The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 772 Lively in the Mountains

Chapter 772: Lively in the Mountains

When he came to choose a monster, a seller came up to him and asked, "Fellow Taoist, what kind of beast do you want to choose?" Zhang Ping said, "Water monster."

The seller was stunned, and replied with a wry smile: "You are not joking, fellow Taoist, the fight is in the sky, who would fight in the water? How can anyone buy a water monster?"

Zhang Ping took a look at the monsters in the field, and found that there were more than 400 monsters without water attributes, and they were basically all combat-type monsters. Generally speaking, it is difficult to sell adult monsters of fifth, sixth or even seventh grade. Firstly, they are not strong enough, secondly, they are expensive, and thirdly, they have not grown up with their masters, so they do not have a tacit understanding, and they are prone to omissions during fights.

Not seeing the Zhongyi monster, Zhang was afraid and wanted to leave. The seller stopped him and said, "Fellow Taoist, don't you want to take a look? I can give you a cheaper price. He's so fierce. He's not afraid of death in a fight."

This is the greatest use of these monsters, as cannon fodder. There are more than 400 monsters on the stage, most of them are ferocious and brutal. Although they are imprisoned, their ferocity remains unchanged. After buying them back, they trained them a little. During a fight, they let them desperately entangle their opponents, and the master attacked them secretly. It was a good tactic. Unfortunately, Zhang was afraid that he would not use it, so he shook his head and asked, "Where did you get these monsters?"

"Monster Mountain, some people went on an adventure a few days ago and caught them. If you are willing, you can sell them yourself, like them." The seller pointed to the twenty cultivators at the corner of the high platform. There were about forty monsters around them. "If you don't want to, just let me handle it and I'll make a little profit from it," the seller said frankly.

Zhang Ai was stunned and asked: "Is Monster Mountain easy to enter?" Monster Mountain is one of the two most magical places in the world. Monsters will increase in strength in the mountain, and cultivators will lose their cultivation level if they enter the mountain, so few people dare to enter the mountain. Hunting animals.

"It's hard to get in! Many people died, and it wasn't because of the lin beast. I don't know where the news came from, saying that the lin beast was seriously injured. They didn't dare to enter the inner mountain of Monster Beast Mountain. They only stayed around in the periphery. Cultivators in the world I went crazy and grabbed everyone. I don’t know whether I grabbed the Lin Beast or not, but I know that more than 600 cultivators died in just three days, ranging from Foundation Establishment to Nascent Soul. You said this is not seeking death. What's wrong with the foundation-building cultivators going to the Monster Forest?" the seller said.

Zhang Ying was curious: "When did it happen?"

"Just last month, a group of masters failed to catch the Lin beasts, so they took it out on these monster beasts. They caught more than 800 monster beasts above the fifth grade at once. I have sold many of them, but having said that, Lin Beasts, who is not greedy? They are all treasures. Legend has it that if you eat the inner elixir of the Lin Beast, you can swallow it directly without refining it. Those below Yuanying can be directly promoted to Yuanying. Above Yuanying, they can jump two levels in a row. If not Knowing how much I weigh, I also want to try it," the seller said, looking at the more than eighty monsters that belonged to him.

Zhang Weijing was shocked, and more than 800 fifth-grade monsters and above were captured in Guanglong Mountain. What about the rest of the places? The cultivators from the Qi State, the Song State, and the Lu State often arrested them even if they wanted to. I sighed in my heart, it was just bad luck for these monsters. But he asked: "No one knows about the Lin Beast?"

"I don't know, even if someone kills a lin beast, he won't tell the whole world. Who wouldn't want to secretly use the treasure? If you say it at this time, aren't you seeking death?" said the seller, and then added: "Fellow Taoist, please choose a monster. , guaranteed to satisfy you.”

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Let me tell you, why are there suddenly a lot of high-level monsters for sale, but these monsters are really not to my liking, please excuse me." As he spoke, he walked off the platform. The seller said from behind: "Don't bother me. If you want to buy it, fellow Taoist, remember to come over."

Zhang Ai nodded and walked into the market. Last month he was blocked by the Ice Man on the Round Mountain, and last month he had a quarrel with the Ghost Ancestor at the Refining Temple. He didn't expect something to happen outside. The Xindao Lin Beast was really unlucky, wasn't it? Will you be unlucky if you encounter your own monster? Ever since Linshou tried to kill Zhang but failed, things have been going on. He doesn't know what happened recently, but he got injured again.

Thinking about things in his mind, he followed the flow of people and saw many stalls. He was not interested in molded magic weapons and elixirs, but only picked out some rare materials to buy and sell. As they were walking, Bu Tu came over happily and held up a fork in his hand to show Zhang Awei: "Senior, what do you think? It's only five hundred spirit stones."

Zhang Ai glanced at it casually. For a foundation-building monk, this fork was pretty good, and the five hundred spirit stones were indeed not expensive. The seller probably didn't expect to make money from this thing, so he dealt with it cheaply. He nodded and said, "Not bad, the price is right."

Bu Tu was even more happy when he saw Zhang Ying's approval: "It's just that the style doesn't look good. It's just a fork. It would be better if it were a magic sword."

Zhang Wen laughed and saw a stall nearby selling magic swords. There were more than twenty magic swords on a piece of animal skin for anyone to choose from. He walked over to take a look, picked up the handle and asked, "How do you sell this?"

"One price, one thousand and three hundred spiritual stones." The seller was a tall man with a beard.

Zhang Awei nodded, pointed out the spirit stone, and handed the sword to Bu Tu: "You lead the way for me, this is a thank you gift."

Bu Tu was standing on the side looking anxious, why didn't this man know how to bargain? When people say one thousand and three, give one thousand and three. Just as he was about to persuade him, Zhang was afraid that the magic sword had already been sent to him. He was surprised at first, then waved his hand and said: "How can this be done? Where did I buy more than a thousand spiritual stones?" Okay, it’s too expensive.”

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "More than a thousand spirit stones are expensive? This magic sword is a little better than your fork. It can be used at the beginning of the elixir formation, so just use it. You can change the magic weapon after you have the elixir formation." "I couldn't help but put it into Bu Tu's arms.

Bu Tu grabbed the sword and was about to return it when Zhang Wen said first, "It's useless if I don't want it. If you don't want it, just throw it away." Bu Tu didn't try to return it and thanked him again and again.

Zhang Pa wandered around the market for a while, but there was nothing to buy, so he walked out of the valley and said goodbye to Bu Tu before leaving. Bu Tu kept thanking him and asked him where his master was, thinking about visiting him to thank him later.

Zhang Pa would not talk about these things, so he waved his hand and walked out of the market, thinking as he walked, should he go hunting? The place with the most water monsters in the world is the big lake in the Refining God Valley. If a fish man can be refined there, there will naturally be other water monsters.

But he is peaceful by nature, and he doesn't want to bully people with force, nor does he want to bully monsters with force. Originally, I thought of buying with spirit stones, at least I could save the lives of these monsters that were caught by people, which was also an excuse for myself. Now that the excuse is useless, do I really have to hunt monsters for Hai Ling?

After leaving the business market, I went west, thinking of the unicorn beast, and thinking about whether to go to the Monster Mountain. It was a fate to meet him several times, and I couldn't bear to see him being bullied by the cultivators. But then he thought again, since he didn't know whether the story was true or not, there was no need to waste time making another trip, so he flew west and headed straight for the Shiwan Mountains.

A few days later, he arrived at the Shiwan Mountains. There are a total of 18 entrances to the Shiwan Mountains, guarded by 18 venerables. Because of their lifespans, several venerables died, and it is unknown whether there is anyone guarding now. Zhang Pa landed outside the west city of Yong'an County, and in front of him was the mountain path he had walked many times.

Going south is Yong'an Lake, where Bingjing was born. Zhang Pa asked Bingjing in his heart if he wanted to go back and take a look. If Bingjing didn't go, it would just be a huge piece of ice stone. What is there to see? Zhang Pa walked into the Shiwan Mountains and headed towards the Mountain God Terrace. He wanted to see Zuo Shi, and then asked Zuo Shi to ask the mountain god if he could see him.

Going along the mountain road, bypassing some mountain villages, and strolling for seven days, he arrived at the Mountain God Terrace. It is always daytime on the Mountain God Terrace, and there are always people setting up stalls. Zhang Pa first walked around the market to see if he could find anything, but there was no one selling monsters, let alone water monsters. The ideas of the sorcerers in the mountain and the cultivators outside were really different.

Since he didn't find anything, he went to the Mountain God Palace to ask to see Zuo Shi. The two blood killers at the door knew Zhang Pa, and after bowing, they said, "Both the left and right servants are not here."

Zhang Pa was depressed. Why did Zuo Shi have something to do every time he came to see him? Last time, he was in seclusion and didn't see guests, and I waited for a long time before I saw him. This time, he was not at home at all, and I didn't know where he went. It's strange to think about it. Why is he running around instead of practicing well with the Tianshen Pill?

Zuo Shi was not at home, so Zhang Pa could only choose to wait. He could have talked to Venerable Jing, Venerable Qiao, Venerable Chi and others, but he didn't know what to say to them. There was also a terrible Venerable Zhi. That guy was too smart, and he didn't even want to see him. Who likes to find trouble and play tricks?

The Mountain God Platform was bustling with people coming and going, and it was a bit noisy. Zhang Pa chose to stay in the quiet forest in the north, and he just slept in the tent all day, occasionally going to the Mountain God Platform to ask if Zuo Shi had returned. Ten days passed in a flash, and Zhang Pa could no longer sit still. He asked Xue Sha: "How long has Zuo Shi been gone?" Xue Sha replied: "It has been more than two months." More than two months? What took so long? Should I wait any longer? Zhang Pa stood in front of the Mountain God Palace thinking. At this time, the market suddenly became noisy, and someone shouted: "There are people hunting beasts in the north, they are super-class monsters, and there are many masters." Then many foreign cultivators rushed to the north. In just a short while, half of the people in the market were gone. Zhang Pa looked at Xue Sha, then at the market, and there was nothing to do, so he followed to join in the fun. He walked late and not fast. It took him half an hour to finish a section of mountain road. Going forward, there was a grassland behind the mountain. It was not too big, about 10,000 meters long and wide. At this time, the edge of the grassland was full of people. There were about 6,000 people.

Zhang Pa was shocked. Is it necessary to be so exaggerated? Looking up, there were more than 200 monsters flying in the sky. They were pitch black, hairless, with long pointed beaks, revealing two rows of sharp teeth, and a pair of black claws that were also hard and sharp. They were one and a half meters long, but their wings were more than three meters when spread out. They were circling at low altitude, looking down fiercely.

Zhang Pa had seen these birds before. Each one was a super-class monster. The main reason for the ban on flying in the Ten Thousand Mountains was because of them. If you don't want to commit suicide, it's better to walk honestly. The sky is their territory.

This made him curious. Could it be that the super-class monsters that the monks wanted to hunt were these strange birds? He quickened his pace and tried to squeeze through to see what was going on. But when he got closer, he found that the intersection he was walking on was crowded with people, dozens of layers high, and it was very difficult to squeeze through.

Zhang Pa didn't want to squeeze anymore, so he flew into the air and flew over their heads. His flight attracted more than 200 fierce birds in the sky to swoop towards him. Zhang Pa moved quickly, and flew over the heads of these cultivators and landed in the circle.

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