The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 784: Another Battle with the Iceman

Chapter 784: Fighting the Iceman Again

The two of them took a long detour, most of the way from the west to Jingtan. It was just that the road was difficult and it took them a full day, but there was nothing else to do. That night, they stayed in Jingtan. Kong Buer was very satisfied with this place and said happily: "It's as beautiful as a fairyland. It's a good place." Zhang Ping said: "Do you need to be so exaggerated? What can you see at night?" It’s good if you don’t see any ghosts. It’s still a beautiful fairyland. Go to sleep.” Kong Buer groaned and lay down to rest, but he couldn’t sleep because he didn’t know what he was doing.

The next day, Zhang Awei helped build the wooden house, and the two of them were working. Kong Buer said, "You can practice Taoism with me." Zhang Awei shook his head: "In the future, you have to learn to cook and fish. Go out from here, depending on your strength, it will be a good thing if you can go out for a month, think about what to eat, don't starve yourself to death. "

"Ah?" Kong Buer just remembered this big problem and looked at the rattan basket in the distance. There was some food in it, but he didn't know how long it would last. It seemed that practicing Taoism would not be easy, so he asked again: "Say, Are there any ghosts in the mountains?"

Zhang Ke chuckled. No wonder he tossed and turned and stayed awake last night. He was afraid of ghosts. He replied, "I don't know. You have been in the mountains for more than two months, and you are still afraid of this?"

Kong Buer replied: "I'm not afraid." He stopped talking and kept busy with his work.

The two of them work, with Zhang Ai as the main force. He has been wandering for many years and knows a lot about various kinds of work. Building a wooden house is extremely simple. In just one day, a house was built fifty meters east of Tanshui, with two rooms, a pavilion in front of the house, and a courtyard outside, surrounded by a low fence. There are tall trees on the left and right, and the house is hidden in the forest.

Zhang Ain was very satisfied with this room and said, "This is your new home."

At this time, Lord Jing came again, and it was really difficult for him. Knowing that Zhang was afraid of revealing his identity, he also concealed his identity as a top-level monk and walked over with a load of things on each shoulder.

Seeing him appear again, Zhang said angrily: "You did it on purpose, right? You came here after I finished my work?"

Lord Jing acted as if he didn't hear it and praised: "It's well built, much better than mine. Can't you tell, do you still have this skill?"

"Why are you here?" Zhang Ping asked angrily.

Kong Buer was very grateful to Master Jing and hurried over to help unload the burden. He then spoke to Zhang Awei: "Brother Zhang, don't be rude."

Zhang was so depressed that he couldn't speak. He protected you and didn't say anything. I even built the house, but you still talked about me? Is there any truth to this? This bastard with white eyes.

Master Jing put down two big poles. They were really big. The poles were piled high and covered with black cloth. It was unknown what they contained.

Kong Buer helped unload the things, and then bowed to Venerable Jing: "I have met my father-in-law."

Lord Jing chuckled and said, "Don't be so fussy. You guys build a house here. I'll go to the village and buy some food." After saying that, he opened the black cloth and revealed two big bags of rice and some meat. , and pots, pans and other items.

Kong Fuji was even more grateful. Zhang was afraid but didn't want him to be so pleased, so he snorted and said: "The mountain people are already short of food and clothing, and you are making it worse, huh."

Master Jing said with a smile: "A few common things are nothing. It's not like I didn't give you the money. I can just pay back double the amount another day."

"I don't have the same experience as you." Seeing that Master Jing was angry with him, Zhang Wen decided to avoid his sharp edge for the time being and planned to repay him twice as much another day.

Kong Buer was busy going back and forth, moving the things on the burden into the room. Zhang was afraid to help, and threw his blanket into the room. After finishing the work, he came out and said: "You are busy, I'm leaving." Shocked: "Where are you going?" He stopped calling Brother Zhang in an emergency.

"Everything in the world is a feast that must come to an end. I still have things to do outside the mountain. You should concentrate on practicing Taoism here. If you don't understand anything, there is always this old guy to help you. Just ask him." Zhang Ai said.

Kong Buer thought that he had a conflict with Master Jing, so he hurriedly advised: "Why bother? You two are old acquaintances and should get along well. Why bother quarreling over trivial matters."

Zhang Awei smiled softly, without explaining, and said to Lord Jing: "I'm leaving. I'll come to you to settle accounts next time." Lord Jing pretended to be confused: "Settling accounts? What accounts are you settling? You owe me money? No. Yes."

Zhang Wen punched Kong Fuji again and said, clasping his fists: "You only asked for a Taoist book. Now that you have it, you must cherish it and say goodbye." He waved to the two of them, then walked towards the mouth of the valley happily, and left without a trace after a moment.

From here, the most familiar road is to go east and make a small circle to reach Yong'an Lake. Now he was the only one left, walking very quickly. Not long after, he appeared on Yong'an Lake. Looking at the rippling blue waves, he asked Bing Jing in his heart, "Do you want to go to the bottom of the lake and have a look?"

The ice crystal jumped out and fell to the bottom of the lake. After a while, it rose from the bottom of the lake and returned to Zhang Ai's body. It was like going home for a while.

Zhang Ai always remembered to find water monsters for Hai Ling. He once wanted to return to Tianlei Mountain to bring the Jiao Jing cub there, but after thinking about it again and again, what Hai Ling lacked was not monsters that couldn't talk, but monsters that could. The companions who were communicating with each other, not to mention the fact that they couldn't bear the separation of Jiao Jing's flesh and blood, gave up the idea and decided to return to the Refining Temple first.

After the ice crystal entered the body, it flew eastward and disappeared like a meteor across the sky. Three days later, Zhang Ai appeared in front of the Refining Temple. Strangely, there was another person waiting for him on the platform. It was an ice man, standing still like a stick of ice for who knows how long.

As soon as Zhang Pa emerged from the ground, the ground was immediately covered with ice, freezing the entire platform. The ice man said coldly: "No wonder you can come and go freely. You know the magic of walking on the ground. Did Baimao teach you?" After saying this, without waiting for Zhang Pa to answer, an ice sword pierced out from the ice under his feet and pointed directly at Zhang Pa's crotch.

Zhang Pa was about to answer after hearing the question, but he didn't expect the ice man to be so vicious and sneak attack after asking questions. Fortunately, he was protected by ice crystals. The ice sword pierced Zhang Pa's coat and was blocked by a thin layer of ice wall. Although the two ices were from different sources, they were equally cold and hard. The two ices collided, making a crisp sound, and the ice sword broke, but the ice crystal was fine.

The Iceman originally thought that the sneak attack was a sure thing, and he did see the ice sword piercing Zhang Pa's body. He was delighted, but then he was extremely shocked. He trembled and said, "You have an ice wall to protect your body? Where did you come from? Why can you carry ice seeds in your body?"

The ice Zhang Pa used was not the ice condensed by ordinary cultivators with magic. Even if that kind of ice could protect the body, it would have to be tens or hundreds of meters thick to be effective. Not only was it large, it required extremely strong cultivation, and it was time-consuming and slow. Unless there was a spirit in the ice, it could be condensed into a weapon like ice crystals, and it would be extremely fast for attack or defense.

Zhang Pa didn't understand what ice seeds were, and he was too lazy to ask or answer. Why didn't he take the time to vent his anger at this time? He swung the big black knife back and chopped it, imitating the unexpected sneak attack of the Iceman just now, and answered the question with a knife.

The sudden chop of the knife made the Iceman excited because he found the ice seeds, and he was waiting for a reply. Who knew that the boy in front of him learned and used it immediately, and directly returned his sneak attack trick to him, and the sharp knife wind came at him.

The Iceman reacted in time, and suddenly layers of ice appeared in front of him. At the same time, he dodged to the side. A black light flashed, and several layers of ice cracked silently, brushing past the Iceman's body, and fell to the ground with a clang. The ice layer on the ground also broke in half with the power of the knife.

The Iceman was furious: "Little..." He wanted to curse "Boy, you are looking for death", but Zhang Pa had murderous intentions. As soon as I appeared, you played tricks on me? Then you don't have time to think about it. One knife slashed into the air, and then another knife rose up, slashing at the Iceman horizontally, leaving him no time to curse.

The Iceman was about to curse, and just shouted a word, and immediately realized that it was not good. He had excellent cultivation. In terms of strength alone, he was a few points higher than Zhang Pa. He flashed in a hurry and dodged the attack again. At the same time, he summoned his best ice spears, one after another, floating in the air, and the tips of the spears were all pointed at Zhang Pa.

Zhang Pa attacked with all his strength, but was repeatedly evaded by the Iceman. His heart calmed down. Even if he couldn't kill you, he would scare you well. He was angry. He had met the Iceman twice and was chased twice. He thought: How did I offend you? You have always targeted me?

His body was full of spiritual power. He continued to attack wildly. He was not afraid of the ice spears around him. The huge hard iron knife in his hand was like a black flag, fluttering back and forth in the air, turning this space into a black world. In the middle of the black, the white iceman was wrapped.

Although his crazy attack could not hurt the Iceman, it made the Iceman very embarrassed. He dodged repeatedly. In an emergency, he could not control the ice spear to fight back and just dodged blindly. If he wanted to attack, he had to catch Zhang Pa's position first, but Zhang Pa chased him like crazy, and his figure was like lightning. It was really difficult to attack accurately.

Zhang Pa took advantage of the situation and relied on his abundant spiritual power to unfold the blade endlessly. Two quarters of an hour passed quickly. The Iceman finally got a chance. His body flashed and escaped from the black encirclement. He identified Zhang Pa's position, and then pointed his finger. It was his turn to attack. More than 30 ice spears in the air stabbed Zhang Pa's different parts at the same time.

Judging from the desperate posture of the two brothers when they met, both of them wanted to kill each other. The ice man was slightly stronger, but Zhang Pa's magic weapon was powerful. The hard iron knife circled around his body and easily smashed the ice spears that stabbed him. At the same time, he jumped high and continued to chase the ice man.

The best time for a sneak attack had passed. The ice man knew that he could not kill this kid in a short time. He jumped up and threw the hard iron knife far away, shouting: "Stop."

"I'll stop your head. You ask questions on one side and sneak attack me on the other side. How can a person with such a moral character stop me?" Zhang Pa cursed and continued to chop with the hard iron knife.

The ice man's body jumped again, avoiding the blade, and his arms opened. Countless ice blades appeared in the air, just like what they saw when the two fought last time. There were ice weapons all over the sky, and a lot of ice spears, ice swords, and ice knives were shot at Zhang Pa.

Zhang Pa used the old method to resist as usual, rushing forward, using the hard iron knife to resist the attack in front, and accelerating his body to rush forward to avoid the attacks from the other three parties.

But how could people of their level of cultivation use such a stupid move? The trick that failed in the previous attack was used again this time? Of course, the Iceman would not do that. He retracted his open arms, clenched them diagonally, and suddenly a huge ice hammer appeared in his palm. He clenched it tightly and smashed it forward.

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