The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 768: Bloodletting and Watching Formation

Chapter 768: Bloodletting to see the array diagram

"Ah, when did you come back?" Hai Ling was a little surprised, and then added: "Isn't it good to practice and take a break?"

Zhang Fei felt a pang of regret when the little fat man said this. He was afraid that he would practice all the jade slips in one go and have nothing to do, so he would stop practicing after a while. He smiled and said: "That's it, work and rest, let me tell you something." He thought for a long time and finally made a decision. No matter good or bad, Hai Ling should always let Hai Ling know the truth.

Hai Ling came over and said, "Tell me." Zhang Ping said, "It has something to do with you." "It has to do with me? What could have something to do with me? I have nothing to do all day long. I am so bored." Hai Ling answered. Zhang Ain thought for a moment and asked, "Do you know who you are? I mean, do you know how you got here?"

"Who am I? Hai Ling, where did this come from? I've been here all the time. Big brother, have you gone crazy?" Hai Ling was a little confused.

Pulling the little fat man over, the two sat face to face on the deck. Zhang Ain spoke slowly: "How did you come to this ocean?"

Hai Ling said: "Didn't you say that before? Dahei Erhei said that I am the spirit of the sea, a natural creature born in the ocean."

Zhang Jing said: "You are a natural creature, but you are not a sea spirit. The Temple of Refining is a divine formation. It has existed for too long. By chance, I was born to have you. You are not a sea spirit, you are an formation spirit. "

After saying this, Hai Ling frowned and thought for a long time, then carefully asked: "You mean, I am the child of this magic circle?"

"You can say that." Zhang Ain nodded.

"How is it possible? Why can't I go out as a formation spirit?" The little fat man didn't worry about his origins. Whether it was a formation sea or a sea spirit, there was no difference at all to him. Anyway, he was alone without a father and a mother.

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "It's calm enough, aren't you surprised?"

"What's so surprising? God brought me out when he was happy. What's the difference between the formation spirit and the sea spirit?" The little fat man was very open-minded, and then asked: "I am a formation spirit, why don't I have the same spirit as the Refining Temple?" connect?"

"You have no connection with the ocean. The sea spirit should be the heart of the ocean, but you can only swim and dive, not control the ocean."

"I can't control the Refining Temple either. What kind of formation spirit is this?" the little fat man retorted.

Now that I have said it, let's make it clear, Zhang Ping said: "It's true that you are an array spirit, but you are also trapped by this array. To a certain extent, you are the same as the old guy on the fifth floor. You are trapped. You are not allowed to leave the formation.”

"Then shouldn't I join forces with him? If we help him get out, we can get out ourselves." The little fat man said immediately.

Zhang Ain carefully weighed his words and said slowly: "That's not the case. He can get out, but you can't. You are an array spirit. If the array is completely destroyed, you will also die."

"Ah?" The little fat man was finally surprised and asked: "Can I never go out? Can I only stay alone?"

"I don't know about this, but I think there should be some way for you to get out, such as merging with the main formation of the Refining Temple. After fusing the power of the magic circle, you are the Refining Temple, and the Refining Temple is you, and the Refining Temple becomes alive. , you won’t die, and you may be able to move around in the outside world,” Zhang Ain said.

"Fusion? How to fuse? I know nothing about the Temple of Refining. If I hadn't read many jade slips, I wouldn't know about the cultivation techniques." The little fat man was a little frustrated.

Zhang Ai suddenly remembered something and hurriedly took it out of the storage bag and handed it to the little fat man: "Look at this first."

Two thin gold papers, one obtained from the auction and the other found from the Bone Forest, the upper and lower pages contain eight formation diagrams.

What Zhang Ain thought was that since he was a formation spirit, he should be particularly spiritual in the battle method, and it would be revealed at a glance. The Eight Formation Diagram is not a mortal thing, I hope it can be helpful.

The little fat man took it and looked at it over and over. The golden surface shone, and when he played with it, it made a metallic sound, and some unknown words or graphics appeared on the paper. He looked up and asked, "What is this?"

"The eight formation diagram is a powerful formation, you can take a look." Zhang Ai said. "What do you think? Where is the formation diagram?" The little fat man wondered. Zhang Ping laughed and said, "Of course I can watch it, but do you want to watch it now?"

"Let's take a look. What do you think?" the little fat man asked.

Zhang Weifang took two pieces of gold paper, raised his hand and swiped his wrist, and blood spurted out, splashing onto the gold paper. Hai Ling was so frightened that she shouted: "What are you doing?" Zhang said fearfully: "It's okay, it will be fine later." Hai Ling quickly shook his head: "I won't watch! Stop it!"

The blood splashed onto the gold paper, and it was supposed to scatter in all directions, but it didn't. The gold paper absorbed all the blood like cotton. The red blood stained the gold paper, and after a while, it spread into the gold paper and disappeared.

Zhang Ying smiled and said: "We can't stop. If we stop, my blood will be in vain." Deliberately controlling the wound from healing, he took out the spiritual energy pill to replenish himself, and stimulated the body to accelerate hematopoiesis and increase blood outflow. The blood on his wrist was like It gurgled out like a small spring. In just a moment, the two golden pages in the palm were filled with blood. The golden light became more and more dazzling. Suddenly, with a snap, the two golden papers melted together and turned into a thin booklet, with only ten pages. There are graphics and text drawn on the front and back of each page. This is the real eight-array picture album.

He handed the booklet to Hai Ling and said with a smile: "Read it quickly, it will be gone in a while." "What is missing?" Hai Ling asked. Zhang Ping said, "Just read it quickly." Hai Ling said, took the ten-page thin booklet and started to look through it.

But before the first page was finished, the booklet jumped up and turned back into two pieces of gold paper. Hai Ling grabbed the gold paper, looked at Zhang Hao with wide eyes and asked, "What's going on?"

Zhang Ain smiled and said, "It's okay." He took the gold paper and continued to bleed himself. After the gold paper turned into a pamphlet, he asked the little fat man to continue reading.

Only then did the little fat man realize that learning a magic circle was so troublesome, and he quickly said: "I won't read it." Zhang Ping said: "Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and read it." But for such a thing, you can see it just by looking at it. Let him learn a so-called magic circle, and Zhang Ai will not hesitate to bleed to help him. The little fat man had gone through all this, thinking about it all the time, thinking that after a few glances at the array diagram, it would disappear again. Naturally, his mood became nervous, a little panicked, and even more difficult to see. He kept looking at the array diagram a few times, and then again. I peeked at Zhang Awei. After a while, I still hadn't finished reading the first page of the array diagram, and the booklet turned back into two golden papers.

Zhang Wen saw it and knew that the little fat man was worried about him, but he was also worried about his random thoughts, so he smiled and said: "Little brat, you are not paying attention, so I won't show you." The little fat man breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said: "Morning If you say you don’t want to watch it, you must let me watch it.”

A little blood was nothing to Zhang Ai. He took a life pill and the wound on his wrist healed immediately. After chatting with the little fat man for a while, he returned to the room to rest. He didn't go out the next day, but came to see Hai Ling on the third day. In one hand was two pieces of gold paper, and in the other was a jade bottle filled with blood. He handed it to the little fat man and said, "Try again."

The little fat man was stunned. In order for him to learn a dispensable formation, Zhang Ai went so far as to produce a bottle of blood. He nodded heavily and said, "I will definitely learn it." He took the two things.

Zhang Ping said: "It's not important whether you can learn or not. I just want you to see if you are a formation spirit. Maybe it will be helpful."

The little fat man said stubbornly: "I will definitely learn from him." Zhang was afraid that he would do something stupid when he heard him speak so resolutely, so he quickly added: "Don't even think about making a few cuts to bleed to see the picture. Yes, those two pieces of paper only recognize my blood. If you don’t believe it, you can try it now.”

"Really?" the little fat man asked.

"Of course it's true. I told you about Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian. They both tried it at that time. If you don't believe it, try it while I'm here. Don't cut yourself when I'm not around." Zhang was afraid of presenting facts and reasoning, so he had to give up his idea.

"Oh." The little fat man looked down at the two pieces of gold paper. They were as thin as gold and reflected light slightly. He was determined to learn it with all his heart.

Zhang Ai said: "You think about it yourself first, I'll go out for a while."

"Where are you going?" Hai Ling asked.

Zhang Ping said: "I will leave the ship to you and go out to find some water-attribute monsters to accompany you. There are also some things to do."

"Oh." Hai Ling was a little disappointed. Zhang was afraid that if he left, he would be the only one left here, as if he had been abandoned, lonely and desolate.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "I'll be back after a few months, just like the last time I went to the God Refining Valley."

Hailing said graciously: "I'm fine. If you have anything to do, you can stay a little longer. I just happen to be studying the magic circle." The little fat hand patted two pieces of gold paper.

Before leaving, Zhang Ping entered the fifth floor again, stood in the darkness and spoke: "I want to ask you something." "Tell me." Ghost Ancestor replied. "Can you briefly tell me what it means to become a god?" Zhang Ain asked.

Ghost Ancestor was silent for a moment, and then said: "There is a saying, have you heard of it?" Zhang Ai was depressed: "You didn't say it, how do I know if I have heard it?" Ghost Ancestor laughed: "If you want to get it, first Want to lose." "What is this?" Zhang Ai asked. "The meaning of this sentence is to tell you that if you want to become a god, you will pay a price you can't imagine. If you live a happy life, just live it and don't think about transforming into a god." Ghost Ancestor suddenly became his mentor. The same teachings.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Ping asked one more question, thinking in his mind, isn't it just about becoming a god? Still have to pay the price?

"You can't understand such a straightforward statement? That's because I'm worrying too much. You are so smart that you can transform into anything, let alone a god. You are a god now." Ghost Ancestor said angrily.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "It's not that I don't understand, I just want to ask what kind of price it will cost."

"The cost? Cultivation is against the heaven. This heaven is actually a god, but it is much more powerful than the god in the world's perception of the masters in the god-transformation stage. The monks in the god-transformation stage have to work hard to practice before they can become a god. I won’t talk about this. I’ll just talk about masters at the stage of transforming into gods. Heaven has its way, laws have rules, and people have human relationships. We have different techniques when we practice, and they are even different when transforming into gods. To put it simply, every stage of transforming into gods is different. The process of becoming a god is different for monks. The only thing they have in common is that they all have to pay a huge price. If you want to become a god, you must first ask yourself whether you can afford the price." Ghost Ancestor explained.

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