The Monk

Volume One Chapter 736 Return

Chapter 736 Return

A Bai Zhan team member came over to ask for orders, saying that they wanted to explore the land to see where this place was. Zhang Ai nodded in agreement. He didn't care where this place was, but the children needed to eat, so he warned, "Buy more cooked and hot dishes."

Three sailboats were approaching quickly. The people on board were all grotesque, wearing rags, but they had sharp and shining steel knives in their hands. They bared their teeth and claws and shouted: "Stop the boat. If you don't stop, the boat will be destroyed and people will be killed."

The dolls looked back at Zhang Awei and asked him to make up his mind. Zhang Awei smiled and said: "Then stop." So the ship stopped in the sea and allowed three pirate ships to approach. They used hooks and other tools to connect the four ships to one place, and then they There were nearly a hundred men on the page, all of them fierce and manic, for fear that others would not know that they were bad people.

After boarding the ship, he spoke dirty words, wielded a knife and threatened everyone to gather at the bow of the ship, and some even wanted to break into the cabin. The little dolls all turned red with excitement. These are all bad people, and we must punish the evil and promote the good. Zhang Wen told them many stories and taught them all to be good people, which was an unexpected surprise.

But Lin Sen couldn't be happy. These fat babies were too simple-minded and didn't understand the dangers of people's hearts and the hardships of the world. Unless Zhang was able to protect them for a lifetime, they would be easily deceived and even lose their lives.

The dolls finally couldn't hold on any longer. Without waiting for Zhang Ain to say anything, they rushed forward with the monsters. Each of them also held a toy-like knife in their hands. They were cute and the knives were small. Even the nineteen sand bears didn't have any ferocious aura at all. He shook his head in confusion.

The pirates laughed and said, "I need to take these back. They are so cute."

Zhang Awei sighed secretly, pirates also know how to be cute, and they already have thoughts of right and wrong, good and evil, so why do they do bad things?

The fat kids rushed into the pirates in a chaotic manner. Holding a knife in their hands, they couldn't bear to stab them, so they raised their pink fists and knocked down one after another. Only then did the pirates realize that something was wrong. They drew their knives and went to fight, but they were surrounded by sand bears again. As soon as each of their round bodies collided, one of them was knocked away and floated from the ship to the sea like a kite.

What the dolls are interested in is beating up bad guys, not killing people. The pirate I met last time just beat him up, and was later secretly killed by Bai Zhan. It was the same this time. The ten white warriors were waiting for the dolls to be heroes and had enough fun. They quickly invited the sand bear and the fat doll back to the cabin, and then killed them. It took a while to burn three pirate ships.

Zhang was afraid that he was not in the mood to distinguish among the many people on the pirate ship who was good and who was bad, who was coerced and who was voluntary. If he did something wrong, he would have to bear responsibility. Except for the victim, everyone else should die.

This was just a minor disturbance. An hour later, the Bai Zhan team members who came ashore came back and brought back a large amount of prepared meals, which the children ate with great joy. Some team members went to report the situation to Zhang Ain. This was a territory belonging to the Warring States Period. There were fishing villages on the seaside, and the city had to go ten miles further north. No cultivators were found.

After the children had finished eating, Zhang Wenwen asked them if they had had enough time at sea. The answer is yes, enough is enough. After staying on the boat for more than a year, all I see every day is the sky, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, or how magnificent the sea is.

So I decided to go back to the mountain, but there was just a little trouble. What should I do about the Jiao Jing? The eggs haven't hatched yet.

Zhang Ping went to check the snake eggs again. There were no dead eggs laid by the super-level monsters. The young snakes in the eggs retained their dragon nature, but they were not strong enough to break the egg wall.

Zhang Ai made the decision and asked everyone to stay at sea for a while. When the children heard this, they came to suggest: "There can't be just one group of pirates. We should do good deeds for the suffering people and sweep away the pirates nearby." Zhang Ai was stunned and asked : "Who gave you the idea?" A group of little children shouted: "Many stories say this. A hero is to help the people and save people in distress. We must be heroes."

After hearing this, Zhang was afraid that he would not be able to find time to turn around, so he said that the only person who had the patience to tell stories to little kids was a little monk. Even Cheng Xier, who had the power of life and death, only ordered them to educate them, so how could he be in the mood to tell stories.

Fu Kong disappeared in front of him and went to talk to Jiao Jing. He also wanted to successfully hatch the little snake.

Zhang Awei coughed and said: "There is too much right and wrong in the world. There is no pure good and no unreasonable evil. Unfortunately, things are not what you see. Maybe there is a story behind it."

"Ask if you have a story. You can't do bad things anyway." Fu'er said.

A group of grass elves have lived for a long time, but their minds are as simple as children. Zhang was afraid to wonder why Lin Sen was so mature and prudent, even sinister and cunning, but these little straw dolls were the complete opposite?

There are some things that cannot be explained to the dolls. For example, the government forces the people to rebel, and the people also kill people when they rebel. Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys? After thinking about it, he called Nan Yun and asked him to tell stories to the dolls. He told all kinds of stories, with only one requirement, that they must be true. Unexpectedly, after hesitating for a long time, Nan Yun refused his request and replied: "I quite like how they are now. Everything they see is good, their hearts are kind, and they are always innocent. If Master is worried, I can protect them." For the rest of your life, make sure no one bullies you."

Zhang Weijing was stunned again and said depressedly: "Why didn't you think of this when you killed someone before?"

Nanyun made sense: "It's useless for me to think about these things. I have to have my opponent think the same way. Otherwise, if I think about it and they don't think about it, wouldn't I be looking for death?"

Well, I can't talk to you, so Zhang is afraid to simply ignore the matter. He has experienced ups and downs and seen too many things, including those who wrongfully accused others of rebelling and those who took advantage of others' power to bully others. He knows that the lives of the people at the bottom are difficult, and he will always try his best to help when he encounters them, but there is a limit to how much help he can give. In the same way, you also have a certain degree of restraint in doing evil. Your hardship and injustice cannot be the reason for you to do evil. If the government bullies you, will it be possible for you to kill the official? After killing him, is it possible to escape somewhere else and live incognito? The world is so big, who knows where you are hiding? Why bully innocent people? So he would show no mercy to the pirates.

But the dolls don't know this, they only know simple good and evil. Looking at the innocent and chubby faces, Zhang was afraid that he couldn't bear to say dark things to them, so he said: "It's really hard for you to do something." and sent Nan Yun away.

For the next month, the big ship drifted offshore. The pirates were lucky and didn't encounter them. A bunch of little fat guys were very disappointed that the hero couldn't do it. But then three snake eggs burst open, and young snakes as thick as a finger emerged, attracting the attention of dolls and children, who all told Zhang Ain that they would take them in as his subordinates.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't listen to them. There is no Nitian Cave now. It would take who knows how many years to expect these little snakes to grow up.

It took more than a year, but only three baby snakes were hatched. These three survived, which meant that the rest had to wait to die. Jiao Jing understood in his heart, and with some sadness in his eyes, he said that the situation in front of him was exactly what he had done.

Zhang Ain took out a basin, took a piece of fresh meat, beat it into a paste, melted a spiritual energy pill into it, mixed it with some water, and it became the snake's food. Then talk to the Jiao Jing: "Give me those eggs."

Jiao Jing couldn't figure out what Zhang was trying to do. Those were its flesh and blood. She was extremely reluctant to part with them. After hesitating for a long time, she finally nodded. The young snakes cannot break out of the eggs and the only thing waiting for them is death. It would be better to end the pain as soon as possible. , so as not to toil in an empty egg.

Zhang Ain took out the Yueying knife and lightly drew a fine line on each egg to create a gap in the snake egg. Then he put it back into the spirit storage array, guided the spiritual power to pour into the egg from the small cracks, and melted the Marrow Pill and the Spiritual Energy Pill respectively, dividing the medicinal power into many parts, forming a thin stream, flowing into the mouth of the little snake. In the evening of the same day, these little snakes that received Zhang's help hatched out of their eggs one after another, and all thirty-three baby snakes survived.

Jiao Jing was very grateful to Zhang Ai and nodded his thanks repeatedly. Zhang Aif waved his hand and left, letting the little snake adapt for a few days before returning to the mountain.

Seven days later, the ship approached the shore and found a deserted place to disembark. Bai Zhan continued to work as a coolie, carrying the child and carrying the carriage to find the way ashore. Zhang Ain put away the big boat and was very satisfied with this trip. After returning to the mountain, he was going to transform into a god.

The Warring States Period was very large, bordering the Yue Kingdom in the north. The largest cultivation sect was Yunlongmen in Qiyun Mountain. Zhang Ping once rescued two fugitives from Yunlongmen, and also killed several monks from Yunlongmen. Anyway, there was a deep hatred between them.

Within the Warring States Period, there is also the most magical place of cultivation in the world, the Valley of the Gods. Every sixty years, cultivators from all over the world will flock here. From this point of view, the Warring States Period is the most attractive place for cultivators, and it is also the place where cultivation masters come and go. Most places.

In order to avoid the trouble of traveling back and forth, many casual cultivators settled near the Valley of Refining Gods. It gradually grew in size and became a resort, attracting more cultivators. As there are more cultivators, there will naturally be trading bazaars. Although the trading bazaars there are not as good as those in the Holy Capital and Shanshentai, looking at the trading markets of several major countries, the Warring States Market is the best.

This is true for any business. If there are more people, more people will be attracted, and only then will there be a better market.

The market was built in the mountains, and the scenic spot was this mountain, which stretched for thousands of miles. There were many wild beasts in the mountains, and they were extremely ferocious. Ordinary people did not dare to enter, but it gave the cultivators an advantage. There are streams, clear springs and lakes in the mountains, and the scenery is good. If the beasts were not ferocious, it would be a good place to live.

The name of the mountain is Longshan, and it and Qiyun Mountain were the two major mountain ranges of the Warring States Period. When Yunlongmen was first established, it was named after the two mountain ranges, which meant to unify the world and Xiaoao in the Warring States Period.

The Yunlong Sect is indeed good, and the name is correct. During the thousands of years since the sect was established, geniuses and masters have emerged in large numbers, and it soon became the largest cultivation sect in the Warring States Period, and it still stands today.

Longshan is in the north, Qiyun Mountain is in the south, and there is a foggy valley between the two mountains. The Foggy Valley is surrounded by mountains, with peaks and forests surrounding the strangest place in the world. There is heavy fog all day long in the middle of the mountains, which is called the fog valley. Every sixty years, a passage will open up in the Fog Valley, leading to the Valley of the Gods and the Temple of the Gods.

Although Zhang Ping rarely wandered around the Warring States Period, he knew a little bit about these things. He was unwilling to deal with cultivators. When planning the route to the north, he tried his best to go east and avoid Qiyun Mountain and Longshan Mountain. Especially in Longshan, the mountain is full of cultivators, all of them ghosts and spirits. If Fat Baby's secret is discovered, there will always be some trouble.

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