The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 737: Causing Trouble

Chapter 737: Causing Trouble

After thinking for a while, I realized that I was not familiar with the geography of the Warring States Period, so I called the Bai Zhan team members. There were about 200 people in total, but seventy or eighty of them came from Longshan. Zhang Ai ordered them to plan a route to the north, requiring them to avoid Qiyun Mountain and Longshan Mountain.

Then just avoid it. A group of people drew a map casually, marked it roughly, and the convoy followed this route.

But the problem is, there are many things that you can’t avoid if you want to. As the convoy goes north, it always passes through villages and towns along the road, where it will be seen. The five small carriages are very cute, and the five brave horses pulling them are even more eye-catching. However, some people couldn't stand the fact that the BMW horse was used to pull the cart. It was an absolute waste of natural resources. Some people couldn't stand it. Seeing the hunting spirit, they came forward and asked if they could sell the horse for a large sum of money and then send ordinary horses to them to pull the cart.

Of course Zhang was afraid that he would not sell the horse, so the Bai Zhan team members took care of the matter. But their group really attracted attention. For outsiders to see, not only are the cars and horses excellent, but the people are also extraordinary. There are a total of five people in white clothes driving the car in the convoy. No matter how they look, these five people don't look like the car owner. What kind of magnanimity does the car boss have? What kind of magnanimity do they have? Their clothes are as white as snow, spotless and extraordinary. So are these five people driving the car? As for the third car, there was a young monk sitting on the shaft, and there was another person sitting and another lying on the roof. Regardless of what was in the carriage, judging from what I saw in front of me, this team was very strange.

Ordinary people don't want to cause trouble. It's strange to be weird, and they can talk about it for a few words at most. But there are always some people who are extraordinary and think they are capable, so things happen.

The team's route is to the east, that is, close to the sideline. There are troops stationed on the border. Because there are few wars between Qi and Zhan, the soldiers are very idle. The Qi State and the Warring States Period were both so big that the rulers did not want to open up any more territories. What was the purpose of opening up territories? Even if the capital issued an order, it would take almost half a year to deliver it to the place at great speed. What use would this order have? The leaders of both countries did not want to fight, so the armies were naturally slack.

The frontier troops were very idle, and the officials were even more idle. After receiving the money, they went back to the rear to gather and have wine. That day, seven military attachés came out after having a drink. When they saw the motorcade walking along the road, their eyes immediately went straight and they praised the horses! With the strength of wine, he catches up and buys a horse. Of course Zhang was afraid not to sell, and even kept walking without stopping.

The military attaché was annoyed and slashed with his knife. Bai Zhan's team members were not polite and gave them a few casual whips with their riding whip, knocking down seven of them easily. Then move on. Zhang was afraid that Bai Zhan would not kill anyone without giving the order, so he would be merciful and put them down.

The military attache was beaten and became furious. He returned to camp and brought his troops to vent his anger, killing people and robbing horses.

The convoy moved slowly and was easily overtaken by the 300 cavalry from the military camp. The military attache also lost his head and ordered to kill without mercy. Zhang was very depressed. Why did I hide the army from the cultivators? He ordered: "Just kill the officer." How can a military attaché be a good person who kills people easily just for a few horses? Killing them is equivalent to saving others.

As a result, several leading military attachés were killed, and the entire cavalry battalion was dispersed by five carriages. The soldiers who were scattered did not retreat. They were in groups in a mess. They were blinded. How could this happen? Three hundred fine cavalry were defeated by five carriages, but they were merciful and did not kill more. Otherwise, I don't know how many people would have died. The soldiers were confused, depressed, or angry. They didn't know what to do, and they didn't have the courage to fight anymore. They scattered around in frustration.

Zhang Awei was unwilling to kill ordinary soldiers, but that didn't mean he could tolerate these people challenging his patience. He shouted in a cold voice: "If you don't get out, you will be killed without mercy." The Bai Zhan team members who were driving the four carriages in front and behind knew that Zhang Awei had no murderous intentions. He stood up and made a gesture to scare off the cavalry, straightened the riding whip in his hand and danced out a ball of spear shadows, which was majestic, fierce and terrifying.

Generals are brave soldiers. When the officer dies, the morale of the army will be dispersed. In addition, the enemy is difficult to deal with, and more than 300 cavalrymen fled in a panic.

Zhang Tianfang climbed on the roof of the car and said lazily and sarcastically: "It's so majestic." Zhang Aif glared at him and scolded him to get out. I would like to say thank you to the four white warriors. The four of them, as Nascent Soul cultivators, had to do such a disgusting act to show off to Zhang Wen. This kind of favor must be thanked. For high-level monks, it is easier to let them commit suicide than to do this. This is a loss of face!

The four of them were stunned when they heard Zhang Wei thank him. They also knew that what they had done was embarrassing, but life was given by people, and there were no outsiders. It was nothing to lose a person to a benefactor once, but they actually heard that the benefactor Thank you sincerely. The four people hurriedly replied: "No need to thank you, it's what you should do. It doesn't matter if you do something for Master." At this moment, they really felt like filial disciples.

The matter was settled and the convoy continued on its way. Set up camp on the roadside in the evening. When a group of children were playing, Zhang Ain frowned, and another army came from a distance. Fukuhara was meditating in the car, and now he came over and said, "Shall we give in?"

In order to protect the lives of ordinary soldiers, he came to persuade Zhang Wei to give in. Zhang Awei frowned and smiled bitterly: "Should I give in?" Fukong confirmed: "That's right." Zhang Awei sighed: "Okay, I'll listen to you, give in." Bai Zhan ordered Bai Zhan to put away the tent and everyone got in the car. Keep on your way. Five miles further on there was a forest, not very big, but enough to hide five carriages.

When the convoy entered the woods, Zhang Weizhi casually created a blindfold, and then waited.

Less than half an hour later, the sound of cars and horses came from the road, and it turned out that a large army was coming to arrest them. Zhang was afraid of discovering them in advance, so he naturally had time to hide, but he was unwilling to do so.

When the army discovered the woods, an officer sent an order: "Search." Then more than a dozen light cavalry rushed into the woods. The woods were not big, and a dozen or so Qingqi quickly completed the search, exited and reported back: "There is no one."

They searched the woods, and the team did not stop. They walked past the edge of the forest in a hurry. There were two thousand people in total.

Zhang Ai was very depressed: "What about it? What's wrong with me? So many people are here?" Zhang Tianfang laughed and said, "You are in trouble again."

Fu Kong was afraid that Zhang Aing would be angry and murderous, so he clasped his hands and said, "The donor is a great kindness." Zhang Aing understood what the young monk was thinking, shook his head and said, "Just shoot him, if you don't learn from the good ones, you will learn to flatter him."

They stopped in the woods for a while. It was night anyway and they were too lazy to hurry, so they put out the tent to rest. As a result, at dawn the next day, Zhang was a little annoyed. The unlucky group of officers and soldiers could not find them all the way. They actually set up a roadblock and stationed a dozen light cavalry two kilometers ahead from the woods. There are others further away, obviously determined to catch them.

The little monk was a little anxious. Why didn't those people know how to die? He advised: "How about we stop here for two days?"

Zhang Weifang laughed and said, "It's not that troublesome. Just fly back home." Since the young monk begged for mercy, he had to give him face.

At this time, the dragon essence was in the big walnut on his chest, and he carried thirty-three small snakes with him. What I originally thought was that after returning to the mountain, I would go down there to seek the way to become a god. I just want to spend more time with the children now, so as not to see these disciples in the future. They have grown up and changed their appearance, forgetting who they are, and have no sense of closeness at all.

But the Warring States Period was really troublesome, not only for cultivators but also for ordinary people, so he had to give up the idea of ​​wandering together.

When he told everyone about his idea, Zhang Tianfang was the first to object: "Why go back? I've long been tired of looking at those broken hills." Fang Jian laughed: "It's a good thing you don't want to be a monk, otherwise you would look at the four walls every day. I think it will drive me crazy." Zhang Tianfang was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, that's right, you understand me, just for this reason, I'm not a monk."

The children were not willing to go back to the mountain so early, but Zhang Ping said that they would study after returning to the mountain, and it would be good if they could play outside for one more day. The dolls were even more reluctant. They still wanted to go to a restaurant in the city to have fun.

The main purpose of going down the mountain this time is to let the children and dolls have fun. They can't play all the way and make them feel unsatisfied before returning to the mountain. Zhang Ain smiled and said: "I listen to you." The children and dolls shouted : "Brother is so kind."

Well, let's just call him brother. There are a group of children who are unwilling to accept him as their teacher, and a group of grass elves who have lived for tens of thousands of years and are much older than themselves. They all call themselves brother. Oh, how is this seniority discussed? ?

He asked Bu Kong: "How many days do you want me to hide here?" Fu Kong didn't dare to say it: "Stay for two days to see the situation." The young monk originally wanted to suggest returning to the original route and choosing a new route. But that group of reckless officers and soldiers sealed the road tightly, and there were more than a dozen fine cavalry stationed three to five kilometers away. If they didn't fly away, they wouldn't even be able to retreat.

Anyway, there is no rush to go back to the mountain. When the dolls are happy, they play escape and show off in front of the children. Zhang Ai was so frightened that he quickly shouted: "Come out, if you don't obey, go back to the mountain." A group of chubby little guys emerged from the soil with reluctance.

Zhang Ping said sternly: "Remember, this is your unique ability. You can't show it in front of others, and you can't pass it on to outsiders. Do you hear me?" The dolls didn't understand why they couldn't let others see it. Can't teach it to others? But looking at Zhang Yan's serious expression, everyone still nodded honestly.

Zhang Ain then said to the children: "You also remember, no matter who you are, you must not learn earthly magic from Fu'er and the others. I will kill anyone who learns it." After speaking, he looked up at Bai Zhan: "You guys Same thing." The voice was cold and murderous. When the Bai Zhan team members saw it, they realized that the boss was serious and responded hurriedly. The children nodded along.

The earth-moving magic is the only escape method that the dolls rely on to survive. If the earth-moving magic is spread or someone takes precautions in advance, the consequences can be imagined. Zhang Pingyou was worried and repeatedly told Fatty: "You must remember it."

Fu Ling muttered: "We are not fools, there is no need to say it twice." Fu'er and others echoed: "Yes, yes, remember."

The woods are not big, because there are trees blocking the view, the view is not very wide, it is not as good as on a big ship, just stay for a while. Because Zhang was afraid of getting angry, no one in the group of little guys dared to say anything about going on the road. Only Fu Kong was thinking about the officers and soldiers outside, and secretly prayed in his heart: "You guys should leave quickly, I've angered the God of Death, and probably another person will die."

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