The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 747 Meeting Wu Yi Again

Chapter 747 Meeting Wu Yi again

The three of them divided the advanced pills, the spiritual energy pills, and the two men were fine. They knew that this was not the time to be sad, so they endured their grief and went to practice to recover. Zhang Ping released three tent houses behind him for them to recover from their injuries. Wang Ti failed, holding the elixir with tears streaming down her face. She didn't know what to do and didn't want to move.

The elixir was rich in aura, emanating from her hands, and a very seductive and intoxicating aura instantly filled the space. Fortunately, Zhang Wen had already set up a barrier, otherwise the spiritual energy would leak out and greedy people would cause chaos.

Zhang Awei didn't try to persuade her, but Cheng Xi'er looked sad and came over to take her hand into the tent. After a long while of comforting, Cheng Xi'er came out and talked to Zhang Awei: "I fell asleep."

An hour later, Nan Yun came back and said that the Yunlong Gate was not even allowed to enter the mountain gate, and that a dozen Qi Refining disciples were holding weapons to deal with him, so he came back. Zhang Awei sneered: "That's good." Yunlongmen always came to trouble him. Today he wanted to do the opposite. He should be domineering for once and hit Yunlongmen.

In the past, they had bullied the Qing Clan of the Song Kingdom and the Jin Clan of the Mangu Kingdom. They had always fought in front of the mountain gate and forced the masters of the two factions to admit defeat with their strong strength. This time, they had the same idea and planned to win the battle.

Having said that, he originally didn't want to pay attention to Yunlongmen, but when the matter developed to this point, it was finally related to him. He couldn't turn a blind eye and ignore it. He coldly ordered: "Rest." and said nothing again.

Song Yunyi knew that he was angry and wanted to comfort him, but he didn't want others to misunderstand the love between his children, so he held back. Others could also tell that Zhang was very angry, but no one dared to come forward to persuade him. Even Fu Kong just kept reciting Amitabha and sat still without moving his eyes, nose, and mind.

Zhang Ping was waiting for Wang Changming and Wang Dake to recover to the best condition they could achieve, and then took them to smash the mountain gate together.

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Dake came out first and continued to take spiritual energy pills to help him move his energy. Although the golden pill could not repair it, the trauma was healed and he was in excellent spirits. Wang Dake came out of the tent, and Wang Changming followed him out. Following his uncle's guidance, he took the spiritual energy pill to restore his strength, and reserved the advanced pill for later use. Advanced elixirs require a lot of time to refine the elixir's power. After taking it, it means that you have to be unable to move for at least a month or even longer. Of course, Wang Changming will not waste time at this time.

Zhang Ai was very satisfied with the performance of the two and was ready to tell everyone to set off, so he stood up. At this time, nearly a hundred cultivators flew in from the east, and they were so densely packed that they filled up the entire sky.

Seeing someone coming, Zhang Feng stood still, and his men Bai Zhan didn't move either. They were meditating and practicing early in the morning, but now they continued to sit down. However, the children and dolls who always liked to make noise did not come out for some reason and stayed in the tent.

Seeing the person coming in front of him clearly, he looked back at the tented house of the dolls. In order to prevent Wu Yi from getting close, Zhang Ai jumped up and flew to a thousand meters away and stopped, watching more than a hundred people flying slowly towards the opposite side.

The opponent was very slow, as if he was afraid of Zhang Ao's misunderstanding, so he slowly and carefully approached Zhang Ao. When he was approaching Zhang Ao, someone shouted: "Yunlongmen Wu Yi, come to visit Taoist Zhang Ao of Tianlei Mountain."

Zhang was afraid not to speak and looked at each other coldly. The Yunlongmen monk did not dare to fly forward and stopped a thousand meters away. Wu Yifei walked out of the team, looked old and decrepit again, cupped his hands and said, "I've seen fellow Daoist Zhang."

Zhang Ain sneered: "I've seen you twice." After saying that, he calmed down and stepped on the ground.

The area where they camped was a large wilderness, with no human habitation in the wilderness, which was convenient for cultivators.

After Zhang Weijing fell, the Yunlongmen monks did not dare to stay in the world anymore. Led by Wu Yi, nearly a hundred monks descended to the ground one after another.

Judging from the scene, a pair of nearly a hundred people were weak alone. Zhang Tianfang wanted to go over to help support the scene, but was stopped by Fang Jian. Zhang Tianfang was not happy: "Why do you keep stopping me these two days?"

Fang Jian said: "You keep an eye on the tents." More than two hundred Bai Zhan were protecting the three tent houses in the middle. As for the three tents that Wang Dake temporarily occupied, no one cared at all.

Zhang Tianfang said anxiously: "Let him be alone in front? If there is a fight..."

Fang Jian interrupted him: "We can't fight." If Wu Yi wanted to fight, wouldn't he take advantage of the right time, place and people to fight by guarding the mountain gate? With the protection of the mountain guard formation and countless disciples working hard, even if they can't kill their opponents, they can always make them feel more uncomfortable. And since he is willing to bring people here, it means that he has no intention to fight.

Wu Yi really didn't want to fight Zhang Awei. Not to mention the false claims he had heard before, and the rumors about fighting ten top-level masters alone. Believe it or not, he just said that in the battle a few days ago, he was buried secretly with an eight-way snare. Underground, Zhang was afraid that he could discover it in advance. The next battle was even more surprising, the opponent was really powerful.

The Eight Directions Snare is different from ordinary magic weapons. Without activating the magic, it is just a flat mesh without any spiritual energy fluctuations, making it difficult for people to detect. Wu Yi couldn't figure out how Zhang Ain knew there was a snare buried underground. Originally, I was still holding on to the illusion, thinking that he didn't notice it, but he was cautious by nature and didn't dare to get close. However, no matter how careful you are, you can't be so lucky. The edge of the snare is right in front of your toes.

After a full-out battle, the Bafang snare was actually chopped down, which shocked him. Even though the magic weapon was damaged, he didn't dare to fight Zhang Afraid, so he pulled away and left. However, the more powerful the masters of the family are, the heavier their burdens will be. Burdened by the reputation of Yunlong Sect for thousands of years, Wu Yi does not dare to fight Zhang Ao. No matter whether he can win or not, he does not dare to take this risk easily.

After returning to the mountain, I pondered the whole thing. I already knew the details of the enmity with Zhang Ai, and no one in Yunlongmen dared to lie to him. Judging from the causes and consequences, early performance and losses of both parties, Yunlongshan has a grudge against Zhang Awei, but Zhang Awei has no enmity against Yunlongshan. It is judged that he will not attack the mountain easily, but he is worried about it and secretly made arrangements. In order to keep things tight, he ordered more than a hundred of his direct masters to patrol throughout Yunlong Mountain, consolidate the relevant and unrelated information they found, and report it to him.

So he knew a lot of things, including He Ye and others going up the mountain, and Nan Yun being expelled in front of the mountain gate.

He Ye and others went up the mountain in a hurry, which aroused his curiosity. These people were not disciples of the Yunlong Sect. What were they doing up the mountain?

Wu Yi is the most powerful person in the Yunlong Sect, but he is not the leader. There is no need to report to him personally about many trivial matters, so he directly called the leader to ask. Only then did he understand what Sanqingguan and other sects have done over the years, and he felt that Although I am angry, I cannot punish the disciples, let alone those few sects.

What's more, it's not those sects that are doing evil, it's just some people from several sects. Everyone pretends to be confused, turns a blind eye, and indulges wantonly. As long as the Wang family is dead, there will be no master of suffering, and things will not go away. Never mind. But the problem is that three people from the Wang family ran away and were rescued by Zhang Awei. Wu Dun felt a bad feeling for a moment.

At this time, another disciple came to report, saying that a man in white came and asked them to hand over He Ye and others, but they were driven away by a group of Qi Refining disciples.

When Wu Yi heard this, he knew that he was in trouble. The Wang brothers and sisters and Zhang Wen knew each other! And Zhang Ai has also stood up for them, and things will definitely not get better easily.

He also wanted to wait and see if Zhang Wen would really attack the mountain. However, a master who has cultivated to his level never believes in luck and must be decisive in doing things. He must persist in what he has determined, even if it is a mistake.

Things changed, and he rethought the whole thing, completely overturning his previous reasoning, and concluded that Zhang was afraid of attacking the mountain.

Zhang was afraid that sending Nan Yun away would be an excuse to attack the mountain. Otherwise, a Nascent Soul master would be beaten away by a Qi Refining disciple? Even a fool wouldn't believe this kind of thing.

Rumor has it that Zhang Ai has a lot of tricks. He throws away high-quality charms as if they are free. He has countless ferocious monsters around him. Now he has more than 200 yuan of infant subordinates. With this kind of strength, let alone Yunlong Mountain, he is probably the best in the world. No force can compete with it. Wu Yi made a decision quickly and must not cause trouble.

At this time, he selectively forgot that he wanted to kill Zhang Ping just a few days ago. But having said that, it was through this attempt that I realized that Zhang Fear was really difficult to deal with. So he came with He Karma.

After he arrived, he saw Zhang Wen walking away alone, with a cold face and a vague murderous intent on his body. He knew that his judgment was correct. The bastard in front of him was holding back his energy and preparing to fight. He secretly cursed a madman and couldn't treat him like a normal person.

Wu Yiyue came out of the crowd. Hearing Zhang Ying's sarcastic words, he smiled slightly and said softly: "I don't know about the Wang family's affairs." He turned around and said: "Bring them here."

The team of nearly a hundred people behind him included more than fifty Nascent Soul masters, more than thirty top-level pill-forming monks, and the remaining ten people were He Ye's dozen minions. Except for a dozen useless minions, the rest are the entire strength of Yunlong Sect. Wu Yi brought them here with the intention of demonstrating. Let me tell you, Yunlongmen is not made of mud. Even if you try your best, you may not be able to do much better.

He Ye and others didn't know the purpose of their trip. They originally thought that Wu Yi was going to stand up for them, but looking at the situation in front of them, there seemed to be some discrepancies. While he was thinking wildly, the Nascent Soul cultivators around him held each one down and brought them to stand next to Wu Yi.

Zhang Ain glanced at the dozen or so people coldly. After scanning once, he locked his eyes on Wu Yi and chuckled: "What is this for?" His voice was cold and disdainful.

Wu Yi understood it as soon as he heard it. Zhang was afraid of being angry and looked past him to see more than 200 Bai Zhan team members. Those people were meditating with expressionless faces, and stood up one after another after listening to Zhang Weijing's words. They stood in twos and threes, looking over with empty eyes. There were no magic weapons in their hands, but the hostility and high vigilance of their souls could not be hidden from Wu Yi.

After seeing them, I continued to search in the crowd and saw Wang Changming and Wang Dake standing side by side, with ferocious faces and eyes full of hatred. No need to ask, this is the Sufferer. Continuing to look, there is an eighteen-meter-long dragon spirit in an open space, as well as thirty-three cubs. Those powerful monsters were not seen, and they should stay in the tent.

Apart from these people and beasts, there are three people standing in front of the three-roofed house. One is tall and burly, with a knife hanging on his waist. He is a junior Yuanying practitioner. The other person is handsome and looks over with empty hands. He is an intermediate Yuanying practitioner , the third person is a young monk, he lowers his head and recites Buddha's name, and doesn't care about his investigation. He is a Buddhist.

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