The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 787 The Ghost Ancestor Drinks

Chapter 787: Ghost Ancestor Drinks

Zhang Yin smiled and said: "If the old guy inside says I'm depressed, of course I have to run away quickly."

"No, you can laugh, how can you be depressed?" Hai Ling's eyes were very accurate.

"Laughter is laughter, depression is depression, the two things cannot be confused." Zhang Ain said seriously. The fact is that he is indeed depressed. The so-called care is chaos. How to take the little fat man out of here has become the most difficult thing.

"I'm not messing around. What did you do when you went out this time? You haven't told me yet." Hai Ling learned from Fu'er's skill of waiting for the doll and asked him to tell a story. Zhang Awei laughed, sat down and patted the deck and said, "Come, listen to me."

He had been out for a total of three months, and nothing major happened. There was really nothing to talk about. Only the two incidents of Lin Beast and Iceman killing him were worth talking about. The other things were mentioned in a single breath. After hearing what he had experienced in the past few months, Hai Ling sighed: "Brother Kong is a good man and should live a long life."

Zhang Awei said: "No matter how good a person is, you can't stop him from doing crazy things." Hai Ling didn't answer after hearing this. He just looked at him and smiled. Zhang Awei immediately realized that he had done crazy things in the past. He quickly coughed and changed the subject and said, "How about we find a few ordinary monsters to accompany you? Just the ones that are not afraid of water, and keep them on a big boat."

Hai Ling shook his head and said, "Don't bother me. It's fine to be alone. Wasn't it like this before?"

Zhang was afraid of saying yes, and secretly sighed in his heart. Monsters are mostly fierce and ugly, and have bad tempers. They are not as cute as ordinary dogs and cats. I heard that wealthy families in the city have many kittens and puppies, which are as cute as sand bears. It is a pity. There is no way to bring it in.

As long as you are a living creature, when you enter the Refining Temple, there will be a separate magic circle to restrain you, no matter what you are, not to mention that ordinary animals cannot enter the Refining Temple.

At this time, he no longer dared to show Hai Ling the diagram of the Temple of Refinement. What might happen in the future was unpredictable. Even if he felt sorry for Hai Ling, he would not dare to risk the lives of the people on the entire continent.

I stayed with Hai Ling on the boat for two days, and on the third day, I entered the void world on the fifth level. After entering, he spoke to the darkness: "You win, I won't show the formation diagram to Hai Ling."

Gui Zu replied: "It's not that I won. What does this matter have to do with me? Whether you show it to him or not, I will go to jail. The worst outcome is death. For me, what is the difference between now and now? I just want to be less breathless." ”

"Okay, you didn't win. Does becoming a spirit require concentration, letting go of the past, concentrating on one thing, achieving a spirit, and seeking a kind of relief?" Zhang Wen asked directly about the purpose of this trip. "Do you want to become a god?" Ghost Ancestor asked without answering.

Zhang said with a smile: "If I successfully transform into a god, I can save you as long as I understand the formation diagram?"

"Save me? It's difficult. Besides, what's the use of saving me? What you want to save is the little fat guy on the fourth floor." Ghost Ancestor replied.

"Is that true?" Zhang Ain asked. Ghost Ancestor thought for a while and slowly replied: "About that. There is no way to explain this. You can only understand it yourself. Remember, becoming a god is about achieving yourself. You can achieve it only if you are sure. No matter what outsiders say, it is mistake."

"How could it be all mistakes? It's too arbitrary." Zhang Ain said.

"Don't be arbitrary. Do you want to become a god? Just do whatever you have to do." Ghost Ancestor said coldly.

Zhang was afraid of being said to be speechless, so he said depressedly: "Why do I get hurt every time I talk to you?" What made him even more depressed was that when he asked Ghost Ancestor questions, he got vague answers.

"Be content, you met the me now and not the me before. If you had talked to me like this before, your life would have been long gone and you said you were hurt or not. You should feel happy now and thank God. "Guizu said with a smile.

Zhang Anqing said angrily: "I should be more grateful to Li." This statement successfully choked Gui Zu, and the two bickered, and he finally won the game temporarily.

Zhang Awei asked again: "Do you know the mountain god?" Ghost Ancestor said: "I haven't heard of it. Is he the one you went out to find?" Zhang Awei said: "He is the master of the Hundred Thousand Mountains."

Ghost Ancestor smiled: "I am also the master. I dominate thousands of ghost cultivators in the world, and the power under my control is definitely not smaller than a hundred thousand mountains."

Zhang Ai added two words to him: "Once, you were once, now almost all the demon cultivators and ghost cultivators in the Eastern Continent have been killed."

"The world is constantly changing. This is a common thing. What are you going to do?" Ghost Ancestor asked.

The question went straight to his heart. Zhang Ain thought for a while and replied: "I don't know."

Ghost Ancestor chuckled: "You can cultivate to the top level even with your temperament, alas."

The Ghost Ancestor asked if you want to continue to transform into a god. Zhang was afraid that he didn't know. On the one hand, he wanted to save Song Yunyi and the others, but on the other hand, he wanted to rescue Hai Ling. He didn't want to leave them behind, so he naturally felt embarrassed.

"Do you know about the Forest of Bones?" Zhang asked, changing the topic because he was afraid of not wanting to talk about the matter of becoming a god.

"Is that a group of fish-headed monsters?" Ghost Ancestor asked. "Do you know?" Zhang Zhen couldn't believe it, so he just asked casually.

"What don't you know? The other side of the Refining Temple, which attacks the divine formation every sixty years, is the fish-headed monster." Ghost Ancestor said.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Ping was a little confused as to how many fish-headed monsters there were in the world.

"I can't explain it to you. Some things can only be understood once you become a god." Ghost Ancestor seemed unwilling to talk about past events.

"Why can't you explain it clearly? You can't explain it clearly without even explaining it?" Zhang Ain asked.

"Those fish-headed monsters are just a bunch of ants, don't worry too much about them." Ghost Ancestor thought for a while and said something more.

"I'm so depressed. If you have something to say, can you finish it in one breath? Don't force me to scold you." Zhang Ain said angrily. Ghost Ancestor had no choice but to add: "With your strength, you don't have to be afraid of them." But he still didn't say what happened to the fish-headed monster.

"Don't ink, just say it or not." Zhang was worried that he was getting impatient. Originally, the two things about transforming gods and sea spirits had given him a headache, but he didn't expect that the old guy would try to hide it from him when he asked casually about the Bone Forest.

"Didn't you say you wanted to give me something to eat last time? To be honest, I really want to eat something and drink some wine. Is there any way you can give me some food? Just like you and the little fat man did." Ghost. I don’t know where Zu’s words are going.

Zhang smiled horribly: "Are you greedy, old man? I want you to die. I know where you are in this dark place?"

"Let's swap. You think about getting me some food, and I'll tell you about the Bone Forest." Anyway, it's boring, so Guizu has some fun for himself.

"Why don't you die?" Zhang was furious. Finding someone in the darkness and nothingness was an impossible task.

"Young man, if you don't have any patience at all, if you think about it carefully, you will definitely be able to come up with a solution. You must know that all hardships are actually experiences. What's more, I bear this hardship and let you experience it for nothing." Ghost Ancestor said in confusion.

"Go to hell." Zhang Ain grabbed a handful of uncooked rice from his storage bag and swung it forward.

There is no air here, there is nothing. The uncooked rice flies forward like an arrow, and the speed never slows down. After a long time, there is movement in the bottom of my heart. First there is the sound of a long and swishing breath, followed by the crunching sound of chewing. Finally, Ghost Ancestor let out a long sigh: "It smells so good."

Zhang was very helpless: "You can just chew, why are you transmitting the sound to me?"

"The joy of being alone is not as good as the joy of everyone. It smells so good. Of course I want you to feel it together." Ghost Ancestor smiled.

After just throwing out a handful of rice, Zhang Wen knew that the difference between himself and Guizu was really huge. It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the two of them was that one was like an ant and the other was like an elephant. They were not the same thing at all. He throws out tiny grains of rice that Ghost Ancestor can see and forcefully suck into his mouth. If there is no formation to trap him, how powerful would he be?

Ghost Ancestor said again: "Don't cook it raw, let's get something cooked? Ah, I think of a way. Can you make a water dragon? Spray the wine in my direction, and I can drink it."

you are vicious! Zhang was afraid that he would be depressed and asked, "How far apart are we?"

Ghost Ancestor thought about it and said, "I don't know how far it is. Anyway, if you fly over, you will definitely arrive in half an hour."

Zhang was completely helpless. In order to find out what was going on in the Bone Forest, he had no choice but to take out a jar of ordinary wine. After taking it out, Ghost Ancestor shouted: "No, that's not what you and the little fat guy are eating. Your bottles are small, but this jar is big."

Zhang Weijing said angrily: "I want you to drink more, okay?" Guizu Xiangxiang said: "Okay, I accept your explanation, I'm sure, I'm here, you don't want to throw the jar over, right? ? Hey, your posture is wrong! You wanted to hit me, not give me a drink."

Zhang was afraid that he really wanted to hit him with the jar, so he said angrily: "I won't give it any more wordiness." He patted open the mud seal, pressed his palm to the mouth of the jar, and then asked: "Which direction?" His eyes moved little by little from left to right. .

"Come closer, yes, yes, come closer, stop, right between your eyes, be careful, don't miss the shot." Gui Zu commanded. Zhang Wen stabilized his body and faced the direction Gui Zu said. He inserted his finger into the wine and lifted it out, bringing out a stream of wine. He moved his finger forward a little, and the wine turned into a line of water and shot into the darkness.

A slight difference can lead to a mistake of a thousand miles, and that's right now. If Zhang Zhi's finger is a little off, he won't know where it will go a few miles away, let alone the ghost ancestor who is far away and has no trace. Poor Gui Zuning focused all his energy on the wine line. As the wine line approached, he heard a loud buzzing sound. The sound of inhalation was too loud. The old guy sounded like a bellows. He didn't know if the wine line was sucked in. He immediately He shouted: "It's off. Did you do it on purpose? It's hundreds of miles away."

Zhang was afraid that if he heard it, he would be so cruel that even if he were several hundred miles away, you would also suck it? Pointing his finger, another line of wine shot out. After a while, Ghost Ancestor came with a satisfied voice: "Not bad, not bad, I finally got wine again. This is the direction, I'm sure."

This must be the most difficult wine to taste in the world. Zhang Wen looked in the right direction and turned the whole jar of wine into a stream of water and shot it over. There is no air here, so it is impossible to control objects through the air. I have to use my own spiritual power to absorb the wine, and then use force to pop it out. The wine is shot at the ghost ancestor with the powerful power of Zhang Wei. But Ghost Ancestor was really awesome. He opened his mouth and drank a jar of wine in one go, and at the same time, he also absorbed the power contained in the wine. After finishing the wine, he thought about it for a while before speaking: "Are you inviting me to drink or do you want to kill me?"

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