The Monk

Volume One Chapter 732 Shura Vomits Blood

Chapter 732 Shura vomits blood

Fortunately, many people feel the same way as them. Fang Jian took a step back, shook his head and sighed, and said in a very disappointed tone: "Boring." The piglet and the cat continued to nod to confirm that Fang Jian was right.

Zhang Pa's expression was serious, but he explained in a very shameless tone: "I am sacrificing my glorious image to make them despise me, but they don't fall for it, and I can't do anything about it."

Shura had been enduring there, and after listening to Zhang Pa's great explanation, he finally couldn't help it and vomited blood. He was angry and couldn't hold it back. He felt wronged for himself and was very dissatisfied in his heart. With his own cultivation, he was the first person in the Demon Sect. He was arrogant all his life and had always been willful. He had never been looked down upon by others, and he had never suffered a little grievance. But it was this idiot in front of him who forced him to admit defeat again and again. He couldn't cry, otherwise he would definitely find a place to cry until the mountains collapsed.

He was so frustrated by Zhang Pa's bullying that he couldn't understand why he lost to this unlucky idiot? This idiot was actually better than him! Why? Why did he live a carefree life for most of his life, but he ended up being so frustrated, why?

Many things will make you think more and more, and you will never understand them. For someone as proud as Shura, when he thinks of the past and the future, the frustrated scenes appear in front of him again and again, and his mind is excited, and it is normal to spit out blood in anger.

But he spit out blood, and he still couldn't untie this knot in his heart. He just couldn't understand why such a big idiot could bully him, why?

When Shura vomited blood, everyone was shocked. They looked at Zhang Pa and then at Shura, wondering what was going on between the two. The enemy was six sword cultivators, so why was Xiu Luo vomiting blood?

Zhang Tianfang was stunned for a long time, and praised loudly: "You are so amazing, you made someone vomit blood out of disgust. I was just pretending, this guy really vomited blood, I admire you so much, but it seems that you are disgusting the wrong person, the enemy is the six guys with swords." After saying this, he thought for a while and added: "Do you want to catch them all in one fell swoop?" "I'll hit you in the head." Zhang Pa's body swayed like a ghost, put away the folding fan in his hand, grabbed Zhang Tianfang with both hands and threw him into the sky, and saw a black shadow flashing in front of his eyes, and the person was gone. Zhang Pa was just playing around, and he really didn't want to anger Shura. He would never have thought that Shura would be so angry that he would vomit blood. He quickly took out several kinds of pills, such as life pills and spiritual energy pills, and threw them at him like throwing stones. Poor Shura was so angry that he vomited blood, and he had to eat other people's pills. He took the pills and glared at Zhang Pa, then disappeared. Zhang Pa hurriedly shouted: "Don't go, there are still six guys here, hey, come back!" The sound of the last four words was very loud, like a sudden thunder, which scared everyone in the scene without any warning.

He was crazy and messy, and the six sword cultivators who were stimulated didn't dare to do anything casually. They carefully scanned the surrounding environment and exchanged glances with each other. Finally, a guy in silver clothes asked: "On the lake or under the lake?"

Two red, two black, one yellow and one silver, the six high-level sword cultivators all thought that the madman below was a big trouble and didn't provoke him easily. Compared with the rumors in China, maybe the guy who saved 250,000 Yue soldiers alone was him. Can we kill him with the six of us? But we can't be scared away after running all the way, not to mention that there are treasures under the lake.

The six sword cultivators who are decisive in killing doubted the sword in their hands for the first time. It's not because the opponent is powerful, but because the opponent is too crazy.

Shura didn't come back after all. Zhang Pa looked at the direction where Shura disappeared and curled his lips. He should have known not to play so crazy and make his helper run away. At this time, a shrill cry came from the sky: "Help." Zhang Tianfang fell down.

What a depressing day, now it's your turn to go crazy? Zhang Pa raised his hand up, and a water arrow immediately shot up from the lake, shooting straight towards the rapidly falling Zhang Tianfang.

Zhang Tianfang just tried to show some panic when he saw a water arrow shooting at him. He cursed: "You want to die?" He moved his body sideways to avoid the water arrow, landed steadily on the big boat, and shouted to Zhang Pa: "Why are you shooting me? Fang Jian, help me deal with him." Fang Jian didn't even look at him, and lightly passed on the words he just commented on Zhang Pa to him: "Boring." Zhang Pa didn't talk to this madman, forgetting that he was even crazier just now, and smiled and talked to the six sword cultivators: "I'm not lying, you'd better go back quickly, Yue Country is very dangerous, it's not suitable for you to stay." Once again, he advised them to leave. According to Zhang Pa's repeated and repeated theories, if these guys didn't leave and dared to act rashly, they would definitely die here. Although the six sword cultivators were one realm lower than Zhang Pa, they had fought with top-level masters before. As long as three of them formed a group and attacked with desperate moves, even top-level masters would find it difficult. The sword cultivators of Wu country, any cultivator above the foundation building stage, have a fierce murderous aura. The higher the cultivation, the stronger the murderous aura. On the battlefield, one person can be as powerful as a million soldiers. When the cultivation is higher, the sword aura and the murderous aura merge into one, which is the realm of the great success of sword cultivation.

They grew up in the killing array, fighting is cultivation, and the number of times is many times more than the number of times ordinary people eat. Fighting with cultivators from other countries, often killing people across levels, just like Zhang Pa before. High-level sword cultivators from this environment, of course, don't care much about the threats of others.

Although they were not sure of Zhang Pa's strength, and did not know how powerful he was, the six people should have the strength to protect themselves if they fought hard, so the three people who had been pointing their swords at Zhang Pa moved at the same time, and wanted to seize the opportunity to kill the enemy. A supreme murderous aura instantly enveloped Ning Lake, frightening the fish to sink to the bottom and the birds to fly high. The three sword cultivators broke through the dust with one sword.

The momentum was strong, much more powerful than Bai Wu's two. An idea flashed through Zhang Pa's mind, but the person was faster than the idea. The air shook, and the supreme murderous aura was like thin ice being hit by a heavy hammer, breaking into pieces and disappearing into nothingness.

As soon as the murderous aura disappeared, everyone's heart immediately became relaxed. In the moment after they became relaxed, Zhang Pa returned to the bow and stood still, with a relaxed expression, as if he had just walked around casually and came back.

In the air, the three sword cultivators who were stabbing with the power of thunder did not change their swords, and continued to fly forward, but their faces became ugly, with a sense of shock. After a while, three blood lines appeared on the necks of the three people. As they rushed forward with too much force, their heads snapped back and the three headless bodies rushed forward for more than a hundred meters. When their strength was exhausted, the three bodies fell into the lake one after another, and blood flowed out, soaking the lake water red.

Three masters who looked very powerful died just like that? A bunch of people on the lakeshore and on the boat looked at Zhang Pa in disbelief. This action was too fast! Was he too powerful, or were those people too weak? Especially a group of white cultivators, at this time, they really saw Zhang Pa kill people. That ease and speed can only be described in two words: scary! The degree of shock was even higher than the three dead people.

A group of people were busy being shocked. At this time, there was another thumping sound on the shore. Turning to look, the three sword cultivators who were watching were also dead. They fell from the air to the ground. They also had their necks broken by swords. They only lived a moment longer than their companions.

When their companion was stabbed by the sword, the three sword cultivators immediately realized that something was wrong. This guy pretending to be crazy was different from the top masters they had seen before. The three of them wanted to retreat and moved at the same time.

But when they moved, they found that their hands and feet were out of control. Then they found that they were stabbed by a sword on their necks. Then they watched the three people on the lake die first. They persisted for a moment and then died.

This is the biggest irony. Sword cultivators who make a living by swords and have experienced countless killings have been stabbed to death by swords without even seeing the face of the enemy. At this time, the murderer still looked calm, as if nothing had happened. Even his sword was not seen, and the six masters died.

When everyone found that the remaining three sword cultivators were also dead, they became more shocked. Is this guy still human? How could it be so fast? They looked at Zhang Pa in fear. Team member Bai Zhan was completely desperate. In front of this pervert, they had better not have any ideas. They were Yuanying masters, and they were quite impressive in the past. Some people thought of borrowing Zhang Pa's elixir to practice first, and then find a way to get rid of his control after becoming stronger. But now, they are too scared to have such thoughts. That guy is really too powerful! Zhang Pa stood at the bow, very satisfied with everyone's shocked expressions, and secretly panted in his heart: It was a bit hard to kill six people at once. I won't be cool in the future. It's tiring. The six great sword cultivators died, and six Yuanying flew out one after another. They didn't run away as soon as they came out, but gathered together to ask Zhang Pa: "The previous killing was our own fault. Daoyou has killed people to settle the previous hatred. I wonder if you can give the six of us a chance to live?" They knew that the speed of Yuanying would never be able to escape Zhang Pa's pursuit, so it's better to come over and say soft words. Zhang Pa said: "I let you go earlier, but you refused and killed me. Alas, if I had said a few soft words earlier, nothing would have happened. Well, follow me in the future, I will protect you." This guy killed people and made people angry. It's really hateful. The six Yuanyings showed doubtful expressions. Someone asked, "Why are we Yuanyings following you?" They were worried that they would be captured and used to refine magic weapons and elixirs. Zhang Pa saw through their thoughts and said, "Don't worry, I won't kill you." He raised his hand and grabbed them, sending them into the big walnut on his chest. Including these six, up to now, a total of 25 unlucky Yuanyings have been imprisoned. They are a little different from Bai Zhan's Yuanyings. These 25 Yuanyings were all killed by Zhang Pa himself. Six people were killed instantly, and the dozen low-level demon cultivators who were watching the excitement by the lake were shocked. One of them reacted first and ran away immediately. When he ran away, the others reacted one after another and followed him to run away. In a few breaths, everyone ran away. Because there were not many cultivators here, the only cultivators who happened to pass by at this time were Shura and six sword cultivators. When these people ran away to death, no one knew what happened at the bottom of the lake, and the Jiaojing basically saved his life.

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