The Monk

Volume One Chapter 754 Disappearance

Chapter 754 Disappearance

Ruiyuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "No, it's not a big deal." Zhang Awei clapped his hands and said, "I don't care about small things." He ran away.

When escaping, he took Wang Dake's uncle and nephew with him and placed them in a courtyard in Biefeng. Then he put down some elixirs and left without any instructions.

After that day, Zhang Ai stayed in the mountain for a year, checking on his disciples to refine their Qi and cultivate their spiritual energy from scratch. The sixty-four disciples were really obedient. Under Cheng Xier's teaching, each one of them was diligent and not lazy, and succeeded in practicing Qi one after another.

The disciples were sensible, and Zhang Wen felt relieved. Take time to take care of the Jiao Jing family. The thirty-three little snakes grow slowly. The Jiao Jing are too eatable and are troublesome. Zhang is afraid that he has given them a home in a pool in Biefeng, leaving a lot of meat behind. Do you like what you want? Come on, I don't care.

A year later, Wang Ti died. His mind was injured and he failed to advance successfully. His time came and he passed away peacefully.

After receiving the news of Wang Ti's death, Zhang Wen felt miserable for a whole day. Poor girl, she had a bad life. She finally settled down, but she died.

He was uncomfortable, and Wang Changming was even more uncomfortable. Wang Ti's life changed because of his impulse. Youth should be colorful and full of joy, but Wang Ti had nothing in this life except panic and regret. .

However, during the year in Tianlei Mountain, Wang Ti finally had some happy days. She didn't have to think about anything, didn't have to be afraid of anything, and had many girls to play with her. So she died peacefully. Before leaving, she said to Zhang Ai: "Thank you." These were the last three words she left in the world.

The girls cried together, and Wang Changming also cried. His eyes were swollen from crying. If he continued crying, he might cry tears of blood. Zhang was afraid that he would be injured, so he knocked him unconscious and asked Wang Dake to take care of him.

The girls held a funeral for Wang Ti and buried her in the jungle at the back of the mountain. They went over to see her from time to time. A girl came and asked Zhang Awei: "Are we about to die too?" Zhang Awei shook his head: "You have formed a pill, you can live for many more years."

How long can one live with a pill? Zhang was afraid that he couldn't think of an answer after thinking about it carefully. It is certain that cultivators can extend their lifespan, but how much lifespan can be extended is not a fixed number. It does not mean that you can live an extra ten or twenty years by rising to one level. This depends on many conditions such as personal cultivation techniques and personal physique.

Generally speaking, foundation building can extend your life for hundreds of years. It is considered normal for Wang Ti to live for more than three hundred years after reaching the top level of Foundation Establishment. Forming pills can give you an extra three hundred years of life. The girls' minimum cultivation level is the intermediate level of pill formation, which means they should have about two hundred years left to live.

Zhang Ai sighed softly in his heart: Two hundred years from now, if the girls don't advance, will they...

What about cultivators who pretend to be turtles all day long and practice hard, but in the end they cannot escape death? Life extension, where exactly is the extension?

After Wang Ti passed away, Zhang Ain and Song Yunyi stayed together for a while, traveling with them every day. Since rescuing the girls, he has never had the chance to be alone with Song Yunyi. Now, let's take it as compensation.

Cheng Xier once vaguely proposed dual cultivation, but Zhang Wen hesitated several times and finally gave up. I have lived for hundreds of years, been a good person countless times, and killed countless people cruelly, but I never knew how to get along with the two girls. He understands the second daughter's thoughts, and the second daughter also understands his thoughts, but it's just the last step that he just can't get out of. He feels that to like someone is to hold him, hold him, hold him, always love him, and give him.

It's not that he doesn't understand things or human ethics, he knows everything. He just feels that inserting something into another person's body always seems to be a little right and a little sinful.

After staying alone with my second daughter for more than two months, I decided to go down the mountain again. Before leaving, he and Lin Sen got drunk. Lin Sen complained: "I was transferred from the underground cell to the above-ground cell. I stayed alone all day, and you didn't come to accompany me." Zhang Ain laughed: "Uncle Lin said It’s a lie, your yard is the busiest place in Tianlei Mountain, there are a lot of sand bears surrounding you, how can there be less people?”

The two talked while drinking, and soon Lin Sen became drunk, and Zhang Ai bowed respectfully and left. He went to say goodbye to the children, who were unwilling to leave him. Zhang Ping said: "Everyone has to do their own thing when they are alive. No matter what, there is always one thing to do. No one can stay with someone for a lifetime. I hope that when I come back , you are successful in your practice.”

After informing the children and calling the important people on the mountain, Zhan Yunnan Yunhei Ruiyuan and others gathered together, as well as Zhang Tianfang, and told them that he was going down the mountain. Zhang Tianfang wanted to go with him, but Zhang Ping said; "I plan to break through again. Ghost Cave, now that you have entered the Ghost Cave with your nine-death experience, it’s time for you and Bu Kong to learn some Buddhism and work hard to advance. When I come back, we will go together.”

Zhang Tianfang asked: "Which ghost cave?" Zhang Ping said: "It's the ghost cave I rescued you from." "Ah? What's the point of being there? It's dark and full of danger." Zhang Tianfang likes to play, not take risks.

Zhang was afraid and didn't explain much. He solemnly advised: "Don't go down the mountain if you have nothing to do." Then he walked away.

When he went down the mountain this time, he left all the dogs, wolves, shadow tigers, dragon spirits and two mice on the mountain. He only took the weapon spirit black bird and the hundred-plus divine snakes with him. If it weren't for the fact that Fushen Snake hadn't signed the seed contract, he would have even wanted to keep the snake as well to protect Lin Sen and the dolls.

After descending from the mountain, he flew south and returned to the Warring States Period. He was going to the Refining Temple to meet Hai Ling.

As his cultivation level became higher and higher, his flying speed became faster and faster. One day later, he was already standing on the platform square in front of the Temple of Refining. To his surprise, the big white-haired rat was lying on the platform to rest.

Zhang Ping bowed respectfully and said, "I've met you, sir." Every monster in the Valley of the Gods that can transform into a human form is absolutely terrifying, and their cultivation level is definitely better than that of a human cultivator.

The big mouse was wearing a blue gown that Zhang was given to him. He said with a flat mouth: "When the tiger was here in the past, I was very annoyed with him and wished he would die. I am the number one expert in the valley, but after he dies, the valley is no longer interesting. What's the point?" So lonely."

Zhang Ain asked: "Aren't there a few adults in the valley who have also cultivated human form? For example, the fishmen in the lake."

The big mouse shook his head: "It's boring. Either you are practicing or you want to kill me. Why did you come here? There was still wine when Tiger was here. Let's have a drink."

Zhang Ping took out the spirit wine and vegetables and placed them on the ground. He extended his hand to the big mouse and said, "Please, sir."

"Excuse me, adults. I'm just a big mouse. What do you mean by practicing?" The big mouse took the wine bottle and poured himself some wine.

This sentence startled me. Hu Ping had asked himself this before entering the Refining Temple and risking his life. The big mouse wouldn't want to break into the temple, right? He hurriedly replied: "I joined the cultivation sect when I was two years old, and I have been practicing since I was sensible. What is the purpose? You ask me, but who am I asking?"

The big mouse nodded and asked again: "Do you want to enter the palace?" Zhang Ping replied yes. The mouse asked: "What is there in the palace that attracts you so much?" Zhang Ping said: "It's not attraction, but there is something to do." Few people know about Hai Ling.

The two of them drank and chatted together, and two hours later, the big mouse pushed the cup and said: "This is enough for today's drink, you can go." After saying that, he lay down and went to sleep.

Zhang Ai stood up and walked towards the Refining Temple. With the help of Hu Ping's Jindan Yuan Shen, he easily entered the nine-story tower. The scenery in front of him changed and he had arrived in the boundless ocean.

Use your skills to raise your energy, lift your body on the sea, and go to the small island where Hai Ling lives according to the location in your memory.

Usually when he comes in, after just a few moments, a big black monster comes to trouble him. This time, he walked for a whole day without finding the big black monster. He was wondering, where have these two guys gone? While I was thinking about it, a waterline appeared on the sea. In front of the waterline was a fat white boy wearing a bellyband running on the water.

Zhang was overjoyed to see him and said, "Hai Ling." Hai Ling noticed him and didn't slow down. He smashed directly into Zhang Ping's arms.

Zhang was afraid that Hai Ling was a little nervous and asked, "What's wrong? Are Big Hei and Er Hei bullying you again?" On the fourth floor of the Refining Temple, there were two black-faced ghost faces, a Hai Ling, and two old black monsters. It's just Da Hei and Er Hei who think about killing people all day long.

Hai Ling shook his head and said, "They are lost. I haven't seen them for more than a year." He flattened his mouth and looked aggrieved.

"What? Missing? Can you disappear in the Refining Temple?" Zhang Ping couldn't believe it. Hai Ling replied: "I don't know what happened. Anyway, there are no people. I searched here several times and didn't see anyone."

"Missing for more than a year?" Zhang Weijing put his consciousness to the maximum. After searching the sea and finding nothing, he asked again: "Have you been the only one for more than a year?"

Hai Ling pouted and said, "It's just me. Big Hei and Two Hei are gone. It's so boring. Fortunately, you're here."

If there is only one person in an infinite world, and this happens every day, will this person go crazy? Zhang Ke touched Hai Ling's head with pity and said, "Go home first, and then find them after eating."

Hai Ling agreed, and the two returned to the island in the sea. There were all tables and chairs on the island. Zhang Aifeng took out some food and filled the table, then handed the storage bag to Hai Ling. Hai Ling patted the storage bag hanging on her chest and said, "There are still a lot of them, and I can't even finish them."

Zhang Yin smiled and said, "Eat slowly." After eating, he played with him for a while. Then asked: "Can Da Hei and Er Hei go out? There are two portals here leading to the outside world."

Hai Ling shook his head: "I don't know." Then he said sadly: "I couldn't get out. As soon as I got close to the door, something blocked me and pushed me back."

If this Refining Temple is a magic circle that traps you, of course it won't let you out. Zhang Ain sighed in his heart, thought about it and said, "Let's rest first and take me to another portal tomorrow."

Hai Ling agreed, and the two slept on the island. With someone by his side, Hai Ling got a rare nap, lasting two nights and one day, which showed how anxious he was these days. Zhang Awei sympathized with him and pitied him, but he couldn't help unless he could take him out.

After Hai Ling woke up, she took Zhang Ain to another door. This door was farther away and arrived seven days later. It was exactly the same as the small door when I came in. It was a square frame and stood close to the sea.

Hai Ling pointed at the door and said, "I can't get through." Zhang Ain looked over and saw a dark plane. He didn't know what was behind the door. After he entered, something would greet him. He turned to look at Hai Ling and clutched his clothes tightly with his little hands. For fear that Zhang would jump in and never come back.

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