The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 748: War Begins

Chapter 748: War begins

Is this all Zhang Ai’s strength? Wu Yi felt unsure. Apart from him, there were two top-level monks standing behind him at Yunlong Gate, one of whom had met Zhang Ain before. There are also seven high-level monks. These nine people have more combat power than Zhang Wei in Yunlong Sect. If there is a fight, it depends on them to kill the enemy and win. But the others are not enough to watch. There are few people and their cultivation is not enough. It is certain that after this battle, not many people will survive.

After a comparison of strength, on the surface Yunlongmen should have the upper hand, but why are Zhang Ai and everyone behind him so full of fighting spirit? Especially Zhang Ai, whose killing intent and fighting intent merged together. Although he was restrained and restrained, he was still overwhelmed and breathless.

Wu Yi withdrew his gaze and turned around to look back. The Yunlongmen masters were also filled with indignation and fighting spirit. But could they win this battle?

He Ye and others who were escorted out noticed that something was wrong in the atmosphere and shouted one after another: "Uncle Master, what are you doing?"

Wu Yi said softly: "Shut up." As soon as these two words came out, even if they didn't want to shut up, the Nascent Soul cultivator next to them directly locked the blood in their bodies, making them unable to move.

Wu Yi sighed secretly, forget it, just endure it this time. Faced with Zhang Awei, he really didn't have the confidence to escape unscathed, so he shook his head and said, "I've brought the person you want." With one sentence, he judged the life and death of He Ye and others, which frightened more than a dozen people and turned pale, with anxiety and fear in their eyes. meaning.

Zhang Ao glanced at it with disdain and sneered again: "Sanqing Temple, such a big name, six Taoists, not bad; Qi Yunshan Qijia, two people, leaning against Yunlongmen's thigh, it is really not easy to stay until now "Zhanmen, the names are not small, there are four people; Tianyi Pavilion, there are five people, and you Warring States monks will name them. They are all majestic and scary."

He identified He Ye and others one by one, seventeen people in total, and then asked Wu Yi: "Are there no people from Yunlong Clan?"

Wu Yiyi lowered his attitude again and again, preferring to offend four sects at the same time rather than offend Zhang Awei. However, Zhang Awei's arrogant attitude is really infuriating. How low have I been, and you are not done yet? Wu Yi stopped talking and looked at Zhang Wen with cold eyes. There is a bottom line in doing things. Wu Yi's bottom line is this. I brought the person you want. Do you want a Yunlongmen disciple? Don't even think about it!

Seeing Wu Yi's resolute attitude, Zhang Wen burst into laughter and said, "You don't have to look at me so seriously. Let me tell you something. If I don't see these seventeen people today, I will knock down their mountain gates and pay back ten times the price one day." However, since they are here, these seventeen people and the twenty-two people killed in the morning are like this. The four sects are so famous. The name of their sect is too famous and they dare not offend. But your Yunlong Sect cannot do it. The name is not impressive, how about giving it to me? "

Play! Everyone's first thought was that Zhang was trying to make a fool of Wu Yi, that this kid was crazy.

Wu Yi's eyes were firm and he shook his head and said: "I will handle the Yunlong Gate matters myself, so I won't bother my fellow Taoists."

"Can you handle it? If you can handle it, Wu Tong won't die in my hands!" Zhang Aiming slapped him in the face.

After saying this sentence, all the Yunlongmen monks from Wu Yi on down turned very ugly, and several of them showed their magical weapons, ready to rush forward and fight at any time.

Zhang Ai sneered again: "You didn't leave anyone behind today and just walked away. Do you want me to go worship the mountain?" His tone was arrogant, cold and full of provocation.

Wu Yi simply said: "Then let's fight." After saying that, he flashed his silver sword.

Zhang Awei nodded lightly: "Then let's fight, but are you ready for the Yunlong Sect to be expelled?" After saying this, eight shadow tigers suddenly appeared around him, and a huge black bird spread its wings above his head. One hundred and twenty-eight God-destroying snakes were winding and entangled all over the ground. Looking further ahead, the distance of a thousand meters seemed to not exist. The brutal and ferocious auras of more than a hundred terrifying monsters were spread everywhere, and there was no hint of threat in them. And metaphor.

Later, Zhang Tianfang asked Fang Jian in a low voice: "Didn't you say you can't fight?" Fang Jian frowned and said, "I didn't expect Zhang Afraid to be so murderous." At this time, a crack was exposed in the curtain of the tent behind the two of them. Piggy, Kitten and Huo'er got out. When the three little guys saw such a big scene, they hurriedly flew to Zhang Ain's side to cheer.

They were all super-level monsters. The super-level monsters that had been hard to find in the past were now seen in more than a hundred, and there were all kinds of monsters.

Seeing them, Wu Yi had no idea that his own forces would gain the upper hand, but he just didn't understand. Where did this kid come from? Why did he get a few more terrifying monsters, especially the big black bird, which was parked outside in the body of a soul, but had an aura that was not weaker than other monsters, indicating that its body was even more powerful. Looking at a bunch of monsters, I felt a little irritated. How could I offend such a boy?

From now on, we can no longer believe the rumors in the world. It is said that this kid can only run away. Who would run away with such strength? Aren't you talking crazy? Wu Yi was a little embarrassed.

Not only was he in trouble, but all the monks under him were in even more trouble. As soon as these monsters came out, more than fifty Nascent Soul monks didn't know what to do. Daring to fight is a sign of courage, but facing such an enemy, you still have to fight hard. If so, that would be foolish.

Zhang Wen ignored everyone in the Yunlong Sect and turned around to ask, "Changming, do you know who in the Yunlong Sect instigated these sects to harm your family." Wang Changming shook his head and replied softly: "I don't know." His voice was helpless and lonely.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "It's okay if you don't know." He turned back and asked the Yunlongmen monk: "Who among you has the best relationship with Wu Tong?"

No one answered, not even a wink or a probe. Heye and the others wanted to help identify him, but unfortunately his body was restrained and he couldn't move.

Zhang Ain laughed and asked, "Am I a little wordy?" As he spoke, murderous intent arose.

Wu Yiyi's expression changed. It was about to start a fight. He quickly shouted: "Do it." More than fifty Nascent Soul monks and more than thirty top-level Danjie monks under his command launched attacks at the same time. Among them, there were those who had fought against Zhang Ain. Among the top masters, there are also bearded men who play the pipa and thin middle-aged men who play the nine-ring sword.

The Yunlongmen monks were really decisive in their actions. The monks in the front row simultaneously released their control on He Ye and others, followed them forward, threw them as weapons, and then used the law enforcement weapon to attack Zhang Ai.

The eight shadow tigers who were the first to attack Zhang Weifang jumped out, pulled out eight black threads, and the afterimages stretched extremely long, and they threw themselves fiercely into the Yunlongmen monks.

Also moving at the same time was Zhang Ai, his Fu Shen Sword pointed directly at Wu Yi, his powerful aura rising into the sky, and he acted with all his strength without any reservation, his fierce killing intent forced the grass blades to fly on the ground.

Wu Yi immediately realized that something was wrong, and Zhang was afraid that he would become more powerful. The last time I fought against Zhang Awei, although the guy's momentum was rumbling and no one was around, his aura was not so sharp. It was as sharp as needles all over the sky, attacking with huge power. Although the sword rain that filled the sky last time was loud and powerful, it was far less terrifying than this time. He immediately raised his body to avoid the powerful sword intent.

Zhang Fei's face was cold, and as Wu Yi evaded, he flew high into the air and chased away.

There are two top-level monks and seven high-level monks in Yunlongmen. Unfortunately, they have no chance to use their peerless skills. Eight shadow tigers attack seven high-level monks separately, and the big black bird directly attacks one top-level monk. Because Blackbird acted first, Piggy and Kitten were very unhappy. How dare they compete with his brothers for business? The two guys used water dragons and fire dragons to push the two top-level masters away. They followed the wall of fire and sealed the top-level monks outside the wall. The little cat got into the fire wall and chased them with water dragons.

If the water dragon of the kitten is just water, top-level monks don't have to be afraid, but the water of the kitten is as cold as ice. Not only is it highly aggressive, but it also really turns into a big dragon with teeth, scales, armor and claws, which is extremely powerful. The top-level monks were able to fight him for a while, but they couldn't resist the little cat and didn't make a move. This would be equivalent to two against one, and the top-level monks didn't dare to take risks. Plus there's a scary little pig next to it, who knows when a fire will break out. So all the experts have to be careful.

The two guys were fighting, and Huo'er stood still timidly, far less ferocious than when he attacked Zhang Awei. Zhang Wen knows that Huo'er likes to be quiet and doesn't like to move, and he is even less willing to fight. The last time he took action was because the bad monk forced him to do it. At this time, his master was Zhang Ping, who had a generous personality and would certainly not force him to do anything.

The top monks were blocked by a wall of fire, and seven high-level monks were entangled by eight shadow tigers. Shadow Tiger is fast, faster than ordinary top-level monks, and it is no problem to deal with high-level monks. Although its attack power is not strong, no one can withstand the entanglement of eight terrifying guys. You must be careful to deal with the enemy, otherwise not one of them will be killed. If you are careful, you may die under the sharp claws.

In addition to these master duels, there were also seventeen minions, which were thrown at them as weapons by the Yunlongmen monks at first. Zhang was afraid that one side of the monsters would be very arrogant and disdain to pay attention to these wastes, so he bypassed them and attacked. Seventeen unlucky people were thrown directly into the snakes.

God-defying snakes are very lazy. If they think the enemy is weak and not worth moving, then they really won't move. But being unwilling to move does not mean that the enemy will not move even when they are in front of him. One big snake raised its head slightly and bit seventeen unlucky people to death. The other big snakes looked at the high-level and top-level monks in the fight, as if they thought these people were not worthy. They took action and then lay down motionless.

As for the monks below the mid-level Nascent Soul level of Yunlong Sect, they didn’t even look at them. If they had the ability and courage, they flew over our heads.

They could not move, but the white warriors could not. The three warriors launched at the same time, flying towards the battlefield from the camp a thousand meters away.

At this time, Wu Yi and Zhang Awei made the first move. He kept flying up, and Zhang Awei kept chasing after him. Wu Yi saw that he couldn't get away, so he gathered all his strength and used his sword as a knife to slash downwards. Zhang was afraid but didn't care about his attack. He moved the Fushen Sword upwards, and the two swords intersected with a loud clang. Although he didn't care about Wu Yi's attack, the force of the attack was so great that it hindered his body and caused him to sink downwards. And Wu Yi took advantage of the power of this blow, and his body flew upwards. He flew out of sight in an instant, and then shouted: "Let's go."

As the shouts spread, drops of blood sprayed in the air. Zhang Weijing used all his strength to strike a sword with hatred and anger. The force was even greater, but it was just a single strike. Wu Yi was hit hard and his body was injured. He opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

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