The Monk

Volume One Chapter 763 Escape

Chapter 763 Escape

The golden man chuckled: "Why are you so polite? Are you afraid that I will deal with you with him?" Zhang Pingsurong replied: "Exactly." The golden man smiled again: "My name is Lao Jin." Then he stopped talking. He didn't want to get involved in the vendetta between the two.

Ice Man listened to Lao Jin's words and said in a cold voice: "I haven't seen you for more than five hundred years, but you are willing to let go." Lao Jin said with a kind expression: "I came out early, and I have been here a few times. I am still thinking about it. , who is so determined to bring the tiger here, isn't it you?"

Although the Ice Man was bloodthirsty, he did not tell lies. He pointed at Zhang Were and said, "That little thief did it. You should get out of here right now, otherwise if I catch you, your skin will be peeled off, your muscles cramped, your bones will be scattered, and you will be thrown into ashes." Speaking of Zhang Were, He got angry and yelled at him the next words.

Zhang Awei shook his head: "Only idiots go out." Then Shi Shiran sat down and thought to himself: Fortunately, the scary guy also has scruples.

Yuanshan is the holy place for monsters in the valley, and Ganoderma lucidum forest is the holy place on Yuanshan. It is the holy place for all monsters who cultivate human form. Under the threat of their powerful power, the Ganoderma lucidum forest never dared to have monsters come here to look for food or kill. What all the humanoid monsters in the valley think about is that if they can sit on their bones in Zhilin after death, not only will they be famous in this life, but they will also be extremely glorious in the next life. With this kind of yearning, respect and expectation, Iceman would not fight here, but Zhang Awei would take advantage of him.

Ice Man was afraid when he saw that he could not speak. After a few curses, he calmed down and simply sat down outside the Ganoderma lucidum forest. He sneered: "Boy, let's see who can survive who." Look at that, he didn't plan to leave. .

Zhang Ai persuaded seriously: "Don't, don't leave the iceberg for too long. What will you do if the sun melts you in this hot weather? Even if the sun doesn't melt you, your cultivation level will be reduced without suitable cold air supplement. For yourself, Think about it, let’s go home.”

When he said this, the golden man laughed out loud and said, "Interesting." He sat down at the intersection, apparently intending to watch the fun. But Ice Man remained silent and looked at Zhang Wen coldly.

"What's the matter? You really don't want to leave? Are you wasting time with me?" Zhang stood up in fear, took out a handful of formation flags and threw them around, muttering nonsense: "Don't say I didn't remind you, you can't break into this formation, it has no other function. , it will explode. What if you cause an explosion and blow up the remains of four adults? That would be a huge disrespect."

This bastard is such a scoundrel! The Iceman was very angry, but he couldn't think of a way to get Zhang Wei to do anything, so he could only grit his teeth and watch him work hard, thinking about how to deceive him or force him to go down the mountain.

Zhang was afraid of setting up the magic circle, so he began to ridicule the ice man: "Bing Liaoda, you said I will go back if you can't kill me. Why don't you keep your word?"

Iceman made excuses for himself: "I said one blow, but you kept running away. My one blow couldn't hit you, so why should you go back?"

Zhang Awei scratched his head and said, "Well, you're right. You don't want to leave anyway. Isn't it up to you to decide what to do?" He continued to ridicule Iceman bravely.

The white ice surface of the Iceman turned a little red, and he became angry again, thinking: "Why is this little thief so angry?"

The golden man sat motionless at the intersection. Perhaps he thought Zhang Ping's performance was very entertaining, so the smile on his face never faded and he kept smiling as he watched.

You can watch it if you want. As long as you don't help Ice Man kill me, you can do whatever you want. Zhang Fei lay down and looked at the sky with squinted eyes. After comparing the actions of several humanoid monsters, Huping was really kind to him back then!

After being ridiculed, Iceman stopped talking and began to meditate with his eyes closed. Seeing that the excitement was gone, Lao Jin also put away his smile and sat looking around. It seemed that he was a little unsure about Bingren's thoughts and did not dare to relax too much.

The three of them are gods, and they can sit there for a month. Zhang Wen was worried about Hai Ling, but was blocked by the Ice Man in the Ganoderma lucidum forest. He felt a little bitter in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face, so he just lay there lazily, pretending not to care.

The Iceman was very patient and kept sitting still. Lao Jin occasionally got up and went out to wander around, but he came back soon, as if he was worried about missing out on the excitement.

Zhang was afraid to endure not speaking for a month. Seeing the nonchalant expression on the ice man's face, he felt that it would be useless if he just kept silent. He had to tease this guy. He lazily sat up and said, "Aren't you going back to Bingshan? Are you going to stay like this with me?"

The iceman didn't reply and didn't open his eyes, as if Zhang Wen was farting.

Okay, you are awesome, I can bear it, I feel unlucky enough, there is a ghost ancestor torturing him in the Refining Temple, and after leaving the Refining Temple, there is such a cold bastard making things difficult for him. He stood up and walked behind the four skeletons and looked out. There was still a forest of Ganoderma lucidum, which was wider, larger and denser than the forest of Ganoderma lucidum in front. It was hard to tell how far away it was. I was wondering if I should try to escape once.

Iceman suddenly opened his eyes and asked: "Can't stand still? Want to escape?" There was a bit of disdain in his tone.

This is contempt, naked contempt. Zhang Wen said angrily: "Run away? Why are you running away? I want to choose a Ganoderma lucidum to make elixirs for fun." After saying this, his heart moved. He couldn't waste time in vain, even if he was idle. If you are free, you might as well refine more magical weapons and magic weapons. There are tens of thousands of people on Tianlei Mountain. He pretended to be picking Ganoderma lucidum and praised: "Yes, most of them are more than a thousand years old, and some are probably ten thousand years old. It's really a good place."

As he was talking, another question came to mind, and he turned around and asked the ice man: "Does it really mean that your cultivation will not be affected if you leave the iceberg and stay away from the ice-attribute aura?" He actually had the leisure to worry about the enemy.

When the Ice Man saw him becoming active, he stopped answering and closed his eyes again to meditate. Lao Jin looked at Zhang Afraid with a smile, thought for a moment and asked, "What elixir do you want to make?"

Zhang Ai looked around at the Ganoderma lucidum and sighed: "It's better to keep such a good Ganoderma lucidum forest. I can't bear to tarnish it. I won't make elixirs anymore. I'll make some small gadgets for fun." As he spoke, he took out a fine stove that was half a man tall. , took out two more pieces of ore, lit the fire, threw in the ore for refining, and after tossing for a while, he was very disappointed, put away the materials and the refining furnace, and gave up the idea of ​​​​refining the weapon without even taking out the refining cauldron.

Lao Jin asked: "Why don't you refine it?" Zhang Ping said: "Nothing." Although the fine stove is also extremely precious, it cannot be compared with the fire of the Huolingchi. The looks are a bit different, and Zhang is afraid that he won't like her.

Lao Jin didn't care whether Zhang Weifang was refining weapons or not, and said, "I've been staying with you two for a month and you haven't spoken. How about a chat?"

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Ain asked curiously. "What do you want to talk about? Tell me about what you see outside." Lao Jin said casually. Zhang was afraid of hearing this and couldn't stop complaining. What's going on with these guys? Why is there another one who wants to go out? After thinking for a while, he said: "The outside world is no different from the world here. As a cultivator, there is only one world."

This was a bit of a trick, but Lao Jin took it seriously and nodded: "That's right. That's why there are always high-level cultivators who go to the valley to die. Are you one of them?"

Zhang Dawei said: "There is no difference between yes and no. I always come in and get some benefits."

Lao Jin laughed and asked, "Are you satisfied with the world in the valley?"

"It's not bad, it's just that there are constant killings, and there are killings everywhere, which seems a bit ruthless." Zhang Ain replied.

"The world is full of ruthless people, so it doesn't matter if monsters and beasts are ruthless. How did you two get into such a conflict?" The latter sentence asked the Iceman why he wanted to kill him.

Zhang Afraid said: "He wants to kill me. How can there be any contradiction?"

Lao Jin nodded and said gently: "You deserve to be killed."

I am so depressed. I thought you were a good person. After watching you lively and chatting with me for more than a month, it turns out you also want to kill me. Zhang was afraid that he would be very angry, so he lay down to sleep again and stopped talking to the two bastards. If he had the ability, he would go into the Ganoderma lucidum forest and kill me.

A master of cultivation like Lao Jin, although he has become a human, his character is still that of a monster. He will speak out if he has anything to say and won't hide anything. Seeing Zhang Weijing's face darkening and ignoring him, he laughed and said: "Don't be angry. In our eyes, you are no different from a grass beast. When a monster sees a grass beast and wants to eat it, of course the grass beast will be unhappy, but No matter how unhappy you are, you can't escape the fate of being eaten. There is no way around it. This is how all things are born. One thing nourishes another, and one thing suppresses one thing. You are just a different grass beast. Of course, what we say and do has nothing to do with it. You have to take care of your feelings.”

Well, I am a grass beast. Lao Jin is right. It is the same for people eating sheep and pigs. People need to eat them. What will happen if the sheep and pigs resist? So what if you don't want to? In the end, there is no escape from death. From the perspective of food consumption, there is actually not much difference between humans and pigs and sheep. It is the same 180 kilograms of meat. No matter who eats it, it will be the same. There is no need to feel aggrieved. Thinking about it this way, he felt that the white mouse was pretty good to him. He didn't like it no matter how he looked at it before, but now he feels close to him.

Lao Jin babbled a lot, and Iceman opened his eyes and said, "What nonsense are you talking to him about? No matter how much you talk, you can't escape death."

Do you need to look down on me so much? Zhang Ao chuckled and said that you were wrong, and said provocatively: "I bet you that if you can't kill me, I will leave the Valley of the Gods alive."

Iceman snorted coldly, completely pretending that he didn't exist, pretending that he didn't hear anything Zhang Awei said, and continued to meditate with his eyes closed.

You can be crazy, you can be crazy to death, Zhang Awei cursed the Iceman very viciously and intently.

At night, the night wind blew through the forest, and the tree branches swayed into a dark shadow. Among the shadows, another person came along the forest path, a white mouse. When he appeared, Lao Jin seemed surprised. Iceman opened his eyes, and the white color was filled with a hint of boredom. What Zhang Ain was thinking was, is the injury healed? Is Changchun Pill so powerful?

The white mouse was wearing green clothes, showing the white hair on its hands and face. Jie Jie smiled and said: "What's going on? It's so lively."

Lao Jin had fine golden scales on his face and asked with a smile: "Where did you get the clothes?" Iceman, however, had a cold face and said nothing.

Zhang was afraid of sending his spiritual consciousness over, so he checked carefully and confirmed that the white mouse was fine. Even if the injured parts of his body were not healed, they were mostly healed. A smile appeared on his cheeks, he stood up and said, "It's really lively. Three masters came to see the boy. The boy is very frightened, so it's better to leave."

After saying this, the figure suddenly disappeared and escaped from the Ganoderma lucidum forest behind. The Iceman was furious: "You thief, don't run away." He got up and chased after him. Before leaving, he glared at the white mouse, meaning that if you hadn't come, Zhang probably wouldn't have escaped.

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