The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 785 The Iceman is injured

Chapter 785 Iceman is injured

This Zhang Weijing was charging forward. There was a hard iron knife to block him, so he didn't have to worry about safety issues. Who would have thought that he had just blocked countless ice weapons when a giant hammer suddenly hit him in front of him. He thought to himself: The ice man is really yin, not that he is a monster. Are all animals innocent? After thinking about the big tiger, the white mouse, and the ice man in front of me, I couldn't help but curse, "Rumors harm people!" Which of these three guys is more innocent?

In the midst of an all-out battle, he still had time to ponder whether the monster was innocent, which showed how heartless he was, and also showed that he didn't take Iceman seriously. The giant hammer came, but Zhang was afraid that he would not dodge, so he still slammed into it with his sword straight. He saw black iron and white ice slam into each other. However, the impact was silent, and the ice hammer was swung with too much force, causing the ice man to turn aside in the air. Zhang Ai, who was hit by the ice hammer in the air, disappeared in a whoosh.

Just now, Zhang Weifeng broke the ice on the ground in half with a knife, revealing a huge gap. Then the Iceman attacked with ice weapons all over the sky, leaving a flaw here. Zhang Ai was not stupid. He saw the Iceman repeating his old tricks, so he would certainly take precautions. When he realized that the giant hammer was coming, Zhang Ai ran away. What he hit with the giant hammer was just an afterimage. One of them was planning to deceive, the other was using his tactics, and Zhang was afraid that he would have the upper hand temporarily.

The Iceman was staggered by his own huge strength, which was a great mockery of the top-level monks. Not to mention top-level monks, even first-time disciples, the first thing they learn is to perfectly control their own power. This is a compulsory lesson for all cultivators. Otherwise, any mistake on the battlefield may cause fatal damage. How could you be careless? No one wants to be a dead man.

Seeing the Iceman's mistake, Zhang Weifang certainly would not let the opportunity slip away in vain. A little silver light in his palm disappeared into the Iceman's body with a swish. The Iceman was attacked, his body shook, and he stopped quietly in the air.

Zhang was afraid that if he succeeded with one blow, he would strike with the hard iron sword again. The Iceman didn't even look at his movements. He swung the ice hammer and smashed it backwards. He turned around with the help of the force and saw the ice hammer and the hard iron knife colliding with each other.

The sound of the impact was huge, and there was only a click. The hard iron knife smashed into the huge ice hammer, and the blade was completely gone. The sky is filled with white ice shards, the larger ones are like marbles, and the smaller ones turn into dancing ice rain and splash. If this scene did not happen on the battlefield, it would be a unique and beautiful scene.

The hard iron knife was powerful, and the ice hammer was even more powerful. The hard iron knife relied on its own sharpness to smash into the ice hammer. The two forces offset each other, and the ice hammer had the upper hand, and it smashed back at Zhang Ai with the hard iron knife.

Zhang Ai snorted coldly and exerted force with his hands, only to hear the clicking sound again. The huge ice hammer split in half and passed Zhang Ai with huge force.

With the blow just now, the hard iron knife was not as powerful as the ice hammer, but it was hard and sharp enough to cause huge damage to the ice hammer. Now with Zhang Wei's extra help, it was not difficult to break an ice hammer.

The ice hammer was destroyed, and the Iceman showed no expression on his face. He spread his hands, and two ice spears reappeared in his palms, and he stabbed at them hastily. From the perspective of others, it seems that the Iceman knew that the hammer would break, and after giving up on his own initiative, he was broken by Zhang Afraid. At this time, the Iceman stabbed fiercely with two ice spears.

Zhang Ai was very depressed. He was really tired from fighting with the masters. He kept throwing endless moves. Iceman gave up the ice hammer, and he also gave up the hard iron knife. A shield appeared in front of him, black and large, not much smaller than a hard iron sword. He made it by mining the unknown black ore in the Valley of the Gods and combining it with the scales of the Fu Shen Snake. Fu'er has a bunch of fat dolls, and everyone has one. It is a weapon for self-defense. Because of the existence of the hard iron sword, there has been little opportunity to use it since it was refined. Now it comes in handy.

There was only a loud clang sound, and Iceman's two spears were broken. The black shield was smashed far away. It looked like it was somewhat damaged. After all, it was not as strong as a hard iron sword.

The master's attacks were endless. Iceman's two spears were cut off. After throwing them away, two more spears appeared in his hand and he continued to stab bravely.

At this moment, a fiery red suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and a ferocious flame filled the world in front of him, with green or white flame tips beating violently. The Iceman was startled, and he didn't care about attacking Zhang Awei, and fell back. This retreat was ten thousand meters, and he completely left the battlefield.

After stopping, with an expression of disbelief on his face, he pointed at Zhang Afraid and asked: "How is it possible? How can you use the fire control technique if you carry ice in your body?"

Zhang Ain said coldly: "Do you want to take care of it?" He stretched out his hand to retrieve the hard iron sword and shield. After some inspection, he sighed. The hard iron was still strong. It would be great if they could be used to refine weapons. The shield made from black ore and the God-Fighting Snake had two small cracks after being hit by Iceman, and it had to be repaired before it could be used.

The battle was temporarily suspended. Zhang was very tired from the dramatic fight just now. He used all his strength in every move. The fight lasted for nearly three quarters of an hour. He had to take a break before he could continue fighting. This is not because the spiritual power is insufficient, but because the muscles and bones of the body need to rest. There is no need to use it too hard. You will have to rest in the future.

Iceman was far away and asked coldly: "What's going on with your fire?"

There was still a fierce fire burning in front of Zhang Ai, and everything within a radius of a hundred meters was ablaze. He had just used his black shield to resist the ice spear, just to prepare for the fire. When I was just practicing, I learned seven kinds of protective shield skills. Among them, there is a Thousand Walls of Fire in the Five Elements Shield. Over hundreds of years, I have used it extremely skillfully, which is just right for dealing with the Ice Man.

Because the Ice Man kept attacking and used Yin to harm him, he remembered the principle of ice and fire being in conflict with each other. With the support of Divine Tears, the Five Spirit Spirits could use the Thousand Walls of Fire technique to burn them out, and use the Fire Spirit Spirit to deal with the Ice Man. , it can scare him to death even if it doesn't burn him to death.

If burned by the Fire Spirit, even the Iceman is unlikely to be able to resist. Unfortunately, the Iceman is highly skilled and retreats immediately when the opportunity arises. By the time the fire breaks out, the Iceman has already fled far away.

At this time, the Iceman stopped in the distance and was very angry. How could this bastard have both ice and fire? Ice and fire come from the same source? How can it be?

Zhang Ping took a short rest, regained his composure, put away the flames all over the sky, and said in a cold voice: "Are you sick? Why do you always want to kill me?" "You are the only one who is sick, why does a monster want a reason to kill someone?" Iceman He replied coldly, choking Zhang Afraid.

"I'm so depressed. How can you still be justified in killing people indiscriminately? Come on, let grandpa teach you a lesson." Zhang said angrily.

The Iceman didn't move, thought for a moment, turned his head, and left.

Do you want to bring something like this? If you can't fight, just run away? Zhang Awei yelled: "You bastard, come back to me." Iceman continued to walk on his own without leaving a word in his head: "You have the guts to follow me."

"Let me tell you, it's you who wants to kill me and ambush me, but it's not me who wants to kill you. Come on, come back and continue the fight." Zhang Ain shouted.

Iceman walked unhappily and said casually: "Are you worthy of my ambush?" His tone was very disdainful.

"Aren't you going to admit what you just did?" Zhang Ai suddenly remembered that there was a shadowless knife in Iceman's body, and stabbed it straight with the undulating divine sword. You kid, you are still crazy about me when you are injured? I almost got fooled by you.

He flew forward, and the Iceman accelerated at the same time. He was injured and unwilling to fight anymore. You just fought with all your strength and anger. After the battle, you should find a place to heal your injuries and not let them get worse. Seeing Zhang Weijing chasing after him, Iceman raised his right hand and slapped his body, sending up ice blades all over the sky. Zhang Awei yelled: "Bastard." He quickly drew out the hard iron sword to resist, and then heard a crisp sound, and the ice blade disappeared without a trace. Instead, a bright knife hit the Fushen sword.

Due to the excessive force, the shadowless knife did not hit the hard iron knife and the blade curled slightly. Zhang was afraid of being heartbroken and put away the knife, and cursed: "You bastard, you are cheating on me again."

The Iceman had already disappeared without a trace, leaving only one sentence: "Follow me if you dare."

"I'm going to chase you! Coward!" Zhang Ain angrily put away his magic weapon and walked back, thinking: This guy is really awesome. He was stabbed as if nothing happened, and he can use this knife to plot against me.

Walking back to the platform, he looked around and wondered why the Iceman was waiting to ambush him here. Could it be that he discovered that Lao Jin had died unexpectedly and came to take revenge? But the man was killed by a white mouse, why are you looking for him? Furthermore, even if he killed Lao Jin, the demon beasts in the Valley of the Gods have always been ruthless. Iceman and Lao Jin had never interacted with each other, so how could he seek revenge for him? What's more, how will he know when he can come back? Is it possible to keep watch? That's what's wrong.

Thinking of this, knowing that the iceman just happened to meet him and blaming his bad luck, he stopped thinking about it. His consciousness let go of the search, and there was no living thing around the platform except him, and he walked towards the Refining Temple.

On the fourth floor of the Refining Temple, there was a huge ship floating in the boundless ocean. In front of the bow of the huge ship, there was a small dark door about two meters close to the sea. At this time, Zhang Ain appeared there. Seeing the big ship not far away, Zhang Awei shook his head and smiled bitterly. He was really embarrassed for Hai Ling and guarded the door and refused to leave. After treading water and getting on the boat, Hailing arranged a pile of wooden sticks on the deck.

Zhang Awei watched without making a sound. After a long time, little Hailing frowned and raised his head to think. When he saw Zhang Awei, he dropped the wooden stick in his hand with a loud noise, jumped over and hugged him and said, "You came back so quickly."

Including the round trip time, it was about three months. Zhang Ain picked him up and asked, "Are you okay?" Then he asked, "How are you studying?"

Hai Ling said: "I have learned the Eight Formation Diagram, but it doesn't seem to be very powerful. I'm wondering if I can modify it." Hai Ling said.

As expected of a formation spirit, he has a special talent for fighting. Zhang Yin smiled and said: "I should have shown you earlier, you have been busy long ago."

Hai Ling shook his head: "I don't want to do such a boring thing." After speaking, he pointed to two gold papers and a jade bottle on the deck and said: "Yours, take it back. There is still a lot of blood in the bottle. You can use it later." use."

Zhang Ai waved his sleeves lightly and put away two things, but didn't know what to say. Hai Ling said that he was unwilling to do such boring things. The implication was that I was tinkering with formations now because it was really boring. Naturally, he felt regretful in his heart, and after thinking for a while, he said: "I couldn't find the water monster, and the market doesn't sell any. I can't bear to catch the monster by force. You won't blame me, right?"

Hai Ling shook his head: "No wonder, I know my brother is the most kind-hearted and doesn't want to bully others. I don't want my brother to bully others either."

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Drink." He put down Hai Ling, took out the spirit wine and food, and prepared to have a good meal. I had been suffering with Kong Buer for several months, eating rags with him every day, and I had long since grown tired of it.

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