The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 782: Meeting the Lord Jing

Chapter 782 Meeting Lord Jing

Zhang Ai sighed in his heart: "Oh my God, can you stop him from being so great and making me look so insignificant."

After Kong Buer finished speaking, he walked over in a few steps and asked, "Fellow, is there a Taoist immortal residence here?"

This is a mountain field. Halfway up the mountain, more than a dozen pieces of flat land have been cultivated to plant some crops. Four people are busy in the field, and two people are sitting on the hillside chatting. Kong Buer is the one who is sitting down to ask questions. Two people.

Unexpectedly, the two of them were very unkind. They looked at him coldly, turned their heads and continued talking, as if he was like air and no one responded. Kong Buer looked a little embarrassed and asked again: "Sir, this student is sincerely searching for the path. I hope you can give me some direction."

A mountain man snorted coldly: "Han people, get out of the mountains and don't look for fights here."

As long as the people in the mountains have been out of the mountains, they will always have the experience of being deceived and robbed by the Han people, either through witnessing it with their own eyes or experiencing it themselves. In addition, the two tribes in the ancestors have been fighting endlessly, so the people in the mountains mostly hold a hateful attitude towards the Han people. Not giving Kong Fuer a good beating is already a huge honor.

Kong Buer's face turned red and he wanted to say more. Two of the four people working in the field rushed over with hoes and shouted from a distance: "Young man, don't leave. How dare you go into the mountains to look for trouble?"

Kong Buer was carrying a rattan basket on his back and a dagger hanging under his waist. In order not to cause a dispute, he backed away without even daring to touch the hilt of the sword.

But when he retreated, the two men chased him. They quickly came over and shouted loudly: "What do you want to do? What do you want to do in the mountain? You think we are good, so you can lie to us. Come into the mountain to cheat?" He picked up a hoe and wanted to hit him.

The person sitting on the ground tried to stop him: "It's not true to compare with him. If a dog bites a man, how can a man bite a dog? Are you done? Go home and have a drink. It's better than being out here in the sun."

The man wielding the hoe stopped when he heard this, put his arms around the hoe and rubbed his hands, saying, "Why bother eating from you all the time? Let's wait for another day. When the harvest is ready after autumn, I'll treat you to three days of food." The man sitting said: "There are two dry fields in total. They are no bigger than the palm of your hand. How much can you harvest no matter how good the harvest is? Follow me and go into the mountains to dig for medicine. The Han people recognize this stuff and can sell it at a high price. I plan to go into the mountains in a few days."

Another sitting mountain man said: "What kind of mountain are you going into? Do you think your life will be long? Let's go back and drink. I still have half a catty of old wine at home. Although I won't get drunk, it's still good to have a good time." He stood up.

The man with the hoe also said: "That's right, if you risk your life to dig some herbs and take them out of the mountain, won't you be cheated by the Han people? They make a lot of money, how much money can you get?" As he spoke, he glared at Zhang Afraid and the two of them, and Another man walked back to work in the fields.

Let's talk about drinking first. The man shouted to them: "Stop it. I saw that the Han people are very unlucky. Don't bring mold to the fields. Go back and drink to get rid of the evil. There was half a rabbit left yesterday. Add some dry vegetables and cook it. Let's go." ”

Kong Buer was scolded. After all, he was once a court official and a scholar. He was scolded by the mud-legged man but did not retaliate. He firmly said in his heart: "I must change everything."

Not long after, all six people in the field left. Before leaving, they all stared at the two of them fiercely. Kong Buer smiled bitterly and said: "The road to seeking the Tao is really difficult." Zhang Aif smiled and said nothing.

In order to avoid getting into trouble, Kong Buer learned his lesson and stopped entering the village. He walked along the mountain road in the other direction. There was a high mountain on the other side. He believed that there were ascetics on the mountain, and it was easier to deal with the ascetics than the mountain people.

Kong Buer didn't know much about how to practice Taoism. He just heard that there was a group of people on the mainland who had great magical powers and could control wind and rain. They existed in every country. The national masters were people who practiced Taoism. However, he did not understand the relationship between cultivators and the specific methods of practice, so he bumped into each other randomly and counted whoever he bumped into. He simply thought that as long as he practiced hard, he would definitely become a god.

They walked in the mountains like this for more than a month. They were ridiculed a lot along the way, and some even beat them. Zhang was afraid and would not resist, but always grabbed Kong Buer and ran away. Every time Kong Buer would say: "You run so fast, your skills are really good."

Counting this month, Zhang Wen has been with Kong Buer for nearly two months. The two of them also came from the north mountain road to the east mountain road. After two months of torture, Kong Buer still refused to give up. He firmly believed that this was a test and he must persevere.

When Zhang Wen was with him, he received many reminders, such as understanding that cultivating a god means cultivating one thing, and that you have to be dedicated to achieve anything, and that what you seek to transform into a god is a kind of spirit, etc. In this way, the two months of time wasted are still worth it.

This day, he was chased and beaten again. Kong Buer learned his lesson. When he realized that something was wrong, he quickly grabbed Zhang Awei and let him lead him to escape. The two of them ran to a ridge far away and stopped. Kong Buer said: "It's too barbaric. I must civilize them." Zhang was afraid that he would not answer, so he stood on the road and looked eastward. He remembered something. Master Jing's death was coming soon, and he didn't know how many years he would have left to live.

At that time, he and the five Zuo Shi went to the God Refining Valley to search for medicine, and then refined the Heavenly God Pill in Zuo Shi's alchemy room. After everyone divided the pills, he left. Then he went to Nitian Cave to refine elixirs, and refined all the eighteen elixirs in the elixir recipe. After refining the longevity pill, I thought about giving a few pills to Lord Jing, so that I could live an extra two hundred years even if I failed to transform into a god. Judging from the current situation, Master Jing really has no hope of becoming a god, so he might as well take this opportunity to send the elixir over.

Master Jing was very kind to him and helped him kill the Martial King of Longhu Mountain. He had always been a good friend. However, the separation between the two was only a short time. It had only been more than thirty years and they had not even been together for a month, so he was not in a hurry to send him off. Dan goes over.

Jing Jing was alone and had no disciples, so it was convenient for him to leave Kong Buer behind. This move really killed two birds with one stone. As for whether the two are destined to be masters and disciples, it depends on whether Kong Buer has wisdom and spirituality, as well as his future performance. Thinking of this, he said: "You always lead the way, but it doesn't work. I'll lead you to find it."

Kong Buer agreed, so Zhang Ao led the way instead. He had a clear destination for his trip and arrived at the foot of Jingfeng Mountain a few days later. Kong Buer looked at the straight mountain in a daze and asked, "It's straight from top to bottom. How do you get up there?"

Zhang Ping said: "You don't have to go up, just wait at the foot of the mountain." "Waiting for the gods to come? You think it's fishing." Kong Buer didn't understand. Zhang Ping laughed and said, "It's just fishing. You stay here while I go for a walk." Kong Buer agreed and asked him to go back quickly. Zhang was afraid and fled away, flying to the top of the peak from the other side.

There is a barrier on the top of Jingfeng Peak. Zhang Ain said loudly outside the peak: "Boy, please see Master Jing." Following the voice, he entered the barrier. After a while, the barrier opened a portal. Zhang Ain entered and headed towards the wooden house on the top of the mountain. OK.

He walked to the door, the door opened, and the kind-faced Venerable Jing in white walked out, and asked with a smile: "Why do you have the leisure to come see me, an old man?" Zhang Ain bowed his hands in greeting and said with a smile: "I was passing by, so I came to see you. ”

"What's there to see? Something happened, right? I heard Zuo Shi said that you have reached the top level of cultivation, and I still couldn't believe it. Just now you came outside the mountain and I was shocked. I thought some master was going to trouble me. It turns out It's you who practice quickly enough." Master Jing said.

Zhang Awei asked: "Have you finished eating the Heavenly God Pill?" Lord Jing shook his head and said: "I took a few pills, but they were of no use, so I was wondering if there was something wrong, but I couldn't figure it out, so I counted the time. , the deadline is only in the next few years, so why waste the elixir, why not return it to you, you may use it in the future." As he spoke, he took out the elixir bottle and gave it to him.

Zhang Awei quickly refused: "I still have it." Then he told him the method he had come up with to transform into a god, and then asked: "Why doesn't the mountain god give you instructions on how to transform into a god?"

Venerable Jing thought about it and shook his head and replied: "According to the method you said, you must give up first and then gain. I have nothing, so how can I give up? It's just a cultivation of one body; I also want to pursue the Tao wholeheartedly. What kind of spirit should I turn into? Listen. It's more like a lie; and the mountain god doesn't give us any advice, there must be a reason. With my qualifications, there is no need to make wild guesses. I'd better accept my fate honestly and wait for God to call me to leave. But according to my opinion, it must not be the case. It’s as simple as you said, otherwise Lord Mountain God would have informed us earlier, instead of just watching several venerables leave one after another.”

Zhang Ping nodded in agreement with his statement. If there was a way to transform into a god, how could the mountain god not pass it on to his twenty loyal subordinates? Since he didn't say it, there is a reason why he didn't say it. Zhang was afraid that he would no longer think about this issue. He did not refute his words if he was told that they were lies. Instead, he advised: "What a cultivator does is against nature. How can he be willing to accept his fate? Your Majesty is still thinking about the way to transform into a god. good."

Lord Jing still shook his head: "In the past few years, I have really thought about it. What if I become a god and stay there? Shouldn't I practice? Despite my past majesty and longevity, in fact, I spent most of my time alone practicing. What’s the difference from the living dead? It might be a relief to go back early.”

Seeing Venerable Jing speaking like this, knowing that it was impossible to persuade him, he took out twenty longevity pills and said, "This is the longevity pill. Its function is to extend your life. The first time you take the pill, you can live an extra hundred years. When your life is over, you can live longer." Taking another pill will increase your life by fifty years, and the third time will be twenty-five years. As long as you have enough pills, this method can extend your life for nearly two hundred years. Is it useful, sir?"

Master Jing was overjoyed when he heard this: "There is such a wonderful elixir? Where did you get it?" No one wants to die.

Zhang Ain smiled and asked again: "I wonder if it is useful, sir?" Venerable Jing feigned anger and said: "Boy, do you dare to play tricks on me? I'm looking for you to beat me!" He took the longevity pill with his hands, looked at it again and again, and put it away carefully. Then he said to Zhang Awei: "Thank you."

Zhang Awei pretended to be scared and said, "Scare me."

He was mercilessly despised by Master Jing: "You think you have reached the top level, so you dare to play tricks on me? I can't scare you to death."

"Well, the Venerable has won." Remembering that there is a hole at the foot of the mountain, Zhang Ain asked again: "Does the Venerable want to accept a disciple?" The Venerable Jing glared and said, "What for? Just give me a few pills. Want to lie to me about what I have learned all my life? Tell you, I am not that stupid, I still have two hundred years to live, and I will definitely not teach you. "Jing Zunzun can live an extra two hundred years, and he is in a much better mood, so he joked with Zhang Wen. .

Zhang Wen laughed and told the story of how he met Kong Buer, and also talked about his ambition and kindness. After hearing this, Venerable Jing said: "You are looking for a disciple for me. It's a pity that the Eighteen Venerables don't accept disciples, so I can't teach him. However, if you want to be a boy guarding the mountain, you can teach some simple magic. "

Zhang Ain curled his lips and said: "I am already over thirty years old, and I still treat you like a boy?"

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