The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 758 Accompanying Hai Ling

Chapter 758 Accompanying Hai Ling

Zhang was afraid that he was a little angry. Why didn't these Ziyu people know how to be grateful? Attacking the owner just after eating Zhulei? Drawing a circle casually, a flash of sword light flashed, killing all the strange fish and putting them into the storage bag. He said to Hai Ling: "Stop crying, you have turned the fish into monsters."

Hai Ling said: "It's okay. There were many fish that looked like this before, including Da Hei and Er Hei..." Suddenly remembering that Da Hei and Er Hei were no longer here, he stood still, speechless.

Zhang Ain smiled and comforted: "I'm here." He carried Hai Ling and flew onto the ship, turned around and walked slowly, not letting him see the tomb anyway.

He wanted to go to the fifth floor and ask Ghost Ancestor how he could take Hai Ling out. There was only one person in the vast sky here, and he was really lonely. The old guy was so angry that he refused to say anything, wondering what price he would have to pay to make Gui Zu relent.

But that will happen in the future. The first priority now is to accompany Hai Ling. There are many questions in his mind, first, how to bring the sea spirit out, second, why the Refining Temple can help the alchemy monks advance, third, how to transform into gods, fourth, next time he enters the Refining Temple, he can indeed enter the fourth level, and Not the fifth floor? Five, how many ghost ancestors are there? Six, the secret of the Refining Temple, etc. There are a lot of questions. If you have many questions, there is no need to rush in. It is not too late to ask again after a while.

The ship drifted away slowly, and Zhang was afraid to release a snake to Hai Ling to play with. This big white and thick guy was surprisingly lazy. He crawled on the deck and stayed still when he came out. Hai Ling was timid and hid behind Zhang Ai and asked, "Is this a snake?"

Poor Hai Ling doesn't know how to survive for tens of thousands of years, and has never even seen a snake. Zhang Fing said: "This is a lazy guy." He grabbed it casually and dropped it. The big white snake just looked at him lazily and crawled back again.

Hai Ling boldly reached out to touch it. For a moment, she forgot about her sadness, novelty, and fear, and slowly approached the big snake.

Zhang Ao told the big snake: "Be honest." The Fushen Snake rolled its eyes at him, swept its big tail over to one side of Hai Ling, and swept towards Zhang Ao from the other side. Zhang Fei jumped up to avoid it and said angrily: "Want to rebel?"

The Fushen Snake simply regarded him as air, swept its tail and then lay down without moving.

Hai Ling found it interesting and approached the big snake with a smile. When the big snake attacked Zhang Awei, Hai Ling was shocked and took two steps back. When he saw the expressions of the big snake and Zhang Awei, he suddenly lost his fear and spoke to Zhang Awei: "It's really powerful."

Zhang Ain spat: "It's awesome." Thinking of Jiao Jing, that guy likes water. There is water here. If I had known better, I would have brought him here.

The big snake was too lazy, so Hai Ling approached cautiously, patted and touched it, but the big snake didn't react at all. Soon the novelty wore off, and Hai Ling was a little disappointed. Zhang was afraid of scolding: "Will you die if you work harder?" He put away the big snake. He also had a black bird, which was probably not much stronger than the big snake after it was released. It was just as cold and unkind, so he didn't take it out.

But looking at Hai Ling's bored look, he remembered that when he first came here, Hai Ling told him that many big fish in the sea were friends, so he asked: "Where is your big fish friend?"

Seriously, Hai Ling's little face, which had recovered a little, was full of sadness now, and she pouted and said: "I'm going to die. I'll find a group of friends who will die in a few decades. Later, Not looking for it anymore.”

Those fish are ordinary fish, and of course they don't live long. Zhang Awei secretly cursed himself as an idiot and said with a smile: "In a few days, I will ask the guy on the fifth floor to see if there is any way to get you out."

"Really?" Hai Ling asked, and then added: "I wanted to go out a long time ago, but no matter what, I couldn't get through either of the two small doors."

"Well, go and ask. Even if you can't ask, we'll just think of a way slowly." Zhang Ping said,

After that day, the two drifted in the sea for more than half a month, having fun in the midst of hardship and treating boredom as fun. Zhang Ping admired Hai Ling very much. He had lived in such a lonely place for countless years.

Half a month later, the big ship turned and headed for the small door leading to the fifth floor. When they arrived at the place and stopped the boat, Zhang Wen said: "Wait for me." Then he got into the dark door.

This is the third time he has entered the void. After entering, he stood still and didn't speak. After thinking for more than half a month, he couldn't think of any way to persuade Gui Zu to reveal the secret, so he had to shut up and pretend to be cool.

After pretending to be cool for more than an hour, Gui Zu spoke, and the old voice asked in his heart: "What do you want?"

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "It's my turn to ask you, what do you want?" Ghost Ancestor said: "Can you give me freedom?" Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "Boss, don't be ridiculous, I still want to ask you Want to be free."

Ghost Ancestor chuckled and asked, "Have you thought about it for a long time, have you come up with anything?" Zhang Ai said in frustration, "No, I said your boss is a god, why bother the kid, just let him out."

"I'm making things difficult for him? You really think highly of me. It's him who is making things difficult for me." Ghost Ancestor snorted coldly.

This sentence awakened Zhang Awei, and he asked anxiously: "Boss, why is he making things difficult for you?" Ghost Ancestor snorted coldly: "Don't try to trick me, are you an idiot? You can't remember what I said." Zhang Ai said helplessly: "I'm not an idiot. This is asking again and again until I get the answer." "Then you chase." Ghost Ancestor said.

Gui Ancestor ignored him, so Zhang Wen had to find something to say and said, "I said, are you interested? The boss is a god, and he talks nonsense to me." Gui Ancestor didn't seem to understand, and said with a smile: "Of course. It’s interesting. It’s rare for someone to talk to me. I have to talk more. Only when I lose it do I realize how valuable it is. You know, it’s also a blessing to have someone to talk nonsense with you.”

What is lost is precious? The little figure of Hai Ling appeared in his mind. It was only after he lost Da Hei and Er Hei that he realized how good they were to him. He sighed and said, "You're just taking advantage of me."

Ghost Ancestor smiled and said: "That's right, but it's not too satisfying. I've only seen you three times in several months. It would be great if you could show up once a day."

Zhang was afraid that after thinking about it for a long time and trying hard for a long time, he couldn't figure out what Guizu said, so he had to admit it and said: "Boss, let's discuss it. I'll talk to you and tell you if it can be done in the next month? Then you tell me how to let Hai The spirit goes out?"

Ghost Ancestor smiled jokingly: "You think too much, and you are indeed an idiot. I have already said that he can't get out. Don't you understand? That's right. Idiots are very stupid. It's normal not to understand. ”

"Why can't he get out?" Zhang Ain asked. Ghost Ancestor chuckled: "You have proved to me for the fourth time that you are indeed an idiot. I told you twice not to lie to me, but you lied again. Do you think I am an idiot like you?"

Zhang Ai was very depressed. He endured the humiliation and couldn't find anything to say. He said angrily: "Have you had enough scolding? If you don't say it, don't say it. Do you think I'm a stranger?"

Ghost Ancestor smiled and said: "Don't be angry, children just can't bear their temper. Let's do this. You exchange things with me and find some fun and novel things. I will be happy when I see it. Maybe I will tell you that the little doll can't Reason for going out.”

"Come on, you old treacherous bastard is still trying to lie to me?" Having said that, Zhang Fei honestly took out his storage bag and took things out little by little. He took one item and talked about it, then put it away, and then took another one to continue. Said: "These are herbal medicines, these are elixirs, these are magic weapons, fans, clothes, knives, materials, spiritual wine, meat..." Lililala talked for a long time, but Ghost Ancestor didn't like any of them and said disdainfully. : "It's too ordinary. It's all rags. Is there anything else? Idiots are just different from others. They are quite happy pretending to be a bunch of rags."

Zhang was so angry that he put away the things in his hands and clapped his hands: "No more, there's nothing you can do about it if you don't like me."

"No more? This little bit of tatters won't do. My secret is shocking. If I look again, I might have forgotten something." Ghost Ancestor followed suit. Zhang Awei shook his head directly: "I've shown you the best ones, and the others are even worse."

"That's it." Ghost Ancestor sounded regretful and asked after a while: "Are there any living creatures? They can be monsters or whatever. Being alone with Tian'er today will be as boring as it is. If you take the little baby out again, won't you kill me? Give me some living creatures to play with. Do you have any monsters? "

Zhang Ai was suddenly alert, but his face remained calm. After a while, he said with a grimace: "There are many monsters, where can I put them for you? The fourth layer is water, they can't stay, and the fifth layer is full of water." There is nothing on the first floor, so let them commit suicide? I can’t get into the other floors, isn’t this embarrassing me?”

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can bring it, I will find a way to arrange it." Ghost Ancestor said.

"Then I have to go back. I left a lot of monsters at home and didn't take them with me." Zhang Weijing was about to retreat.

"Oh, that's it, that's fine. I'll just wait for you to come back. Anyway, after waiting for many years, it's not more than a few days." Ghost Ancestor looked like he was very talkative. Seeing that Zhang was about to go out, he continued: "If this is not the case, you can leave a monster for me and play with me for a few days. When you bring other monsters over, you can change it back."

The fox's tail was finally exposed, Zhang Ain said in his heart. After thinking about it for a while, with his qualifications and brains, he probably couldn't deceive the Ghost Ancestor, so he didn't want to talk nonsense any more, and sighed: "I said boss, do you want to compete with me in a battle of wits and courage? If you don't let me play tricks, you can Playing with great energy.”

Ghost Ancestor chuckled: "You idiot is a little clever." He admitted that he was playing tricks.

A few days ago, Zhang was afraid that he would release the God-Destroying Snake for Hai Ling to play with. When the Ghost Ancestor saw it, he became very greedy. He knew how powerful the God-Destroying Snake was and wanted to possess it. In order to avoid arousing Zhang Awei's suspicion, he never mentioned it and led him to the monster in a roundabout way. He did not mention the name of the snake, so that Zhang Awei would take the bait.

Zhang was afraid that he was not that stupid. As soon as he heard that Guizu asked for the monster, he knew that he had defeated the Shenfu Snake. The Ghost Ancestor can see everything in the Refining Temple, and of course he can see him releasing the God-Destroying Snake. Thinking that the God-Funing Snake has the ability to subjugate gods, the combination of the two aspects can easily guess what the Ghost Ancestor wants. I wanted to talk nonsense with Gui Zu to get some secrets, but the more I talked, the more I realized that I didn't have the ability, so I stopped talking in circles and exposed it directly.

Hearing Gui Zu say that he was smart, Zhang Ain shook his head and asked directly: "Do you want to subdue the divine snake?"

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