The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 739 Yunlongmen Monk

Chapter 739 Yunlongmen Monk

Zhang Tianfang was still thinking hard, and Fu Kong couldn't stand it any longer, and reminded: "In Shiwandashan, there is a man with a black face and a big beard, playing pipa, and a middle-aged thin man with a big knife with nine rings hanging on it. You went to fight him and almost got beaten."

Fu Kong spoke in great detail, and Zhang Tianfang exclaimed: "I remember, but it seems that those two people are not dead." Fu Kong was helpless and continued to explain: "They are not dead, there were three people to ambush Cheng Xi'er and the others. , burned to death by the piglet."

"Ah, that's what happened. It's just an ant. It's normal to not remember it." Zhang Tianfang quickly found an excuse for himself.

"Ants? Your ants are all Yuanying masters? What Xiaozhu burns are Yuanying and Danjie masters." Zhang Ai said: "Yunlongmen has its merits. It has many techniques and can control big butterflies to hurt people. , using giant mosquito monsters to track them, and strange magical weapons such as the nine-ring sword to use sound to attack and injure the enemy.”

"What's the use of learning so many things? The real ability is to be able to kill people." Zhang Tianfang said.

Zhang Jing said: "I've given you up. If I hadn't saved you, you would have died in the hands of that thin man with the nine-ring sword. How can you still talk nonsense here? Even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured and waiting to die."

"Ah, yes! The little monk saved my life again. Why do I always seem to forget something?" Zhang Tianfang said, stroking his forehead.

No matter how many things Zhang Tianfang forgot, the team still moved forward slowly. The children always miss the bustle of the restaurant and must go there again. Now they open the car door and see the ink-stained eyes. Zhang Ping was checking the little snakes. Thirty-three of them were so thin and small that they couldn't even be wrapped around his fingers. He made a sash and held the little snakes in the same way as the sand bear. He listened to the fat baby's request and thought about it for a while. Agree to come down.

He thought clearly that if the two cultivators were passing by, it wouldn't matter what the dolls did, and finding a small town to have a meal would not be considered dangerous. If they were targeting him, it would be useless to be careful unless they flew back to avoid them now, so there was no need to care about the identities of those two people.

With his cultivation, he could easily kill the two people when they passed by, but if he did that, it would be too cruel and domineering. He had never been an old enemy in his life, so it would be fatal.

Similarly, with his cultivation, he would not fly back to Tianlei Mountain at this time. A cultivator can have nothing but pride. When those two people didn't show up, you could fly back home, but now you can't. If you fly now, it will give people the feeling of being afraid of Yunlong Mountain. What do you mean? When no one comes to Yunlong Gate, I can walk around slowly and openly on the street, and bully ordinary soldiers. But when someone comes to Yunlong Gate, I have to run away quickly? It would be too embarrassing to spread the word.

Therefore, Zhang Ai continued to move forward in his carriage, waiting patiently for possible enemies.

The convoy speeded up and entered a small town at night. The town was very small, with only about 8,000 people in total. Zhang was afraid that Bai Zhan's team members would be divided to protect them from all sides, so he led the children into the town.

The town is not as good as the city. There is only one street with some lights on at night. People rarely light up the lights, and there are no people on the street. But the children don't care about this and run ahead to find a restaurant on the widest street. They have to spend money, have to struggle, and have fun. What's funny is that the brightest place on the street is a brothel. The dolls don't understand this, and they rush in when they see the moving figures inside. Zhang Pan is so frightened that he quickly stops them and takes them into another restaurant nearby.

It is said to be a restaurant, but it is only two stories high, so the place is quite big. There are two tables of customers sitting here and there on the first floor, but there is no one on the second floor, and the business is not good. Although the children were not happy to enter this deserted store, they were happy to be able to make a scene for a while, so they gathered in the lobby on the first floor, noisily calling the shopkeeper to serve the food.

Judging from their behavior and appearance, they are extremely cute. Even if the restaurant is demolished, few people will be angry. The two tables of customers and the shopkeeper are all smiling at their troubles. Only the waiters stick to their duties and come over to greet them warmly. , ask them what they want to eat.

The kids let their tempers fly and told the waiter some random dish names, asking the waiter to cook them quickly. The guy was a little embarrassed, how to cook a dish he had never heard of? Looking back at the shopkeeper, he was watching the fun. These little chubby little guys are so cute. I don’t know who is so lucky to give birth to such a bunch of babies. When the waiter looked at him, the shopkeeper remembered his duty. This guy Does the child have money? He turned his attention to Zhang Ai who was standing at the door.

Zhang Ai was waiting for his young disciple. When the shopkeeper looked at him, he took out two pieces of silver and put them on the counter. He said with a smile: "Choose what you are good at, one table of plain dishes and six tables of meat dishes."

It's easy to talk when you have money. The shopkeeper exclaimed and ordered the waiter to serve the food.

At this time, five carriages stopped in front of the restaurant, and the children got off the car one after another and entered the restaurant. After arranging their seats, Zhang Wen thought about it and asked, "If another two hundred people come to eat, will there be enough meat and vegetables?" He hurriedly replied: "For more than two hundred people, that means twenty banquets. The dishes cannot be the same on every table. A mix of hot and cold dishes should be enough."

Zhang Awei took out a few more pieces of silver and said, "Let's do it. Those seats are all open on the second floor." The shopkeeper was so happy that he said to himself that luckily there was no business during the day and all the prepared dishes were there, so he could handle such a big crowd at night. Shan Shanshu said with a smile: "I'm going to do some work now. I wonder when the distinguished guest will arrive?"

"You hurry up and do it. They will come when it's done. They want the best wine." Zhang Ain said.

For Bai Zhan, giving them a spiritual energy pill is better than any food, but Zhang is afraid that he will be too good to them, not to mention spiritual energy pills, and even advanced pills will be used casually, and he is not willing to take the pill as a favor. Thinking that everyone would get along well with each other along the way, it would be nice to have people working hard for nothing, so it would be nice to treat them to a meal.

After giving instructions to the shopkeeper, he went out and called Nan Yun. Nan Yun led a small group of Bai Zhan team members to guard the town. Hearing Zhang Ai's call, he hurriedly ran over. Zhang Ai said: "You ask someone to inform those four teams to come back." During the meal, I’ll treat you all to a drink. This place is not good, so I’ll just have some food, and I’ll treat you all to some spiritual wine when we get back to the mountain.”

After hearing this, Nanyun quickly refused: "No, no, we don't need to eat the food of this world."

Zhang Ping said: "Go and inform everyone. There is nothing good in this store. It's just an idea." Seeing his resolute attitude, Nan Yun followed the order and left. Not long after, 222 white warriors filled the whole room. Second floor.

Most of the Bai Zhan team members were confused. Why did they ask us to eat this ordinary meal of food and wine? Based on their status in the past, how could they care about a table of ordinary dishes? They kept their faces silent and said nothing. Zhang Tianfang smiled when he saw them sitting there silently: "Fortunately, this store is big enough, otherwise we would have to stand up to eat."

There are six private rooms on the second floor and more than a dozen tables. If you squeeze in a little, you can have a good meal, but when you add the seats upstairs and downstairs together, the seats are all full, and there is no room for women. Zhang Tianfang laughed: "How dare you not let Yunyi and Xi'er eat?"

Zhang Ai also laughed: "You still want to eat? Follow me out." He dragged him and jumped to the roof to sit down. Bai Zhan went in to eat, and he replaced Bai Zhan as a guard. Zhang Tianfang was very depressed: "Why are you only dragging me?" "Because you talk too much," Zhang said.

It was an ordinary dinner, but while Bai Zhan was eating, Zhang was afraid of the guards. This thoughtfulness moved Bai Zhan and the others a little. Thinking that this little madman who always likes to mess around is really good to them. He rescued them from Lian Shen Valley, helped them find bodies to seize their bodies, and provided them with countless pills to restore their strength. This kind of kindness is so great that ordinary people only need to have it. This kind of merit is enough to make people express their gratitude. However, Zhang Ai has done so many good deeds but never mentioned anything in return. Now he invites them to drink. Although the food is ordinary, he is sincere and his heart is less fearful than before. A trace of confusion turned into admiration and respect now.

The children loved the excitement, and the meal lasted for two hours. Even the guests in the building next to them who were having flower wine were all gone. The children had finally eaten well, but they still looked like they were still unsatisfied.

Seeing them coming out with their bloated bellies, Zhang Fei jumped off the roof and cursed with a smile: "A bunch of foodies."

The woman and Lin Sen did not eat this meal. Fang Jian and Fu Kong took care of a group of little ones, and Zhang Tian was afraid that Zhang Tian would leave them on the roof to catch the wind.

After everyone came out, they got on the carriage and left the town. Look at the sky, it will be dawn in two and a half hours, so I will not rest anymore and go on a night journey.

In this way, we walked through the night and then through the day, and then stopped to rest. We started on our way again at dawn, and we walked like this for three days.

At noon on the fourth day, the eldest sun emitted light, illuminating the world with only the word "heat" left. In the high temperature, Zhang Ping suddenly sighed and said: "What is supposed to come will always come." Fu Kong whispered Amitabha. Zhang Tianfang stood up, looked far away, and asked, "How many people are there?"

When he was asking a question, thirty monks wearing various clothes suddenly appeared on the road ahead. Among them were two acquaintances. One was a dark-faced man with a curly beard, who looked very formidable, and the other was a middle-aged thin man. These two people They were all Nascent Soul cultivators, and they bullied Zhang Weijing when he was still a baby. Fortunately, You Fu was around and he was able to get rid of that trouble.

As soon as Zhang Tianfang saw the middle-aged thin man, he remembered everything and shouted: "I remember, it was that bastard who tricked me, and I want revenge!" At that time, he suffered from internal wounds and blood gushing from the thin man's weird sword. Accounts must be settled.

Yunlongmen monks appeared in front, and the carriages stopped one by one. Zhang was afraid of getting out of the car, so he walked to the front and asked, "Why are you blocking the road?" His tone was very rude.

Everyone in this group knew Zhang Awei, especially the bearded man and the thin man who had dealt with Zhang Awei. Their eyes were like brushes, brushing Zhang Awei over and over again. They couldn't believe that the person in front of them was the same person back then. That alchemy monk.

Wu Ding found out Zhang Ping's whereabouts a few days ago and hurriedly passed the news back to Yunlongmen. Yunlong Sect sent thirty Nascent Soul masters to deal with the matter in just three days, which shows how much they value Zhang Ai and how tough the sect is.

Among the thirty people, one is a top-level cultivator, four are high-level cultivators, and the remaining twenty-five are all Nascent Soul mid-level monks. It is not an exaggeration to say that such powerful strength is astonishing. No wonder they can dominate the Warring States Period.

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