The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 738 Hall

Chapter 738: Hall entrance

Zhang Tianfang was impatient at first and asked Zhang Weifang: "Are there any cultivators with your virtuous behavior? They are afraid of everything and look forward and backward. Is it interesting to live?" Zhang Weifang was not angry and replied with a smile: "Don't worry about my virtues, just take care of it." You're fine."

It was early summer, and things were fine in the morning, but by noon, the weather was getting hotter. They were fine in the forest, but the soldiers who set up checkpoints along the road couldn't stand it anymore. Someone remembered that there were woods here, so they took the initiative to change the checkpoint here. Sixteen elite cavalry led the soldiers towards the woods.

Fu Kong was still praying for the officers and soldiers to leave quickly, but he never thought of praying for them instead. Looking back at Zhang Ai with a grimace, Zhang Ai laughed loudly: "Just don't kill them."

Yesterday, the cavalry went into the forest to search. They just took a look and left without finding any vehicles or horses. Today it is different. The soldiers went into the forest to rest. Who knows how long they will stay, or they may just walk around. The blindfold cannot stop them. When they take action, they will definitely find the carriage and horses. Moreover, how could a group of high-level monks, with their arrogance and arrogance, hold their breath and carefully hide just because of a dozen ordinary soldiers? I don’t even curse people like this.

Bu Kong understands this, so he doesn't expect Zhang Wen and others to cooperate honestly.

Soon the cavalry entered the forest and looked around, looking for a place to rest. By the way, they found a group of Zhang Ai's people. The five carriages were too clearly marked. Immediately, someone sent a whistle to warn the cavalry entering the forest, and someone even beat the horse out of the forest and fired loud arrows.

Zhang Ping said: "Let's hit the road." He asked everyone to get on the car and led the horses out of the forest without looking at the soldiers surrounding them.

Although more than a dozen elite riders gathered around them, they knew that these people were fierce and did not dare to take action easily. They allowed them to slowly get on the car, slowly turn the front of the car, and slowly exit the forest, only following carefully around them.

They were following around, but Zhang Zhi pretended not to see them, and the five carriages slowly walked towards the north. Fu Kong sat next to him and asked, "You don't know how to kill, right?" Zhang Ai said, "I don't know." Fu Kong sighed and said, "I'll do it." After saying that, he jumped off the carriage and ran towards the north. .

Fu Kong's method was very simple. He went straight into the army to find the commander, kidnapped him and took him to an uninhabited place. After giving him a good beating, he asked him to lead the others away. Don't cause trouble with the carriage and seek death.

The general leading the army was kidnapped in the army. He knew that his opponent was very capable, so he dared not listen and went back to collect his troops and retreat. He was not a fool and could see that the young monk did not want to kill anyone. But not wanting to kill doesn't mean you can't kill. What if he wants to kill?

After Fu Kong came back, Zhang Tianfang laughed loudly: "It should have been like this a long time ago." The only Buddhist monk in history who can do such a thing is Fu Kong. He broke into the army, captured generals, threatened, and only killed people. How can there be any eminent Buddhist monk? Who did this?

The army quickly retreated and the convoy continued on its way. However, the frequent mobilization of border troops attracted the attention of interested people, and there were often discussions in restaurants and teahouses.

The entire Warring States Period was under the Yunlong Sect's sphere of influence, with more than tens of millions of disciples. A new Qi Refining disciple overheard this incident, and was curious. He inquired a little bit more about what happened. I heard that hundreds of troops were defeated by five carriages, and another two thousand troops rushed to pursue them. After two days of busy work, they returned without success. I knew in my heart that they had encountered a cultivator. Then he reported this to the person who taught him the technique.

The person who taught him the technique was a junior foundation-building disciple. After successfully building the foundation, he traveled down the mountain and became interested when he heard about it. Yunlongmen was the only one to dominate the Warring States period, so of course there were many enemies. For example, at Hongguang Inn, Yunlongmen tried their best to encircle and suppress it, but they managed to escape with more than two hundred masters. This was a problem that Yunlongmen could not erase. Disciples have the responsibility to track down information about the enemy.

The Foundation Establishment disciples heard that there were five carriages with eight people in them, and they didn't know what was in them, so they felt a little weird. How can a cultivator take a carriage when going out? Those who have money fly with flying weapons, those who have no money fly with magic weapons, and the masters even fly in the air. How can anyone be willing to ride a carriage and slowly sway around? Then he pretended to be passing by the monk and flew by in the air near the convoy.

As soon as I flew, I realized something was wrong. There were five carriages and eight people. Everyone was a master. I dare not say anything else. They were definitely better than him. The foundation-building monks did not dare to come over to investigate in the open and flew directly through the air. Fly towards the entrance of the hall nearest to the master's gate.

In order to tightly control the Warring States period and to respond to enemies as soon as possible, Yunlongmen set up halls in every few states and houses, where more than a dozen monks were stationed. The leader was usually a junior or mid-level Dan-forming monk. . There were a total of forty halls in the entire Warring States period, named by numbers. The person in charge of Zhang Ain's area was the thirty hall, and the person in charge was Wu Ding, a junior monk who formed the alchemy.

The monks stationed at the entrance of the hall will have a list, which is a directory of all the surviving enemies of Yunlongmen. It records the characteristics of the skills, physical appearance, etc. in detail, and also leaves portraits. Zhang was afraid that he would be on that list.

If the sect is too big, gangs will form within the sect, making it harder for newcomers to get ahead. I found that the foundation-building monks like Zhang Weir and others were the kind of disciples in the sect who were neither good nor bad, ordinary, and no one wanted to see them. They rarely had the opportunity to talk to the elders of the sect to establish relationships. But people want to make progress. In the past, they had no reason to work hard to find ways to get close to the masters and uncles for guidance and care. Now they found that there was something abnormal about Zhang Ai and others. Isn't that like getting a treasure? This was a great opportunity for him to establish a relationship with his uncle in an open and honest manner, so he came to report as soon as possible.

When he saw his uncle, he briefly explained the matter. Wu Ding frowned slightly after hearing this. Is this a big deal? Which country has no cultivators passed through? He looked a little hesitant. The Foundation Establishment disciple took a look and realized that the flattery was not accurate. He quickly expressed his doubts: "Uncle Master, cultivators are the most arrogant. How can anyone be willing to drive a carriage? What's more, there are five masters. What's even more strange is that there is a young monk sitting on the third carriage, and there are "Two of them, why don't they stay in the carriage and sit on the roof to enjoy the breeze? These people are so weird that they give up their magic and travel slowly in the Warring States Period. I'm afraid they have ulterior motives."

Wu Ding agreed with these remarks. Yes, they are very suspicious. After thinking for a while, he asked, "They didn't stop you?"

The foundation-building disciple replied: "No, they don't seem to care about the disciples at all. The disciples almost flew over their heads, but no one even raised their heads to look at them. If it weren't for the divine consciousness that scanned them and knew that they were very human, they would almost think that they were very human. It’s ordinary people.”

Wu Dingduo asked: "What do you think of their cultivation?"

The Foundation Establishment disciple hesitated for a moment and replied truthfully: "Others don't know, but there is a big man sitting on the roof of the car with a strong aura and unfathomable strength. According to what the disciples have seen, he is especially above the master uncle."

"Ah?" Wu Ding was surprised. It was not surprising that he was more powerful than himself. What was strange was that he was more powerful than himself but he was slowly strolling around in a carriage. How could such behavior not make people think too much? After pondering for a moment, he said: "You go and rest first. I will check. If there is any problem with those people, I will report it to the master and ask for a reward for you." The foundation building disciple said happily: "Thank you, uncle." He said goodbye and left.

The foundation-building disciple left, and Wu Ding sat there for a while before going out to the west. He also pretended to be a monk on the road and flashed through the air, but the moment he flew past, he could see the faces of all eight people in his mind.

For fear of attracting the attention of the people below, he did not release his spiritual consciousness and only relied on his eyesight to identify everyone. At this glance, Wu Ding was shocked. Wu Ding was frightened when he saw Zhang. As the murderer of many Yunlongmen disciples, Zhang Ping's profile picture was at the top of the list of enemies. All the heads of the forty halls of Yunlongmen knew him.

Wu Ding found Zhang Ping. Although he was horrified in his heart, he didn't dare to show anything strange on his face, and he flew past the sky.

After he left, Zhang Tianfang said on the roof of the car: "The second one, do you think there will be a third one?" Fang Jian said: "There is also an eighth one." The probe talked to Zhang Awei: "I remember you also had one in the Warring States Period The enemy is Yunlongmen?" Zhang Ai sighed: "Can't I avoid trouble?"

Zhang Tianfang laughed and said, "Who told you to kill people randomly? Let me recruit you from the truth. How many Yunlongmen disciples have you killed?" He became more playful and imitated the tone of an official.

Zhang was afraid and said angrily: "You do want to kill me, can you kill me to death?"

"Can I kill them? They're just a bunch of ants, how can I kill them? Besides, when have I fought with people from Yunlong Sect? How do you know that you can't kill them?" Zhang Tianfang asked with wide eyes.

That guy was almost killed by Yunlongmen Yuanying master in Shiwanda Mountain, but he had no memory at all. Zhang Ain shook his head and said nothing.

Zhang Tianfang became interested and continued to ask, "Have I fought with them? Why don't I have any impression?" Zhang Wen ignored him and looked up at the sky. Fu Kong asked: "Will anyone else come?" He also thought that the two people just passed by were by no means just passing by.

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter whether we come or not. There are enemies all over the world anyway. I just don't understand how they discovered us? Are there cultivators in the army as well?"

Fang Jian said: "Don't be too sensitive, maybe those two people are just passing by."

Zhang Ai laughed: "It's been a few days since we landed ashore. I couldn't see a single cultivator a few days ago. Today, I saw two within an hour. Isn't it strange? I really hope they are just passing by."

Zhang Tianfang exclaimed: "Pretend! Keep pretending! Pretend to be your god! Fang Jian is not smarter than you. He said he was just passing by."

Fang Jian corrected him: "I said maybe!"

"Perhaps I'm just not sure about anything. It may or may not be the case. Why are you thinking so much? Speaking of which, how many Yunlongmen disciples have you killed?" Zhang Tianfang was very curious.

Zhang Ai said helplessly: "I admire your memory very much. Are you a cultivator? You have killed more than a dozen people in total. Which time were you not present?"

"Ah? More than a dozen people? Several times? I was always there? Why don't you have any impression at all?" Zhang Tianfang thought hard.

"Don't think about it. The only difference between you and a pig is that you stand and walk." Zhang Ain said, and he was counting in his heart. He first rescued Li Fu and Liu En, who rebelled from the Yunlong Sect disciples, and killed him many years later. Nascent Soul monk Wu Tong also set fire to three people in Shiwanda Mountain, and the young monk seriously injured a middle-aged thin man. Then in the Warring States period, when building a sea ship, he killed more than a dozen monks with swords.

After counting the points, it was confirmed that the hatred between Yunlongmen and Yunlongmen was indeed quite deep.

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