The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 745 Destiny

Chapter 745: Destiny

The Wang family is just a small cultivator family. There are more than a hundred people in the whole family, and there are more than twenty cultivators. Among them, Wang Dake has the highest cultivation level. He is also the uncle of Wang Changming and Wang Ti. He is a high-level practitioner of pill formation.

It is normal for the Wang brothers and sisters to be bullied when they provoke a powerful force like Yunlong Clan. Although the Wang family was angry that these two people caused trouble by causing trouble, when the disaster came, they had to unite to deal with it together. No matter who in the Wang family has offended them in the Yunlong Sect, as long as they are involved, they will continue to suppress them. When Wu Tong was killed, someone had to be responsible.

Since Yunlong Gate was the number one gate in the Warring States Period, they were wary of attacking the Wang family too blatantly. After all, the Wang family did not directly oppose Yunlong Gate, so they used other sects to do this on their behalf. Sanqingguan is one of its minions.

Sanqingguan and other sects, under the instructions of Yunlongmen, did not directly kill people. Instead, they used various methods to squeeze the living space of the Wang family. They neglected, isolated, deceived, stole, and attacked. They used all possible methods, but they failed. Kill you and make you live in pain all the time. This is the viciousness of Sanqingguan, and it is also the instruction of Yunlongmen. Otherwise, Yunlongmen has nothing else but few masters? If it's about killing, they can just kill anyone who comes, so why bother looking for Sanqing Guan to do something.

So in the next two hundred years, the Wang family went from being bullied as a small cultivator family to being worse than a run-down peasant family. Those in the family who couldn't live without grains all starved to death, and those who could live without grains were tortured with injuries and died early. In the end, there were only thirteen people left, and they kept persevering. They did not dare to escape. There were cultivators monitoring the area near their home. If they found someone trying to escape, they would catch them and break their limbs, break their Dao channels, and leave them to die.

The remaining thirteen people originally hated the Wang Changming brothers and sisters, but after more than a hundred years of painful experiences, they couldn't even hate them anymore. They just made do with each other every day. Anyway, Yunlongmen didn't kill people.

This situation continued until a few days ago, when thirty masters from the Yunlong Sect attacked Zhang Ain. Thirty masters were defeated, a few masters were okay, and a few Nascent Soul mid-level monks were almost furious with Zhang Afraid, so they went back and blamed the Wang family for everything. Naturally, Sanqingguan took the lead to help deal with the Wang family's children.

Those people in Sanqingguan are so bad. They have tortured the Wang family for more than a hundred years. They have never laid a finger on these two brothers and sisters. Even if they wanted to fight, they just restrained them and threw them aside, letting them watch their family members being humiliated. .

This time it was particularly cruel. Except for the Wang brothers and sisters, all the other eleven people were tied up and beaten. They also tortured the Wang family with horrific tortures learned from the government, but they were left alone. Although the Sanqingguan people did not know why the Yunlongmen masters were angry, they knew that they were very angry, so they became more ruthless, breaking the foundations of the eleven people, and then let go of Wang Changming and Wang Tihou and walked away.

The Wang family had become like this. The head of the family, Wang Dake, took out the magic weapon that had been hidden for many years, which was the flying handkerchief, and handed it to Wang Changming and his sister, telling them to run away quickly. When things have developed to this point, even a fool knows that as long as these eleven people die, they will be dealt with next. Although the whole family hates them for bringing about the annihilation of the Wang family, it is an unintentional mistake after all. After all, they are a member of the Wang family. They were members of the Wang family, so the last eleven members of the Wang family unanimously urged them to escape.

Of course, the brother and sister didn't want to do it. After so many things over the years, they were too stimulated. The elder brother Wang Changming was better, but the younger sister Wang Ti was so stimulated that her brain became difficult to use. No matter what she did, her reaction was slow. When a cultivator reaches this level, there is no big difference from waiting to die. Coupled with the great changes in the family, the desire to live or die has already begun. What the brother and sister wanted was to wait for their family members to go west, and after the funeral, they would go to Yunlongmen to take revenge. If they could kill, they would kill them. If they couldn't, they would be killed. It was no big deal.

But the whole family disagreed. The eleven elders who could not stand up ordered them to escape according to family rules! Otherwise, you will die right in front of your eyes. The brother and sister had no choice but to take the flying handkerchief and escape, taking Wang Dake with them.

Perhaps they were lucky, and the surveillance near their home was not tight. They were discovered after escaping for more than a hundred miles, and then Heye Taoist priest led people to chase them. After two nights and one day of escaping, the brother and sister were exhausted, and they bumped into Zhang at this time. Afraid of camp, rescued.

Wang Changming cried and told the past story, then he threw himself in front of Zhang Wen and knelt down: "I beg you, senior, to save people, not to seek revenge, but as long as senior is affected and rescues ten people in the family, I beg you!" I couldn't help but admire him. Wang Ti reacted slowly, but at this time she understood what was going on. She fell to her knees crying and didn't say a word. She just cried and her tears flowed endlessly.

Zhang Weijing's face turned a little dull when he heard this. He never imagined that he had a moment of compassion many years ago, but it brought annihilation to a family. Who can be blamed for this? Blame Li Fu for stealing grass to save her sister? Is it because Wang Changming was kind enough to help Liu En? Is it because Liu En likes Li Fu and brings disaster to the Wang family? Or do you blame yourself for interfering with good intentions? Turn a matter of human life into a family matter? And later, he killed more than a dozen people from the Yunlong Clan. This hatred should have been attributed to him, but the Wang family shouldered it for him?

Zhang was afraid that his mind would be too confused, so he turned around and asked Bu Kong: "You monks always talk about karma, can you tell me what karma is?"

Fu Kong's expression was not good-looking either. He thought that Zhang Awei was blaming him. Zhang Awei wanted to kill the monk from Yunlongmen but he stopped him, but in the end the monk from Yunlongmen did such a thing. This was also fate, and it was Bu Kong's fate. He whispered: "Amitabha." He closed his eyes and said nothing. For the first time, the little monk who was dedicated to doing good felt uneasy and couldn't feel at ease because of his good deeds.

Zhang Tianfang was simple-minded and did not hear so much meaning. He just looked at the miserable appearance of the Wang brothers and sisters and asked Zhang Aifang: "I have known each other before, so please help me."

Zhang Ain turned to look at the Wang brothers and sisters. Wang Changming looked very different from before. Although he looked young, he was thin and haggard. He was less energetic and heroic than before. Although Wang Ti was as beautiful as before, there was a pity in his eyes. It lacks a touch of agility and is a little dull. He sighed secretly: "It's my fault."

Asked Wang Changming: "Can you still move?" Wang Changming said hurriedly: "You can move, you can move, what are your instructions, senior?" Zhang Ao raised his voice: "Zhang Changgong, Zhang Zao." The two white warriors responded and stood in front of them. Zhang Ai calmly ordered: "One person will lead a group of people and follow him to Wang's house to take his family back. If anyone intercepts him on the way, kill him." The two men responded: "Yes."

Zhang Ai said again: "Nanyun." Following the words, another person stood up and loudly responded: "Yes." Zhang Ai said: "Follow them and kill the dozen or so people from Sanqingguan and Ye who are chasing the Wang brothers and sisters. Bring them all back to me." "Yes." Nan Yun responded loudly, and each of the three Bai Zhan captains led a team of people to take Wang Changming north.

Zhang Pingduo said: "If you encounter a strong enemy, save your life first, then save others, and finally kill people." The three of them responded and left.

They went to do things, and Zhang Awei turned to talk to Zhang Tianfang: "You said that my old enemies are all over the world, but I'm not afraid. I'm just afraid that I've done something that will affect others, and now it's another one. I guess you're right."

Zhang Tianfang heard that Zhang was afraid that he was in a bad mood, and said hurriedly: "I'm talking nonsense. It's not like you don't know. I don't keep my mouth shut. I say anything and everything. Don't take it seriously."

Zhang Ai shook his head and said nothing. The family had been reduced from more than a hundred people to only thirteen people. It had been bullied all day long for nearly two hundred years. All ordinary people starved to death. The Taoist foundation of the cultivators was broken, and the troublemaker was... If you can't die, you can only watch your family suffer. From the beginning, my family was angry and blamed hatred, but now they have no hatred and can't even hate. What would happen if it were me? Thinking of this, I couldn't help but sigh: Maybe Wang Changming wished to be scolded and hated by his family, so that he could feel better.

At this time, Wang Dake recovered from his trauma and came to thank Zhang Ping. However, the damage to the golden elixir was serious, and his energy and energy were still not good, showing signs of haggard and decay. Zhang was afraid of stopping him and said softly: "Sit down, I'm going to pick up your family. Just wait a moment."

Wang Dake didn't know the origin of Zhang Ai, but he couldn't help being kindhearted, so he thanked him repeatedly and sat down below. He wanted to say something to set up a relationship, but seeing Wang Ti sobbing all the time, Zhang Wen kept a cold face, so he didn't dare to talk nonsense. That night, it suddenly became quiet, not even the chirping of insects or birds, it was terrifyingly quiet.

It was quite a long distance from here to Wang's house. Wang Changming escaped for two nights and one day using a flying handkerchief, which was equivalent to the flying speed of a high-level Danjie monk. Bai Zhan is mostly at the intermediate level of Nascent Soul, so his speed is much faster. I think he should be able to come back during the day, which means that if he goes now, he will be back by tomorrow afternoon.

Everyone sat in silence all night. As dawn approached, the fat dolls woke up one after another and took the sand bears out to play, bringing laughter to the cold night. The women also got up. They didn't need sleep, but the girls didn't want to live too tiredly. They believed that sleeping and waking up was the key to life. As long as there was nothing to do, they had to sleep for two or three hours every day.

They treat sleeping like a game. After waking up, they pester each other to ask if they had dreamed and what they dreamed about.

Cultivators have the toughest nerves, and even if they fall asleep, they will never dream. But one night someone actually had a dream. When she woke up the next day, she showed off to the other girls. The girls despised her and thought she was lying. The girl swore that she really had a dream, and a group of people believed her. They remembered her childhood, when she would always dream at night, as if she had a second life.

Many years later, when they heard that some people could dream, everyone got interested again. They didn’t know how it happened. As the old saying goes, what you think about every day is what you dream about every night. But some of these girls started to dream one after another, and they showed off to each other after they woke up. , talking about dream life.

At that time, Zhang was afraid that he would just smile after hearing this, so what if he had ten thousand lives? Aren't you just going to survive for a lifetime?

Now the girls got up and asked each other what they were dreaming about. Zhang was afraid that his heart might be moved. If there really was another life, what would I look like? How will Wang Changming live? If you could go back to the day you first met, would you still help Li Fu escape? Thinking about it, I became a little crazy. Could there really be another kind of life?

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