The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 762 Another one comes

Chapter 762 Another one comes

To be fair, his ability to control ice is better than that of Kitten, but Kitten can also control water dragons, which is better than Iceman. If Kitten were here, well, he should be able to have a great time. Zhang was afraid of hiding behind the hard iron sword and thinking about it randomly. The enemy still had such leisurely intentions, which showed that he really didn't take Iceman seriously.

Iceman was so angry that he saw many previous attacks blocked by a knife. He couldn't understand why the black sword was so strong. While feeling fierce in his heart, he attacked the sword with all his strength. The surrounding air becomes colder, and the lush grassland suddenly turns into an extremely cold place. There is also icy cold air and countless ice weapons that attack Zhang Ai around the hard iron knife. It depends on how you hide.

Zhang Zhi was a little unhappy, so he kept giving in to you. Isn't it over yet? He pulled out the hard iron knife and pushed it forward. The figure hid behind the knife and attacked. He moved extremely fast, pushing the blade forward, and the man was already flipping over the sword. A bright silver sword stabbed the ice man in the air, faster than the ice spear, and with greater power, as sharp as a thunderbolt hitting him. Iceman allowed him to sharpen his edge, dodge slightly, and then turned back. Finally, he had a chance to confront this kid head-on, hoping to destroy Zhang Ai with his own strength and speed.

The two brothers hit each other quickly, and they connected in an instant. After the Fu Shen Sword stabbed, it jumped to a stop in the air, pointed the sword tip at the Ice Man, and stabbed back quickly. The Iceman's movements were no slower than his. While he was controlling the Fushen Sword to stab back, he had already jumped over and grabbed him with open arms. The Iceman is very confident in his own coldness. I don’t believe he can freeze you to death even if he hugs you? At the same time, there were countless ice guns flying in the air, with the same target, Zhang Ai.

The ice man wanted to get close to Zhang Awei, but Zhang Awei was unwilling to get close to him. He controlled the magic weapon to attack from a long distance. He relied on the strong iron sword and the stronger ice crystals to hold on until now without showing his appearance. Seeing the ice man chasing him like a white shadow, he said angrily: "Are you sick? You said I would get out if you can't kill him with one move. Why don't you leave?"

Iceman didn't mean what he said, so Zhang Wen was certainly not polite to him. The ice man allowed him to scold him angrily without replying. However, the ice sculpture's face moved slightly, and it was obviously very angry. It opened its mouth and roared wildly, and its body suddenly swayed, splitting into two on the grass, and then divided into four, turning into four ice men.

Zhang Awei scratched his head a little and shouted: "You can't beat him, but you still need help? Shameless." He was thinking about whether to fight Iceman. This guy is a terrifying monster in the Valley of Refining Gods. He is not as good as the so-called top-level monks in the outside world. Dismiss.

The icemen turned into four and did not speak. It was obvious that they were going to risk their lives with Zhang Ao. With a swish, three ice men flew in three directions, and four ice men surrounded Zhang Ao on all sides.

Zhang was afraid that he would succeed even if he didn't know how Iceman would deal with him, but it was always true to be careful in everything. When the iceman stood in four positions, Zhang Ai had already ran to stand behind the first iceman, making the iceman's siege useless.

The Icemen were very persistent and flew over again, making sure to surround Zhang Ain. Zhang Ping just dodged blindly, with the caution of a mouse and rabbit, and the speed of lightning. He concentrated on dodging without thinking about attacking, so he was naturally able to dodge easily.

They struggled like this on the grassland for a quarter of an hour. Iceman kept trying to encircle Zhang Awei and refused to give up. Zhang was helpless and asked as he ran, "Are you sick? Why are you hanging around me?"

The Iceman didn't speak, but his flying speed was slower. Zhang Ai was a little curious. It had only been a while, but he was already exhausted? Suddenly something didn't feel right. He stretched out his body and jumped vertically, flying hundreds of meters diagonally in the opposite direction. He just flew up, and a huge igloo appeared on the grass in front of him. It was like the one made by ice crystals in the past. It covered the ground in a square shape and stood behind the ice man. If Zhang Wen still avoided the attack like he did just now, he would be trapped in the igloo as long as he slowed down for an instant. Although the ice is not very strong, it is not the ice that is terrifying, but the iceman's own strength. Once trapped in an igloo, nothing good will happen to you.

He still wanted to keep it simple. Iceman had gone to such great lengths to lure him in for a quarter of an hour. How could it be that simple was not a good thing? The igloo was very big, hundreds of meters in length and width. The moment it appeared, it made a clicking sound at the same time. Zhang was afraid to look at it again and was depressed to the point of death. It was so cruel that the ice house killed him and forced him to create a huge igloo on the waterless grassland. Bingtuo. The igloos that were hundreds of meters in length and width turned into huge solid blocks of ice. If Zhang Fing hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been frozen there at this time.

After the igloo turned into ice, Iceman still had a follow-up killer move, but because Zhang was afraid of escaping, Iceman just sighed: "You are so fast." He put away the ice cubes and concealed his killer moves.

Zhang Ping didn't know what Ice Man's skills were, but the big ice cube still surprised him, and he cursed angrily: "You know I'm fast, and you still follow me? Let's go." He ran away.

But he couldn't escape. Iceman was about the same speed as him. He had just designed to trap Zhang Awei, so his speed seemed a bit slow. At this time, Zhang Awei wanted to escape, so Iceman naturally used all his strength and pulled out four people on the green grass. A white light chased Zhang Afraid.

When Zhang Ai looked back, he felt a little depressed. The unlucky guy was so fast, and he was chasing after him with a posture of fighting to the death. Since the Ice Man chased him and refused to leave, he wanted to take him to the Refining Temple. If he had the ability to go in and play together, he flew out of the valley. But just after flying thousands of miles away, I suddenly remembered the white mouse. That guy was still recovering from his injuries on the platform outside. Who knew if he had any grudge against the Iceman. If he had a grudge, he would have harmed the white mouse by escaping into the Refining Temple.

With a sigh in his heart, he turned around and ran again, circling on the grass.

There is a saying that unlucky things always happen one after another. In the past, it was rare to see a super terrifying monster in human form, but now we saw another one. Thousands of meters away, standing on the green grass, was a guy whose whole body was shining with golden light. His face was also illuminated by the golden light, making it difficult to see his appearance. But that tyrannical power doesn't need to be seen to know how powerful it is.

Zhang Wei secretly cursed bad luck, turned around and ran again. The four ice men also found the golden man, but ignored him and continued to chase Zhang Afraid.

When encountering such a situation, you don't have to think about it. If you were a Jin man, you would be bored and chase him to see what happened and why there was an outside monk in the valley, so the chasing team added more people.

At this moment, Zhang was afraid that he was not in the mood to curse. He was running away with all his strength, and talking would affect his escape speed, and he was even more worried about cursing.

He ran, and the brothers behind him chased him very persistently. For the ice man, he must catch and kill Zhang to avoid venting his anger; for the gold man, it was rare to have something to entertain himself, and this kind of excitement should not be missed.

Their running speed was so fast that they saw the grass blades swaying slightly as if being blown by the breeze. They saw nothing. This group of people had already passed by.

Zhang was probably running and angry at the same time. When will this end? What should I do if I can’t go to the Refining Temple? Suddenly an idea flashed in my mind. I went to Yuanshan and saw the skeletons of the four bosses. I couldn't believe that Iceman dared to kill people.

Although monsters are ferocious, they are more righteous than humans. They will never offend the things they respect, nor will they tolerate others offending them. Unlike human beings, sometimes for the sake of so-called righteousness, things like killing relatives and disobeying the master often happen.

Find the right direction, run with all your strength, and finally run back to Yuanshan one day later. The Ice Man was not stupid. He found out Zhang Weifang's intention and said angrily: "Young man, don't run away if you dare, fight me to the death!" As he shouted, his speed slowed down a step, and Zhang Weifeng opened a wider distance.

Zhang Ain was snickering in his heart, and continued to scream, I'd better kill you, you damn ice cube. He rushed up Yuanshan without stopping.

They ran away, frightening the monsters in the valley and not knowing what to do. Because the auras of a group of terrifying masters were too arrogant, they swept everything around them. The monsters were frightened and fled in a hurry. However, not long after they ran away, those terrifying auras followed them again. Fortunately, they had no killing intention and passed by them. As soon as they passed by, the monster beasts finally took a breath and took a rest.

The problem is that Zhang Ai, who was leading the way, kept running around, turning here and there, frightening thousands of monsters so that they didn't know where they were safe. He had just passed by, but then turned back soon. After turning back, he stopped. After a while, he turned back, leaving the monsters confused. What did these masters want to do? Why are you always hanging around us?

This is probably because Zhang was afraid of running too far, lest he provoke another monster like the Silver Man and the Bronze Man, which would be extremely interesting, so he kept wandering around on the boundless grassland.

It wasn't until he had a clear direction that the monsters on the grassland finally settled down. Correspondingly, it was the turn of the monsters on the round mountain to become restless and dispersed with a bang, either running to the depths of the round mountain or running down the mountain. In short, where Zhang was afraid that several people were passing by, there was no living thing except for the grass, flowers and trees.

Zhang Ain climbed Yuanshan and headed north, climbing through the forest and walking on a long path in the forest. He didn't take a breath until he entered the Ganoderma lucidum forest. For safety reasons, he jumped into the clearing of the Ganoderma lucidum forest and stopped, sitting down. In front of the four white jade skeletons, he gasped for air and muttered: "I'm exhausted."

At this time, the Ice Man and the Golden Man arrived one after another. Iceman put away the three clones, stood outside the Ganoderma lucidum forest with an angry look, pointed at Zhang Afraid and cursed: "You little thief, come out if you have the ability."

Zhang Ai let out another long breath and curled his lips and said, "I have no ability."

The golden man stopped at the intersection, a hundred meters away from the ice man, and watched the quarrel between the ice man and Zhang Ain with a smile.

Zhang Ai rested for a while and turned his attention to the golden man. He took a closer look and saw what kind of golden man it was. His whole body was covered with fine golden scales, even his face. For some unknown reason, his whole body exuded a faint golden light. If he didn't pay attention, , as dazzling as a golden man, with a thin body, a slightly flat forehead, and a slightly pointed mouth. Zhang Ain used his crazy imagination to make random guesses for a long time and concluded that it was a pangolin-like monster.

Iceman was very angry. With his cultivation, he could not defeat an outside monk. He was really angry. At this time, the only thought in his mind was to kill Zhang Afraid. He pointed at him and kept shouting: "Little thief, come out!"

Zhang Pingquan pretended that he didn't hear it, and when he was calm, he replied: "No." When his breath calmed down, he stood up, straightened his clothes, and respectfully clasped his fists towards the golden man and said, "Zhang Pingping has met your Excellency."

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