The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 764: Help you fight

Chapter 764: Help you fight

The white mouse felt uncomfortable and muttered: "Why are you looking at me?" He sat outside for a month and frantically healed his wounds. He took fifteen Evergreen pills one after another. One pill was dissolved in two days, and he received a powerful supplement. The injury was almost healed, but suddenly I remembered that Zhang Wen had been in the valley for nearly a month, why hadn't he come out yet? Then I came to Yuanshan to check it out.

Because of his appearance, Zhang Wen knew that the white mouse had recovered from his injury, and a stone fell in his heart. He no longer had any scruples and could return to the Temple of Refining. Due to the weirdness of the Refining Temple, no matter how powerful Ice Man and Lao Jin were, they would not be able to chase them in, so they made a decisive decision and ran away immediately.

He tried his best to escape, but also made the monsters in the valley unable to live in peace. First, the monsters on Yuanshan Mountain were alarmed and fled in all directions; then, countless monsters in a straight line from north to south fled in panic, and no monster dared to approach him.

Only Iceman was chasing after him, and he had one thought in his mind: He couldn't run away no matter what.

From Yuanshan to the Temple of Refining, it is not a straight line. It passes through many places, such as mountains, rocks and woods. It takes some effort to escape, but Zhang Zing doesn't care. If I can't kill you, can I still make you angry? The two souls merged into one place, stimulating all the strength of the body and running across every place like a cloud. It seemed very relaxed. Iceman became even more angry after seeing it.

The two of them ran down the round mountain. Lao Jin said to the white mouse: "Go and see the excitement?" His tone was questioning, but in fact he chased down the mountain without waiting for an answer. The white mouse did not move. He sat down in front of the Ganoderma lucidum forest, looked at the four skeletons, exhaled softly, and felt a little moved in his heart.

Zhang is afraid that he will be able to escape, and Iceman cannot catch him no matter how powerful he is; Zhang is afraid that he can enter and leave the Refining Temple freely, and Iceman has nothing to do with him. But Zhang Wei would rather be trapped here than escape back to the Refining Temple. There is only one reason: he is afraid of bringing disaster to himself.

As soon as he appeared, Zhang Weifang immediately sent Yuanshen over to check his body and check the extent of his injuries. After confirming that he was OK, he ran away. The white mouse sighed in his heart: "This kid has a heart."

He sat in Yuanshan all night, got up and left after dawn, not knowing where he went. On the other hand, in the boundless grassland, Zhang Ai and Ice Man were one behind the other, shooting into the distance like two bolts of lightning. A little further away, Lao Jin was following behind.

This time he ran desperately, and he ran through the huge God Refining Valley in a day and a half, running from black to white, and then from white to black. After several nights and days, Zhang Wen arrived at the Refining Temple. Stop at the door of the nine-story pagoda, wave your hands behind and say goodbye, and enter the tower.

His figure just disappeared, and an extremely cold ice spear pierced the position where he was just now, and then the ice man appeared, gritting his teeth with hatred, this unlucky boy was so difficult to deal with.

Then Lao Jin ran over, looked up at the nine-story tower, and asked, "Did he go in?"

"It would be better to die inside! He dared to break into the tower even though he has not lived for more than a century. He really doesn't know whether to live or die." Iceman said bitterly. He looked back and asked, "Where's Baimao?" Lao Jin curled his lips and said nothing. I'm not your subordinate. What's your attitude?

Iceman knew that there was something wrong with the tone of his words, so he didn't care whether Lao Jin replied. He turned to look at the tower and thought of Zhang Wen's behavior in the past month. He was calm, not annoyed or impatient. It was obvious that he was already confident. He knew that he could not kill him, so he became suspicious. Being fooled, he cursed angrily: "The little thief did it on purpose!"

Lao Jin thought about it for a while and agreed: "It was indeed intentional, otherwise there would be no need to run back to Yuanshan and waste a month. It's too cruel. I just waste a month just to piss you off." He said that Zhang was afraid of being cruel, but he thought in his heart What's more, this kid is so wicked. He harms others but does not benefit himself. He just wants to have fun and spends three people's time for a month. How can he be any more boring?

They didn't know that the white mouse was injured, and they didn't know that Zhang Ao was close to the white mouse. Of course, they didn't expect that Zhang Ao had no choice but to go to Yuanshan. When Iceman saw that Lao Jin agreed with him, he cursed: "The little thief deserves to die."

Fortunately, they didn't know that Zhang was afraid of Earth Escape, otherwise they would have thought he was being tricked!

At the moment when Iceman was angry, Zhang Ping was floating on the boundless sea on the fourth floor of the Refining Temple to rest. He was very happy that he could return to the fourth floor after being angry with Iceman. Although Gui Zu said that he could come back, he was still a little unsure in his heart. When he saw the sea, he let out a sigh of relief and said, fortunately, he is back.

I've been out for more than a month and I don't know what Hai Ling is doing. Isn't it boring to be alone? Use your spiritual consciousness to scan, confirm the direction and then walk on the water. The ship was made by himself, and there were imprints on it. As long as the distance was not too far, the location could be easily identified.

Soon I found the ship standing quietly in the sea without making any sound. Zhang Ai jumped into the boat and saw Hai Ling crawling on the deck in a daze, his big eyes staring blankly at the lines of the five immortal trees, but did not notice that he was back.

Zhang Ao coughed slightly, and Hai Ling looked up, jumped up and rushed over, shouting: "Why have you been gone for so long?" Zhang Ao laughed and said, "It's only been more than a month, not long."

"Not long ago? I'm bored to death. Take me out. I don't want to stay here alone." Hai Ling begged.

Zhang was afraid of talking to Yan: "Well, I'll ask Ghost Ancestor later. If he doesn't tell me, I'll beat his butt in half." Hai Ling chuckled, then pouted and said: "It's just a lie, the buttocks are originally two." Half." Then he said, "The fifth floor is so dark that you can't see anything. Do you know where he is hiding?"

Zhang Wei laughed and said, "Hey, you've become smarter." Hai Ling pouted and said, "I'm not stupid to begin with!" It was quite cute for a fat boy of four or five years old to talk like this.

Looking at him, I thought to myself: I can bring Fu Ling out, and I can also bring Fu'er and the others out of the underground, but I don't believe I can't take away a sea spirit. Then he smiled and said, "Yes, Hai Ling is not stupid."

Hai Ling asked him: "What did the white mouse say? Does he know?" The question was whether the mouse knew the secret of the Refining Temple.

Zhang Awei shook his head and briefly recounted what he had encountered in the past month or so. Xiao Hailing looked serious as he listened, clenching his fists and said: "They are all bad people, bullying big brother, wait until I go out to help you beat them up."

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Are you very powerful?" "Of course, I have learned all the exercises you gave me. Dahei said that I am a practicing genius." After saying this, he suddenly stopped talking. Dahei, he became very depressed and a little uncomfortable.

Zhang Ain persuaded: "Don't be sad. When people meet, they always have to say goodbye, either by life or death. We have said goodbye several times." Hai Ling stared at his big eyes and thought about it for a moment, nodded heavily and said, "Brother You’re right, there will always be life and death, I’m not sad anymore.”

Seeing that Hai Ling was so sensible, Zhang was afraid of asking questions to divert his attention: "Have you learned all those exercises?"

Hai Ling took out a large pile of jade slips from the storage bag hanging around his neck. They were spells from various sects that Zhang Wei had robbed during countless killings. There were basic skills, control skills, and combat skills. , there are good and evil, black and white, in short there are many. Zhang was afraid that he had left these things behind because he wanted Hai Ling to pass the time. As the saying goes, practicing without the sun and moon, being immersed in the spiritual world of one's own mind, time flies by quickly, which can make it less boring.

During his previous visits, Hai Ling practiced for a while, sitting and practicing with his little fat legs crossed, but unfortunately he felt bored and gave up later. Zhang Ping never asked him how he was doing. Unexpectedly, many years have passed before Hai Ling actually learned all these spells.

This is beyond the scope of genius. No matter how powerful a cultivator is, it is impossible for him to practice black and white. He can learn many spells indiscriminately. Otherwise, his Taoist mind will be unstable and he will become possessed. Only good luck can save his life. But Xiao Hailing actually knows everything?

The jade slips were spread out on the deck. The palm-sized jade slips could easily be spread out over dozens of meters of space. While laying out the jade slips, the little fat man introduced: "This is the Demon Sect's method of transforming into demons. This is the Fa Zong's Hengshu. This is the art of speech and mind of the Confucian sect, this is the unique skill of the unparalleled sect..."

Zhang Ai listened to Hai Ling's introduction to the exercises as if he were listening to a book from heaven. He knew so many spells, at least thousands of them? Do you really know it all? Check again and ask: "Are you really aware of it?"

"It's not difficult. What's the point of knowing these things?" Hai Ling said disapprovingly.

"You are so powerful." Zhang Ain sighed sincerely. He believed that Hai Ling would not speak to him.

Hai Ling puffed up her little chest proudly, clapped her little hands and said, "Of course, I will help you fight when I get out."

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Okay, help me fight." When talking about fighting, he thought of Iceman and Lao Jin. The monster masters in the Valley of the Gods were really troublesome. Although Lao Jin didn't take action, if there was a chance, he would definitely not let him go. As for Iceman, it was even more troublesome. He was being chased endlessly like a madman. If he hadn't been worried about his skills being known to too many people, Zhang would have escaped by Escape long ago, and he wouldn't have been able to accompany Iceman for so long. This is also the main reason why he is so confident when facing Iceman's powerful attack. What's so scary? If you can't beat him, just run away.

Hai Ling was very happy and repeated again: "I will definitely help you fight."

Zhang Wen smiled and patted him, pointed at the jade slips on the ground and said, "Put them away. I still have some on me, what do you want?"

Hai Ling thought about it and said, "Yes." Zhang Ping then took out all the jade slips on his body and gave them to him. Since he never learned from them, it would be useless to keep them. However, he also knew that just because Hai Ling learned spells, it did not mean that he could use them very well, such as knives. Adults and children could learn the same set of knife skills, but children were weak and would not be of much use even if they learned them. They were far inferior to adults in using knives. The power. This is especially true for spells. No matter how powerful or magical a spell is, it depends on the user's own cultivation level.

However, in order to take care of Hai Ling's emotions, Zhang Ping did not tell these things. Hai Ling took over a pile of jade slips and was very excited. He looked like an invincible master and solemnly said to Zhang Ai: "I will help you from now on."

The two of them stayed together for a few days. The big boat arrived in front of the small dark door leading to the fifth floor of the Refining Temple. Zhang Ping said, "I may stay longer this time. Don't run around." Hai Ling said: "Don't worry, brother. You go in and ask for the method. I'll seize the time to practice." He said and patted the storage bag on his chest. Zhang Ping smiled and said yes, turned around, jumped off the ship, and entered the small door.

As soon as he entered, the voice of Ghost Ancestor came from the void space: "I thought you would never come in again." The voice was cold and angry.

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