The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 767 Chatting is Tough

Chapter 767: Chatting is hard

After thinking for a long time, he slowly asked: "You really can't take him away?"

Ghost Ancestor suddenly smiled: "You told me that you have confidence just now, is your confidence so easy to lose?" After hearing this, Zhang Wen woke up, held his head high, held his chest high, and said with fists in his hands: "Thank you, sir, for waking me up, kid." . "This is the first time he has treated Ghost Ancestor with respect.

Ghost Ancestor then said: "But in this matter, even if you have confidence, it is useless. The little baby still can't get out."

If he had said this just now, Zhang would definitely be angry. Did the old guy deliberately make me angry? However, Zhang was afraid that he would not think so at this time, and said proudly: "As I said before, this formation was built by people, and there is always a way to dismantle it. I don't believe that I can't take out a little baby."

"It's easy to dismantle the formation, but if the magic formation is broken, the little baby will be gone." Ghost Ancestor poured cold water on him.

Zhang was unmoved and said calmly: "There will always be a way." There was strong confidence in his tone.

Ghost Ancestor chuckled and said, "Okay, I'll wait. If you dismantle the formation, I can go out." After a pause, he said, "Would you like to show me the formation map, and I can help you figure out a solution?" He still didn't give up.

Zhang smiled and said: "Old man, before I rescue Hai Ling, don't even think about it."

He responded ruthlessly, but Gui Zu was not disappointed, but encouraged him: "Okay, I'll wait for you to rescue me, haha."

Zhang Awei was stunned for a moment, then laughed again: "I'll let you take advantage of this, but maybe I will rescue Hai Ling, but still imprison you."

Ghost Ancestor's attitude remained unchanged: "If you can understand this formation, I will consider it even if you let me out." The implication is that you have no chance, so just give me the formation diagram and I will help you find a solution.

Once you understand the origin of Hai Ling, you will have answers to the rest of the questions. This is the divine formation. People with low cultivation levels will be considered lucky enough to enter. If they can break the mechanism, their cultivation level will be improved.

Hai Ling is an array spirit and lives in the center of the array. Yi Zhang is afraid that he is strong enough to break into the center of the array, so he will naturally go directly to the fourth floor after entering the palace.

The tiger broke through the barrier several times and wanted to get out, because this is a place that reaches the sky and is a portal to the outside world. If you break the trapped god formation, you can naturally get out. However, the big tiger did not have enough cultivation and died of injuries.

As for the method of transforming into gods, according to what Ghost Ancestor said, if you understand the array diagram, you will have the ability to transform into gods. How to transform into gods can start from the array diagram.

In this way, many problems were easily solved. The only difference was that he didn't understand why there were two ghost ancestors. But this problem belonged to the ghost ancestors and had nothing to do with Hai Ling. He didn't want to ask, so he clapped his hands and said, "Thank you, sir, for explaining this to me." Confused.”

Ghost Ancestor did not want to accept this favor and replied: "You are smart enough to think of it yourself. If you can't think of it, I will never tell you."

Zhang Ai laughed and stopped dwelling on the topic: "Let's chat with you for a while. It's so boring to be always scheming."

"Are you trying to comfort me?" Ghost Ancestor said displeased. "That's right. You have nothing to do anyway." Zhang Ain admitted.

"Okay, accept your comfort and let's talk." Guizu has indeed been alone for too long, and it is a good thing to have someone to talk to with him.

"How many years have you been imprisoned?" Zhang asked out of fear of remembering something. "Idiot, didn't I tell you? I've been locked up for too long and I'm too lazy to count the time." Ghost Ancestor replied. Zhang was afraid to ask again: "What did you do? Why were you locked up?"

"I said, can you please stop rubbing salt into my wounds?" Gui Zu said angrily. Zhang Aying pretended to be innocent and said: "Let's talk about what we are afraid of. It's not a secret. Besides, you have turned into a god. What can you do if you sprinkle some salt on the wound? Shouldn't you just let it go?"

"You did it on purpose, right? Are you trying to make me angry?" Gui Ancestor said loudly.

"Okay, let's not talk about you, then let's talk about me. With my virtue, how long will it take for me to become a god?" Zhang Ain asked, changing the subject.

"Is this your virtue? In the next life." Ghost Ancestor quickly came back angrily. "What if I don't have a next life?" Zhang was afraid to ask again. Anyway, it was just nonsense, and he kept talking as he went along.

"How do I know what you should do? You'll know after you die once." Guizu was really going crazy. Besides being annoying, couldn't this brat know how to speak well?

Zhang Ain sighed: "If I go out, you will be alone on the fifth floor, and there will be a sea spirit on the fourth floor. It is so lonely and depressing. Are there people like you on the sixth or seventh floor above?"

"No, the most dangerous part of the entire formation is the fourth floor. You can still survive if you don't break in after entering. If you break in... you can give it a try." Ghost Ancestor said.

"Don't even think about it. It's pitch dark here. Who knows where the door to the sixth floor is." Zhang Ain immediately refused.

"On your right, three meters away." Ghost Ancestor was very enthusiastic and told him the passage to the sixth floor. Zhang Awe curled his lips and said, "Are you afraid that I won't die? I won't go."

"It's not good for me if you die. I still hope that your formation diagram will be a problem. Let's discuss it. If you can't survive, just tell me the formation diagram?" Ghost Ancestor refused to give up.

"Why? But you reminded me, I can show Hai Ling the array diagram, um, and also tell him his identity. Strange, doesn't he feel that the Temple of Refining is very close to him? After all, he is also a Array spirit." Zhang Ai said.

"It's really boring to chat with you. I just want to talk to you all the time. Do you have this kind of virtue outside?" Ghost Ancestor said dissatisfied.

"Outside? Outside, I am the best in the world. Who dares to talk to me like this?" Zhang Ao said in a showy way. He was immediately despised by Ghost Ancestor: "With your virtues, you are also the best in the world? Are all the people on the mainland dead? No, there is the Holy Kingdom after crossing the desert. Has the Holy Kingdom also fallen? In addition, there are other countries beyond the ocean. How could there be no descendants of some horrific existence?”

"You must be ruthless." He felt uncomfortable talking about history with the old guy. Zhang Wen continued to change the topic: "Are there many masters like you in the mainland?" "There must be just three or two. I have been in prison for so many years, you Ask me?" Ghost Ancestor was dissatisfied again.

"It's so hard talking to you."

"You think you know how to chat? I'm so pissed off!"

The old man said a few words, and it seemed that he was ready to start a quarrel again.

"Okay, I'll give it to you. Even if you win, as I said before, what will happen if I show Hai Ling the formation map?" Zhang Ain asked. Ghost Ancestor pondered for a long time and said: "I don't know, maybe he will be awakened. In that case, his cultivation will increase dramatically, and it is very likely that he will compete with this formation for the power to control the magic circle, which is not a good thing for me." Ghost Ancestor replied.

"Isn't it a good thing? If Hai Ling rebels against the Temple of Refining, wouldn't you have a chance to escape?" Zhang Ping didn't understand.

"What chance do you have? The little kid is trapped in the Divine Formation. If he can really capture the power of this formation, I don't know what he will become. I will definitely be dead. This is the Divine Formation! When you don't have divine consciousness You can trap me. If I am resurrected by him... you think I am not unlucky enough, right?" Ghost Ancestor said angrily, he was really worried that Zhang Yan would act randomly.

"Why do you have so many things going on? I just showed Hai Ling the formation diagram, which makes you say so scary." If the Refining Temple turns into Hai Ling, well, it seems very good.

"Do you have to kill me to relieve your anger?" Ghost Ancestor was very angry.

Zhang was also angry: "Then why should I give you the formation diagram? If you figure it out, Hai Ling will be in trouble?"

After saying this, the two fell into silence for a while. After a while, they both said at the same time: "Forget it, let's change the topic."

There was no topic for them to change, and they had nothing to talk about. Zhang Ain thought for a while and asked another question: "You said this is the trapped god array, but there is a strange god refining valley outside this array. Every time you pass by, The terrifying monsters that came to invade the palace sixty years ago came from the valley, and they were all very powerful. What happened to that valley? "

"I know you haven't seen much of the world and have many questions that need to be answered, but I have been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years. Can you ask me some topics that I know about? What valley are you talking about? I have never seen it. How can I talk to you? explain?"

"Then tell a story about what the world was like tens of thousands of years ago." Zhang was afraid that he would be lazy if he couldn't think of a topic.

"Don't tell me, I forgot." Gui Zu then said: "Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore, you can go out."

Zhang Awei nodded and said: "Chatting is also a technical job. I'm out. You study hard and I'll talk to you again in the future."

If Ghost Ancestor could move freely, Zhang Ping would have died countless times. But because he couldn't move, I had to watch him leave, and I felt fierce in my heart: Boy, don't touch my hand.

Zhang Ai originally thought that this intrigue with Ghost Ancestor would last for a long time, at least three or two months, but he didn't expect that he could guess the origin of Hai Ling in just over a day. He was in a good mood and didn't care what Ghost Ancestor thought. The fourth floor.

The blue sea was as calm as a mirror, and a huge ship floated not far away. Zhang Ai boarded the ship silently, while Hai Ling sat on the deck, closing his eyes and breathing. Zhang Wen didn't call him, so he quietly got into the cabin and found a room to sleep. He had many things to think about, and the most important thing at this time was hesitating whether to show Hai Ling the formation map.

After much deliberation, he didn't dare to take risks. He didn't care what would happen to Ghost Ancestor, but he was very concerned about the changes in Hai Ling. What if an accident happened? I thought to myself: What are these nonsense, I don’t know the origin, I want to know, but knowing it is the same as not knowing, I can’t do anything, I feel very depressed. He stopped thinking about it and quietly came to the door of the cabin and looked out. The little fat man was still practicing, concentrating on it, and he looked like a master.

After watching it for a while, he returned to the room, lay down on the bed and continued to think about how to perfectly integrate the sea spirit and the temple of refining. And it is completely used by the sea spirit.

The little fat man on the deck practiced very diligently. He had seen each piece of jade slip and practiced each technique. It was as easy as embracing all the rivers in the sea. He had mastered all the techniques in a short time. The only difference was his small strength. Weak cultivation level is low and unable to exert its full power.

He had practiced hard, and Zhang was afraid of thinking even harder. He was thinking too hard and couldn't think of any way to ensure that Hai Ling would be perfectly integrated into the Temple of Refining. At the same time, a new question came to mind. If Hai Ling merged with the Temple of Refining, would it still be in human form? What if it's humanoid? Will the Temple of Refining disappear?

At this time, Hai Ling stopped and wandered around the deck. After Zhang Weijing noticed it, he went out and asked, "Don't you practice anymore?"

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