The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 756 Searching

Chapter 756 Searching

Ghost Ancestor was silent for a moment and then said: "I'll tell you what I can tell you. You're right. The Sleeping God Formation is made up of the nine consecutive formations. It takes the power of the heaven and the earth and sets up the formation in the land that reaches the sky. This formation is a living thing. Yes, there is a ten-day period of weakness every sixty years. These ten days are also the ten days when I am most likely to escape. Unfortunately, you said this is the fifth level. In fact, in my opinion, the magic circle only has this fifth level. The nine-** formation borrowed the power of heaven and earth to merge into a seizing formation, seizing everything, seizing the light, seizing the darkness, seizing the wind, seizing the rain, seizing the sound, and also seizing the power!"

Seize the formation? Seize power? Zhang was afraid that it was the first time he heard this statement, and he thought about how to seize power.

Ghost Ancestor continued: "With my power taken away, even if the formation becomes weak, I can't escape. For sixty years, I will watch the excitement once every sixty years. You have been here many times, and I remember them all."

"You know I've been here?" Zhang Ain asked in surprise.

"You are such an idiot. I just said that I am very familiar with the Sleeping God Formation." Ghost Ancestor said.

"Then when I come in, you still ask me who I am." Zhang Ain muttered.

"It's not wrong to ask. I really don't know who you are, but you have been here so many times and you are finally willing to enter the center of the formation. I just wanted to trick you into coming in, but you are really timid and I am too lazy to trick a little person like you. , I’ll spare you, it would be nice if you could talk to me.” Gui Ancestor said frankly.

"I'm not timid, I'm cautious." Zhang Ain denied Guizu's judgment.

"Okay, be careful. That's all. Stay with me for a few days." Ghost Ancestor requested.

"That's all you said, that's it? Apart from saying that you don't want to harm me, what else did you say?" After listening for a long time, I found that Ghost Ancestor didn't say anything. He still knew nothing about the Temple of Refining.

"I've said everything I can say, and you can't understand anything else." Ghost Ancestor said calmly.

"Okay, I don't understand. You said you are familiar with this broken formation. Let me ask you, where did Big Hei and Er Hei go?" Zhang Ain asked.

"Big Hei and Er Hei? Who are they?" Ghost Ancestor asked.

"They are the two old black monsters on the fourth floor. They are tall and big and kill people randomly with forks." Zhang Ping briefly described their appearance.

"Oh, they two are dead, not long ago."

"Dead? How did he die?" Zhang Ping was stunned. Could there be a powerful enemy coming into the temple to refine it?

"They die of old age. They are not gods. It is a miracle that they can live for so long. They should have died long ago. However, despite their ugly appearance, they are very kind-hearted. They are afraid that their death will affect the little baby and make him unhappy. He insisted on sinking his body to the bottom of the sea to avoid being discovered by the little doll floating on the water, and Kong Zi would be sad. If the little baby found out that they were dead one day later, he would be less lonely for a day. "Ghost Ancestor has an extremely accurate grasp of people's hearts.

Is this dead? What will happen to Hai Ling in the future? Who will take care of him? Who accompanies him? Zhang was afraid to stay silent.

"What are you thinking about?" Seeing that he didn't speak, Ghost Ancestor couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Wei was in a daze for a while before speaking, and asked: "How can I take the baby out?"

"Him? He can't get out. Besides, he is the only one in the world who can be as lonely as me. If you get him out, who will I see every day? Do you really want me to suffocate to death?" Ghost Ancestor said in a buzzing voice.

"Didn't you take away the light and the sound? How can you see them, and how can you hear me?" Zhang Ain asked.

Ghost Ancestor said: "The nine-layer magic array in your eyes is just a capture array in my eyes. We are all together, what can't we see and hear? Besides, I don't use my eyes and ears to see and hear."

Ghost Ancestor is secretly changing the concept. In his eyes, it looks like a formation, but in fact there are differences. Zhang Ping didn't pick on this language problem and continued to ask: "Why can't Hai Ling get out?"

"You really want to know?" After a long pause, Ghost Ancestor asked one word at a time. Zhang Wen rolled his eyes, did he need to be so serious? He said, "I really want to know." "I won't tell you!" These four words came back quickly, but unfortunately they were not the answer.

Now it was Zhang Wei's turn to be in a daze. He remained silent for a long time, and then imitated Gui Zu's tone and said word for word: "Hai Ling is related to you."

Gui Zu laughed out loud: "So you're not an idiot. Yes, you guessed it right. Keep guessing." He was confident that Zhang Ai couldn't guess the answer, and no one could guess it.

It was related to the Ghost Ancestor and could not go out. Zhang was afraid that he could not figure out the reason after pondering for a long time, so he smiled and said: "I won't guess anymore, I'm leaving." After saying this, he shrank back and the color in front of his eyes changed from black to color. The blue sky, white clouds and sea reappeared before our eyes. There was light and sound. My body fell into the sea with a splash, and I felt the coolness of the sea water. I laughed and said, "It's really good."

Contrast creates beauty. With the strong contrast of the dark world that lost all perception, the ordinary water and wind in front of him became extraordinarily beautiful and extremely attractive. Zhang Wen burst out laughing and wanted to shout: "I love this world." ”

He was feeling stupid when a voice came from behind him: "Brother, are you coming out so soon?"

ah? Zhang Ain looked back and saw a huge ship behind him. There was a small man standing on the bow of the ship, looking at him questioningly. Zhang Ain asked curiously: "Have you been waiting for me?"

Hailingen said softly: "I just waited for a while, otherwise I don't know where to go."

Zhang Ai looked around. During the time he entered, there was no change in the sea. He suddenly remembered a question. Those who entered the Refining Temple in the past could no longer enter. This was true for the first, second, and third floors. Those who had successfully entered the Refining Temple before could no longer enter. After entering the palace, my mind has been tempered. Since then, I have been entering the fourth floor. This time I entered the fifth floor. Why can I come back? . Thinking of the darkness on the fifth floor again, I felt a chill in my heart. The Temple of Refining was so overbearing and could take away people's power.

He jumped up and flew back to the ship, and simply said: "It's pitch dark inside, and I can't see the world or the road, so I'll be back."

Hai Ling said oh, and said with a gloomy face: "Dahei and Erhei are black, you can't see them even if you go in."

Zhang Ai took a deep breath, brewing his emotions for a long time, and thought of multiple explanations. He couldn't tactfully tell the story of their death, so he gritted his teeth and said directly: "They are dead."

"You're talking nonsense!" Hai Ling immediately retorted with a sharp voice, and then shouted: "You're talking nonsense, you're talking nonsense, big brother, I don't like you anymore, please leave, I'll go find them." After that, he jumped into the sea. , two little fat legs kicked straight, and a water line appeared on the sea, quickly stretching far ahead.

Zhang Ain sighed, put away the ship, and followed Hai Ling.

The search lasted for ten days and nights, with the little sea spirit running wildly in the sea like crazy. In the past, when he was looking for Da Hei and Er Hei, he would stop and look for them, always having hope in his heart. But after hearing the bad news from Zhang Afraid, he refused to stop even for a moment in the past ten days, frantically looking for those two ugly old black monsters.

Zhang Ai just followed silently, didn't speak or left, just followed. Ten days, ten days of frantic searching, Zhang Ping finally reached the edge of the ocean. Looking with the eyes, there is still a boundless ocean ahead. When Hai Ling ran forward, he bumped into the transparent air mask. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get through the air mask. If he went around the edge, it was still an air mask. , an air shield of unknown length and height, enclosing another boundless ocean in an endless ocean for the sea spirit to live in.

Little Hai Ling banged against the air shield like crazy. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get past it. Even if he bumped into it again in another place, it was the same. He can't get out.

Zhang Ping knew that this aura shield was the maximum range of the formation, and Hai Ling was also trapped by the formation and could not go anywhere. I sighed in my heart, what does God want to do with so many crappy things? Is it just to torture people?

Hai Ling refused to give up and bumped again and again. Strangely enough, he tried his best to bump but was not injured, as if he was bumping against a sponge. At the end of the collision, he turned to look at Zhang Awei and begged: "Brother, you have a knife, can you help me cut it? Dahei and Erhei must have swam over. I want to find them back."

Zhang Zhi felt very uncomfortable, and said in a low voice: "I just entered the next floor, and someone inside told me that Da Hei Er Hei is dead, so stop looking for him." After saying this, he was shocked. Ghost Ancestor It was just a casual mention, why did I believe it? What if he lies? Unconsciously, I felt a little uneasy.

"You are talking nonsense. Big Hei and Two Hei will not die. They said they will protect me for the rest of my life." Hai Ling said in a loud voice: "If you don't help me, I will look for them myself. I will definitely find them." Little Hai Ling said stubbornly again and again. Hitting the air shield once.

Zhang Aoi said softly: "Stop bumping into each other. Maybe they are on the other side of the sea?"

Hai Ling said happily: "Yes, yes, you can't get out from this side, they are on the other side." He turned around and ran away, continuing to look for Dahei and Erhei.

Another month passed quickly. Hai Ling was searching and running every day, and Zhang Ai was always accompanying her. As time went on, waves began to appear on the calm sea surface, half a meter high, one meter high, pushing up and surging layer by layer. Looking around, there were waves everywhere.

Zhang was afraid that he was wondering, what was going on? I've been here several times and this is the first time I've seen waves. Looking forward, Hai Ling's pink face turned a little red, and her breath became a little rough. Worried that something might happen to him, he flew in front of him and whispered softly: "Have a rest and then look for him again."

Little Hai Ling was really tired, so she stopped and stared blankly into space.

Zhang Awei handed over a bottle of Spiritual Energy Pill: "Take a supplement. Only when your body is well will you have the strength to look for it." Hai Ling thanked him in a low voice, poured out a handful of Spiritual Energy Pill and stuffed it into his mouth. After a while, Hai Ling slowly recovered. At the same time, the boundless sea slowly calmed down, and the waves became calmer.

Zhang Ai was amazed in his heart. He was indeed the spirit of the sea. His every move could control the waves.

Hai Ling rested for a while, then started looking again. Zhang Fing said: "The man on the fifth floor said that Big Hei and Erhei were buried at the bottom of the sea. Go down and look for them." He didn't want to watch Hai Ling go crazy, so he kept suppressing the news and didn't tell him. He didn't expect Hai Ling to be so persistent. The madness didn't stop for forty days, and after only a short break, I started looking for it again, so I had no choice but to speak out.

Hai Ling stared at Zhang Wen, without blinking, and suddenly said: "Big Hei and Er Hei are really gone?" His voice was calm, but terrifyingly calm. Zhang feared: "I don't know, the person on the fifth floor told me."

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