The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 761 The fight started

Chapter 761 The fight started

But since Iceman wanted to fight, there was no need for him to be polite to Iceman anymore. He straightened his back and said, "Let me pay my respects to my eldest brother first."

"Brother?" Iceman was stunned by Zhang Awei's title, and then smiled and said, "Interesting." As he spoke, he passed by Zhang Awei, sending out a biting coldness that pierced him like thousands of sharp swords.

Zhang Ai was as unmoved as if he had no feeling. How could he be afraid of the cold when ice crystals, the coldest thing in the world, were in his body. As soon as the coolness like thousands of ice thorns reached the body, it was all absorbed by the ice crystals. Zhang Zhi did not feel the severe cold, and his expression certainly did not change.

Iceman passed by Zhang Ai, always paying attention to him, and found that there was no change at all. He was a little surprised. It seemed that this kid was not easy to deal with.

Zhang Pingcai didn't care what he was thinking. In front of the skeletons of the four adults in Lian Shen Valley, no monster would easily fight. He walked to the front of the four giant skeletons, bowed deeply to Hu Ping's skeleton, and said softly: "Brother, stay here for a while. I have paid homage to three seniors before I come to pay homage to you." After saying that, he stood up and went to the front of his head. The three skeletons saluted, and each skeleton bowed deeply three times. Then they came to the tiger's skeleton. After bowing three times, they jumped into the Ganoderma lucidum forest, danced with their long sleeves, brushed away the dust of fallen leaves, took out a bottle of spiritual wine, and placed the three skeletons in front of them. Sprinkle some wine in front of the skeleton, place some ordinary fruits, pour the remaining spiritual wine in front of the tiger's skeleton, place the same fruits, then return to the outside of the Ganoderma lucidum forest, bow to the four skeletons again, and then He bowed three times to Hu Ping's skeleton, then stood up and walked out.

Iceman saw him paying homage meticulously, and his heart was moved. No matter who this person was, he was willing to go all the way into the dangerous Yuanshan Mountain to worship. This kind of heart could be regarded as absolutely sincere. Then there was the thorough etiquette, especially the sprinkling of spiritual wine on the ground. That was spiritual wine, a whole bottle! It was unimaginably precious, but he gave it away. No wonder he turns a blind eye to a treasure trove of treasures and is a waste of money! Absolute waste!

This prodigal son, who had just finished the Eternal Spring Pill two days ago, has returned to his true character of a prodigal son in Bingren's heart.

Seeing him walking out, Iceman didn't say anything and followed him coldly. The two quickly walked down the round mountain and came to the boundless grassland. He walked more than a hundred miles and stopped. Standing here and looking around, the grassland is even more vast. No matter which side you look at, the grass and sky are connected. The green and white are wonderfully connected, which is uniquely beautiful.

Zhang was afraid to stop, and Iceman stopped a hundred meters behind him, and said softly: "I want to be the fifth person on Yuanshan Mountain. I need the golden elixir in your mind. I'm offended." After saying this, the cold breath raged and When the sun comes out, the cold will freeze the green ground all over. There is white reflection on the green surface, and the water in the leaves will be frozen together.

Zhang Ain didn't feel the cold, as the ice crystals automatically protected his body, and the coldness disappeared silently like a stream returning to the sea. With him as the center, the cold air rushing over turned into a vortex, with white dust particles swirling around. Ten meters away from where Zhang Ao landed, the earth was still green. Compared with the frozen green in front of him, it made him feel... People feel very warm.

The Ice Man groaned, his voice low, he couldn't believe what he saw. With his ability, only the guy from Fire Valley could equal him. Under the biting cold, the guy covered in flames couldn't even match him. Dare to get close. However, the boy in front of him remained motionless and undefended, dealing with it easily and appearing to be at ease.

Iceman asked: "Tiger doesn't have this ability, how did you do it?" Even with his extraordinary ability, he couldn't detect the movements of the ice crystals, which was really pitiful.

Zhang Awei raised his finger and pointed at his head and said, "You don't know how much he is capable of." His tone was very calm, but also very crazy.

After hearing this, Iceman's face was expressionless. His face was carved out of a piece of ice, and even his eyes were made of ice. No matter what expression he made, his expression would not change. Just in the calm ice surface, two balls of anger suddenly appeared. The iceman was enraged. The tiger did not dare to be so arrogant to me when he was alive. You, a junior, only got the golden elixir that the tiger desperately gave away. How dare you live or die? boast? His right hand trembled, and an ice spear appeared in his palm. The cold light from the tip of the spear shot out, making the surrounding area feel cold and strange.

Just when the cold was coming out, the tip of the spear had already pierced Zhang Wei's forehead. Zhang was afraid of holding the huge hard iron knife in front of him and did not fight back. He could easily protect himself by relying on the hardness of the hard iron knife and the ability of ice crystals to absorb cold air.

There was only a loud clang sound, and the tip of the ice spear broke off, but the big black knife did not move an inch. Not only was the knife body hard, but Zhang Awei's strength was not inferior to that of the Ice Man.

The two balls of anger on the ice man's face grew stronger, his wrists trembled slightly, and the broken spear point condensed again. At the same time, more than a dozen ice spears appeared one after another behind him, lining up around him.

Zhang was afraid of him. The tiger spirit in his mind was transformed, and merged with his own Yuanying power. He raised his cultivation level to the extreme. He looked back at the ice man coldly and said coldly: "I will stand here for you." Fight, can you hit me?"

mad! So crazy! The Ice Man laughed loudly after hearing this, but this laugh was also extremely cold, and then he spoke in an even colder voice: "If you survive this one blow, I will return to the mountain."

When they were fighting, all the monsters around them had already disappeared. The duel between the two masters was both cold and murderous. No matter how stupid the monsters were, they knew it was dangerous and ran away without a trace. There is only a green field left, waiting for the tragic fate of freezing to death.

Zhang Ai looked around, shook his head and said, "You are really a sinner. You turned the good grass into frozen soil and ruined your family."

As he spat out the word "家", Zhang Wei disappeared in a whoosh, and the grass blades on the ground were fluttered by the strong wind and made a rustling sound. Unfortunately, the sound only appeared for a moment. As soon as Zhang Weijing disappeared, Iceman immediately shouted: "Quick!" More than a dozen ice guns behind him scattered on the ground and were spread out in front of him, with the cold spear points pointing in one direction. Zhang was afraid that if he didn't show up, he would be within the attack range of the spear tip if he did.

When he shouted, the air-conditioning spread out, and the rustling grass blades on the ground immediately turned into ice cubes. The green was frozen by the ice, and the edges and corners glowed with cold light.

Zhang was afraid of disappearing, but the huge hard iron knife was still standing on the ground, black and motionless, and neither cold ice nor frost could cling to it. Iceman looked at the black knife and thought. This kid has some abilities. Even magic weapons can easily withstand the cold. With a click of his hand, countless ice spears suddenly appeared in the air, shooting at the hard iron knife one after another, all stabbing at the center of the blade. Aren't you strong? Just look at how strong it is! He wanted to play the game of water droplets piercing rocks and ice stabbings breaking.

Zhang was afraid to see him struggling, so he laughed loudly, and the figure suddenly appeared, high or low densely covering the sky, and the sky suddenly darkened. There is no difference between his appearance and his absence. He is everywhere. Which one do you want to hit?

Before the fight, Ice Man had uttered wild words, saying that he would leave immediately if he didn't kill Zhang Awei. However, looking at the current situation, it was indeed a bit difficult. As soon as he attacked the hard iron knife on this side, a lot of figures appeared on Zhang Awei's side. Iceman only needs to grit his teeth and snap his fingers to fight!

Normal people have seen it rain often, but they have never seen anyone with a knife, let alone an ice spear. Centered around the ice man, like a hedgehog, ice spears sprouted all over his body in an instant, with the spear tips rushing up and pointing in all directions. The Iceman waved his hand, and the ice spear flew away from his body and shot in all directions. No matter where Zhang Ai is, he must dodge or resist the ice spear attack. As long as a trace is exposed, the sky will be followed by continuous ice spear attacks until the ice man's power is exhausted, or until Zhang Ai is killed, Will stop the attack.

In fact, this guy is very pathetic. When he fights, one relies on ice weapons to attack, and he can manipulate the ice freely with endless changes. The other killing weapon relies on the cold he can bring, using extremely cold freezing to penetrate the opponent's protection, and try his best to break through it. One point sends cold to the enemy's body. As long as the opponent is injured by the ice, even if there is only a small pause or mistake, the remaining outcome is death. In the face of a terrifying killing god like Iceman, any slight mistake can be fatal.

It's a pity that his most reliable weapon was restrained by Zhang Awei, and now he has to fight with all his strength. He has no time to judge the reason why Zhang Awei can withstand the cold, and he doesn't know the secret of ice crystals, so he can only fight Zhang Awei head-on with his own skills.

The ice man's attack with thousands of ice spears can easily pierce thousands of Zhangwei. As the figure was stabbed away, the ice spear flew into the distance. The iceman tried hard to find Zhang Awei, but still couldn't find him. Bing Xin was horrified. He had clearly locked Zhang Aiqi with his soul in advance, but he could not catch him. The boy was flying around, flying at high speeds. He was everywhere, and he had no choice but to use thousands of ice spears. The attack was intended to stop him, but it still failed.

He hurriedly summoned thousands of ice spears again, followed by the first batch of ice spears flying out, and then the third and fourth waves. He couldn't stop. Once he stopped, all the previous efforts would be wasted. All he had done before was in vain. He could only Use more intensive and faster attacks to force out Zhang Afraid and let him reveal his body, so that Iceman can continue the following attacks.

The hard work paid off. Iceman tried his best to find Zhang Wen's exact position when the fifth wave of ice spears attacked, and quickly narrowed the ice spear attack range. This time it was much easier, and the comprehensive thrust was limited to a certain place. Among them, the intensity and power of the ice spear attacks have been greatly improved. Countless ice spears flew towards him, like a large icicle extending from in front of him to Zhang Ain.

Zhang Ai laughed, he didn't care how many ice spears he had, a hard iron knife could block all attacks. Because the time was too short, he couldn't retreat behind the knife, and jumped back at the moment when the figure was forced out by the ice spear. His retreat speed was faster than the ice spear's flying speed, and he could easily pull away a few positions, and then used Holding the space between these positions, his body used strength to fly high again, and countless ice spears pierced his feet.

The ice spear pierced the air, and Ice Man immediately controlled the ice spear to pursue Zhang Ai. Zhang Ai took advantage of this time to retreat behind the hard iron knife, chuckled and said, "You didn't kill me, shouldn't it be time to leave?"

Unexpectedly, he killed the Ice Man. He tried his best to attack and failed to hurt the enemy. He was also laughed at by the enemy. He became more and more angry. He ignored what he had said before the fight and hit him with ice swords, ice swords and ice spears all over the sky. To the hard iron knife.

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