The Monk

Volume One Chapter 759 Who is Angry Who?

Chapter 759 Who is angry with whom?

Ghost Ancestor admitted: "Exactly, you give me the snake, and I will tell you what is going on in the Refining Temple, and I will also tell you why the little baby can't get out." The two of them were bargaining like a business.

Zhang Awei refused directly: "No." Seeing his resolute attitude, Ghost Ancestor increased his chips: "As long as you give me the God-Suppressing Snake, I will tell you how to transform into a god, and tell you what the Land of Heaven is. As long as you want to know, as long as I know everything, I’ll tell you.”

"It's enough to spend money on, but it's a pity that it's still not possible. The God-Fighting Snake is like my flesh and blood, how can I use it to bargain?" Zhang Ain bluntly said the importance of the God-Fighting Snake to him. Unexpectedly, it elicited a mocking laugh. Ghost Ancestor sneered: "Little kid, don't be too greedy. It's just a snake. It's useless for you to keep it. Why don't you exchange it with me for the method of transforming into a god? Think about it carefully. Snakes and Which one is more important?"

"You don't believe what I said?" Zhang Ai asked. Ghost Ancestor sneered: "Only a ghost can believe that, how old are you? How old is that God-Destroying Snake? A three-meter-long God-Destroying Snake wouldn't be able to grow even if it takes 1800 years." After saying this, there was another sigh: "The little baby is so lucky. You can find such a big snake and it doesn't eat you. You are so lucky."

This is to judge someone's heart by one's own heart. He thought that Zhang was probably taking advantage of the treasure and asking for excessive prices. Zhang was afraid that he was too lazy to explain, so he chuckled and said, "You don't have to believe it, I won't give you the God-Slaying Snake anyway." After saying that, he exited the small door and returned to the fourth floor. He sighed in his heart and played with Gui Zu. When will it end?

Hai Ling climbed on the bow of the boat and looked down. Seeing that Zhang was afraid of coming out, he asked urgently: "Have you asked?"

Zhang Aiteng got on the boat and whispered back: "No." Hai Ling's hopeful face immediately turned into disappointment, and he sat back. Zhang was afraid of seeing this and hurriedly said: "If I can't ask this time, I'll ask again tomorrow. If I can't ask tomorrow, I'll continue the day after tomorrow. I'll kill him with ink. If it doesn't work, we'll find a way ourselves." Hai Ling blinked his big eyes and said firmly. Said: "Yes, let's find a way ourselves."

But it’s not easy to think of a solution. Zhang was afraid to think about it randomly, but he remembered that he once thought Hai Ling was a big monster. Even now, he still can't confirm whether he is a scary monster or not, and he felt a little depressed. It would be so funny if after all the effort to get the sea spirit out, a terrifying monster was released instead.

Hai Ling sat on the deck and muttered to himself: "How to get out, how to get out, how to get out." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "You can't get out just by talking about it." Hai Ling said with a grimace, "I know, but I can’t get out without talking about it.”

Zhang fearfully asked, "How about I ask that old guy again?" Hai Ling stood up and asked, "What did you two just say? Tell me, and I can help you with some advice."

Zhang Ping laughed and said, "Okay, let's come up with ideas together." He repeated to Hai Ling what he had just said to Ghost Ancestor. After hearing this, Hai Ling clenched her fists and said, "What a big bad guy. He still wants a snake? Don't give him anything!"

"I'll go ask again." Zhang Ping really couldn't figure out how to take Hai Ling out, nor how to trick Gui Ancestor, so he decided to be a dead horse and continue to treat the old guy Mo Ji.

Hai Ling frowned and thought for a long time, then said: "Anyway, if I don't give him the snake, I'll just stay by myself. It's no big deal." Zhang Ping said with a smile, but what he was thinking about was that he would not let anyone be pitiful. Then he walked back into the small door.

The fourth time he came to the void space, Zhang was very angry. As soon as he entered, he shouted loudly: "You old bastard, come out here." When dealing with an old fox like Gui Zu, you can't ask anything anyway, so you might as well scold him. It's enjoyable, and maybe it will irritate him into being fooled.

"You don't want to take the baby out?" An old voice sounded in the void.

"That's my business. You old bastard, if you dare to play tricks on grandpa, I will scold you to your heart's content." Zhang Ain continued to yell.

Ghost Ancestor burst out laughing: "You can't make a sound no matter how hard you try, why bother yourself?" Not only was he not angry at Zhang Wei's scolding, but he also had some leisurely energy to return.

Zhang Ai hesitated and said angrily: "I am happy to do so." Ghost Ancestor laughed, and a voice came out from the void: "You are said to be an idiot, but you are not willing to hear it. I am a god, what have I not seen before? Here again After being locked up for so many years, my heart has been sharpened like a knife. Do you think you can make me angry just by shouting a few times? "

The old guy wasn't angry, but Zhang was afraid that he was about to get angry. He said angrily: "Old guy, don't make me angry. Hurry up. I don't care whether you live or die. You must tell me why Hai Ling can't go out."

Ghost Ancestor Youyou's voice sounded again: "Get angry and let me see how angry you are."

Zhang was afraid that he would be angry, so he threw out two talismans, which flew more than a thousand miles and exploded. In this unfortunate place, the huge explosion became silent and could not be seen or heard. Fortunately, the power of the explosion was still there. But what's even more unlucky is that because the power of the explosion is still there, I don't know if it has hit Guizu, but it has hit Zhang Fang. There was no barrier in the void space, and the huge power of the explosion struck silently in the darkness, overthrowing Zhang Ai with a bang. Fortunately, he had been standing close to the small door. The explosion pushed him directly into the small door, and Zhang was very miserable and became a human cannonball.

Zhang was afraid that he would be so angry that he threw a spell to blow up the ghost ancestor, which would blow him up instead. I checked my body carefully and luckily I was fine.

He stood close to the door to go out. He was pushed into the door as soon as the explosion occurred. More power was left on the fifth floor. Only the front clothes were slightly damaged. There were ice crystals to protect his body automatically. His body was fine. He thought to himself, this magic circle is still there. Somewhat useful.

Seeing him flying out, Hai Ling looked a little embarrassed. He jumped out of the boat and ran over and asked, "What's wrong? Did he hit you? Was he injured? Let's fight him back."

Zhang Awei scratched his head and said, "It was a mistake just now. I'm fine. I'll ask again." He entered the void space for the fifth time.

As soon as he entered, he heard Gui Zu's laughter echoing in his heart. The shock made him feel uncomfortable, and he said angrily: "Stop laughing!" Gui Zu laughed twice more before stopping his laughter and said, "You're so arrogant. It’s interesting and fun, let’s blow up another one.”

"I'll blow your head off." Zhang was afraid that he was extremely depressed. In the past, it was easy to bully Zhang Tianfang. Why was he bullied when he met an old man?

Ghost Ancestor encouraged: "Blow up, blow up quickly, blow up my head." After being trapped for many years, it was rare for outsiders to come in, so of course they wanted to have fun.

Zhang Ain shouted: "Bring your head, bring it and I'll blow it up." Then he yelled a few more words, vented all his anger, and suddenly laughed: "Little old man, just stay here by yourself. I'm out, you can continue to be alone for thousands, thousands, or even millions of years, and see who else comes to play with you in this unlucky place." After that, he left.

Ghost Ancestor scolded: "Are you sick? Why did you come in here just to say this?" "You're right." Zhang was afraid of leaving four words and stepped out, "Little boy, fight me, I'll choke you to death."

Just as Guizu was about to speak, Zhang was afraid that he had already gone out, so he felt a little uncomfortable. How could he let him have the upper hand? Then he thought hard, waiting for Zhang Afraid to come again, he must be angry to death and torture him to death.

But he had been holding this anger for two months, and it was almost gone, and he didn't get a chance to vent it. Zhang was afraid that that bastard led Hai Ling to play games, drink, practice, and be in a daze on the sea ship. In short, he did everything but ignored Gui Zu.

After two months, Ghost Ancestor thought that no matter what happened, you should come in and ask me about the Refining Temple. Something even more unexpected happened. Zhang Ai abandoned the ship and left, entered the small door leading to the outside world, and left the Refining Temple.

Ghost Ancestor could only see what happened in the Refining Temple and knew nothing about the situation outside the temple. He didn't know what Zhang Wen was going to do. The discomfort in my heart became a little bigger, and I hated myself: "I'll kill you when you come back."

Zhang Pinghaosheng stayed with Hai Ling for two months, displaying the ultimate secret of storytelling. How he coaxed Fu'er and other fat babies now, how he coaxed Hai Ling now, told him the complete journey down the mountain, including all the things in the Valley of Refining Gods. For example, Hu Ping broke into the tower and died, and there was still a big rat in a daze outside.

Hai Ling suggested that he ask Big Mouse, maybe he might know the secret of the Refining Temple. Zhang Ai was worried that he would not be able to return to the fourth floor after going out. Hai Ling said: "Can you never go out for the rest of your life? You have so many things to do and so many people to take care of. You can't just let go." Zhang Ai also felt the same in his heart. Thinking this way, after hearing Hai Ling's advice, he decided to go out. No matter which level you enter again, you have to try it sooner or later. So I bid farewell to Hai Ling and left the Refining Temple.

On the big platform outside the hall, the white-haired mouse was still lying there. When Zhang Ai came out, he casually said: "I thought you died in there." Zhang Ai said depressedly: "Can't you, old man, think of something better?"

"What's there to think about? It's the same in heaven and on earth. I'm not as persistent as Hu Ping, who insists on going out, but it's really boring inside the valley. The monsters are aggressive and killing non-stop. I'm tired of watching it. I heard that outside It’s not just cultivators, but also mortals?” His words were spoken casually by the big mouse.

Zhang Wen was shocked when he heard this, what's going on? The big mouse also wants to go out? He replied seriously: "My lord, what you said is wrong. How can you achieve outstanding cultivation if you are not persistent? How can you be proud of all living beings in the valley?"

The big mouse sighed softly and frowned: "I said a lot of things in one sentence, why do you insist on saying it? I also said that I was tired of life in the valley, why didn't you say it? I also asked you if mortals outside rarely fight, Why didn't you say it?"

Zhang was afraid that he would not answer his continuous questions, so he asked with a smile: "Sir, do you want to go out?" He thought: You must not go out. In the world outside, except for the mountain gods who do not know their cultivation, no one else is in human form in the valley. The opponent of the monster.

"What's wrong? Just think about it, we are not human beings. We may not be able to go where you can go, and we may not be able to stay where you can stay." White Mouse said.

Zhang was afraid that he could hear his reluctance. Going outside would be a slow suicide for the monsters in the valley. However, the big mouse said that it might not be able to stay, and it was obvious that he still had the idea of ​​going out. Then he asked: "Something happened in the valley?"

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