definitely the Song family, or some kind of national master who came in person."

When he said this, Zhang Weijing understood and laughed and scolded: "You are really a pig. That is one of the three major cultivation sects in the Song Dynasty, Wuliang Sect. Is the person here called Song Tie?"

"Yes, it's the Infinite Sect. I don't know what it's called. Anyway, it's the Imperial Master. Young Ruiyuan is looking for you all over the world. Go quickly. I see that Imperial Master is very anxious. I wish you could go down the mountain with him now." Zhang Tianfang said.

"You also want to go down the mountain now, right?" Zhang turned around to say goodbye to Lin Sen, fearing that he would be angry. Lin Sen said: "Don't play with these nonsense. When you have time, come back and have a good drink with me for a few days."

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Definitely." He and Zhang Tianfang went out and rushed towards the main hall of Tianlei Mountain.

On the road, I met three scary babies, Piglet, Kitten and Huo'er. The three brothers didn't know what they were doing. They were crawling on the ground motionless, staring at the ground with all their concentration. Zhang Ain turned his gaze away. At first glance, he was very impressed. Even the spiritual beasts had learned to be bored. The three brothers were watching a group of ants on the ground fighting with a half-dead bug.

He coughed heavily, startling them, and then quickly ran into the Tianlei Palace. Zhang Tian shouted from behind: "Can you be any more boring?"

Zhang Ping entered the Tianlei Hall. There were only two people in the huge hall, one Ruiyuan, sitting in the main seat, and one Song Tie, sitting on the chair on the left. When the two of them saw Zhang Wen coming in, they stood up and saluted, "I've met my uncle." "I've met my senior."

Zhang Ai waved his hand and said, "Is there something wrong with Wuliang Sect?" He walked to sit opposite Song Tie.

Song Tie is now the protector of the Song Dynasty. He took over Song Yinglong's position and met Zhang Ain. After listening to Zhang Ain's question, he flicked his long sleeves, knelt down in front of him, and begged: "Senior, please save my ancestors and the elders of the sect."

Zhang Awei frowned: "Why are you kneeling? Get up and talk." Song Tie didn't dare not listen. After getting up, he bowed deeply to Zhang Awei and said again: "Senior, please come out."

Zhang Ai said helplessly: "Even if you want me to save people, you have to tell me what happened." He thought to himself: Why is it so small? I just returned to the mountain and he came? Is it destined to be a hard journey?

Song Tie listened to Zhang Wei's question and stood up to reply: "The ancestors of the family, Elder Kuwu and others in the sect were trapped in Monster Mountain. The specific location is unclear, and it is unclear whether they are dead or alive. After a fellow disciple came back to report the news, the disciple After thinking about it again and again, senior is the only one in the world who has the same old relationship with my Wuliang sect and has the strength to reach the heavens, so I take the liberty to ask for a meeting. I also ask my senior to come out and save the elders of my sect because he sees that the Wuliang sect is determined to be on good terms with Tianlei Mountain. "

The family ancestor he mentioned was Song Yinglong, the former imperial master of the Song Kingdom. He had met Zhang Wen a few times, and their relationship was good or bad, that's all. Later, with the intention of befriending Zhang Awei, he went to the North to investigate the Ghost Emperor alone, but was seriously injured. Zhang Awei owed him half a favor.

In addition, Ku Wu was not bad. A top-level monk did not intervene during Zhang Wen's most glorious battle, which was considered a partial favor.

The widely circulated story among cultivators all over the world about Zhang Ai fighting ten top-level masters alone is actually a slight exaggeration. There were ten enemies in total that day, but they were nine top-level masters and one Nascent Soul mid-level monk. Only the three elders of the Qing family and the three brothers of the Jin family actually took action. In essence, it was a one-on-one fight for several days and nights. The other four people included two people from the Hu family of Lu State, the head of the Hu family and an old man. The old man went to help and was seriously injured. The other two people were the Twenty-Four Stars of the Song Dynasty's Yuling Sect and Ku Wu of the Wuliang Sect. These two people did not join the battle. Twenty-four stars were worried about angering Zhang Awei and did not take action, while Kuwu didn't want to fight at all.

This is how the story spreads. As it is passed on, it changes, from one against six to one against ten. But no matter how many were against each other, it was an indisputable fact that Ku Wu had no hostility towards Zhang Ai. Hearing that he and Song Yinglong were trapped in Monster Mountain, Zhang Ai sighed in his heart, it seemed like he had to make another hard trip. So I asked more: "How could they be trapped?"

The matter must be related to the cave that may exist in Monster Mountain, but I still want to hear what Song Tie will say.

After listening to the question, Song Tie briefly told the whole story.

The cause of the matter was related to the Lin Beast. At that time, the Fang family did not call for cultivators from all over the world to surround and kill the injured Lin Beast. Many cultivators from all over the world came. The eight aristocratic families in the Lu State were in a position to be landlords, and of course they would not let this opportunity pass. Everyone sent their own people to take part in this matter. Among them are Cheng Jia and Le Jia.

Each of the two families sent a team, led by Yuanying monks and Danjie monks, to find an advantage. As a result, there were too many people fighting at the scene, and there were also many monsters, and the fights became chaotic. In the chaos, a male Danjie disciple from the married family and a female Danjie disciple from the Le family met, and they inexplicably fell in love with each other, wanting to stay together forever. When the two of them thought about it, they realized that they were just cultivating pills, and even if there were advantages, they wouldn't be able to take advantage of them. Then they left the battlefield and walked into the mountains to do what they loved.

This kind of thing is very private. They have to avoid people and monsters. The two of them found a place at the boundary between the inner mountain and the outer mountain of the monster forest. They stayed together. The sky was thundering and the earth was on fire. It was a lively night. Extremely comfortable. The two of them cooperated in such a tacit understanding, so of course they didn't want to be separated, so they continued to do this kind of exercise. Wrong, they continued to practice with dual cultivation of magic.

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