The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 733: Sympathy for the Same Suffering

Chapter 733: Sympathy for the Same Suffering

In order to take care of it, everyone stayed in Ninghu for ten more days. Anyway, it was just for playing. It was better to be on the boat than in the car. The place was big and could be moved around. It was also convenient for the children to get together. In these ten days, no cultivators came to trouble Jiao Jing, and Ninghu returned to its previous calm.

The next day, Zhang Ping decided to go south. The matter with Jiao Jing is now over, help is needed, and the rest is entirely up to Jiao Jing himself.

Everyone docked to change cars, and the dragon spirit swam out from the bottom of the lake, showing its big head and saying goodbye to them. Zhang Wei thought about it and said more: "There are more than a dozen low-level monks who know what happened in Ninghu. There is no guarantee that they will come again in the future. You should be careful." The big snake nodded to show that it knew, and then sank into the water.

Carriages were lined up on the shore, and dolls and children got on one after another and continued their journey. The happiest thing about this trip to the south is these little guys, running, jumping, chirping and bustling, always with a smile on their face. However, Zhang Ping sighed secretly. The dolls couldn't hide all their surging aura, otherwise they could get off the car with the children and have fun, walk the mountains and rivers, or even go into the city to watch.

The carriage left Ninghu and went down the river. Half a month later, it arrived near a small city with a population of about 50,000. Zhang was afraid to call the parking team and ordered Bai Zhan to go into the city to buy food.

He stopped the motorcade and ordered people to go into the city. The children in the car gave up and opened the door and jumped on him, shouting loudly, "Go to the city, go to the city, go to the city to play."

The entire journey of the convoy was always going around villages and towns, wandering in the wild. The children had already had their objections and had been pestering them to go into the city. According to those little brats, the city is very fun, with all kinds of food and toys, tall restaurants, luxurious buildings, lively alleys, everything you need, and more importantly, there are people coming and going.

The coming and going of people is the scene that the dolls most yearn for. They hope that they can blend in and walk around like real people. They are no longer the treasures of fairy grass in the eyes of others, so they are afraid to please and beg Zhang all the way. Want to go into town.

Looking at the eager eyes of the group of little ones, Zhang Wen hesitated for a moment, softened his heart, and spread his consciousness. No cultivators were found within a hundred miles. Then he called Nan Yun and other five Bai Zhan leaders.

These five people originally had the lowest cultivation level in Nan Yun and the intermediate level cultivation level in Nascent Soul. The other four people had high level cultivation level. Unfortunately, they died in the Valley of Refining Gods. They were saved by Zhang Ai and survived by luck. At this time, the five people's cultivation levels are quite similar, and they are all Nascent Soul mid-level monks.

Zhang Ai ordered: "Zhang Changgong, Liu Li, Zhang Zao, Liu Dao, the four of you will each lead a team and patrol in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest. If there is any movement, report back at any time. Nanyun, you will lead a team into the city to take care of it. Leave a few more people to drive.”

The five people responded with a bang, and saw white clothes flying, and more than two hundred Nascent Soul masters scattered in all directions at the same time.

Just to let a dozen dolls go to the city to play, they made such a big noise that the world really didn't know how to comment.

When the fat babies heard that Zhang Afraid agreed to them, they jumped off the carriage happily and ran towards the small town.

There are more than a dozen chubby dolls aged four and five, pink and white, tender and cute. When they run on the road, they look even cuter. Anyone who sees them wants to pinch and hug them.

The grass-jing doll was having fun, and Zhang Ping's group of young disciples, not to be outdone, jumped off the carriage one after another and chased after them.

Lin Sen came over and frowned and said: "It's a bit risky." Zhang Ain comforted and said: "With my current cultivation level, what can I do even if it is seen by others?" Lin Sen shook his head and said: "That's not what I said. You have to know that there is a world outside the world. There are always experts out there." Zhang Ain continued to comfort him: "It's okay, I'll leave later, we won't meet him by chance."

Lin Sen sighed and said nothing. Making the dolls happy was what he wanted to do.

The fat baby ran ahead, Cheng Xi'er winked, and more than thirty girls hurriedly followed, one person looking after two, and inserting themselves into the middle of the crazy children.

Zhang Tianfang chuckled and said, "It's really troublesome."

Such a team is so eye-catching. After entering the city, a group of white-robed children were looking around on the street. There were also many beautiful women holding hands or accompanying them to look after them, making the people in the city wonder if they were young men from the royal palace school in the capital. When he went out to play, he was so frightened that the government sent detective horses out of the city to find out the news.

Children don't care about this. They are only responsible for being happy, and Zhang is afraid of taking care of the rest. The fat boy walked in front, first looking at the high-rise buildings and clever houses. He looked around and said to disciple Zhang Ping: "There are no high-rise buildings. They are not as high as those on Tianlei Mountain, and they are not good-looking. However, the small streets are quite interesting, and the street entrances are quiet." Quietly I don’t know where to go.”

Some disciples retorted: "If you don't have any knowledge, no matter where you go, they are all homes."

Live at home? In Fat Baby's mind, a place of residence is nothing more than a big yard with a house built in the middle. Even the disciples of Tianlei Mountain mostly live in small buildings, with many people living together. There is no sense of being in the shade of trees. He turned around and said to Zhang Awei: "Brother, can we build a house like this when we go back?" "

The young disciple was the first to say, "What's so good about a house like this? Rich people have big houses and open their doors on the street. Most of the people who live in such a place are poor, and there's no dirt road? In such a narrow place, even carriages can't even reach it." We can't get in." He then said, "If you don't look at this, I'll take you to the warehouse and let my brother buy toys for us." The fat kids agreed.

The town is not big, there are not many things to play with, the buildings are just average, and the children can only eat and play for two hours. The kids really like the feeling of eating in a restaurant. They can order food, eat in a room with many people they don't know, and there are people waiting on them. It's so lively and cheerful.

Two hours later, everyone left the city and walked along the suburban road. The children got into the carriage. Zhang Wei sent a messenger to recall Bai Zhan. After everyone came back, someone reported: "There is a high mountain three thousand miles away to the west." The monks flew by, spotted us, and turned around to leave."

Zhang was afraid that he might be a passing cultivator, so he didn't pay attention. Urge the carriage to move forward.

Soon it was dark, and everyone was about to stop and rest, when a spiritual breath came from the distance.

They had been going down the river. If there was a road by the river, they would follow it. If there was no road by the river, they would go around it. However, no matter how far they went around, they would not be able to go further than 10,000 meters. At this time, the resting place was about three thousand meters away from the river, and the spiritual breath came from the river.

Sensing the spiritual aura, Zhang Weifan's expression changed, and he thought to himself: "Jiao Jing is really unlucky. He was forced to leave after being separated for just a few days."

He stretched out his body, flew to the river, stopped, and whispered: "Don't run away."

When the dragon spirit saw that it was him, it hurriedly jumped out of the water from the bottom of the river, flew to Zhang Ain and stopped in front of him, nodding to him repeatedly. Jiao Jing is a super-level monster that can fly, but because it is a water monster, the protection and attack power received in the water will be much stronger, so it likes to stay in the water, even if it escapes, it is in the water.

It came out of the water, and its nearly twenty-meter-long body was covered with scars. Some of the scars were serious. The scales were broken open, white flesh was exposed, and even a small section of its tail was chopped off. Zhang feared in his heart. : "It's miserable enough."

The dragon spirit nodded and opened its mouth, spitting out thirty-three snake eggs, which floated gently on the water. Then it turned around and swam back into the water, hoping to return to Ninghu Lake. It looked like it was going to fight tooth and nail.

Zhang Ai was laughing secretly in his heart, trying to play tricks on me? Why go back if you obviously can't beat them? To die? As soon as he stretched out his hand, a soft force held up the snake egg and said softly: "Don't leave."

Just when the big snake turned around, a high-level monk in yellow clothes chased from behind, walking with a sword, and followed the big snake closely. He found a person standing in front of him. He scanned his consciousness and couldn't find out what his cultivation level was. He stopped and stood still. Only then did Zhang Ping say those words. Hearing this, the big snake hurriedly swam to Zhang Ping's feet and stood still.

One person and one snake stood still, Zhang Ain whispered: "Why are you so unlucky? Every time I see you, are you being chased and killed?" He said to the monk in yellow: "Let's go." Soft and energetic, the snake was killed. The eggs were held in front of my eyes, and each one was round and jade-like, which reminded me of the time when I hid the eggs of the Fushen Snake. In terms of appearance, the eggs of the Fushen Snake were better-looking, but in terms of size, the eggs of the Flood Dragon were bigger.

Asked the Jiao Jing: "Can they hatch?" The Jiao Jing shook his head and denied it. Zhang Ai nodded, it should be the same as the Fushen Snake Egg, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, it would be great to be able to survive three or two, otherwise the world is full of powerful monsters, what about the less powerful monsters? Are you all going to die?

The yellow-clothed monk watched Zhang Ain talking to the snake, and he couldn't make up his mind. He didn't know whether he should give it a try. He came to Yue country with a mission. He didn't want to accidentally encounter treasures, so of course he had to collect them on the way and not give them up. give up.

At this time, Zhang Tianfang flew over. He loved the excitement the most. When he saw the big snake, he laughed: "It's you again? Are you being chased again?" Then he laughed louder, patted Zhang Weifang on the shoulder and laughed: "Same as you, Haha, I run for my life every time I see it, and I’m always being chased.”

Zhang was afraid of being depressed, so why did he always say embarrassing things about me? Now that I am the number one master, can you give me some face?

The yellow-clothed monk had a cold face and his eyes wandered. Another person came from the other side. He didn't know how many people were behind him and whether they were experts. He made up his mind not to take risks easily, so he stepped back and flew away.

After the enemy left, Zhang Ao asked Jiao Jing: "Where are you going?" Jiao Jing was smart and received help from several encounters. Knowing that Zhang Ao had no ill intentions towards him, he jumped out of the water and flew beside Zhang Ao. To plate up means to follow you. At the same time, he raised his head to siphon, and the snake eggs that were still in the air were swallowed into his mouth again.

Jiao Jing understood clearly that even if Zhang was afraid of killing him to get the pill, it would be better than dying in the hands of others. At least he had saved himself several times.

Seeing the big snake swallowing eggs in its mouth, Zhang Tianfang laughed and said: "You still have this ability. Where is it hidden? Open your mouth and let me see."

The Jiao Jing is very considerate, opening its mouth wide, revealing eggs one by one, and squeezes them into the mouth and neck flesh. Thirty-three snake eggs take up a lot of space, which makes the big snake uncomfortable.

Zhang Ping said: "Spit it out, I will help you get it." The big snake really listened to him and spit out the eggs again. Zhang Ain raised his palm and gently put the snake egg into the big walnut on his chest, and then separated a stream of spirit essence from the divine tears. He also took out one life pill and one spiritual energy pill, threw them to the snake, turned around and flew back to the carriage.

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