The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 769 Lao Jin

Chapter 769 Lao Jin

"Is it so scary?" Zhang Ain muttered, and then added: "You still didn't say what price you would pay."

"I don't know if it's scary or not, but I know that those costs are often the things you are most reluctant to lose. Think clearly before doing it. Once you embark on the road to becoming a god, there will never be a way out, just like... sigh." Ghost. Zu sighed and stopped talking.

"Like you are now?" Zhang Ain finished for Ghost Ancestor.

Ghost Ancestor smiled and said: "Are you afraid that I am not uncomfortable enough? You always rub salt in my wounds. But it's not a big deal to tell you. To put it simply, there was only one Ghost Ancestor, but now there are two. One is here. It’s me who’s locked, and the other one is hiding underground and never dares to appear, as you said, and that one is also me. We both know that there is each other, but we can’t come out to see each other.”

"Ah? Does that mean you haven't truly transformed into a god yet?" Zhang Ai asked.

Ghost Ancestor was very angry: "I said, why don't you have any sympathy? I am telling tragic stories here, and you ask me if I have transformed into a god? Is transforming into a god so important?"

Zhang Awei defended: "No, no, I originally wanted to ask you why you became two, but I thought that question was a bit cruel, so I asked a less cruel question."

Ghost Ancestor laughed angrily: "You are cruel enough. I wish you to transform into a god quickly. Once you experience it, you will know how wonderful that process is."

"But you didn't tell me how to change it." Zhang Ai said.

"I told you that everyone's path to becoming a god is different. You have to explore it on your own! I really can't communicate with you, a pig. Do you think you have a long-term view? It's a pity that it's not good-looking!" Ghost Ancestor spoke angrily. .

Zhang was afraid to deny his point of view: "Impossible. Although I can't be said to be the most handsome in the world, I can definitely be considered a handsome guy. There is something wrong with the aesthetic standards of your era."

Ghost Ancestor was so angry at this guy that he cursed: "You bastard bastard, are you here to entertain me? Get out of here."

Zhang Ai smiled and said, "Talk more to relieve depression. I am here to say goodbye to you. I have to go away for a few days. If you are lonely, just continue to be lonely. I can't help you." Then he suppressed his smile and said seriously: "I originally wanted to find a legendary god-transformation master when I went out this time to ask him how to transform into gods. I was thinking about combining your two opinions and researching it. Maybe it can be done, but you didn't dare to say it. Let’s go and ask, is it really that scary to become a god?”

"It's not scary, it's very scary. The body is tortured, the mind is tortured, and you have to experience what heartache is." Gui Zu corrected.

"Most practitioners are ruthless and selfish, so how can anything make them heartache?" Zhang Ain asked.

"Try it, you will know after you try it. No matter how selfish or cruel a person is, as long as he is a human being, he will have weaknesses!" Gui Ancestor affirmed.

"Just scare me. I'll go out first. By the way, you've been hungry for ten thousand years. Do you want to eat? I'll give you some?"

"Can you throw it into my mouth? You bastard, get out of here." Ghost Ancestor was heartbroken. If I could move, I would torture you first for dozens or even hundreds of years, but I would not kill you.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "Then I'm going out." After saying that, he returned to the fourth floor.

Little Hai Ling was sitting on the big boat waiting for him. After Zhang Wen got on the boat, he turned the bow and sailed in the other direction. Hai Lingwei stayed with Zhang Ai for a few days, but the journey was not fast. It took ten days to reach the small door leading to the outside world.

Zhang Ping said: "I'll be back soon and bring a bunch of water monsters to play with you." Hai Ling said yes and said goodbye. Zhang Ai got off the boat and walked into the small door. The scenery in front of him changed, and the entrance of the Refining Temple appeared.

To his surprise, there was a person sitting on the platform in the distance. The one with shining golden light was Lao Jin.

Zhang Ain stood under the tower and asked in a distant voice: "Sir, are you waiting for me?"

Lao Jin stood up and said, "I'm quite curious. It's not the foggy season yet. What are you doing in there?"

"I'm being chased by you like crazy. If I don't stay inside, where else can I go?" Zhang Ai found a good excuse.

"Being hunted? Why didn't I realize at all that you were afraid of us?" Lao Jin asked.

"If I'm not afraid, you can't be hunted down?" Zhang Aoi said casually and walked forward.

"Where are you going now?" Lao Jin asked again. Zhang Aifeng also asked: "Where is the ice man?" "You want to find him? Could it be that he stayed in the Refining Temple for a few days, gained great power due to good luck, and intended to take revenge?" Lao Jin has a very rich imagination.

"What do you want to do if you don't have that free time?" Zhang Ain asked.

"Me? Haha, I want to kill you too." After saying this, a golden thread was pulled out of the air and headed towards Zhang Ai.

Zhang Ai had been on guard for a long time, and when he noticed something strange happened to Lao Jin, he immediately pulled out the hard iron knife and thrust it on the ground. He shrank back, the two gods in his mind merged into one, and the abundant spiritual energy filled his body, driving his body to float lightly in the wind. Holding the handle of the hard iron sword in his hand, the man turned with the wind like catkins, avoiding the attack.

Lao Jin was very confident in his abilities. When he saw that he couldn't catch Zhang Afraid, he lowered his head and hit the hard iron knife. He didn't believe that the hard bones and scales could not break a broken knife. With a bang, the hard iron knife flew high into the air, carrying Zhang Awei into the distance. Standing on the ground was Lao Jin, looking into the air with an unbelievable expression. That knife could actually block his impact?

He raised his hand and touched his forehead. The scales and flesh were fine, but the force of the impact was too great. A trace of blood oozed out, and there was still a slight pain. Lao Jin was furious. He had not shed blood for many years, but today he was hit by a broken knife from an outsider. Injure. Pointing his toes to the ground, people were like flying arrows shooting directly at Zhang Ai, who was floating in the air.

Zhang Awe curled his lips and muttered in a low voice: "I'm sick." He let go of the Fu Shen Sword and stabbed out the array of ten thousand swords. Come on, hit him forward and see if your scales are stronger or the Fu Shen Sword is stronger.

Lao Jin suffered a loss once and saw the silver light shining all over the sky, so he didn't take any more risks. His figure suddenly stopped, stood upright in the air, and with a backhand pull, he pulled out something like a horn from his back, which was also shining with golden light. He took it to his mouth and Blowing, the world was immediately filled with this sound, and a low sound like the chirping of insects resounded throughout the valley.

Zhang was afraid that he would feel sick after hearing this. Although it could not cause physical harm, the nausea was enough to hurt someone. I don't know what those golden horns are, but the sound they make stirs my heart, making me feel uncomfortable and want to vomit, and I can't stand up. And he was facing the enemy. Stimulated by the sound, his body swayed in the air and his head became dizzy. With a gesture, the sword light in the sky suddenly disappeared.

Lao Jin had been waiting for this moment. When Zhang was afraid of being sick, the figure had already rushed in front of him. The golden horns in his hands were replaced by two golden scimitars, and they cut towards his vital parts with great power.

Zhang was angry, why did I offend you? Must you kill me? The tiger spirit in his mind roared loudly, and a strong wind suddenly arose from the plains, sweeping his body a hundred meters away. Lao Jin's two golden knives cut through the air, but he reacted quickly and used the force of his knives to catch up and fly up.

Zhang Ai was a little depressed. Didn't he say that he couldn't fly in the God Refining Valley? How could this guy? When he was escaping in the valley, what he called flying was nothing more than tapping the grass blades with his toes and soaring into the air. Because the speed was too fast, it looked like flying. However, he was never too high off the ground, and the highest was only about ten meters. He had to borrow enough force to be able to fly. Jump so high.

At this time, Tiger Spirit Xiao Feng made his body fly into the air, but how could Lao Jin fly up like this? Cursing bastard secretly, he threw out four spells and blocked Lao Jin's path in four directions.

Lao Jin chased quickly, and Zhang Wei was also quick to throw the talisman. Lao Jin realized that something was wrong, the time was too short to get around, so he had to immediately unload his strength and fall. At this time, the talisman exploded, and the huge force of the four seven-star talismans exploded towards the middle and all sides. The direction of the push surged, and coincidentally, Lao Jin was right in the middle, and four powerful forces came together to attack him. And he himself used temporary force to fall, so he fell faster and was directly blown down by the explosion.

For a master of his level, normal attacks can't easily hurt him, and even the power of four spell explosions can't do anything to him. There was some distance between him and the talisman, and he fell with great force during the explosion at a very fast speed. Only his back had some traces of the explosion, and his golden scales became gray, but his body was not injured.

Even so, Lao Jin was furious. Like Iceman, he looked down upon outsiders like Zhang Ai at all, so every time the fog cleared, they always killed many high-level monks who wandered into the valley. At this moment, he got two scars one after another from someone he looked down upon, one on his forehead and one on his back. Although they were both minor injuries, he felt extremely uncomfortable. He raised his head and shouted: "Boy,... I will kill you."

Zhang Ai was spinning around in the air with the strong wind, and shouted back: "Are you sick? Is it a joke to kill me for a long time?" He threw five flying knives with his hand, and they were as fast as five thin knives of different colors. The line is connected to Lao Jin.

Lao Jin's eyes narrowed, and he waved his golden scimitar to meet them. He raised the knife and struck, hoping to break the five flying knives. For masters at their level, even if the opponent hurts someone with a flying knife, no one dares to just dodge. Who knows what else is weird in the flying knife? It must be broken to feel at ease.

The two of them moved too fast. It looked like Zhang was afraid of throwing the throwing knife, but Lao Jin had already jumped into the air and chopped the flying knife. Zhang was afraid that he would be so relaxed, so he stabbed out the Divine Sword in his hand silently. If Lao Jin slashed with the flying knife, the Fu Shen Sword would stab Lao Jin at the same time. This was an ambush made by Zhang Awei. The throwing speed of the flying knife was slower, and the attack of Fu Shenjian was faster. Between one speed and one slowness, he attacked the same place at almost the same time.

Fighting between masters is actually a matter of seconds. Whoever reacts quickly and moves quickly will win. Lao Jin has always despised Zhang Ai and did not believe that outsiders had the strength to fight with him, so even if he was injured, he only thought it was because of his carelessness.

The fact is that it was indeed his carelessness that caused the two scars. Although he was on guard at this time, he was not careful enough, so he fell into the trap of Zhang Wei. Lao Jin was furious and found one sword and five flying knives attacking together. He did not attack the flying knives alone. He swiped the two golden knives in his hands and a golden shadow wall appeared in front of his body, blocking Zhang Afraid like a shield. attack.

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