The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 746: Genocide

Chapter 746: Genocide

The place where they slept was a large field, and a group of people just sat around and waited for dawn. After dawn, the children and girls came out of the house. Wang Dake was curious, where did they come from, and why were there so many ordinary children among them? However, due to my status, I did not dare to ask questions easily.

Zhang Ping checked Wang Dake's injury and found that the golden elixir in his brain was damaged and could not be cured by taking elixirs. He could only rely on his own practice to slowly recover. With good luck, the golden elixir could be restored. But with bad luck, the golden elixir was broken and rebuilt. Bar. Either method would take at least a hundred years, so I didn't say anything nonsense about letting him heal, and let him look at everyone curiously.

Although the children have not yet learned the exercises, under Cheng Xier's management, they have to exercise several times every morning, break out a sweat, and rest for half an hour to have breakfast.

Zhang Ai sat there all night and didn't get up until the disciples were exercising and walked over to take a look. Seeing him moving, Fang Jian, who had been holding back all night, came over and asked, "What do you want to do?" Fu Kong was also concerned about this matter and raised his eyes.

Zhang Ping said calmly: "Let's talk about it later." Then he said no more.

Only he knows what happened between him, Liu En and Wang Changming, and no one else knows. What Fang Jian and the others knew was Wang Changming's crying, talking about the unfair things he had suffered while helping his friends. Although they were also filled with indignation, they were far less excited than Zhang Wear. Zhang is afraid that now he is not only excited, but also filled with hatred. How many times has this happened? Turning a good thing into a bad thing? His hatred was already hurting him, and he wanted to vent it out.

Ever since the last time he did something good and an accident occurred, he has become extremely careful no matter what he does. Even if he does something good, he has to deal with it from beginning to end. However, Wang Changming's affairs are still out of his control. After all, more than two hundred and nearly three hundred years have been too long. No matter how smart Zhang is, he may not have thought that something like this would happen later.

However, now that you know it, let’s deal with it. Wu Yi, you and I still have a battle.

He made up his mind to do things beautifully this time. As for Yunlongmen, let’s talk about it later.

Fang Jian saw that Zhang was still unwilling to speak, so he felt something was wrong and winked at Song Yunyi. In today's world, there is only one person that Song Yunyi cares about the most, and that is Zhang Ai. After leaving the tent house, he found that Zhang Ai looked wrong, but he abided by his duty and did not bother him. He believed that even if something happened, Zhang Ai would be able to handle it. But Fang Jian's eyes made her a little nervous. She walked over with a beautiful smile and asked softly, "Are you going to have breakfast with the disciples?"

Zhang Ain was thinking about the affairs of Yunlongmen. When he heard Song Yunyi's question, he suddenly felt a little abrupt. He stopped and thought for a while before replying: "Is there only dried meat and other cold food left? I need to find a city to buy some cooked vegetables in the evening."

"The hot dishes have been eaten long ago, but there are still many cold dishes. I won't just chew the dried meat. It's just that you are lazy, otherwise you can mix some cold dishes to make them feel comfortable." Song Yunyi said lightly.

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "I'm a little lazy, so I asked Bai Zhan to come over and cook, haha."

Song Yunyi was afraid that he wouldn't smile, but when he saw that he could still smile, he put his heart in his stomach and said with a smile: "Again, you are giving orders to others, but you can't do it yourself?" As he spoke, he went to prepare breakfast for the child.

Zhang Ain followed up and said: "You can do it, you can do it, can't I do it?" He went to mix the cold dishes seriously.

Watching the two of them walk into the tent, Fu Kong stood beside Fang Jian and spoke: "He has something on his mind." Fang Jian sighed softly: "I also have something on my mind, didn't you see?" He was a little disappointed. Fu Kong nodded and asked softly: "Did I do something wrong?" Fang Jian nodded and confirmed: "You did something wrong. You should call yourself a humble monk. How can a monk talk to me."

Fukong comforted himself knowing that he was joking, and said with a smile: "I am the poor monk, and the poor monk is me, so what's the difference?"

Although Zhang Tianfang was too lazy to use his brain and was very nervous, he could still sense that something was wrong with Zhang Weijing. He came over and asked in a low voice, "What happened?" In He Zhe's eyes, the life and death of Wang Changming's family was not a matter.

They were talking here. On the other side of the field, Wang Ti and Wang Dake were sitting together. After a night's rest, Wang Ti gradually settled down and sat silently with Wang Dake. Wang Dake was concerned about the safety of his family, but he had no intention of healing, and he sat speechless. Seeing the three of them gathering together and whispering, although they wanted to listen, they were more afraid of offending them by using their consciousness, so they suppressed their curiosity and watched. I prayed in my heart that these people would help the Wang family.

Wang Ti, however, looked at the girls' ease and ease, the children's lively laughter, and thought of her own life over the past few years, her heart was shaken, and she shed silent tears.

Cheng Xier had just finished practicing with a group of little troublemakers. When she turned around, she saw Wang Ti with tears on her cheeks. She sighed and pretended not to see him. However, she called Luer Shouer and several fat kids and asked them to bring the sand bear to Wang Ti. .

The dolls pulled the chubby white cutie towards Wang Ti. Their innocent appearance, clumsy movements, and beautiful hair evolved the cuteness to the extreme. Wang Ti was so teased that her tears turned into laughter, and she became less gloomy and more gloomy. hapiness.

She was just stimulated a lot and her reaction was a little slow. She was not stupid. She knew what was sad and what was happy.

Everyone stayed here for most of the day, and towards dusk in the afternoon, the three teams came back at the same time. However, they were all empty-handed, as many people came back as many as they left. There was no Wang family, nor Heye and the others.

Zhang Weijing's eyes became a little cold, so Nanyun hurriedly came to report: "Since Wang Changming and the others escaped, all the Wang family members have been killed. Because the corpses were in miserable condition, the disciples decided to incinerate them on the spot; the murderers were Sanqingguan and other four sects. and two low-level Yunlongmen monks were all killed by Zhang Changgong and the others. As for He Ye and others, they did not turn back to the Wang family at all, and turned towards Yunlongmen halfway. The disciples led people to chase them for a while, and they had already entered the Yunlongmen's sphere of influence. , the disciple did not dare to go into the mountains without permission, so he led people to chase him to Wang's house." At this point, he looked at Zhang's fearful expression and continued: "This disciple is not doing things well, please punish me."

He was not being submissive, he really wanted Zhang Ai to punish him. He saw the anger in Zhang Ai's eyes just now and knew that the master was angry, so he wanted the master to beat him to vent his anger.

Zhang Wen was so angry after hearing Nan Yun's report that he actually killed them all? Is it better not to talk about the life and death of more than a dozen people who were tortured, and they didn't even escape death when they arrived? What kind of Taoism do those bastard Taoist priests in Sanqingguan practice? So vicious-hearted? How many other sects are involved in this matter? The cold light in his eyes flashed away.

Because of his anger, he was speechless for a long time. After a while, he looked up and saw Wang Changming among the crowd. He was already crying. He couldn't fly or speak, so he just cried. Zhang Zhen could feel his sadness.

When Wang Dake also heard these words, he gritted his teeth with hatred, his eyes seemed to be able to spit out fire, and suddenly he let out a loud cry, filled with tears and filled with endless hatred.

Wang Ti finally stopped being sad and shed tears for a long time, and even felt a little happy. She burst into tears again and fell to the ground. She didn't think about anything and just cried. There were only three people left in the Wang family. .

They acted recklessly before, bringing disaster to the Wang family; now they run away, causing the entire Wang family to be wiped out. The sadness in my heart, coupled with two hundred years of misery, cannot be fully expressed by crying.

Zhang Ai suppressed his anger, nodded and asked, "How many people were killed?" Since the Wang family was killed, the murderer should pay with his life. Nanyun replied: "There are twenty people from the four sects, and there are two people from the Yunlong Sect. Most of them are foundation-building monks, and there are no masters."

Zhang Ai sneered and said in a cold voice: "All the masters are here to chase the three of them." Chong Nanyun said: "Go to Yunlongmen yourself and tell them that I want the lives of He Ye and those people, and don't say anything else. , If they don’t give it, come back.”

Nanyun responded loudly and flew eastwards.

There were only three people left in the Wang family, and all the more than 100 people in the family and more than 20 cultivators were dead. And it's not just that the whole family was wiped out in one fell swoop, it was months and years of torture and forced death.

Zhang Awei looked at Wang Ti in pain and asked Wang Dake: "How long does she have until her death?"

Wang Dake suppressed his grief and replied: "There are only a few days left. It's just one day earlier and one day later. I hate it so much!" Although the trauma was healed, the golden elixir was still severely injured. After hearing the bad news, Thinking that the Wang family would be cut off by his own hands in the future, he became excited and roared, spitting out blood.

Zhang Tianfang couldn't bear to see him even if he vomited blood and didn't move. He wanted to help, but Fang Jian grabbed him. Only Wang Ti and Wang Changming rushed over to support Wang Dake. Although they were sad and sad, they could no longer watch Wang Dake leave.

Being so stimulated, Wang Changming lost his ability to judge and cried and begged Zhang Ping: "Please, senior, please save my uncle's life. Changming will be a cow or a horse for you in this life, and he will be a cow or a horse for you in the next life." Serve you."

Zhang was afraid that Wang Changming's plea would be ignored and he said to Wang Dake: "Have you finished vomiting? Keep vomiting before you finish vomiting. After you finish vomiting, go and take revenge."

Wang Dake woke up with this sentence, forced himself to stand upright, and bowed deeply to Zhang Awei: "Thank you senior for saving your life, and please accept this junior, you can smear your liver and brain on the floor to thank senior for your kindness." He did not dare to ask for extravagance. Zhang was afraid of taking revenge for him.

Zhang Ain said coldly: "I don't accept disciples casually. Do you want to be my disciple? How can it be so simple?"

Zhang Tianfang looked at his cold look and felt angry. Why are you pretending to be a poor man? He muttered: "Why don't you accept disciples casually? I won't talk about Bai Zhan, nor will I talk about children. I will only talk about Black Zhan and Li Zhan. Aren’t more than a thousand people human?”

Zhang Awei turned around and snorted coldly: "Are they my disciples?" Apart from taking the title of master, he had never fulfilled his responsibilities as a master, and those people basically only regarded Zhang Awei as their boss. From this point on He said, Master is just a title.

Wang Dake wanted to talk again, but Zhang was afraid of not giving him a chance, so he took out three advanced pills and a bottle of spiritual energy pills, threw them in front of Wang Dake and said, "Go and recuperate first?"

Wang Dake was so angry that he vomited blood and was seriously injured. Seeing that Zhang was afraid of giving him the pill, he thanked him and distributed the medicine. The three advanced pills were taken for three levels. The foundation-building pill was given to Wang Ti, and the elementary-level pill was given to Wang Changming. However, he could not take his own high-grade advanced pills, so he gave dozens of spiritual energy pills to his siblings. The two of them left the rest alone. He had to repair the golden elixir before he could take the advanced elixir.

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