The Monk

Volume One Chapter 786 Impulse

Chapter 786: Impulse

After eating until noon, Hai Ling went to sleep. Zhang Ain drove the boat to the small door on the fifth floor. There was a long distance between the two places, so Zhang was not in a hurry. He injected spiritual power into the big ship and let it move forward slowly. He climbed on the side of the ship and looked left and right.

The sea and sky were the same color, with sparkling waves, and there was nothing to see. But when he lowered his head and looked at the calm sea, he felt the urge to jump down, as if something in the sea was calling him, beckoning him to go down.

Zhang Ping smiled and asked, "What's below?" There is nothing, the so-called summons is just one of the many messy thoughts in my heart. He shrank his head back, lay on his back on the deck and looked up. The clouds in the sky were misty and white, and he had the idea of ​​​​looking into the clouds. But what’s in the clouds? The idea that there are only clouds in the clouds is just another strange thought in my mind. Even though you know the result, you still have the urge to do it. It's really weird about people.

Hai Ling woke up in the evening and saw the direction of the ship and asked, "Going to see the Ghost Ancestor?" Zhang Ping'en said. This time he met Kong Bu'er by chance when he went out. An ordinary person gave him great help and helped him understand many things. I need to ask Ghost Ancestor if these ideas are correct.

Ten days later, the big ship stopped in front of another small door. Zhang Wen stayed on the ship for two more days, chatting with Hai Ling, and then entered the small door.

"Why did you come here?" As soon as Zhang Ai entered the void space on the fifth floor, he heard Ghost Ancestor ask.

Zhang Wei said: "Are you anxious?" His voice was neither happy nor sad, as flat as water.

Guizu sensed something was wrong in his tone and asked, "Something happened?" Zhang Ain shook his head: "Why do I always have to get into trouble? Can't you say something nice?" Guizu chuckled: "Since nothing happened, why do you show off? Are you talking like your dead father?"

Zhang Awei smiled helplessly: "My biological father is indeed dead." Gui Zu was choked by him, and said depressedly: "Can you talk properly? You stayed on the fourth floor for many days before you came here, and you are angry with me when you come in?" Zhang Awei shook me Shaking his head: "I don't want to make you angry, I just feel a little annoyed."

He was talking to people heart to heart. This was probably the first time in his life that Zhang had said that he had lived for hundreds of years and had never told Song Yunyi, Zhang Tianfang or the others, or even Lin Sen. Speaking to a ghost ancestor who has only spoken to him a few times and has never met him.

"What are you doing? Scaring me?" Ghost Ancestor was shocked after saying these five words. Is this what I said? He could tell that Zhang Wear was in a bad mood, but he couldn't figure out why he sympathized with him, wanted to comfort him, and even told jokes to divert Zhang Wear's attention.

Before today, he didn't believe he would do this kind of thing, even if it meant killing the Ghost Ancestor.

Zhang Awei smiled and said, "Thank you." He could hear Ghost Ancestor's good intentions. But Guizu refused to admit it and said angrily: "Thank you, what did I say?" Zhang Ain smiled and said five words: "People can change." Then he said nothing.

After hearing these five words, Ghost Ancestor was silent for a long time, thinking in his mind: People will change, has he changed too? After tens of thousands of years spent in silence, a bastard kid finally came in and only spoke a few times. Strictly speaking, it was a few quarrels and intrigues before his mentality changed. It's good to have someone to quarrel with and intrigue with, but it's better than being silent forever, like a dead person. Sometimes, he even hopes that this bastard will come soon, even though meeting him is just a matter of intrigue.

Zhang Ain stood for a while and said, "I want to show Hai Ling the formation map."

The ghost ancestor was surprised once because of his casual remarks. Now he was shocked by Zhang Awei and said hurriedly: "No."

Zhang Zhen didn't explain the reason, Gui Ancestor should be able to think of it, and stopped talking after he said it. Another period of silence followed. For a long time, Guizu's voice sounded in his heart: "Are you unhappy because of this matter?"

Zhang Ain admitted: "I don't know what the result will be." "Have you thought about it clearly?" Ghost Ancestor asked again. Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "No, that's why I came to ask you." Ghost Ancestor smiled bitterly and said, "Are you asking me? You're obviously here to inform me."

Zhang Ping did not want to show Hai Ling the Temple of Refining formation diagram so soon, but after meeting Kong Buer, he thought of many things. I originally thought that I had become more powerful and could take Hai Ling away calmly. But the mountain god could not be found, and the ghost ancestor was trapped again. Let's not ask whether he could transform into a god. Even if he could transform into a god, could he escape the same fate as them? If he becomes like these two masters, how can he save Hai Ling?

Ghost Ancestor was silent for a moment and asked: "How are you going to transform into a god?"

When Zhang Ai went out, he told him that he wanted to find a way to transform into a god. However, after being away for three months, he talked about the sea spirit when he came back. This shows that Zhang Ai has no confidence in himself and knows that he cannot transform into a god, or that he can't transform into a god. It may not be possible to save Hai Ling.

A cultivator has a tenacious character and cannot surrender just because he couldn't find a way to transform into a god in three months. Therefore, the Ghost Ancestor concluded that Zhang Awei had found a way to transform into a god, so he asked this question. This is why Zhang Awei wanted to create a formation diagram. The reason for showing it to Hai Ling.

To Guizu's surprise, Zhang Ain shook his head again: "I'm not planning to transform into a god at the moment." There were too many people and things he couldn't let go of, and he couldn't seek help alone. It was also because he had too many ties and couldn't always accompany Hai Ling. I couldn't bear to worry about him, so I wanted to show the formation diagram to the formation spirit.

"You're crazy." Ghost Ancestor was silent for a long time and said slowly.

Hai Ling needs someone to accompany him. In the past, there was Da Hei and Er Hei. Even if the relationship between them was not very harmonious, there was still someone to talk to. Just like the ghost ancestor scolded Zhang Wei, he also wanted to kill him, but he still wanted him to speak.

Humans are social animals and cannot bear to be alone. No matter how powerful the master is, no matter how top-notch the monk is, it is impossible for him to practice for a hundred years without moving as fast as a mountain. He always has to move around to relieve his worries and deal with more people. Loneliness is the number one enemy in life.

Monsters can never replace the communication between people, so Zhang Wen did not deliberately look for water monsters. Ever since he figured out what becoming a god was, he didn't want Hai Ling to be alone anymore.

Most of his thoughts were guessed by Ghost Ancestor, so he was said to be crazy. He refused to become a god for certain things, and he did something reckless for the sake of a non-human body that had nothing to do with him. Such a person, Something is really abnormal.

Ghost Ancestor thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "This is the land that reaches the sky, leading to another place. The Temple of Refining is the door to that place. If you hand over the formation map to the hands of the formation spirit that was born in the Temple of Refining, Here, this is the divine formation. Aren't you afraid that the formation spirit will become one with the divine formation after its enlightenment? There will be some random changes, such as the passage opening up and attracting powerful enemies. Have you ever thought about it? What will be the result?”

Zhang Awei whispered: "I have thought about it, so I came to ask you."

"Don't always ask me if it's okay? How do I know the answer? If I knew, I wouldn't be imprisoned for tens of thousands of years!" Ghost Ancestor suddenly shouted loudly. After pausing for a while, he said softly: "For tens of thousands of years, although I was lonely and bored, I could see everything that happened in the formation, and I could see all the previous lives of the little fat man, barely dispelling the loneliness; and every sixty years, I would Countless people and monsters came in to perform, and the performance lasted for ten days, which kept me entertained and allowed me to kill more time. These ten days were the downturn period of the formation. The formation operated on its own, and there would be ten downturns every sixty years. , attracting countless greedy people, but these ten days are my festival. Now, if you want to show the array diagram to the array spirit, if he understands it, I will die. If he cannot understand it, some accidents will happen. , I will also be unlucky. In that case, even the festival that happens once every sixty years will be lost, so I don’t agree with your idea.”

Gui Zu confessed in a low voice what he was thinking, and Zhang Wen was also thinking about it. He knew that Gui Zu was telling the truth, and he also knew that there was something he didn't say. That sentence was that if Gui Zu was in trouble, it was just his life. If the passage was opened, , releasing many monsters to kill gods like the Bone Forest, the unlucky people will be the people of the world, Zhang is afraid that he dare not take such a risk.

What to do with Hai Ling? Zhang Weixing was thinking too hard and couldn't think of a solution, so he let out a roar, with veins on his forehead and neck exposed, his eyes glaring with anger, and his voice was hoarse. He looked very miserable. It's a pity that this place is a black void, unable to see or hear. Zhang Wei's crazy venting is buried in the darkness, as ridiculous as a farce.

After shouting for a while, he stopped. Guizu didn't say anything, as if he didn't hear him.

Zhang Awei pondered for a moment and then asked: "Sir, can I know who locked you up here and who set up the Refining Temple?"

Ghost Ancestor chuckled lightly and replied without any concealment: "The person who controls me is called Li, and Li Shen is called Li Shen. Haha, Li Shen, he is a shitty god. However, although he is not a god, the Temple of Refining But it is a real temple, with great power, firmly holding the land of heaven. Don't think that every sixty years, only the monsters in the valley and your cultivators come to break into the formation. There are a large number of monsters gathering on the other side of the refining temple. We attack the magic circle every sixty years, but unfortunately we have never succeeded."

"Who is Li? Where is he?" Zhang Ain asked.

"Are you dead? Even if you don't die, you should find a place to hide, like me now. I couldn't figure out why Li could control the divine formation before. Only when I saw you did I understand that he should have seen the formation map." After saying this, Gui Zu sighed.

"No wonder you asked me for the formation map." Zhang Ain said, and then asked: "You don't know who built the Refining Temple?"

"The man who built the formation is a god. I've never seen him before. I've told you all I can say to you. Whatever you want to do, do whatever you want." Ghost Ancestor ended the conversation with waning interest.

Originally I was in a bad mood, but I came in and stayed for a while, which made both of them feel bad. Alas, I am a bad person, and anyone who meets me will be unlucky. Zhang Awei laughed at himself and ducked out of the small door.

He believed that Gui Zu was telling the truth. Gui Zu was a master of transforming into gods. He considered himself a god and had the dignity of a god. He would not lie because of his life. For masters, they can plot behind the scenes, carry out assassinations and attack in groups, and use all despicable means to kill people, but when confronted face to face, no one will tell lies and cannot afford to embarrass this person.

He spoke to Ghost Ancestor five or six times, and each time he asked questions. However, the more things he learned, the more confused and depressed he became.

Back at the fourth level of the sea, Hai Ling was still thinking about increasing the power of the eight formation diagrams. After Zhang Wen got on the boat, he sat next to him and watched him play with it. When the little fat man saw him coming back, he smiled and said, "So soon?"

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