The Monk

Volume One Chapter 793 Sea Spirit and Biting Rabbit

Chapter 793: Hai Ling and Biting Rabbit

Hai Ling said yes, and then said: "Give me so many things, where can you put them?" He was talking while his eyes were wandering around Biting Rabbit, showing typical absent-mindedness.

Zhang Awei glanced at the storage bag on his chest and said depressedly: "You can't fit such a big ship? Just asking silly questions." He took out two pill bottles and said: "Aura pill, give one to the rabbits occasionally, it will help." If they eat up all the green grass to increase their cultivation, they can consider feeding them with spiritual energy pills. Although they are not full, they will certainly not be hungry."

Hai Ling continued and put all these things into the storage bag hanging on his chest, leaving only some tools and wood on the deck. Zhang Ping said: "The brocade cloth combined with green grass can make a nest for rabbits, and it can also be used as a rag. Rabbits will defecate, so they need to be cleaned up frequently."

"Ah? Like fish?" Hai Ling asked with a sad face. He is an array spirit. No matter how much he eats, the powerful force in his body can completely refine it. The essence is used to replenish physical strength, and the dregs are directly excreted from the body. Naturally, he has never experienced what defecation is.

Zhang Ying smiled and said: "It's more troublesome than fish, but you can throw the feces into the sea to feed the fish."

"Yeah, I got it." Looking at the rabbits jumping around on the deck, Hai Ling was more happy than annoyed.

"Don't look at them in a hurry, I still have something for you." Zhang Ain finally took out a storage bag and said: "There are many story books in it, you can read them when you are bored, and there are also pens, ink and paper, you can write and write stories. There are musical instruments and chess. If you don’t want to read, you can play chess. If you don’t want to play chess, you can play musical instruments.”

Hai Ling put away the storage bag and asked, "Is it gone?" Zhang said fearfully, "No more." Hai Ling rushed towards Biting Rabbit bravely. In his eyes, he only saw these piles of pom-poms, books and musical instruments. Not important at all.

He was fast, and even though he was so frightened that Biting Rabbit ran away in panic, he couldn't escape Hai Ling's chubby hands, and he was caught and ravaged for a while.

Zhang Wen smiled and watched him struggle. The little fat man just didn't have the patience. The days are long, so why are you in such a hurry.

Hai Ling was so anxious that she hugged this one for a while and then hugged the other one. For a moment, the rabbit was flying and the rabbit was hopping on the big ship. However, Hai Ling was just playing with them without any malice. After Biting Rabbit noticed it, he was no longer afraid. To them, Hai Ling was much cuter than Zhang Ai. In just one day, the relationship between the little fat man and the rabbits was extremely harmonious. Of course, part of the reason was because Hai Ling had something to eat and the rabbits wanted to live. You must have a good relationship with Hai Ling.

Hai Ling had enough fun and came to thank Zhang Ain with the smallest rabbit in her arms. Zhang Ain teased, "Ignore me if I have a new partner?" Hai Ling rolled her eyes at him and ran away with the little rabbit in her arms.

Zhang was afraid of inputting spiritual power into the big ship and sailed to the fifth-level portal. Ten days later, he entered the void space and greeted the darkness: "I'm here." A voice came back from the darkness: "I know you are here, how can you really treat the little doll?" good."

In the past ten days, Zhang Ai has been monitoring Biting Rabbit, worried that they would harm Hai Ling. In fact, he was overly worried. Although Biting Rabbit is a monster, it is gentle in nature and will never attack people with magic unless its life is threatened. The relationship with Hai Ling is getting better and better. After a short period of time together, Bitu Tu understood the surrounding environment. Although there is no green grassland to survive, there is no life threat from ferocious monsters, and there is no shortage of food. Of course, he will be happy and settle down.

However, Zhang was afraid that something unexpected would happen, so he kept guarding Hai Ling with all his heart. He didn't feel relieved until he confirmed that even if he bit the rabbit and attacked Hai Ling, it would not cause any harm. And of course all this was clearly seen by Ghost Ancestor.

Hearing Ghost Ancestor's teasing, Zhang Wen smiled helplessly: "If something happens to the formation spirit, you won't be in any good shape."

"Nonsense, let's get some food. What else do you want to ask?" Ghost Ancestor finished eating and planned to continue to exchange knowledge for food.

Zhang Awei shook his head: "There's nothing you want to know. Besides, you always trade what you know for food. What if one day you don't have anything to trade for?"

Ghost Ancestor was dissatisfied: "I know a lot of things. I've been saying for a few years that I will never repeat the same thing, so why don't you change it? Besides, you came here just once, didn't you just come to see me?" He didn't believe it. Zhang was afraid that he would have such good intentions.

Zhang Wei refused to defend himself and refused: "No, I really don't want to know anything. I don't care about your practice. There are plenty of pills. If things in the world have nothing to do with me, I am not interested. Of course, if someone encounters injustice, If you encounter me, you must take care of it." The next few sentences are talking about his principles of life.

"You came here just to make me angry?" Ghost Ancestor said coldly. Using food as bait to lure the ghost ancestor once and then not exchange it again is really annoying. No wonder he is angry.

"You're out of your mind. I said I wouldn't exchange stories with you, and I didn't say I wouldn't give you food. Alas, getting old means getting old." He took out a jar of wine and asked, "Is this the right place?" Use your memory to find the possible location of the Ghost Ancestor.

Ghost Ancestor was about to get angry, but after hearing what Zhang Awei said and seeing the wine, he was a little confused and asked, "You came in just to bring me wine?" He knew that Zhang Awei was kind-hearted, but the problem was that he had been beaten before He believes that no matter how kind a person is, he will not take care of a bad person with malicious intentions.

Zhang said with a smile: "I'm going out again in a few days. I didn't want to come back this time, but I thought you were very lonely. If I don't come here to make you angry, I guess you won't be able to survive, so I came." , but it seems that you don’t need to be angry with me, are you already very angry?”

It's obviously a good intention, but it must be said with some outrageous words. This is not Zhang Wen's deliberate mischief, but rather a good intention. He doesn't want to embarrass Gui Zu. A high-ranking figure like Gui Zu has very clear grudges and grievances with others. He will not let go of an enemy, nor will he accept favors from others for nothing. Zhang was afraid to think about it for him, lest he feel uncomfortable after eating some food and wine.

"Nonsense, I'm angry with you." Gui Zu said subconsciously. After saying this, he stopped immediately. After a moment of silence, he said, "Don't play tricks on me. I won't do this." At this time, he had already Understanding what Zhang Wen was thinking, he sighed in his heart, how could people be so kind? There was no need to come to the void space. I just wanted to go there to relieve my loneliness and give him drinks as gifts, but I was worried that I would feel uncomfortable because of my gratitude. It would be a lie to say that I am not touched by all this hard work. The two met by chance, and every time they met there was intrigue, but Zhang Awei didn't care about the feud between the two, and instead only thought about himself.

However, although he understood what Zhang Wen was thinking, he was influenced by the dignity of a master in transforming spirits, so he insisted on describing his kindness as a trick, and used the method of giving away food and wine to gain his favor in order to obtain greater benefits.

Zhang Ping was not angry after hearing this. He laughed and said, "I'm just playing tricks on you. Do you dare to drink?"

"Drink, why don't you drink? Let's see what tricks you can play? Do you still have the ability to kill me?" Gui Zu said in a stern tone, but he was grateful in his heart. This young man is really good.

Zhang Ai looked for direction again and asked again: "Is this here?" Gui Zu commanded: "A little to the left, what's wrong with you? You've been out for a few days and you can't remember where I am?" Zhang Ai patted me away. Mud Seal used his fingers to draw out the wine, and shot a line of wine into the void. At the same time, he said: "Why can't you remember? I am making sure once again that if I want to kill you in the future, just throw the spell in this direction." , One piece can’t kill you, ten thousand can’t kill you?”

Gui Zu really wanted to refute his words, but he was too busy drinking to have time to speak.

Zhang Ain laughed loudly: "Young man, you can't speak anymore, so just shut up and listen to uncle." After saying this, he disconnected the wine cord in his hand, letting Gui Zu breathe a sigh of relief.

After a long while, Ghost Ancestor finished the sip of wine and cursed back: "Blast me with a charm? Have you forgotten how you got back last time? Why pay back ten thousand? One charm can blow you back to the fourth level." "The last time the two of them quarreled, Zhang was afraid that he would throw out the spell and be blown away instead.

Hearing Gui Zu's words, Zhang Wei took out a piece of dried meat and threw it over. After a while, he threw out fish fillets, and then sent the wine line over, and then started to speak: "I can't do it without using talismans? The world is so big, I don't believe it." I won’t use any powerful magic weapon to defeat you.”

Ghost Ancestor enjoyed this for the first time in tens of thousands of years. He ate a big mouthful of wine, then meat and fish, and then drank wine again. He felt extremely comfortable. However, for the sake of face, he refused to give in and scolded Zhang Wei: "With what little you have, why would you hurt me? Be careful and don't hurt yourself. Stay here forever. That would be fun."

The two of them were bickering lively, and Gui Zu was eating happily while bickering. Both of them understood what the other was thinking, but neither one explained it. Until the end, after Zhang Ping fed him a lot of food, he laughed loudly and said: "You will be exhausted by eating so much food, let's see how convenient it is for you!" After saying this, he left the void space.

The darkness was still dark, the nothingness was still nothingness. After a while, someone seemed to say: "What a pity." This was accompanied by a long sigh. However, this is a void space, there is nothing, even if someone speaks, there is no sound, maybe there is no one to speak, and it is impossible to tell.

Zhang Wen returned to the fourth floor and saw Hai Ling wrestling with rabbits. Hai Ling was small and the big rabbit was nearly half his body, so they could still play together. Zhang Ping just lay on the deck and watched, but what he saw in his eyes was the excitement, but what he thought in his mind was that there are always a lot of troubles in the world. When will peace and happiness be achieved?

I stayed with Hai Ling on the ship for half a month. Every three or two days, I went to the fifth floor to invigorate the ghost ancestors and feed him wine and food. After half a month, I entered the void space to say goodbye to the ghost ancestors. I don’t know if I left this time. How long will it take to come back, just to say hello. When Gui Zu found out, he replied: "Be careful outside, don't wait for me to come out, you will die." Zhang Ai laughed, said nothing, threw a large bunch of dried meat, and walked out.

Returning to the fourth floor, after boarding the boat and walking towards the exit, Hai Ling asked: "Are you leaving?" Zhang Ain said yes and added: "I have a lot of things to do." Hai Ling nodded: "I I know, remember to come back and see me.”

Zhang Ai agreed: "Definitely! Not only do I want to come see you, but I also want to find a way to take you out."

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