The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 770 Killing Lao Jin

Chapter 770: Kill Lao Jin

Forget about the five flying knives, Zhang was afraid that they wouldn't be able to hurt anyone, but the Fu Shen Sword thrust at him crazily with all his strength. With just one sword, a ball of light suddenly burst out in the sky, with a long silver tip at one end. The sword has a golden full moon on one end. One gold and one silver, two huge forces collided with each other, and there was another loud bang. Zhang Ai flew out upside down, and Lao Jin was also pressed by the force and fell quickly downwards.

The power of this sword was so great that Zhang was afraid that he would almost lose his strength, but he believed that he would not be able to get any favors, and neither would Lao Jin. While flying backwards, he suppressed the flow of energy and blood all over his body, snapped his fingers, and the five five-color knives flying around Lao Jin disappeared, forming a small five-element knife array and disappearing into the air.

Although he couldn't see it, he could clearly feel the surging spiritual power of the magic circle. Lao Jin knew that he had fallen into a trap, but he was not in a hurry. He dropped to the ground, took a few deep breaths, adjusted the strength of his whole body, and then slashed straight with the knife. He wanted to Break the formation by force.

Zhang Ai stopped flying now. The force of the impact was exhausted, and the strong wind blew him back again. When he saw Lao Jin swinging his knife, Zhang Ai snapped his fingers again, and a pile of water appeared in the empty place. It was really a pile of water, like a pile of sand and dirt. A pile of water piled up on the empty ground, and Lao Jin slashed it into the water with a knife.

The Small Five Elements Sword Array is also a good array. Zuo Shi relied on it to conquer the world, but at this time, it is still not powerful enough. Lao Jin slashed with his knife, and the pile of water in front of him seemed to turn into a piece of wood immediately, which was split into two by him. A flying knife appeared in the air and fell to the ground with a bang.

Zhang Awei was shocked, this guy was really capable. He snapped his fingers again and activated the knife array. Countless knife shadows suddenly appeared in the air, using the power of the five elements to stab Lao Jin.

Lao Jin coldly snorted childishly. In the time it took him to say only two words, he struck down the golden knife in his palm countless times. Two masses of light and shadow collided with each other. There was a continuous clang, and all five of Zhang Awei's flying knives were knocked down. On the ground, the small five-element knife array that used to be so terrifying was smashed by Lao Jin with one person.

Of course, Zhang Ping wouldn't just watch the sword array being broken. When the sword array was fighting with Lao Jin, he controlled the hard iron sword from the air and slashed down from the air, like a dark cloud covering the sun, cutting out a darkness on the ground.

Lao Jin is awesome. The humanoid monsters in the valley have really extraordinary cultivation. They have two golden knives in their hands. After cutting through the knife formation, they rise up and face the hard iron knives diagonally. He doesn’t believe that my majestic super monster will be killed. Knocked down with a broken knife.

What followed was another loud clang, and the hard iron knife was smashed away again.

Lao Jin's consecutive blows easily destroyed Zhang Wei's attack, but there was no happy expression on his face. At this moment, his face was full of anger, his body jumped up into the sky, and he shouted: "Little..."

Just now the hard iron knife was slashing downwards, and he lifted it upwards. His body was blocked by the hard iron knife, stopping his upward movement. Then he realized something was wrong and he jumped up with all his strength. He was already a moment too late. In just such an instant, Zhang Wen emerged from the earth, and the Fu Shen Sword thrust upward from his crotch and inserted into his perineum.

For this reason, Zhang Wen planned for a long time and finally succeeded. However, Lao Jin had excellent cultivation, so this sword could not kill anyone. The tip of the sword could only penetrate three inches into the flesh. Lao Jin Zhongjian flew upwards in a hurry, trying to break away from the Fu Shen Sword. Zhang Wei thrust upward with all his strength, hoping to kill him with one blow. It's a pity that even if the whole body's skill is exerted to the extreme, it can't be even half a minute faster, and the sword in the hand can only penetrate so deep.

Lao Jin realized something was wrong before he was hit by the sword, so he only shouted a small word in an emergency. At this time, Zhang was afraid of being stabbed, and the sword entered his body, and all the rest of his words were swallowed up. He had no time to speak after being hit by the sword.

He wanted to shout: "Boy, damn it!" Unfortunately, he could only say one small word, and this small word was the last word he said in his life. On the originally empty platform, a white-haired guy suddenly appeared. He flew forward, and a spike in his hand passed through the old man's head. This was when his body flew past Lao Jin, followed by a backhand thrust. Several spikes penetrated Lao Jin's back and came out from his front body. The powerful force shattered Lao Jin's internal organs. In an instant, Lao Jin died. The hard scales on his body seemed to have suddenly become fragile, unable to provide any resistance.

Lao Jin was stabbed, and his strength suddenly became empty, and his body fell down from the air. At this time, Zhang Ai was still chasing upwards, and the two forces collided. The Fu Shen Sword penetrated directly into the body cavity from the crotch and came out at the throat. At the tip of the sword, Lao Jin was stabbed through.

Such a change happened suddenly. Lao Jin didn't understand it for a moment. When he realized it, his body was already dead. He had a powerful soul and strength but couldn't use it. He turned to look at the white-haired guy who stabbed him. His eyes were wide open. He couldn't use it anyway. I couldn't believe that I would die in his hands.

Zhang was afraid that he was confused, so how could anyone help him? After killing the person, he remembered to see who it was and was turning his head. At this time, Lao Jin's wound began to bleed, spurting outwards. Blood spurted out from all the wounds on his body, then gurgling, and then slowly. Slow outward.

Blood spurted onto Zhang Weifang's face, making him startled. Things changed so quickly at this moment that he didn't realize it at all. As soon as he wiped his face with his hand, the aura in the blood was rich. Zhang Weisheng realized it immediately and couldn't waste it! He hurriedly drew his sword and lowered it, raised his left hand upwards, and an air shield appeared in the air to catch all the blood.

Lao Jin was in the air, glaring at the white-haired guy angrily as he fell, then his body bleeds, and was caught by the air shield. He glared angrily at Zhang Wei in the blink of an eye, and then fell onto the air shield and died. Zhang Wen stood him up, waited for all the blood to flow out, and then threw him to the ground. He felt sorry for the master, and finally fell to the point where he could not rest in peace.

Lao Jin was completely dead, and Zhang Weifan was still looking at the body without moving. The white-haired guy came over and asked him, "What are you looking at?" Zhang said with fear, "Wait until the soul comes out."

The white-haired guy said: "Don't wait, the soul of the monster and the golden elixir are one. If you can't get out, you just take the golden elixir." Zhang Awei thought about it, that's it. When the tiger condensed the elixir for himself, He used a special spell and willingly gave his strength to himself, but the golden elixir of his soul still remained in the tiger's body. Zhang was afraid that the golden elixir soul in his mind was just a substitute, used to store the tiger's spiritual power and strength.

So he put away his sword and thanked the white-haired guy: "Thank you for your help, sir!" He was sincerely grateful. Then he took out a jade bottle, collected all Lao Jin's blood on the air shield, and then dispersed the air shield.

The white-haired guy was a white mouse. Perhaps he was worried about the repercussions if he did it. He took off the blue clothes given by Zhang Awei, revealing a white coat. He waved his hand to Zhang Awei and said, "There's nothing to thank. That's what the monsters in the valley are like. I don't want to." Kill him, he will kill me if he gets the chance."

"You always have to thank me!" Zhang Ain saluted.

The monsters in the valley are very interesting. After cultivating to the level of a tiger, after death, no one touches his bones and even helps to protect them. However, before cultivating to that level, it is really difficult to tell whether they are friends or enemies.

The white mouse took out his clothes and put them on and said: "You are also lucky. When the sword entered his asshole, his whole body protective energy was immediately messed up, and his inner breath was not sustained, which also weakened the protective ability of the scales themselves. I was able to use the sharp sword to Stab him to death, otherwise the hard scales will take me a long time."

"What? Did it hit that spot?" Zhang Ai quickly took out the Fushen Sword to check, feeling a little depressed. This must be too accurate.

"If you hadn't stabbed there, I wouldn't have done it." White Mouse confessed, "So, the credit for this battle still belongs to you."

"Oh." Zhang Awei replied casually, lowering his head to check whether the sword was contaminated. After all, he couldn't worry about it, so he condensed a ball of water to clean it.

The white mouse looked at it and smiled: "Why can't you tell the difference between a good thing and a good thing? When you were fighting, you were still trying to collect someone's blood. Now that the person is dead, that guy is full of treasures, but you just ignore it?"

Only then did Zhang Ping remember that the hard leather armor collided with the hard iron sword but nothing happened. This is a treasure, an absolute treasure. He asked the white mouse: "Sir, can I take them all away?"

"It's all yours. Don't worry about his flesh. Just talk about his scales and leather armor. If he has enough spiritual power, it's not an exaggeration to say that he is the hardest thing in the world. He just relies on this leather armor to cause trouble in the valley. Otherwise, I would not have the time to kill him; there are also bones, although they are not as hard as a tiger's, but they are still rare treasures; and then there is the golden elixir in the brain, where all one's life's cultivation lies, and there is Lao Jin's soul in it. , if there is no spiritual energy to supplement, when the spiritual energy in the body is exhausted, the soul will slowly dissipate, and then it will be considered complete death. However, even if there is spiritual energy to support, it will be like this, becoming a living dead creature. The monster is not a human being and will not The method of seizing the body is that if you die, you will be dead, and you will never be able to live again. Whether you use it to refine elixirs or weapons, it has nothing to do with me anyway," Bai Mouse introduced.

"What if I teach him the body seizing technique?" Zhang Ain asked.

The white mouse was asked, shook his head and said: "I don't know, you can do whatever you like, I can't control it, you have to bear the consequences."

Zhang was afraid and looked at the corpse in a dilemma, what should he do? Dismemberment now? The white mouse said again: "Killing him today will be considered as repayment for giving you the elixir. You don't need to thank me." After saying this, he took out the sharp thorn, peeled off the skin, bones and elixir of Lao Jin, and handed the elixir to Zhang Ain. He said in his hand: "He still has intelligence. Take care of him and don't cause trouble."

Zhang Ai took the golden elixir and looked at it carefully. If there was any feeling of living things in it, he knew that the old Jin Yuanshen was sealed inside. He sighed: "Why kill me? If you don't kill me, wouldn't this matter be over?" The road is sealed and placed in the cuff.

He was not sure about this thing, so he didn't put it in storage bags or large walnuts. He just put it in his sleeve pocket like a common object. Then he put the bones and armor into the storage bag, picked up the golden horn, and asked, "What is this?" It looked similar to a bull horn, but was smaller and shimmering with golden light.

The white mouse said: "The horn is his innate ability. As long as he blows the horn, whoever listens will feel uncomfortable except him. It will make people make short mistakes and kill them for him. It's useless if you take it. If you blow it, The enemy is fainted, and so are you. It’s still a slap in the face, but two knives are good, you can use them. They are the hardest and sharpest scales on Lao Jin’s body made from his own elixir fire. He has been practicing for many years, and two knives are enough. After how many years of refining it, you'd better nourish it with your life essence and blood. If it can be used by you, it will definitely be no worse than your magical sword. In my estimation, it should be more powerful. "

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