The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 792 Getting Started

Chapter 792: Starting a Family

The other monk immediately knew that he had encountered a master, and the Yuanying monk whispered: "Go back." The four alchemy monks quickly flew back to Feiya. Monk Nascent Soul clasped his fist at Zhang Afraid and said, "Chengjia Cheng'an has met fellow Taoist, but I don't know why my friend is hostile to us? Could it be that Chengjia has offended fellow Taoist before?"

Zhang was afraid of snoring and sneered: "Are you sick? I am standing here well. You come here to beat or scold me, but you say that I hate you? Can't you watch? You can't watch others, what are you doing here? You can't find me. comfortable?"

Cheng'an's face turned extremely ugly. There was someone near Lu who dared to talk to the Cheng family like this. This person was either a fool or a lunatic. Cheng An said coldly: "Fellow Taoist, trouble comes from the mouth. There are some things you shouldn't say carelessly."

"Are you sick? I stood still and one of your men hit me and you didn't tell me, but you said I was the cause of trouble? Come on, come on, stand still and let me slap you first, and then fart as you please. " What he said was a slap in the face. Before Cheng An could reply, Zhang Weijing followed up and said: "Okay, even if I get into trouble, come and deal with me. You have to make it clear to me and say it properly. Which sentence is a disaster?" He put all the depression of being attacked on this unlucky guy.

Cheng An's complexion changed again and again, from white to red, and then from red to white again. He said coldly: "Since Taoist friend is very confident in his ability, Cheng An is not talented and wants to ask for advice." As he spoke, he flashed his hair. Mace. Zhang was afraid that what he said was really unpleasant, so Cheng An had to fight for the sake of face.

Zhang was afraid of seeing the mace, so he laughed out loud: "Is there really someone who uses this thing as a magic weapon? It's strange."

The mace is completely black, about half a man long, with a thin root and a thick head, and is pierced with countless sharp thorns. Cheng An clenched his right hand and said coldly: "Fellow Taoist, please show your magic weapon." See what that means, even if you don't show your weapon, he will hit you.

Zhang Awei shook his head: "You want to die?" Arrogant, arrogant, and arrogant, everything he said and did said that he looked down on Cheng An.

Cheng An was furious and took action, sweeping the mace with the sound of whirring wind. The corners of Zhang Awei's mouth turned up, revealing a playful smile, and the Fu Shen Sword suddenly appeared in his hand. The tip of the sword was pressed against the mace. Because the two forces intersected, the force was too great, and the Fu Shen Sword had already penetrated the mace. Seeing that his opponent's magic weapon was powerful, Cheng An waved one palm, and the dark spikes of the mace jumped out at the same time, turning into countless hidden weapons and hitting Zhang Ai.

Zhang Zhen is really too lazy to care about this guy. He can't even show his mercy? With a wave of his left hand, he easily swept away the numerous spikes. At the same time, he stabbed Cheng An's forehead with the Fushen Sword in his right hand.

He moved very quickly, and before anyone could react, the tip of the sword had already touched Cheng An's skin. At this moment, a white light flashed and collided with Fushen Sword, and then made a clanging sound. The Fu Shen Sword was deflected by the white light, and a thin line was drawn on Cheng An's forehead, grazing his ears. As the thin line on the forehead becomes thicker, blood flows out. After a while, the wound widened and deepened, revealing a trace of white bones. This was the power of Zhang Wei's sword. It had such power before he stabbed him. If he stabbed Cheng An, he would definitely die.

The Fushen Sword was knocked crooked. Zhang Awei retracted the sword and looked forward. A small silver sword stopped in the air. The person who controlled it was a middle-aged monk who nodded to Zhang Awei with a gentle smile on his face: "I'm offended."

"Is it enough to offend you?" Zhang Ain looked at him coldly, with a hint of provocation. The middle-aged monk remained calm and continued to speak with a smile: "My name is Chengzhen." He remained silent after saying his name, as if he was famous and a big shot.

Zhang is afraid that if you don’t accept this trick, what does it matter to me whether you are famous or not? He said with a sneer: "Come true? Who is it?"

This sentence seemed like a provocation, but Chengzhen remained calm and said with a smile: "Chengzhen is me, I am Chengzhen."

Zhang Ping glanced at the top-level monk, and there was another top-level monk flying behind him. I couldn't help but be secretly shocked: There are two top-level monks in the family, and their strength is not weak. Could it be that they are one of the eight aristocratic families?

He guessed correctly. Not only did he belong to one of the eight aristocratic families, but the people he met in Monster Mountain were also cultivators from one of the eight aristocratic families.

But even if the other party was one of the eight aristocratic families, Zhang Ping didn't care at all and said coldly: "Why are you here?"

Although he was rude again and again, Cheng Zhen did not get angry and spoke with a smile: "Come and tell fellow Taoist that I'm offended. I shouldn't attack my fellow Taoist's magic weapon without authorization, but my life is at stake. I can't think of any other way in an emergency, so I have to take the risk." ." As he spoke, he raised his hand and the small silver sword in the air disappeared.

Zhang Pi sneered, "Are you sick too? One of your disciples slapped me in the face, and one of your Yuanying disciples hit me with a stick. If I were not close to my cultivation level, I would be dead by now. It's such a big thing." You didn't tell me, but you told me about breaking the flying sword? Ah, yes, including you stabbing me with the flying sword, you attacked me three times in total. Tell me, how do you want to solve it?"

After saying this, the expressions of dozens of people on the two flying guns changed. They all wanted to rush forward and fight for their lives, but no one dared to move unless the boss of the family gave the order. Only the other top-level master looked calm, as if he didn't hear Zhang Awei's words, and looked at him expressionlessly, without saying a word.

The disciples were angry, but Cheng Zhen was still not angry, and said with a smile: "My fellow Taoist is so advanced that even I can't find out your details. Why should you be serious with some low-level disciples, but you have lost your identity? And this old man just did that The sword is only for saving people, and has no intention of attacking fellow Taoists. Fellow Taoists must see this clearly and will not blame me."

Chengzhen was given two hats, and Zhang was a little depressed: "Are you really a top-level master?" Why does this guy have no temper?

Cheng Zhen chuckled: "The top level and the lower level are all illusions, so what difference does it make in the eyes of fellow Taoists?" This was a compliment, praising Zhang Aifeng for his superb cultivation. In front of him, there was no difference between a top level master and a junior monk. , cannot escape death.

Well, your flattery impresses me. Youdao stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling man. Chengzhen kept lowering his attitude and apologized twice. Zhang was afraid that he was too embarrassed to continue to make sarcastic remarks and laugh at him, and he was too embarrassed to turn his back and take action. But, hey, you have to vent your grievances. After a while, he couldn't let them leave easily, so he asked: "Are you going to Monster Mountain?"

Chengzhen finally changed his expression. He had been tolerant for a long time, but he just didn't want to ruin the big event. Although the gentle face with a slight smile was still smiling, his eyes flickered, and he said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist is really powerful, how can you guess that we are going to Monster Mountain?" It is precisely because we are going to Monster Mountain, so He will pay special attention to the movements outside the mountains, so as soon as he finds Zhang Afraid of hostility, he will immediately fly over to investigate.

It seems like something really happened in Monster Mountain. What are they going to do? Zhang was afraid that his mind would be filled with confusion and he replied: "It's just a wild guess."

Chengzhen smiled and said, "My guess is accurate. I won't delay my fellow Taoist's schedule. I'll take my leave soon." With a slight gesture, he flew back to Feiya. The two Feiyas launched at the same time and flew towards the north.

If Zhang Wen didn't tell the story about Monster Mountain, Cheng Zhen might still be able to talk nonsense for a while, but Zhang Wen was afraid that if he guessed the destination of his trip, he was worried that things might change, so he didn't dare to delay any longer and got down to business quickly.

The Cheng family rushed to Monster Mountain, which made Zhang Ai wanted to watch the fun. He wondered if the Cheng family would fight with the monks who sneaked up on him. But then I thought, even if there was a fight, it was their business, why should I get involved. Then he stopped thinking and continued flying south.

Perhaps because there were too many things that happened before, I didn't encounter any monks blocking my way after that. One day later I entered the Valley of Refining Gods. Stopped on the big platform, released twenty biting rabbits, signed a heart-to-heart agreement one by one, put them into the beast control bag, and then entered the Refining Temple.

On the fourth floor of the Temple of Refining, there was a huge sea ship parked in front of the small black door. The little sea spirit stood on the bow of the ship and looked up eagerly. Seeing him appear from the small door, he jumped down and said: "He said he would be back soon. He went out like this." "It's been a long time." Then he asked, "What did you bring back?"

Zhang Ain picked him up, jumped onto the ship, and said with a smile: "Are you in a hurry?" Hai Ling shook his head: "I'm not in a hurry." But the longing look in his eyes betrayed his true thoughts.

Zhang Awei first released twenty biting rabbits. These guys had just recognized their master, and they all looked at Zhang Awei with joy, grievance or resentment. Hai Ling had never seen this kind of creature before, and he was delighted when he saw it and said with a smile: "It's so beautiful."

Zhang Ai taught him the magic of signing a heart-to-heart agreement with monsters, which is the magic of controlling beasts. Hai Ling asked: "Why should I learn this?" Zhang Ai said: "You sign a heart-to-heart agreement with them, and they will only listen to you. , won’t hurt you.”

Hai Ling shook his head: "Good little guy, why do you have to treat me like a servant? Besides, how can they hurt me like this?" Hai Ling is kind and doesn't want to bully other creatures. Then he chased Zhang Awei to break the promise with Biting Rabbit. Zhang Awei said: "It's easy to cancel. The difficult thing is that they don't understand human language and have no understanding of human intelligence. How can they get along with you? Moreover, you can't take them out anymore."

Hai Ling was a little embarrassed, so she thought about it and said, "Anyway, I don't want to see them being controlled and losing their freedom." Then he said, "Let me sign a contract, and they can't go out." Zhang Ain thought about it, and with Hai Ling He has strong spiritual power and is the formation spirit of the Refining Temple. He can't be bullied by the stupid rabbit in his own magic formation, right? So he followed him and terminated the contract with Biting Tu.

The poor little rabbit had just signed the contract, but then it was canceled and his body suffered varying degrees of harm. Zhang Ping took out the Life Pill and the Spiritual Energy Pill and fed them to help them heal their wounds. After a while, the group of rabbits became more lively and energetic again, even more energetic than before. Jumping around on the big ship, looking for a suitable place to live.

Zhang Ain took out a pile of brocade cloth, a pile of wood, some tools, and two storage bags, and said to Hai Ling: "With the wood and tools, you can make a nest for the rabbits. How to do it, practice slowly." Hai Ling. The spirit graciously agreed. Ordinarily, in the boundless sea, there are no natural predators and ferocious beasts, and there is no need to build an extra nest to bite a rabbit. Zhang was afraid that it would let Hai Ling pass the time, so he mentioned this specifically.

Zhang Ai added: "These two storage bags contain fresh-keeping jade boxes, containing the grass and wild fruits that rabbits love to eat. Don't forget to feed them." Hai Ling nodded heavily: "No!" Zhang Ai said again He took out a storage bag and said: "There are some fresh vegetables and fruits here. You can try feeding them. If they don't eat them, you can eat them. If you don't eat them either, give them to me later."

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