The Monk

Volume One Chapter 735 Joy in the Sea

Chapter 735: Joy in the Sea

If it were a sword cultivator, he would never do this. They also fight among themselves and help ordinary soldiers fight. It is a responsibility of being a strong man in the country, but they will never save ordinary soldiers alone. They think that if you are caught, it is because you are incompetent. I did what I should do. If you fail to do it, it is your problem. Life or death is a matter of fate.

The cultivators from the Wu Kingdom used their own thinking to figure out Zhang Weizhi's intentions, and believed that he had ulterior motives. To be cautious, they united with the sword cultivators from the four countries to find out the matter, investigate the forces behind the top masters from the Yue Kingdom, and investigate whether they had any ulterior motives.

The sword cultivators went for investigation and did not intend to kill anyone. They sent six people to Yue Kingdom to protect themselves in the event of an unexpected situation. But by chance, they encountered the dragon spirit laying eggs. These six people had the intention to kill because of their greed, and they were killed.

Once the six of them died, the clever Wu Guo Jianxiu thought more. He basically confirmed that the Yue cultivators would be detrimental to them, so he temporarily stopped the civil war in Wu and united with the high-level sword cultivators from the thirteen countries to solve the matter.

These are the details of the whole incident. The reason was that Zhang was afraid of being kind and framed ordinary soldiers.

Fortunately, Zhang was afraid that he didn't know the cause of the matter. If he knew, he would probably be able to follow Shura's footsteps and vomit blood together. What's going on? I put so much effort into doing something good and yet I did it wrong?

Because he didn't know that his good deeds would be so harmful, he waited with an innocent face for Peng Zhan and Peng Yang to explain to him why Wu Guojianxiu was here. The two brothers were also honest. After hearing the greeting, they flew to the carriage and stopped. Zhang Ain asked: "What do you want to do with a bunch of people?"

Peng Zhan replied: "The matter has nothing to do with us." Regardless of other things, let's talk about ourselves first.

"Then why are you two here?" Zhang Ain asked again.

Peng Zhan replied: "Six high-level sword cultivators in Wu Kingdom died. It is suspected that they were related to fellow Taoists. The two of us are considered old friends and were sent for questioning." He spoke straightforwardly and put his position clearly. His level is very low, not only lower than Zhang Wei, but also lower than other monks in Wu Kingdom.

Zhang Ai was stunned, what happened to these two brothers? Is there such a question? He replied directly: "If people don't offend me, I won't offend them."

The two brothers were also stunned. Did they answer like this? Did you admit it or not? They looked at each other and said goodbye. To them, it didn't matter who killed the six people. What mattered was whether the master of the killing had any ill will towards the state of Wu.

The death of six high-level sword cultivators made the rest of the sword cultivators aware of the danger, but no one would be willing to go to the top-level masters to fight unless the matter was on their own shoulders. They gathered together because they wanted to know if the top-level masters would come after them. trouble. As for the six people who died, they were all dead, so what else could they do? Except for the cultivators from their own country who would feel a little heartbroken, the other sword cultivators were secretly very happy because they were all opponents and it would be best if they all died.

To put it another way, seventeen sword cultivators might be able to kill Zhang Ai if they work together. But there is a premise here, which is that everyone has to fight hard. Top-level masters are not foolproof. Even if they can be killed, seventeen people will still have to take two, three or even more lives. So the question arises, who is going to risk his life? Who is willing to die?

They had their own considerations and selfish motives, but they were not united. They couldn't fight Zhang Wei, so they asked Peng Zhan and Peng Yang to ask questions, hoping to resolve the matter peacefully. No one was willing to fight until it was pushed to the last step.

The two brothers left immediately, and Zhang Tianfang laughed: "Interesting." Fang Jian also laughed: "You don't have to kill seventeen people."

Anyway, once the matter is settled, everyone can continue heading south. Arriving at the seaport one day later, you can see the connection between the sea and the sky, and feel that the sky is far away and the water is far away, which is a unique feeling. The dolls were the most excited, jumping up and down and shouting, which made Zhang Ain take out the big boat and they wanted to go to the end of the sea.

This scares me. Are you kidding me? To the end of the sea? Who knows where. Without returning the words of the dolls, he took everyone to a place without human traces, released the big ship in the deep water, and asked the white warriors to pick up the children, fat dolls, carriages and horses, etc. aboard, and everyone sailed away.

In order to make the children happy, the big ship moved very fast, flying across the sea like an arrow, and reached the depths of the sea after half a day. Zhang was afraid to remove the barrier, allowing the dolls and children to feel the sea breeze and the coolness of the splashing waves.

The children had enough fun and had other thoughts, they wanted to go swimming. Zhang Wei said: "If you're not afraid of drowning, go ahead." Fu'er and the others were indeed not afraid of death. They splashed into the sea, sinking and floating happily, but it was not very convenient to move around with their clothes on.

The children also wanted to swim, but Zhang was afraid of asking them to wait, so he took some time to make sixty-four light body charms, each one posted one, then stripped the boys naked and threw them into the sea, while the girls were given to Cheng Xi'er to take care of. . He also asked the Bai Zhan team members to take care of them, keeping an eye on each person, one by one, to protect their safety.

On this day, everyone was very happy, a happiness that cultivators do not have. Even Bai Zhan, who acts as a nanny, is very happy. Seeing the dolls' inner happiness, they are also infected. This kind of happiness without asking for anything is so natural and true, I haven't experienced it for a long time.

Zhang Tianfang was particularly happy. He shouted while playing in the water: "I have always said that I should go out for a walk more and see how fun it is." After saying this, he plunged into the water to catch fish.

Others were playing in the water, but Zhang was afraid of being busy. He laid out mats on the second deck at the stern and built a nest for the dragon. This is the sea, there is no need to close it, just release the dragon spirit and eggs so that it can hatch baby snakes in peace.

Zhang Ping wanted to help it and wanted every little snake to survive, but there was no way. The successful hatching of the God-subdued Snake was due to the Divine Tears' working, becoming one with him and transmitting endless spiritual power, allowing the young snakes to break out of their shells. But these methods were useless against the dragon eggs. All he could do was pray, hoping that the little snake would be lucky and survive.

Incubating eggs, to put it simply, means letting the baby snakes break through the egg shells on their own strength, and when they emerge, they will survive. The reason why the survival rate of dragon sperm eggs is low is because the egg shell is extremely hard. Generally, young snakes cannot break out of the shell and die in the eggs. Therefore, when a big snake lays eggs, it will condense most of its spiritual power and send it to certain eggs, so that the little snakes inside have the strength to break out of the shell. Correspondingly, other young snakes that lack strength can only die in the eggs.

In order to ensure the strength of their offspring, the monsters will not help the young snakes break out of their shells. This is the first competition that the young snakes face after they are born. Only those with strength can survive.

Zhang Ain thought about it and let the dragon spirit incubate the eggs first, hatching as many as possible, and then help them break out of their shells. Even if the little snakes are weak, it doesn't matter. Anyway, there are magic pills, so they can always be fed well.

After thinking about it, my mood improved. I took out my folding fan and swayed towards the bow of the ship. There were nineteen sand bears gathered on the bow of the boat. They were all chubby and wanted to go into the water to play, but they were a little afraid, and they lost their reputation as super-level monsters. Zhang Awei thought about it, this is probably the principle of one thing defeating another. No matter how powerful the sand bear is, it is naturally afraid of water, so it will always suffer in a fight in the sea.

From this day on, everyone basically settled in the ocean. With the tide, the ship drifted around, visited many places, had a lot of happiness, and saw many rare things. There are turtles as big as houses, fish as big as islands, and rain that can fly. I also visited many islands and saw all kinds of exotic flowers and rare animals.

Of course, I also saw people, including poor islanders, indigenous savages, and the most bizarre thing was that I actually encountered a group of pirates. The fat babies with a strong sense of justice took the monsters and destroyed them. However, beating people seems to be addictive. From that day on, the children took over the command of the ship and galloped across the sea in search of pirates.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't tell them because pirates mostly operated offshore. The clouds are so deep and the water is so far away that not a single ship can be seen in a year. Pirates must not starve to death?

In this way, in the past year, Zhang Ai's young disciples have grown up a lot. In addition to the previous few years, the oldest disciple is now fifteen years old and the youngest is seven years old. They are all sensible. However, Zhang Ai still does not teach them anything. We can wait until we get back to the mountain to talk about everything. His childhood was lonely and dark, and he didn't want his disciples to be like this.

The sea is deep and vast, and no one knows what is in it. The children are like exploring. They encounter a new world every few days, and they never tire of it.

For more than a year, Jiao Jing has been staying on the second deck. For a year, not a single baby snake hatched out of its shell. Zhang Weijing has been here a few times, and it is really not easy for the monster in his heart. It is not easy to live, and even being born is not easy.

Generally speaking, monsters such as dragon spirits lay eggs. Because the incubation time is too long, they rarely have close guards. After the eggs are laid, they find a remote place to dig sand and bury them, and then wait. For safety reasons, I would come back from time to time to check, but I never dared to put the eggs outside openly.

Because the incubation time was a bit long, Zhang Tianfang asked him: "You're not going to die, are you?" Zhang Awei despised him: "Can your psychology be any darker?"

I had already checked with my spiritual sense and found that all thirty-three eggs contained the aura of life. The aura of three eggs was much stronger than the others. If no outsiders intervened, only three little snakes would be able to break out of their shells and be born. In order to keep all the little snakes alive, Zhang was afraid to set up a magical array at the snake eggs, a spiritual storage array, to seal the spiritual energy in the array. He put the snake eggs into the array and nourished them with the spiritual energy, hoping that each little snake would be in the egg. Slowly becoming stronger, and finally successfully hatched.

Zhang Tianfang accepted the contempt calmly and replied: "I grew up in a dark place, and my whole body is dark."

While the ship was sailing on the sea, the children chased and suppressed the pirates for some time, but then they gave up and left the ship without a helmsman again. Not knowing how the ocean flows, he took the ship back to the mainland offshore.

It was also the misfortune of some people. They finally encountered pirates here. The fat kids immediately became energetic. They looked at the three malicious sailboats on the sea and surrounded them, shouting: "Finally I caught you."

Seeing the pirates, Zhang was curious. Could it be that he had returned to the offshore? Divine consciousness broadcasts that three hundred miles to the north is land.

Fang Jian also noticed something strange and came over to ask him, "You're back?" Zhang Ain smiled and affirmed, "He's back."

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