The Monk

Volume One Chapter 757 Chatting with Ghost Ancestor

Chapter 757 Chatting with Ghost Ancestor

Hai Ling said: "Go back, go back to that person and ask him where Da Hei and Er Hei are buried." He pulled Zhang Ain and ran towards the small door leading to the fifth floor of the Refining Temple.

The small door sticks darkly to the sea. Hai Ling stopped in front of the door and said to Zhang Ain, "Brother, would you like to ask?"

How could Zhang be afraid that he could not say it well? He nodded slightly and entered the small door.

It was still dark behind the door. Zhang was afraid of floating in nothingness, so he sighed heavily and said, "I'm here again."

Ghost Ancestor's old voice sounded deep: "I know you're coming." There was a hint of helplessness.

"Where are Dahei and Erhei buried?" Zhang Ain asked directly. Ghost Ancestor did not hide anything: "Under the island." Zhang Fei said thank you, and then asked: "Everything that happened in the nine-story pagoda can't be hidden from you?" "Yes." These two short words were full of desolation. Zhang was curious: "What's wrong with you?"

"I don't know anything, I'm just a little envious of that little doll." Guizu said softly. Zhang Ain asked: "Aren't you a god? Why do you envy common things?" "What about gods? They are not locked up in the mortal world." Xu Shi was stimulated by the crazy sea spirit, and the ghost ancestor became extremely emotional.

Zhang Ai paused for a while, then changed the subject and asked: "A few years ago, a tiger monster broke into the tower and was later seriously injured and came out of the tower. How did he get injured?"

Ghost Ancestor said: "This tower can even trap me, let alone a little monster like him? Is he dead?"

"Yes." Zhang Ain replied, and then asked: "What's going on with this tower? What's going on with the land that reaches the sky?"

Ghost Ancestor was silent for a while and then slowly replied: "There are some things that you cannot understand. At least if you are not good at it now, understanding it will be useless."

"I can't even reach the top level of cultivation?" Zhang Jing didn't believe it.

Ghost Ancestor chuckled, but there was no smile at all: "Top level? Do you know what becoming a god is? Do you know how to transform into a god?"

"This is exactly what I want to pursue." Zhang Aida said.

"There are so many things I want to pursue. Let's first understand what cultivation is." Ghost Ancestor said quietly.

What is spiritual practice? I have cultivated to the top level of Nascent Soul, and can transform into a spirit in one step, but you asked me what is cultivation? Zhang Ai was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't know how to argue. No matter how good he was in practice, he couldn't see where the ghost ancestor was, but the ghost ancestor could see him. Even if he was bragging, he couldn't brag against the great god.

Ghost Ancestor added: "If you don't know what cultivation is, you certainly don't know what a monk is. If you don't know these, how can you know what to transform? How can you become a god if you can't transform it?"

According to Ghost Ancestor, to transform into a god, you need to melt something first, and then you can become a god. This is similar to forming a pill to ascend to the Yuanying. You melt the golden elixir and condense the Yuanying. Is it the same for transforming into a god? But Guizu said it so seriously, it couldn't be that simple.

Zhang was afraid that he could not understand this question, so he changed the topic and asked: "In the past, when I entered the palace, I could not go back if I walked past it. Why can I freely enter and exit the fourth and fifth floors now?"

Ghost Ancestor replied calmly: "Because you have entered the center of the formation. Each formation has a memory function. It will automatically respond to the enemy according to the level of cultivation of the person entering the formation. To put it simply, what level you have, this formation It’s about what level you are dealing with. If your cultivation level is only enough to enter the first level, then the first level is waiting for you. If you are qualified to enter the second level, the second level is waiting for you.”

Zhang Weijing was depressed when he heard this: "In other words, my top-level cultivation level is only at the fourth level?"

Ghost Ancestor said vaguely: "That's about it." Zhang was afraid of quitting and asked anxiously: "I came to the fifth floor this time. If I come back in the future, will I only be able to enter the fifth floor and never go to the fourth floor again?" Floor?" I blamed myself, why should I enter the fifth floor?

To his surprise, Gui Zu replied: "No."

"What do you mean?" Zhang was a little confused: "Why not? It was always like that before."

Ghost Ancestor did not speak. Zhang Ai waited for a long time, but there was still no sound in the darkness, and asked again: "Tell me, what's going on? Should I enter the fifth or fourth floor next time?"

Ghost Ancestor did not avoid the question and replied: "Fourth level." Zhang Ai asked: "Why?" Gui Ancestor was silent again.

Zhang Ain muttered: "If you don't want to say it, don't say it." He turned around and exited the fifth floor.

As soon as he returned from the darkness to the light, Hai Ling asked in an anxious voice: "Where is it?"

Zhang Ain jumped onto the ship and whispered: "Island." Hai Ling was stunned, and then urged: "Go back quickly."

Zhang Ai turned the bow of the ship and pushed forward at full speed. Hai Ling was very anxious and kept urging him to go faster. After two days of sailing at full speed, the big ship docked at the island. In terms of size, the ship was as big as ten small islands.

When the boat stopped, Hai Ling jumped off and asked, "Where is it?" He walked around the island, jumped into the sea, and dived quickly. Zhang Ai still followed him and soon returned to the dark world. Zhang Ai muttered in his heart: "Why are darkness and I related? There is always a dark world waiting for me." Fortunately, the darkness at the bottom of the sea has water and temperature, and there is also huge pressure to squeeze it. Although it is uncomfortable, it is more comfortable than the nothingness on the fifth level.

Hai Ling swam to the bottom in one breath and looked with wide eyes in the darkness. Zhang Wen took out more than a dozen luminous pearls and illuminated the seabed into mist.

The sea sand is white, and there are two black objects standing in the pure white. Zhang was afraid to know that it was Dahei Erhei's head. After swimming over with Hai Ling, I saw what was going on. A big hole was dug out in the sea sand, and Dahei Erhei stood upright in it, with only his head exposed. Buried in the sand from the shoulders down. There were two harpoons arranged vertically on the shoulders, with both ends buried in the sand. The middle part of the pole was blocked on their shoulders to prevent the bodies from floating to the sea after death. This was too painstaking. Even before he died, he was thinking about Zai Hailing, which shows how much he felt sorry for him.

When Hai Ling saw the two familiar people, her tears flowed out and melted with the sea water. She swam over and dug up the sand, took out the harpoon, and continued to dig out the sand to pull Da Hei and Er Hei out.

Dahei and Erhei are three meters tall, and General Hailing is one meter tall. There is a huge difference in height. Zhang Wenwen went over and pulled Hai Ling away, dug out the sand pit with a few casual moves, pulled out Dahei and Erhei, and went upstream.

Hai Ling followed closely, holding two harpoons in his hands, looking at Dahei Erhei with wide eyes. Zhang Ping sighed secretly, and with a thought, more than a dozen night-light pearls floating on the seabed floated toward him, surrounding him and moving upward.

He quickly surfaced, laid Dahei Erhei flat on the ground, walked over to Hai Ling and sat down.

For a while, Hai Ling didn't stop crying. Her tears fell silently, and they fell to the ground drop by drop, making a crackling sound. Zhang Wen looked over and saw Hai Ling's tears falling, turning into pearls, oval-shaped, Raindrop-shaped, some also round, rolling along the slope of the island towards the sea.

Zhang Ping couldn't believe all this. Isn't it amazing? I have always heard people say that tears are like beads, but today I saw it was true. What the little guy shed was indeed beads of tears, pearl tears.

Thinking about it again, it feels normal. The spirit of the subdued snake leaves the body, and a drop of tear becomes the divine tear, which has endless magical uses. Hailing is a spirit of the sea, so it's normal to cry out some pearls, but it's just a bit too much. At a glance, there are many teardrops floating densely on the sea surface, and they are constantly rising from the bottom of the sea. The tears shed by the little sea spirit at the bottom of the sea are slowly rising.

The tears were lighter than water, so Zhang was afraid and ignored them. He took back a dozen luminous pearls, looked back at Hai Ling, and whispered to persuade: "Stop crying."

When he tried to persuade her, Hai Ling burst into tears, threw herself into Zhang Awei's arms and said, "They left and ignored me." Zhang Awei hugged him tightly with one hand, tears sliding down his shoulders, and he picked them up smoothly. When I looked up, it was bright white with a touch of sadness.

Hai Ling just cried, and Zhang Ain persuaded softly: "Stop crying, how about burying them?" I don't know the origin of Dahei Erhei. After being soaked in the water for a year, there is no change. What did he look like in life? , what it still looks like now.

Hai Ling cried and asked: "Why should we bury it?" He had never been to the Refining Temple, nor had he seen a corpse buried. He didn't understand the principle of burying it in peace, so he asked this question.

Zhang Ai explained: "People outside are like this. Dust will return to dust and dust will return to earth. After death, you will be buried in the earth."

Hai Ling cried and said yes. The two of them dug a hole on the small island to bury Dahei and Erhei. After the burial, take a piece of white jade, cut it in half, and write the tomb of Dahei and the tomb of Erhei respectively. Zhang was afraid to tell Hai Ling that he would miss them in the future, so he came to see the tombstone. If Da Hei and Er Hei have spirits underground, they must know how much you miss them.

Seeing two jade stones from two low tombs appearing in front of her eyes, Hai Ling burst into tears. The two people who were once alive are now lying quietly on the ground, sobbing: "They have always been very good to me, very good, and have always protected me. No. I was bullied, but I still scolded them and ignored them. Brother, will they blame me? "

Zhang Ain comforted and said, "No, Da Hei and Er Hei hurt you the most. How could they be angry with you? You have to live a happy life, and they will be happy too." Seeing Hai Ling so sad, he also felt a little uncomfortable.

Hai Ling said: "Dahei and Erhei can't come back. I'm the only one left here." He looked at Zhang Afraid with tears in his eyes, filled with sadness and longing.

Zhang Wen knew that he wanted to keep her, but there were more things for him to do outside, so he said softly: "Let's go on a boat and play, don't cry anymore." Turning around, he saw many fish swimming in the sea, chasing Zhu Lei. , after swallowing it, the body will immediately change. No matter the size, type or color, as long as you swallow the drop of tears, the body will immediately turn into a bright white color, the same color as the drops of tears, the fish scales will become as hard as a carapace, and the cold evil spirit will be very powerful.

Zhang Ai was stunned. Tears of beads could actually have such an effect? Scatter the fish and put away the tears on the sea. The strange fish after taking Zhulei became very ferocious. Seeing that Zhang was afraid of driving them away, they lined up in a row and jumped into the air to pounce on them.

So fierce? Zhang Awei raised his hand to grab it, pinched the front one, and exerted force with both fingers. The strange fish made a snapping sound, and its scales shattered and died. Although the strange fish couldn't block the power of his finger, it was enough to shock Zhang Awei. After eating just one teardrop, an ordinary fish turned into a strong monster with hard scales, cruelty and bloodthirsty, comparable to a monster.

There were more than a hundred strange fish in the sea that had swallowed the teardrops and charged towards Zhang Fang. He killed one, but the strange fish behind him seemed not to see it. They divided into two parts and continued to kill. Some fish attacked him, while other strange fish attacked Hai Ling.

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