The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 774: Poor Kirin Beast

Chapter 774 Poor Kirin Beast

The Kirin Beast was furious at the time and rushed over to kill people. The other side had a large number of people. Once they found the trace of the Kirin Beast, they immediately scattered and fled. The Kirin Beast had to randomly choose someone to chase after. But after chasing for a while, for some reason, it couldn't catch up with the person in front. It was angry and kept chasing and chasing. Soon it chased out of the Monster Mountain and followed into a magic circle. It fell into the trap.

There is a saying that you don't worry about thieves stealing, but you worry about thieves thinking about it. The Kirin Beast was thought of by someone. Its cub was born not long ago and has not grown up yet. It is not very helpful for cultivation, so the cultivator who snatched the cub set his sights on the Kirin Beast.

The fact that the Kirin Beast was chased by more than a dozen top-level cultivators was known to everyone in the world. The cultivator knew that it was fierce, so he came up with such an idea. Relying on the power of his family, he mobilized a large number of people to make bait, prepare magic tools and equipment for escape, and set up magic circles.

The bait was easy to make. There was the corpse of the Kirin Beast cub, so there was no fear that the Kirin Beast would not take the bait. The trouble is the magic array and the escape magic weapon. One needs to be powerful enough, and the other needs to run fast enough. It takes a lot of manpower and material resources, and it takes a long time to prepare. Then they set up a magic array somewhere outside the Monster Mountain. Then they sent people wearing magic robes made of the skin armor of the unicorn cubs into the mountain to lure the unicorns.

After making all kinds of arrangements, you still have to rely on luck. A dozen baits wandered around the periphery of the Monster Mountain all day long, and at most they could get into the outer mountain. There were also several masters secretly protecting them. This went on for more than two years. The dozen baits didn't learn other skills, but their ability to escape improved. A group of people wandering around the outer mountain were almost crazy, and complained to the person in charge, forget it.

The person in charge was furious. After more than ten years of preparation, how could the hard work be in vain? He ordered his men to continue to persevere, and finally waited for the unicorn three months ago. When the unicorn saw that the skin of his child had become someone else's clothes, he was filled with hatred and wanted to kill people. However, those guys had magic weapons to speed up their escape and had practiced for several years. They ran so fast that they easily led the unicorn into the magic circle.

Then there was a fight. The unicorn relied on its thick skin, thick flesh and hard scales to break out of the formation. However, it was also seriously injured and hid in the outer mountain of the monster mountain and never came out again.

Even if it was the outer mountain, ordinary cultivators would only be unlucky if they entered. There were many fifth- and sixth-grade monsters in the mountain. People were walking in the mountain, so why were they afraid that they would not come to cause trouble?

The person in charge looked at the outer mountain and was in trouble. His family was very powerful, but no matter how powerful they were, they could not fight with thousands of monsters.

The serious injury of the unicorn was a great opportunity to hunt it. If it was left to hide in the mountain, not only would it recover from its injuries, but it would not be easily fooled again in the future. The person in charge did not want to let his years of hard work go to waste. After some hard thinking, he decided to release the news and tell the world that the unicorn was seriously injured.

Then countless cultivators came to take advantage. It was easier to get things done with more people. Countless crazy cultivators broke into the outer mountain, searched hard, and finally found the unicorn beast and forced it to flee.

For the unicorn beast, it was safer to run outside when seriously injured than to run into the inner mountain. Not to mention that he had enemies in the mountain, even if he didn't, after being seriously injured, there would be monsters to take the initiative to deal with him, so he had to flee from the Monster Mountain in a hurry.

Then it was a game of hunting and killing. The person in charge guessed that the unicorn beast would flee outside and ordered his men to monitor it in all directions. The unicorn beast managed to escape the pursuit of most cultivators and escaped from a remote corner, but was caught by the person in charge and his men. The unicorn beast was seriously injured and could not escape fast. It was very miserable all the way, fighting while running. It took more than half a month, and fled into the Ten Thousand Mountains in a panic.

It had never been here before, and didn't know that there were terrifying monsters in the sky. It accidentally provoked countless fierce birds. After a life-and-death battle, it killed more than 20 birds, but it was also tired and seriously injured, and it could no longer run.

After escaping to this point, the unicorn beast was desperate. Not only were there fierce birds attacking it, but there were also cultivators chasing it from below. So it didn't want to escape anymore and landed on the ground to fight for its life.

It fled for more than half a month and was discovered by many cultivators along the way. The chasing team expanded again and again. There were not only hundreds of subordinates of the leader, but also cultivators who followed from the Monster Mountain, and a large number of cultivators who joined in the fun. There were all kinds of cultivation from high to low, and they dragged out a long team. This also made the leader's wishful thinking fall through again.

The unicorn beast fled into the Ten Thousand Mountains and was blocked by fierce birds and could no longer escape. The leader saw the situation clearly, landed on the ground first, ordered his men to occupy the main roads, and then waited for the unicorn beast to die in the fierce battle.

During the time when the unicorn beasts were fighting, the cultivators following behind arrived one after another. None of them dared to fly, but ran. When they arrived, they saw that the fight was going on in the sky, so they also learned from the subordinates of the leader to be on guard everywhere, waiting for their luck.

Later, the unicorn beast ran out of energy and fell to the ground. None of the more than 3,000 cultivators took action. The leader looked at the other cultivators and asked those with the cultivation level of Yuanying and above to stand out and discuss how to divide the spoils.

He knew clearly that as long as the unicorn beast died, no one would have the leisure to discuss with him who would own the thing. The unicorn beast was not too big, only one person tall and two and a half meters long. As long as it was fast enough, it would be impossible to rob it and run away.

The other masters also understood this truth and agreed to come out for a talk, mainly two top-level cultivators and twelve high-level cultivators. When Zhang Pa arrived, this group of guys were preparing to negotiate.

When he arrived, he first drove Cai Xiaoxiao away, and then followed Fang Buwei out to talk to him. He then said that he had never heard of the Fang family, showing his arrogant and domineering attitude. Fang Buwei was very angry, not only because of Zhang Pa's rudeness, but also because he had worked hard for decades and spent a lot of effort to hunt unicorns, but was disrupted by others. Was it all in vain in the end?

He was the one in charge. The one who planned to kill the Lin Beast was the Fang family, one of the eight great families in the Lu Kingdom. The Lin Beast cub was also killed by him. I originally wanted to eat alone, but now it seems that it is impossible. Then he asked in a cold voice: "Fellow Taoist, you hide your head and shrink your tail, don't you dare to say your name?"

Zhang Awei sighed: "I don't want to say it, it's not that I don't dare to say it." When he raised his head, a bunch of fierce birds in the sky were still staring at him fiercely. He felt a little annoyed. With a tremble of his right hand, a big black bird appeared out of thin air and landed on him. Stand still on your right shoulder.

The black bird is not too big, not much bigger than a human head, but its momentum is very much like looking down on the world and despising all living beings. He tilts his head to look at the fierce birds flying in the sky, and does not make a sound. He only flaps his wings slightly and tilts his head. He pressed his head against Zhang for fear that his head would not move again.

When I got the black bird, Master Hantian of Hantianmen said that the bird was a vermilion bird, a mythical beast and the king of birds. Now it seems to be quite interesting. It just moved its wings to express dissatisfaction. There were more than two hundred birds in the air. The fierce bird immediately flapped its wings and flew high, rising from a height of more than 20 meters to more than 2,000 meters. Each one did not dare to be fierce or arrogant anymore, and flew away quietly.

Zhang Ai was very satisfied and spoke to Linshou: "Look at you, you're a fool. You've been beaten for a long time and you only killed about twenty people. As soon as they came out, more than two hundred people ran away. You have to learn."

The Lin Beast was very angry at Zhang Afraid. It no longer wanted to live, but it also didn't want to be humiliated. It roared at Zhang Afraid again.

Zhang was afraid that no matter what it was thinking, he kept talking to himself: "What do you call me? I saved you last time but it was in vain? I spent so much effort to bring you back to life. Why don't you know how to be grateful? Are you still calling me?"

The Lin Beast roared again, and judging from the meaning, it probably meant that if you hadn't saved me, I would have risked my life with you.

Zhang was afraid that there would be no one around to talk to the lin beast, and the more than 6,000 monks around him were dumbfounded. Most of them were cultivators below pill formation and did not have high hopes of catching the lin beast, so they were happy to watch the fun. Seeing Zhang Awei's performance for a long time, he was very shocked and thought to himself: "Has he saved a lin beast before? This guy is either crazy or he has real abilities.

They can join in the fun, but dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators can't. Two top-level ones, eleven high-level ones, and twenty-two middle-level ones. They are all powerful forces wherever they are placed. How could they be intimidated by one person?

Another top-level master came out and said: "Do you really treat me as if you are nothing? This kind of courage is really admirable, but you have to show your ability. I just want to ask for advice first. I don't know if you can Are you willing to cooperate?”

Zhang Awei shook his head: "You know who Cai Xiaoxiao is, right? Such a fierce person turned around and left when he saw me. How dare you provoke me? I'm too lazy to care about you. Go back to where you came from. One hundred thousand The mountains don’t welcome you.”

"Who are you? Why do you make the decision for Shiwandashan?" A voice came from outside the crowd, and as soon as the eyes flashed, a big man in black appeared in the field, with sword-like eyebrows and tiger-like eyebrows, and he was tall and majestic.

Zhang was afraid to turn his head and look at him. The sorcerer who dared to speak in this tone must be one of the eighteen venerables, so he said more: "Which venerable are you?"

The big man had not been out of the mountain for a long time. He didn't expect that as soon as he came out, he would be called out. He hummed, "My surname is Leng, and they call me Lord Leng."

"You are quite cold." Zhang Weijing said casually, and then turned his attention to Fang Buwei: "Why don't you leave? The Yao family and the Hu family together don't dare to embarrass me. Do you think the Fang family can ?”

Fang Buwei was shocked when he heard that the Yao family and the Hu family were more powerful than the Fang family, and the combined efforts of the two families could not defeat this kid... Fang Buwei thought of a person in his mind and blurted out: "Are you a relic of Tianlei Mountain? "

Zhang Awei nodded: "You are quite smart. Let's go quickly."

Fang Buwei immediately felt embarrassed. Zhang Ai's name was very resounding in the Lu State. Among the three generations of the Hu family, one of the heads of the Hu family suffered a brutal death, another was seriously injured and could not recover, and another was defeated in several moves. It was all Zhang Ao's fault. Another Yao family guardian beast was killed, and he single-handedly tortured the Yao family and their entire family into a cave. On the other hand, the two major families didn't even have the heart to take revenge. You can imagine how difficult Zhang Zhen was.

Now this difficult guy throws the problem to Fang Buwei. It is a lie to say that he is not embarrassed. He has worked hard for a long time just for this moment. How can he be willing to give up. I thought to myself: If I had known this, I should have killed the Lin beast first, snatched the body and left. Why would it be such a troublesome thing like now, unable to kill, and worried about not being able to escape.

He made things difficult for him, and the name of the relic of Tianlei Mountain quickly spread among the crowd. The sorcerer in the mountain was better, and he didn't know much about Zhang Ai. But among the outside cultivators who follow the mountain, there is no one who has never heard of Zhang Ain's name. This guy has done a lot of good and bad things, and is as high as a legend in the clouds. Every single thing is enough to make people marvel.

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