The Monk

Volume One Chapter 755 Another Ghost Ancestor

Chapter 755: Another Ghost Ancestor

Looking at his pitiful eyes, people couldn't help but want to feel sorry for him. He released the sea ship, carried Hai Ling and flew to the ship, and said with a smile: "This ship is big enough, you can take the helm."

Hai Ling likes big ships very much. He looks at every room, runs on every floor, and jumps around in the front and back cabins. In this sea that is the same everywhere, there is finally something different for him to play with.

Zhang Awei stayed with Hai Ling on the boat for a full month, and then said, "I'll go in and take a look while you play on the boat." Hai Ling thought about it and finally agreed, saying in a sweet voice, "You have to come back early."

Zhang Ying smiled and said: "Well, I will run away as soon as there is danger, and I will come back after a while."

The ship stopped in front of the small gate. Zhang Ping said, "I'm going." He jumped off the ship. Hai Ling shouted from behind: "Come back soon."

The Temple of Refining is nine stories high. Legend has it that beginner monks of alchemy can enter, and those who go up one level can advance to the next level. Those who pass the nine-story pagoda can transform into gods in the flesh.

But this is just a legend. Since the existence of the Temple of Refining, no one has ever been to the fifth floor. The occasional person who has entered the fourth floor has extraordinary abilities, such as Zhang Ai.

In the past, Zhang was afraid that he would break through the fourth floor and then never get any further. Later, he had no intention of entering the fifth floor. Judging from the information obtained from the formation map of the Refining Temple, the Refining Temple is a prison, and the so-called advanced temple is just the wish of the cultivators. At this time, I was going to the fifth floor, and I couldn't help but feel a little nervous, wondering what kind of unknown existence would be behind the small door.

After getting off the boat, he looked back and saw little Hai Ling looking at him with a nervous expression. Zhang Wen smiled softly and turned around to get into the dark door.

Stepping into it was another world. It was pitch black everywhere, as dark as could be. Zhang was afraid of his first feeling after entering, thinking that he was back in a ghost cave again, but this place was even weirder than a ghost cave.

A dark world with no air, water, and weight. Zhang Ai felt as if he could float, but apart from this feeling, there was no other feeling. Any light, heat, breath, even if it was cold or evil, there should always be some feeling. But there is nothing here, not even temperature, just nothing.

Zhang Ai quickly turned around, but his back was also dark. He couldn't see anything, and he couldn't see where the door to go back was.

There is no light, no height, nothingness. Use your spiritual sense to scan, and you won't know how far it will go. There will be no obstacles, and it will extend infinitely, as if you can reach the end of the world. He was so frightened that he quickly withdrew his consciousness and remained motionless in the darkness. What exactly is this place? Why is it so strange?

I can't see the small door to go back with my eyes, and I can't detect it with my spiritual consciousness. Is it impossible to go back? Slowly he raised his hand and touched back. He touched the aura fluctuations and felt a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, the door to go back was right behind him.

Knowing that he could go back, Zhang Ping calmed down and began to wonder why the fifth floor of the Refining Temple was so weird? This space is more void than nothingness, there is nothing. There is no sky above the head, no earth under the feet, no Feng Shui, no air, no life or death.

I glanced left and right, but it was still pitch black, so dark that I could only see black. There is also no sound, and the ears become decorations. Imagine using the five human senses to recognize the world. What you see is black, you can’t hear anything, there is no smell, and there is nothing for you to touch. You say you are Alive or dead?

He raised his hand and pinched himself lightly. Fortunately, he felt it and wanted to turn back. It was so strange here that he didn't dare to stay longer. The empty space seemed to be endless, and the door to go out was only one person high. If he walked around casually, he didn't believe he could accurately find the way back. He didn't want to stay here for the rest of his life.

At this moment, a voice came from the void: "Who are you?" The voice was low and sounded old. Zhang was afraid of being frightened, so he carefully released his spiritual consciousness, stretched it out for about a thousand miles, and then retracted it without finding anything. The voice sounded again: "Who are you?" The voice was slightly louder, as if Zhang was a little angry because he was afraid of not replying.

When these words came out, Zhang Wei realized the problem. He didn't hear the sound, it came from the bottom of his heart. He couldn't believe it, so he asked back, "Who are you?" But when he opened his mouth and spoke, there was nothing. The sound comes out, and there is no sound in this world.

I'm so depressed, how can I talk without a voice? After thinking about it, it's better to get out quickly, it's too strange here.

Just as I was about to leave, the voice sounded in my heart again: "Who are you asking me?" I was so frightened that I couldn't hear what I said. How did he hear it? Zhang Ai turned around again and asked, "Where are you?" He looked around.

"Haha, I finally saw a living person. Come on, come on, kid, come here." The voice was very happy.

"I'm not going." Zhang Weijing replied firmly, "Are you kidding? I know where you are?" how to get to? Besides, even if I can find you, how can I get back?

"Do you know who I am? I asked you to come here to give you great fortune. I'm so rude." The voice was a little angry.

"Is it rude if I don't want your things? Is it rude if I don't go there? Which country are you from? What a weird etiquette." Zhang Ain teased, then turned around and left. There must be unknown dangers in the unknown world, not to mention there is another person. Unknown old monster.

"Don't go." In this world without light or sound, the voice seemed to be able to see Zhang Wen's every move.

"Hey, can you see me?" Although he was not used to this way of talking without making any sound, Zhang was still curious. How could he hear me? How can you see me again?

"What's surprising about you? What are you doing here?" asked the old man's voice.

"Why are you more curious than me? Answer my question first, how can you see me and hear me? I can't even hear myself." Zhang Ai held one hand on the edge of the door, ready to jump in at any time.

The old man's voice was silent for a long time before speaking: "I can't explain it to you."

Depressed that he was being despised, Zhang was dissatisfied and said: "You don't even say anything, how do you know that I don't understand?"

The old man chuckled and asked, "Do you know where this is?"

"The fifth floor of the Refining Temple." Zhang Ain replied and asked, "Who are you?" "The fifth floor of the Refining Temple?" The old man's voice was obviously hearing this name for the first time, and he chuckled and said, "Sleep God The formation is the trapped god formation, so where does it come from? It’s really funny.”

"Is this the Sleeping God Formation? Why are you here?" Zhang was afraid that he had many questions.

"Guess." The voice did not answer, but asked Zhang Afraid: "Why did you enter the battle?"

"Guess." Zhang said, fearing that he would be upset if he was learning something and put it into practice, and then added: "You like to talk or not, but if you don't, I'll leave."

"Don't leave, let's talk for a while. I've been holding it in for I don't know how long, and finally I met a living creature who wanted to talk to me." I could tell that the voice was quite lonely. Zhang Ai asked curiously: "How long have you been here?" The voice replied: "I don't know, it's been a long time anyway. If you were me, you wouldn't calculate how long it has been."

This is awesome! You should write it down and tell Zhang Tianfang later, he is absolutely majestic and arrogant. Zhang Ain asked: "Who are you?"

"I am Ghost Ancestor." The voice replied directly.

He was startled by his reply and asked: "Are you the Ghost Ancestor? Why are you locked up here?"

"This is the Trapped God Formation, and I am the one who is trapped. Where would I be if I weren't here?" Ghost Ancestor said.

"Are you the Ghost Ancestor? Are you locked up here? Shouldn't the Entrapment Formation be used to trap gods? Why trap a ghost?" Zhang Feng didn't understand.

"Who did you hear that Ghost Ancestor is a ghost?" Ghost Ancestor said disdainfully, Zhang was afraid of being despised again.

"You are not a ghost, are you a god?" Zhang was afraid of being despised. He knew from his name that he was not a good person, so he pretended to be a god with me.

"Of course." Ghost Ancestor actually said that he was a god.

"Is the Ghost Ancestor a god? What are the ghosts all over the world? Ran Ye, just your head." Zhang Ain thought this guy was a crazy ghost.

"I am really a god." Ghost Ancestor said seriously.

"Okay, I think you are a god. Tell me, how many ghost ancestors are there?" Zhang Ao asked with a cold snort. He remembered that there was a ghost valley somewhere in the desert, and there was another ghost ancestor there. Just ask clearly.

Not wanting these words to make Ghost Ancestor excited, he asked with a trembling voice: "Have you seen other Ghost Ancestors?"

"I haven't seen it, but I heard that there is a ghost ancestor somewhere, and I also heard that the ghost ancestor is very powerful. Why should I go to see him? To die?" Zhang was afraid that he was unwilling to tell lies, so he replied whatever he wanted and was too lazy to play around. Eyes of mind.

"You are sincere." Ghost Ancestor said, and then asked: "Where is that Ghost Ancestor?"

"I won't tell you, how many ghost ancestors do you have?" Zhang Ain asked back to the original question.

The Ghost Ancestor said: "I am the only Ghost Ancestor. I can't tell you what's going on, so don't ask."

"If you don't ask, don't ask. What's going on with this trapped god formation?" Zhang Ping wanted to know the secret of the Refining Temple the most.

"Are you an idiot? You said it was a magic formation that trapped a god like me." Ghost Ancestor despised Zhang Ai for the third time.

Zhang Ping just pretended that he didn't hear it and continued to ask: "Are you familiar with this magic circle?"

"Nonsense, you have been imprisoned for so many years, you are familiar with it even if you are not familiar with it." Ghost Ancestor despised him for being addicted.

"Tell me about it." Zhang Ping was willing to accept endless contempt in order to find out the secret of the Refining Temple.

"There is nothing to say." Ghost Ancestor is not stupid and will not tell others anything related to his wealth and life.

Zhang Ai asked in a different way: "This formation consists of nine magic circles? No matter humans or monsters, only those with golden elixir can enter and exit freely. The magic array is very powerful and can help golden elixir cultivators to advance. Why is this so?" ?”

Ghost Ancestor smiled softly: "Trying to trick me? Aren't you bored? When you live to my age, you will find that all the conspiracies and conspiracies in the world are just jokes. Don't play tricks on me."

Zhang was afraid of being exposed, and his face did not change, and his heart did not beat. He forced himself to defend himself: "You didn't say anything. What's wrong with you?"

"There's nothing to say. I can't get out even if I say it. Why should I say it?" Speaking of this, Guizu's voice became low.

Zhang was afraid. In this empty space with nothing, no up and down, no left and right directions, he might go crazy after staying there for just one day. Ghost Ancestor was a bit pitiful.

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