The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 794 The Incident at Monster Mountain

Chapter 794: Monster Mountain Incident

Although Hai Ling longed for freedom, he also knew that things were difficult. He smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you can't get out. Isn't there a master like me on the fifth floor?"

Zhang Ai laughed and warned: "Don't let the rabbits be too powerful. The spirit pills must be controlled and fed. You didn't sign a heart-to-heart agreement with them, so be careful." Hai Ling smiled and said: "It's okay."

Zhang Ain then said: "When you are tired from playing, you can read more books. Many of the stories are very interesting. I will go out and make you a big island. Made of wood, it will be bigger than the small island you live in and bigger than this boat." Hai Ling Say yes with a smile.

The big ship drifted in the sea for another ten days. Ten days later, it arrived at the small exit door. Zhang Ain hugged Hai Ling and said, "Take care of yourself. Write down any unhappy things. When I come, take it out on me." Hai Ling didn't. She left him, hugged him hard, and whispered: "Don't not come back for so many years." Zhang Yin smiled and said: "No, you read hard and study the piano hard. I will come to listen to you play the piano next time." After that, Push Hai Ling away, jump off the ship, wave to Hai Ling, and walk into the small black door.

When parting comes, there is reluctance. Zhang was afraid to leave the Temple of Refining, out of the foggy valley, and soared to the north. The feeling of reluctance in his heart gradually became stronger. But no matter how reluctant he is, he has to leave. There are more reluctant people waiting for him on Tianlei Mountain.

Originally, he went to Tianlei Mountain to seek the way to transform into a god. After going through the Refining Temple and his party, his idea was completely overturned, and he did not dare to try to transform into a god easily. But regardless of whether he has become a god or not, he must go to the Five Spirits Blessed Land. The Nitian Cave is really against the heavens, so we must take care of it frequently.

After flying all the way, we arrived at the boundless grassland two days later. After wandering around on the grassland for a while, we entered the Wuling Garden. The beautiful scenery in the garden is still the same, with pavilions, winding corridors, carved railings and jade inlays, exotic flowers and plants, small bridges and flowing water, clear and graceful. It is a fairy mansion with unlimited scenery, but it is not popular.

Zhang Wen walked around everywhere and found no changes except for a slight increase in fish swimming in the spring, so he entered the Nitian Cave.

After entering the cave, he first inspected the medicine field and found nothing unusual. Then he walked down to the Wuling Pond and said with emotion: "It's so deserted." No wonder Lin Sen wanted to buy some chickens, ducks, dogs and pigs not long after he transformed into a human. .

Meditate in front of the pool and let the Divine Tears absorb the five spiritual essences. One hundred and eight days will pass and you will collect your energy and refine your weapons. Take out the damaged magic weapons such as the shield and the Shadowless Knife, check them carefully, make sure they can be repaired, and throw them over the Fire Spirit Pond for refining.

After repairing the magic weapon, he also made some complete sets of magic weapons, such as those used by Black War and Li Zhan. Due to lack of materials, he stopped refining a hundred sets. He planned to give these to Ruiyuan. After all, he is the boss of the sect, so he can't Don’t even have any money?

After doing this, Zhang Wen stood on the edge of Wuling Pond and looked down. He didn't know where the dark space was leading. Because he often went to Guizu's place for a walk, he was used to the darkness, so the darkness under his feet had no effect on him at all.

The dark space below the Five Spirit Pond is different from the dark space on the fifth floor of the Refining Temple. At least, there is air here that can transmit sound. Zhang Awei took out a spiritual stone and threw it down. He saw that the spiritual stone was quickly swallowed up by the darkness, but no sound came back.

Zhang Weizhi smiled, it was time to go down and take a look. He showed off his big black sword, condensed a heavy shield to protect his body, spread his wings, lightly jumped out of the Five Spirit Pond, and flew towards the dark world that he had seen countless times.

No one knows where this dark world leads directly, not even Lin Sen. After careful consideration, Zhang Weijing decided to have a look and retreat immediately if there was any danger.

He didn't know the specific steps on how to transform into a god. Ghost Ancestor said that if you understand the formation diagram of the Temple of Refining, you may be able to successfully transform into a god, but he can't understand it. And the truths he could think of that it was possible to transform into gods by removing certain spirits were just theories, and he had no chance to try them. Although Ghost Ancestor did not say it was a mistake, even if it is a correct method, it must be implemented. He regarded exploring the dark space under Wuling Pond as an opportunity to try and find a way.

The body sank slightly, and after a moment, the light in the sky was replaced by darkness, and Zhang was afraid of completely entering the dark world. However, there were no changes or discoveries after entering. It sank for a long time, more than an hour, and no abnormalities or movements were found. It seemed that it was empty below, with no edges or edges, and it was impossible to find the bottom no matter what.

Zhang was afraid of being dissatisfied, so he accelerated the sinking speed, but another hour passed, and the surroundings were still dark, and no objects were found, whether alive or dead, nothing. This made him curious, is this hole bottomless?

Thinking of bottomlessness, a thought suddenly flashed in my mind, shouldn't it be that I haven't moved anywhere for a long time? He let go of his consciousness and searched carefully inch by inch. After a while, he finally found a clue. There was only one thing in this black hole, which was spiritual energy. Endless thick or light spiritual energy slipped past him and flowed upward. Because the spiritual energy of the Wuling Pond was so rich, the spiritual energy in the darkness under the pond seemed vague, as if it did not exist.

Zhang Ping finally understood that no matter how rich the aura of the Five Spirit Pond was, it would not be able to spread for tens of thousands of kilometers, making it almost impossible for him to detect the aura in the darkness. He stopped his body immediately, and after some hesitation, he jumped up and flew up. He flew down for more than two hours, but when he flew up, in just the blink of an eye, a light appeared above his head, and with a slight spread of his wings behind his back, he was already back above the Wuling Pond.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Awei secretly cursed himself for being stupid. The function of Wulingchi is to absorb spiritual energy from everywhere for its use. This dark space is the source of the passage for Wulingchi to absorb spiritual energy. Where does it lead to? If you want to get through, it can only lead to the Five Spirit Pond.

The truth was just as he thought, the Five Spirit Pond had gathered the aura of the entire boundless grassland to create this blessed place. The darkness below the Five Spirits Pond is the center of the entire array, from which all spiritual energy enters the Five Spirits Pond. Only with this darkness can the entire Five Spirits Blessed Land exist. It not only absorbs the spiritual energy of the boundless grassland, but also the mountains, rivers and air from all directions. As long as it is within the range of his formation, the spiritual energy will be received here.

Zhang Ping didn't know this, but he made some guesses. He retracted his wings, landed back on the platform, took off his shield, and lamented that the god who built the Five Spirits Blessed Land was really awesome, and also scolded himself for being troublesome. He had never felt the darkness under the pool before, so why did he become more courageous after reaching the top level? Got the idea to find out?

Thinking of this, your body will be refreshed, your cultivation level will become higher, and your mentality will change when you look at things. Simple things will often be complicated, and seventy or eighty reasons can be figured out for one thing. Is it the same with the God Transformation? It was originally simple but was forced to become complicated by my own imagination?

After standing still for a moment, he sighed: "If you continue to think like this, it will only become more and more complicated." This is a very interesting thing. It is easy to know the answer, but you must think of a lot of other things, one after another. I wandered around for a long time and then came back to a simple answer. Would you say this idea is simple or complex?

Put away all thoughts and go to Nitian Cave to collect the Five Immortal Woods. He wanted to build a wooden island for Hai Ling, but there were not enough five fairy trees. When we first built big ships, we spent all our money to build just one. Then a variety of five immortal trees were added. At this time, it seemed that these woods were barely enough for building a ship, but certainly not enough for building an island. If you use ordinary wood, you are worried that it will not be strong. Then he came up with an idea. After harvesting most of the five fairy trees, he replanted the saplings. After three or two months, he came in to harvest them. Then he planted them again, and another three or two months later, he harvested them. He did this ten times or eight times. Islands have also been built.

After working for a while, he planted the saplings, checked inside and outside the cave again to confirm that everything was normal, left the Five Spirits Blessed Land, and returned to Tianlei Mountain. Since you don't want to become a god, don't waste your time wandering around outside.

The boundless grassland is in the northeast of Yue Kingdom, very close to Tianlei Mountain. In just half a day, Zhang Wen had already appeared in front of the gate of Tianlei Mountain. For safety reasons, the Tianlei Mountain Mountain Protection Formation is open all day long, and only the mountain gate is allowed to enter and exit. Although he is familiar with magic circles, he doesn't want to be special and just follow the rules.

He is the boss on Tianlei Mountain, and as soon as he appears, things will never end. Just after walking back to the back mountain from the mountain gate, before seeing Song Yunyi and others, Ruiyuan had already chased them and said that he had something to report. Zhang Ain smiled when he looked at him: "Every time I come back, you have something to do. Tell me, what's the matter? Ah, wait." He handed him the hundred sets of equipment that he had just refined and said, "Yours, Whatever you want to do with it.”

Ruiyuan knew that his uncle was supporting him, so he took the equipment, thanked him and said, "Uncle, have you heard about the Monster Mountain?"

"Monster Mountain?" Zhang Ain was calculating in his mind. Taking into account the time spent traveling back and forth, it has been more than forty days since he last left Monster Mountain. Could something happen again in the past forty days? Then he asked: "I haven't heard of it, what happened?"

Ruiyuan said: "Some people say that there is an immortal mansion in Monster Mountain. Cultivators from all over the world are rushing there one after another. So far, they only know that there are countless casualties, and there is no other news."

What he said was that it was not certain whether there was a mansion or not. Even if there was one, no one had discovered it.

Zhang let out a cry of fear. He understood why he was attacked by someone when he caught and bitten rabbits last time. He also understood why he went to get married. The Immortal Mansion means that there were once masters of spiritual transformation who practiced in the mountain. Maybe they left behind some skills and experience. There might be a magical elixir, and no one would give it up easily after seeing it. After thinking about it, I felt a little puzzled and asked, "How did you discover it?"

Ruiyuan replied: "It is said that a disciple of the Le family, one of the eight great families in the Lu Kingdom, went into the mountains to hunt animals and accidentally discovered a cave. The outside of the cave was covered by vines and vines, and there were various formations and barriers inside to seal it. It was not easy to do so. See you. The two families mobilized their people to hunt for the treasure, but somehow, news spread that there was an immortal mansion in Monster Mountain. Cultivators all over the world went crazy again and came to look for it like crazy; especially top-level monks, According to the information received so far, twenty-eight top-level monks have entered Monster Mountain to search for the cave."

Marry a happy family? The Cheng family had met, and the Le family must have been the monks who killed people randomly in the Monster Mountain, but they still felt something was wrong, so they asked again: "Why did the two families go into the mountain to hunt beasts together? And then hunt for treasures together?" This was a huge mistake. The doubtful point is that if the two families discover the Immortal Cave together, the first reaction will be surprise, and the second reaction will be to kill the monks from other sects. In front of the treasure, the whole family can be transformed, let alone the two big families, how can they share the treasure with others?

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