The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 783 Fishing for Immortals

Chapter 783: Fishing for Immortals

Master Jing said with a smile: "Not satisfied? If you are not satisfied, take it back. There are so many people on your mountain, and one more person is not enough."

"Don't provoke me, do you think I don't dare? Speaking of which, many of the methods of transforming into gods that I just mentioned were only thought of after he reminded me. I can't abandon him regardless of emotion or reason, let alone see him confused. Die." Zhang Ping explained.

"You can take it back with you. You won't be worried if others teach you." Master Jing thought carefully and said.

"How can I teach people? What I have learned is just Mentian Leishan's mental method. If you hit it by mistake, you will reach the top level. It is completely a matter of luck. How can I teach people?" Zhang Ping told the truth.

"Then I don't care. If you don't want to be a boy, I can't accept disciples. Just do whatever you want. If I want to be free for two hundred years, how can I be burdened by the common people?" Master Jing put on a very irresponsible look. attitude said.

Why do these old guys behave like this for the rest of their lives? The war clouds in Tianlei Mountain are like this, and so are the quiet seekers. Zhang Ai said helplessly: "Then I'm leaving." Master Jing said seriously: "No." Zhang Ai asked: "Why?" Master Jing said with a more serious expression: "Spiritual wine." Just these two words, Zhang was so depressed that he gave him longevity elixirs, but he also asked for spiritual wine. You can have it if you want it. He also spoke with a look of utter virtue and dropped more than a dozen jade bottles in depression.

Lord Jing put away the spirit wine, but then smiled and said: "Why don't you come in and sit for a while?" Zhang was afraid that he would go crazy: "You blocked the door tightly and didn't let me in, how could I go in and sit down?" "Oh. , That’s it, if you don’t want to, just go ahead.” Master Jing said with a smile.

"What does it mean that I don't want to?" Zhang asked angrily. The answer was the slamming of the door, and Lord Jing returned to the house.

Zhang Ai said angrily: "Old guy, just make me angry." A loud laugh came from the room, "Haha, you have guessed this, you are so smart." Jingzun laughed and said, "You can be angry." It's a pleasure to meet this little bastard.

Zhang Ai was filled with hatred and cursed angrily: "Don't touch my hands in the future." He turned around and went down the mountain, circled elsewhere, and returned with a little delay. Kong Buer was sitting on a piece of dead wood in a daze. When he saw him coming back empty-handed, he asked: "What are you doing?" Zhang said: "Nothing, just walking around." "Oh, let's eat." Go and dig through his rattan basket.

At this time, an old man came across from the opposite side. His white clothes were fluttering. He was carrying a load of things and singing as he walked: "There is a moon and wind in the green mountains, and the breeze disturbs the mountains every month. Even though the scenery is completely different, the road is always in my heart."

Zhang was afraid that he would get angry when he saw the old man. This unlucky old guy was not angry enough on the mountain, so he came down the mountain to make me angry.

Kong Buer was rummaging for dry food when he suddenly heard a refreshing singing voice. He quickly got up and looked, and saw an old man who was like a fairy walking elegantly. He hurriedly dusted his sleeves, straightened his hair, took two steps and paid respects. Li: "Student Kong Buer has met my father-in-law." Chang couldn't bow, and winked at Zhang Wen, indicating that he would come and salute quickly.

Zhang ignored him because he was afraid. This bastard old man had just gotten the elixir and spirit wine and was angry with himself. Now he came here to get angry again. He lowered his head and touched the stone, preparing to throw it at him to vent his anger.

The old man was dressed up by Venerable Jing, who originally had a kind face and kind eyes, but under the deliberate disguise, he showed his divine demeanor, making people want to worship him. When he saw Zhang Ain lowering his head to look for something, he coughed slightly and said, "Who is the boy in front of you? Why don't you worship me when you see me?"

When Master Jing came down from the mountain this time, he originally thought that he would be angry with this kid and give him some food to comfort him. But looking at Zhang Weijing's ulterior motive, I knew he was holding back his energy and preparing to do something bad. Recalling what Zhang Wen said, Kong Buer wanted to find an immortal so much that he simply played it big and pretended to be an immortal to torture this bastard and make him angry again.

When Zhang Weijia heard this, he knew something was wrong. The old guy didn't learn from his good deeds, so he yelled, "Don't run." He didn't know who to chase, and disappeared into the forest without knowing who he was. not see.

Zhang Ai was laughing wildly in his heart as he ran: Do you want to play hard with me? I won’t accompany you anymore, haha.

Master Jing didn't expect that Zhang Ai was even more of an asshole than he thought, so he ran away as soon as they met? I couldn't help but think about it, what if this kid never comes back? Do you want to take Kong Fuji up the mountain?

Kong Buer was confused and didn't know what happened, but what he heard was true. The old man in front of him said that he was a god. At this moment, he didn't even get up from his bow. He immediately knelt down and said loudly: "Student Kong Buer is a pious seeker of the Tao. He wholeheartedly pursues good deeds. He travels to thousands of mountains without fear of dangers. He seeks famous mountains to seek enlightenment." , I also hope that the immortal will be kind and accept me as a disciple, and give guidance to my disciples. "

Lord Jing was startled. Is this guy a thornball? Can't fall off if it gets on your body? He hurriedly got out of the way, put down his burden and said, "What are you talking about? Who is the Immortal? I am just a salesman. I go to the mountains to do business. Why are you kneeling down? Oh, I understand. You are hungry. I have food here. You can eat whatever you want. , I don’t want money, I tell you, don’t kneel down casually, I’m leaving.”

The old guy told lies as soon as he opened his mouth, pouring things out while talking. After saying a sentence, a pile of food was placed on the ground. After finishing speaking, Master Jing ran away with his burden. He left Kong Buer, who was still kneeling but even more confused, and even though he was extremely smart, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Master Jing understood clearly that Zhang Afraid would never really leave this silly boy alone. Do you want to make me angry? You are still young! In addition, he didn't want to deal with Kong Buer, so he left quickly. At the same time, he was competing with Zhang Ai to see who was ruthless enough to insist on ignoring Kong Buer. Zhang was afraid that if he didn't show up yet, he would get some wild beasts to put on a show and frighten Kong Buer. Could it be that he would die without saving him?

At the same time, I also blamed myself, why not just stay in the mountains? I had to make a trip down the mountain. I was so frustrated that I almost lost myself.

As soon as Master Jing left, Zhang Wen knew it immediately and could guess what Master Jing was thinking. He sighed and walked back, thinking: "I'm still not cruel enough." After a while, Kong Buer wandered back and was confused. While she was still there, she saw him coming back and shouted, "You're right, you can really catch a fairy. Let's continue to wait here. Look, there is a lot of food. Just save some food. It's no problem to wait for half a month."

Zhang Ain muttered: "What kind of god is that? That's my friend, an old bastard. He just wants to make me angry." If you can't make him angry, you can just say a few curses behind his back. It's a pity that Lord Jing can't hear it. If he could Hearing it, and not being able to retaliate even after being scolded, that would be perfect.

Kong Buer couldn't believe it when Zhang Weijing said that the old man was a bastard, but comparing the two, Zhang Weijing was more trustworthy, so he sighed and said, "You can't tell a person by his appearance. Looking at the elegant demeanor of an immortal, I don't think he is a bastard." ,well."

Zhang Wen was so happy when he heard this, he laughed and said: "Haha, that's right, that's right, you're right."

After laughing, he began to think about how to deal with Kong Buer. Obviously, there would be no cultivation sect in Shiwandashan that would accept him, but his unswerving pursuit of the truth was a troublesome thing.

When he was in a dilemma, Master Jing came back again, pointed at Zhang Afraid and cursed: "You bastard, I was so angry that I forgot all the important things. If you can, don't come back. Let him wait to die alone."

"Ah, the old man is back. I wonder if you have heard my evaluation of you?" Zhang Ping laughed and said, the matter can be solved when Master Jing comes back.

Lord Jing glared and said, "What bad things did you say about me again?" He turned to ask Kong Buer, "What did that bastard boy say?" Kong Buer replied seriously: "He called you a bastard, like you are calling him now. Same." He understood that the old man and Zhang Wen had a very good relationship, and the so-called curse words were just jokes and should not be taken seriously.

Master Jing was furious when he heard this: "You are such a bastard for scolding people behind their backs. It's a shame that I still think about you."

Zhang Ai smiled and said, "How did the old man think about me?" Lord Jing tilted his head and said, "I won't talk to you bastard." He pointed at Kong Buer and said, "You, come with me." After speaking, Turn around and go into the forest.

Kong Buer hesitated for a moment, then saw that Zhang Wear had no objection, so he followed him. After a while, he came out happily, holding a roll of bamboo slips in his hand. After putting it down, he bowed deeply to Zhang Wear: "Thank you, Brother Zhang, for supporting me all the way. Thank you, Brother Zhang, for your guidance." I am looking for the Master, thank you Brother Zhang..."

"Don't thank me. What did the old guy give you? Are you so happy?" Zhang was afraid of interrupting him.

Kong Buer quickly picked up a large roll of bamboo slips and said with a smile: "My father-in-law said that he was not an immortal, but he had some wonderful teachings left by immortals, so he wrote it down in this bamboo slip, saying that I did not risk my personal safety and devoted myself to seeking the truth. I was a thoughtful person, and with him It was fate that we met, so he passed the bamboo slip of the Immortal Dharma to me, telling me not to let outsiders know about it, and also told me not to go out of the mountain without authorization. My husband said that there was a pond not far ahead, and the scenery was pleasant all around, and there were no wild animals to disturb me. It's safe. I can live in a house and practice the wonderful Dharma and Heaven. I also ask Brother Zhang to take me with him. If Brother Zhang wants to practice, I should share it with you."

Zhang Awei curled his lips and said, "I'll just send you away by rolling the bamboo slips? The old guy is such a bastard, where are the others?"

"How can Brother Zhang slander my father-in-law like this? He is certainly a man of merit and good fortune, and he is even more kind to me. Brother Zhang must not say this in front of me in the future." Kong Buer said seriously.

Yes, I saved another white-eyed wolf. I worked hard with them for more than a month, saving lives and protecting them all the time. It is not as great as the kindness of Master Jing Zun's book of scriptures. If I have a chance another day, I must give the old guy a good meal. He shook his head and sighed listlessly: "Let's go."

Twenty miles away in a straight line to the south of Jingshan is Jingtan. Jingtan is located in a valley and is surrounded by high mountains. To the north, the mountain flow rushes down, creating a waterfall and forming a Jingtan. There is only one outlet to the south. If you want to get there, you have to either fall off the waterfall, climb over the steep mountains, or take a detour.

Seeing Kong Buer busily packing up the food and carrying the bamboo slips, which was a bit difficult due to the heavy burden, Zhang Wenwen went over to pick up the rattan basket and said, "We have to go a long way, some of them have left."

After walking in the mountains for more than two months, all he saw were scoldings and scoldings. It was rare for anyone to be willing to teach the scriptures. Kong Buer gave up the thought of looking for a Taoist door and decided to follow the arrangements of Master Jing and practice alone. With the Taoist mind united, he finally achieved something. He immediately smiled and said: "After traveling thousands of miles, are you still afraid of not being able to achieve success by taking a long detour? It's just that I'm tired of Brother Zhang, and I really feel sorry for him. Such a great kindness and kindness will never be forgotten by Kong Buer." "He owed Zhang Zhen a lot, so he didn't say thank you for his great kindness, so he didn't even say words of gratitude in return.

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