The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 773 The Wounded Beast

Chapter 773: Wounded Beast

He flew into the air and attracted vicious birds to attack. As soon as he landed, the crowd behind him started to commotion and pushed back. Some people yelled: "If you want to die, get away and die. Don't harm others." "You bastard is seeking death." Woolen cloth?"

Zhang was afraid that he would fall to the ground and thought everything was fine, and the vicious bird would not attack. But no matter whether it is in the sky or on the ground, the vicious bird dares to fly in the sky in front of us? Showing their contempt for us, more than two hundred vicious birds pecked at us like crazy.

Zhang was afraid that he would be scolded, so he raised his eyes to the sky. He saw that the vicious birds were very persistent and were rushing towards him. He took out a hard iron knife and put it in front of him. Come on, bite him. It depends on whether you have stronger teeth or stronger swords. . Then he had time to look into the field.

He is also lazy, otherwise if he released his spiritual consciousness, he would already know everything, so why bother to see with his eyes. This sight shocked me. It was true that the Lin beast was injured. Now the big guy was furious and looked around with fierce eyes. There were wounds all over his body, with scars on the left and cuts on the right, and blood oozing out from everywhere.

Zhang fearfully asked, "What's wrong with this guy? How could his body be so injured even if it can't be broken by a seven-star talisman?" Then he looked away and took in the entire situation in his eyes.

At this time, the vicious birds pounced. They were not stupid, and of course they would not bite through the iron. Instead, they flicked their wings, bypassed the hard iron knife and bit Zhang Afraid. Zhang was afraid of being furious, so he pulled his neck and shouted: "If you don't go away, you will be killed." Holding the hard iron knife, he walked forward fifty meters to get out of the way of the vicious bird.

His appearance made the tense situation in the field even more tense. No one knew what was going on. How could there be a madman?

In addition to the wounded Lin Beast, there were also two Nascent Soul top-level monks and twelve Nascent Soul high-level monks. Among them, Zhang was afraid of an acquaintance, Cai Xiaoxiao. In addition, there were more than thirty Nascent Soul cultivators and more than twenty corpses on the ground. Among the corpses were two cultivators and more than twenty vicious birds.

Zhang Aing smiled at the lin beast and said, "You're really awesome." First, he had a good impression of the lin beast, second, he didn't like Cai Xiaoxiao, and third, he didn't like the fierce bird, so he took two steps to say hello. , ready to help.

Linshou also recognized him, but he couldn't understand his purpose and was cautious.

Zhang was afraid of getting out of the way of the vicious bird, but the bird refused to go around and lined up in a circle to bite him. Zhang was afraid of being angry, and swung the big black knife in his hand, and the vicious bird in front of him was chopped into two pieces, and fell down with a snap. He then said coldly: "Anyone who is dishonest will be killed without mercy." A killing god, when doing these things, kept his expression calm, looked into the sky coldly, and repeated: "If you don't want to live, just come down." Although the vicious bird is fierce and stubborn, it is not an idiot. It knows that it is not good at ground combat, so it rises into the air. , flying twenty meters high and staring at him, turning its hatred of the lin beast onto him, ready to make a sneak attack at any time.

He drove away more than twenty vicious birds with one blow, and shouted to Cai Xiaoxiao: "Get out of here, I'm in a good mood and don't want to kill anyone." After cursing this sentence, he scolded a bunch of Nascent Soul monks: "Those who don't know how to die are all Leave it to me."

He cursed the Nascent Soul master, and the cultivators surrounding him were going crazy. This guy is so awesome! What kind of courage and ability does one person have to face dozens of masters and actively provoke them?

A group of Nascent Soul cultivators, each one very arrogant. They didn’t know Zhang Afraid, so they talked about everything. Someone said: “Where did this kid come from who doesn’t know how to die? Why don’t you get out of here?”

They made a fuss, but Cai Xiaoxiao changed his expression, wondering why he had encountered this evil star again. Seeing that he was targeting her, Cai Xiaoxiao immediately decided to retreat immediately. He withdrew from the battle group, not even in the mood to watch the excitement, and turned around to leave without saying a word. If Zhang Awei is not here, he can still bully the Lin beast, but with Zhang Awei here, don't make trouble for yourself. Life is more important than the Qin beast.

Cai Xiaoxiao was traveling with two mid-level Nascent Soul cultivators. Cai Xiaoxiao asked them to evacuate. The two were not always happy and said, "We have been chasing for more than a month, can't our hard work be in vain?" Cai Xiaoxiao asked them to evacuate. He glared angrily: "Let's talk after we get out." After that, he left. As for his two subordinates, he didn't care whether they wanted to leave or not.

He wanted to kill Zhang Ping several times, and the hatred between the two was so great. It was rare that Zhang Ping was willing to let him leave, why didn't he run away quickly? Cai Xiaoxiao's two subordinates hesitated for a moment. After all, it was because of the difference between their masters and their subordinates. Although they were unwilling to do so, they still followed Cai Xiaoxiao out of the mountain.

Linshou took a look, is this helping me? They had met several times, and Zhang Weizhi had fended off enemies for him and even saved its life, so he was considered a benefactor. But the problem is that when they first met, the Lin beast wanted to kill Zhang Ain. It didn't believe that Zhang Ain would not hold a grudge, so it didn't lean over and stood there, taking a break and regaining its strength.

Zhang Ping's arrival was a side issue. The two top monks saw that Cai Xiaoxiao of Longhu Mountain was scared away by his words? Who is this person? The spiritual consciousness of a bunch of masters was like a brush brushing over Zhang Ai's body. After checking for a long time, nothing was found. He seemed to be an ordinary person.

Of course he is not an ordinary person. How dare an ordinary person wander around in the Hundred Thousand Mountains?

A top-level monk clasped his fists and said, "Fang Buwei has met my Taoist friend. Do you dare to ask what your friend is here for?" "Fang Buwei? Who is it?" Zhang Aing asked casually, and then spoke to the Lin beast: "Again? I told you to be arrogant and you were beaten, but you didn't listen. Do you think others are as good-tempered as me? You said you are really good at it. Isn't it good to be your mountain king in Monster Mountain? You want to come out. You were hunted down last time, and you are hunted down again this time. What kind of luck do you have? I thought, my bad luck was infected by you. Well, that must be the case. "

Zhang was afraid that the left servant would not come back after waiting for a long time, and he felt a little uncomfortable. Since he encountered something, he had to mix it up and vent his anger. Linshou was lucky. There were thousands of people present, and apart from recognizing an enemy, he had no one else. They were old acquaintances, so they stood up for the Lin beast as a joke.

He was talking nonsense here, and the monks in the whole place were in an uproar and arrogant! This is called arrogance! But this arrogant person actually said that the monster who was bullied badly was arrogant? Is he not crazy?

Linshou was dissatisfied with his scolding and growled at him, looking over with a pair of big red eyes. Zhang Awei was startled and asked, "What are you doing? You don't know whether you are good or bad. Don't you know I'm helping you? You still want to hit me? I tell you, if you stare at me again, I'll beat you up."

Before Zhang Wen arrived, there was a fight between the Lin beast and the evil bird, so the corpses of the evil birds were everywhere, and the cultivators who followed took advantage. Although the Lin Beast was ferocious, it was seriously injured, and it was embarrassing to be bullied against a hundred. There were two cultivators who wanted to take advantage and sneaked over to kill them, but they were killed by the Lin Beast. However, after several days of hard fighting, they exhausted their spiritual power and were unable to escape. The Lin Beast had no choice but to fall to the ground and prepare to die together.

The monks followed Luo and surrounded them. They chased the Lin beast for more than ten days and nearly two months. They suffered heavy casualties along the way, but there were more people watching. Everyone knows that the Lin Beast is full of treasures, so these guys came to join in the fun with the idea of ​​getting lucky. And for fear of not being lively, he spread the news everywhere that the Lin beast was injured, which attracted more people. Not only are the masters gathering more and more, there are also low-skilled players, young and old, all thinking of hitting the big distance, and if they hit, they will become famous.

There are more than 6,000 people in the field, half of them are from the Mountain God Platform, and the other half are chasing to watch the fun. Judging from the number of people and cultivation levels, there are people of all cultivation levels. If they can catch up and gather to watch the fun, it is obvious that the Lin beast has already Stayed here for a long time.

Fang Buwei was unable to reply when he asked, "Who am I?" Tell you my name is Fang Buwei, who do you think I am?

He didn't speak, and Zhang Ain continued to ask: "Fang Buwei, why did you bully my little brother?"

"Your younger brother? The terrifying monster of Monster Mountain is your younger brother? What's wrong if you don't brag about it?" a group of monks cursed.

Fang Buwei was stunned: "Don't be joking, fellow Taoist, how could Linshou be your younger brother?"

"Why can't it be my younger brother?" Zhang Pingheng said, then he lowered his head and thought about it and said, "The Yue, Lu, Qi, and Song and Wu battles, among the major countries on the mainland, how come they haven't heard of your name?"

When he said this, half of the people on the sidelines laughed out loud. Fang Buwei is the famous ancestor of the Fang family, one of the eight great families in the Lu Kingdom. He actually said that he had never heard of Fang Buwei's name, especially when he mentioned the Lu Kingdom in a serious manner. , pretending to be very popular.

Fang Buwei was angry, this was a slap in the face in front of everyone, but when he thought about the lin beast in front of him, he must not have an accident. The business was to take care of the lin beast first, so he calmly replied: "Fang rarely goes down the mountain, and it's also true that he doesn't have a good reputation. It’s normal, I don’t know what you call it?”

Hearing the roar of laughter from the sidelines, Zhang was afraid that he had said the wrong thing, so he coughed and said: "Well, I have dealt with the Tie family and the Hu family of the Lu family, and I don't know the names of the other families. I don't know. There is the Fang family.”

He is telling the truth, but it sounds different to others. What's wrong? Did he take the decision to exclude the Fang family from the eight aristocratic families? If the sentence just now was a bit of a joke, then this sentence is a provocation. Fang Buwei finally couldn't suppress the anger in his heart and said coldly: "How did the Fang family offend fellow Taoist? Please make it clear to fellow Taoist, and also hope that fellow Taoist will give you a name."

Zhang Ain put on an innocent expression and said, "You didn't offend me. I just met the first Fang family member today. How can I offend you?" He just didn't say his name. After saying that, he turned to look at the Lin beast; "Isn't this guy capable of running and capable of being beaten? How did he end up like this?"

It's a pity that Linshou can't speak, otherwise I could tell him his story.

To put it simply, the last time the Lin Beast cub was stolen, it went out to look for it in the Monster Forest. After searching for decades, it failed to find the child. Instead, it attracted a group of top-level masters to hunt it down. Many of those masters also hunted down Zhang Ai.

After meeting Zhang Awei by chance, the group of masters beat Zhang Awei together and got involved. They relied on piglets and kittens to subdue the snake to help the Lin beast drive away those bastards, and then the Lin beast walked away. Later, Zhang Ai went to the Qing Dynasty of Song Dynasty to settle accounts. Linshou ran back and fought with him like crazy, and finally fainted from exhaustion. Zhang was afraid that he would be heartbroken after losing his son, so he kindly rescued the Lin beast. We didn't see each other again after that separation.

The Lin beast has been searching for decades and almost died. Knowing that there is no hope for the survival of the cub, he returns to Monster Mountain in despair. After returning to the mountain, he stayed in the inner mountain for decades. One day, he suddenly wanted to wander outside the mountain. By coincidence, he saw a cultivator walking in the mountain wearing a robe made from the skin armor of a lin beast cub.

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