The Monk

Volume One Chapter 795 Uncut Jade

Chapter 795: Unpolished Jade

Rui Yuan replied, "I don't know."

Zhang Pa was silent after hearing this. Well, even if I am evil and wrong, the Cheng family and the Le family are good friends. They discovered the cave together and searched for the immortal residence together, but how did the news spread? They can't be friends with everyone in the world, right? When encountering such a thing, who wouldn't want to keep it secret and eat it alone? There is something weird about this matter.

After thinking for a while, he felt that he had many questions and asked Rui Yuan: "Do you want to go?" Rui Yuan replied: "Disciple does not want to go, but I think the news may be useful to my uncle, so I came to report." After a pause, he said: "Disciple has asked Uncle Zhan Yun to come out of the mountain and sit in the mountain protection formation. No one is allowed to go down the mountain without the disciple's permission." Zhang Pa smiled, without commenting on whether he was right or wrong, and continued to ask: "How did you know?" Rui Yuan replied: "There is a small market at the foot of Tianlei Mountain, where most low-level disciples set up stalls, and there are many kinds of news. My disciples heard the news and told me, so I sent people to the periphery of Monster Mountain to check and get these situations." "There is a market at the foot of Tianlei Mountain?" Zhang Pa laughed. Only when there are many cultivators and strong protection, there will be a market. The newly appeared market shows that the power of Tianlei Mountain is getting stronger and stronger, and it is increasingly recognized by cultivators. Nodding, he said, "This is a good job. We must protect it well."

Rui Yuan said, "I have told Nanyun that they agree to send two white combat team members down the mountain every day to guard it. The others will be handled by the vendors in the market. Tianlei Mountain does not charge spiritual stones."

Zhang Pa was very satisfied and asked, "Is there anything else?" Rui Yuan would certainly not let him go so easily. He continued, "The new disciples are separated in seventeen separate peaks, but..." Zhang Pa interrupted hurriedly, "Don't say buts. These are all mountain affairs. You can do it yourself." Rui Yuan said, "There is also..." "Don't say anything else. Think carefully. No matter what happens, if you can't solve it, come to me. As long as it is a matter in the mountain, it is all your business. Don't try to shirk it." Zhang Pa is very good at evading responsibility.

Rui Yuan said with a bitter face, "This matter really needs the decision of the master uncle. Since the reconstruction of the mountain gate of Tianlei Mountain, a total of 170 former fellow disciples have returned to the mountain to recognize the sect. These people are clamoring to re-enter the mountain gate, and the disciples really can't make the decision."

"So many people have come back? There were only dozens last time." Zhang Pa said casually.

Rui Yuan said: "There are probably more people who are waiting and watching. If these more than 100 people can be included in the mountain gate, they will come back. Otherwise, they probably won't come back." Zhang Pa finally understood why he was in trouble. He said coldly: "It's none of your business whether they want to come back or not. You are just too honest and think that everyone is good. How is this possible? Do you think that we have the friendship of fellow disciples before, so you have to take care of them now? The 170 people were not included in the mountain gate. Someone must have disagreed, right?" "Well, I have discussed it with all the junior brothers. Most of them disagreed, so the matter has been delayed until now. I think that Tianlei Mountain has suffered many disasters. It is normal for the disciples to have some selfish psychology. No one wants to die in vain. If they die, their lives are gone. What's the use of having so-called loyalty? It's better to hide and concentrate on development." Zhang Pa laughed and asked: "What about you? Why did you come back so early? Don't you hide and concentrate on development?" Rui Yuan said: "My disciples are different from them." But he didn't say how they were different. Zhang Pa did not ask further, but shook his head and said, "I said you are the head of the sect, and you decide everything." He kicked the ball back to Rui Yuan. Besides, Rui Yuan was telling the truth. People are selfish, and cultivators are even more selfish. When encountering something, the first thing they think about is whether they can benefit. Otherwise, Tianlei Mountain was broken, and nearly 20,000 disciples fled. Even if more than half of them died, there should be more than 5,000 disciples alive. Where are these people now? Counting the disciples of the sect who returned to the mountain earlier, plus the 170 people who rushed back to recognize the sect later, there are less than 1,000. Where are the others? Seeing that there was no answer after asking for a long time, Rui Yuan said with a bitter face: "Uncle Master, you are too irresponsible." Zhang Pa laughed: "You are right, hurry up, and ask me with shabby questions again. I will punish you. Well, what should I punish you for?" He pondered this question seriously, and Rui Yuan was scared and ran away. This uncle master is a good man, but unfortunately he is a crazy good man. He is unwilling to wait for bad luck. Seeing Rui Yuan running away, Zhang Pa laughed triumphantly, walked towards Song Yunyi's house with his hands behind his back, and thought as he walked: Twenty-eight top-level cultivators came, they are really fierce, I think the Cheng family and the Le family should not be able to bear it. From the time the news spread from Monster Mountain to now, it has been a total of forty days, there should still be people on the way. In another half a month, the number of top-level cultivators will definitely be terrifying.

He was thinking about it, and suddenly a palm wind came from the front. Zhang Pa dodged sideways and said, "Don't make trouble." "I'm not going to make trouble with you, I'm going to kill you." Zhang Tianfang screamed and rushed towards him.

Zhang Pa kicked him into the air and ran into Song Yunyi's room, muttering in a low voice: "You have lived for hundreds of years, but you still don't know how to be steady." Song Yunyi was very happy to see him back. After greeting him, he asked: "What did you say just now?"

Zhang Pa said: "Zhang Tianfang, that idiot, wanted to hit me, but I kicked him up to the sky." Song Yunyi covered his mouth and chuckled: "When you were not in the mountain, he always said that he would kick you up to the sky when you came back."

After listening to Song Yunyi's words, Zhang Pa also laughed: "Let's talk to Bukong and get that guy to practice Buddhism, so that there will be one less scourge in the world." At this time, the door of the room opened wide, and Zhang Tianfang came in angrily: "You said bad things about me behind my back? You are looking for death." Knowing that the ghost knife would not help him, he drew out the magic sword made of Fushen snake scales given to him by Zhang Pa and stabbed it bravely.

Zhang Ai flicked his fingers and deliberately suppressed his own strength. He only heard a soft clang sound. Zhang Tianfang's magic sword slipped out of his hand and inserted into the beam of the room. Due to the limitation of his strength, he was unable to break through the ceiling and fly out.

Zhang Tianfang was very angry. If he couldn't defeat Zhang Fang, he pointed at the ghost sword and said, "You are traitors." He walked away angrily, not even wanting the sword. Zhang Ai waved away the magic sword, threw it lightly, and asked Song Yunyi: "Why is he so angry?"

Song Yunyi smiled and shook his head without answering. Zhang Tian placed the magic sword outside and shouted, "I'm not done with you."

Zhang Tianfang left, and the girls rushed in to meet him. Because Song Yunyi's room was too small, everyone went to the yard to talk. After a while, Cheng Xier came to see him with sixty-four disciples. A group of little guys grew up quickly and were full of heroic spirit. Seeing their current appearance, Zhang Wen was very happy.

There was a group of little ones, and the older ones were a little embarrassed to get too close. Although they were grateful and liked him, they did not rush towards him and only stood quietly aside to pay respect. However, there were a few little girls who, regardless of how many people were around them, jumped into Zhang Awei's arms and shouted: "Take us out to play." Zhang Awei just laughed: "We haven't had enough fun yet? How long have we been back?" The little girl Not afraid of him: "How can you never have enough fun?"

Cheng Xi'er's pretty eyes were slightly angry, and she scolded softly: "If you don't practice hard, you just want to play? Wait until I punish you." The little girl didn't dare to talk nonsense, and only peeked at Zhang Afraid and Cheng Xi'er in aggrieved manner. Zhang Awei chuckled: "Cultivation is nothing more than that. If you want to practice, you can practice. If you don't want to, just play. Don't the girls only know how to play since they were young? Isn't it the same as forming pills now?"

Cheng Xier rarely retorted to him: "You don't know how to teach children."

Well, I brought the girls up, but I don’t know how to teach them. Zhang Weing smiled helplessly, and in a blink of an eye, he saw Fang Jian appearing outside the courtyard gate and asked, "What's going on with Zhang Tianfang? Why is he so angry?"

Fang Jian laughed and said, "The little monk came up with the idea." When the monk arrived, Fu Kong suddenly appeared, raised his palms in greeting and said with a smile, "I learned this from Miss Xi'er, you should teach your children well."

Zhang was afraid of the excitement and asked with a smile: "What's going on?" Fang Jian simply said it once.

Among the four of them, Zhang Tianfang had the lowest cultivation level and was the most lazy. He had a needle in his butt, couldn't sit still, and always wanted to run around. Fu Kong thought that Buddha Killer could not rely on the Ghost Sword for his whole life, nor could he expect to dominate the world with the primary level of Nascent Soul cultivation, so he approached Fang Jian to discuss it, saying that he would force Zhang Tianfang to practice. Fang Jian agreed. Then the most beautiful prison in the world appeared.

In today's Tianlei Mountain, Zhang Tianfang couldn't even sneak down the mountain. You Fu Kong Fang Jian looked at him. There was a Zhan Yun guard formation at the mountain gate, and a group of people guarded him like a thief. Zhang Tianfang wanted to beat these people up, but Ghost Sword was a psychic and knew that these people had no ill intentions, so he didn't help him.

Poor Zhang Tianfang only relied on the strength of the first level of Nascent Soul, and no one could beat him, so he had to endure. Fu Kong also forced him to practice and beat him if he didn't practice. The old boy was filled with anger. Zhang Tianfang would have been annoyed if others treated him like this, but Fu Kong treated him very well and always appeared as a protector. He also donated Buddha treasures to make lotuses grow step by step and let the Sky Buddhists save his life. Therefore, Zhang Tianfang had no choice but to endure and submit.

But, he has a fire in his belly and must vent it. After practicing, he ran around in the mountains, tortured new disciples, and turned himself into the most terrifying monster on the eighteen peaks of Tianlei Mountain. All the little pigs, cats, and dragons were not as scary as this guy. Whenever a new disciple sees him, he will run away. This bastard is not ashamed, but is complacent and says that he is testing and tempering the disciples.

Fortunately, he was measured and never hurt anyone, so even Ruiyuan turned a blind eye and let it go. But it's your business to let him go. Zhang Tianfang was still unhappy. He happened to see Zhang Afraid come back, so he broke out.

Zhang Awei shook his head repeatedly when he heard this, and said with a smile: "You guys are really fooling around." He left the group of people in front of him and rushed to find Zhang Tianfang.

He knew Zhang Tianfang best among all the people in the world. The big man had a quick mind but never used his brain to think about problems. If a person could be described as a raw jade, Zhang Tianfang was the most perfect jade he had ever seen. It's a pity that his life experiences are different and his behavior is wild and arrogant. This guy lives his whole life and never apologizes, never regrets, never retreats, and never cherishes his life, whether it's other people's or his own. He has lived his whole life with the word "heart" in mind, and he does whatever his heart thinks. His heart is extremely sensitive.

Zhang was afraid to find Zhang Tianfang at the highest peak of Tianlei Mountain. The guy was glaring at Zhan Yun. Zhan Yun pretended not to see him and was meditating with his eyes closed. No need to ask, Zhang Tianfang wanted to go down the mountain, but Zhan Yun didn't agree, and the two were in a stalemate.

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