The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 731 Six Sword Cultivators

Chapter 731 Six Sword Cultivators

Miraculously, today, his crow's mouth worked for the third time. As he spoke, a masked master appeared above Ninghu Lake. Shura was here. He appeared suddenly and silently, wearing a big black robe, as spooky and terrifying as a ghost.

As soon as he appeared, Bai Zhan's team members immediately became nervous. Although there was no need to be afraid of top-level masters with Zhang Afraid around, it was still very easy for top-level masters to kill one of them, so they were on guard.

Zhang Tianfang looked at Shura and laughed: "You should go to fortune telling. The ability to turn a word into a prophecy is really admirable, haha."

He laughed, maybe it was a forced smile. At this moment, he was talking and thinking. He was talking nonsense about three things, and he actually got them all. With such luck, he didn't know whether to say yes or no.

As soon as Shura came, he saw Zhang Awei. He had not repaid the favor. When he saw Zhang Awei leading a group of people on the boat, he shook his head and sighed: "Why can I meet you everywhere?" It was a coincidence that Shura appeared here. Last year, there were three thousand children. After the problem was solved, he began to think about reopening the mountain gate. He had dealt with Zhang Ao many times, and he knew that the person would accept softness rather than hardness. As long as he accepted the softness appropriately and refrained from doing evil, reopening the mountain gate of the Shura Sect would not be a big deal at all.

However, as he said this, Shura was always unsure. After all, the Demon Sect once helped the Jin family to destroy Tianlei Mountain. The hatred was so great that they did not dare to expect Zhang to give up and not take revenge. Therefore, in the past year or so, he I didn't stop wandering around. I wanted to see how Tianlei Mountain would treat the Demon Sect after it grew stronger. I also wanted to re-select a location in the south. I hope to choose a place with good terrain, easy to defend and difficult to attack to open the mountain gate. Whether the spiritual energy is sufficient is not a consideration. within.

I happened to be nearby today and happened upon the Jiao Jing laying eggs, so I came over to check, but I didn't expect to run into Zhang Ai again.

Shura shook his head, and Zhang Ping shook his head even more: "You see me, why don't you leave?" This statement shocked the other demon cultivators by the lake. Although few people have seen Shura, according to legend, there is an expert in the demon sect dressed like this. , the strength is unfathomable. Judging from the arrival posture and killing intent of the person in front of him, it is almost certain that he is the person in the legend, but the madman on the big ship actually dares to talk to Shura like this? They all looked over curiously, wondering whether this sentence would anger Shura and lead to a fight between the two.

When Shura heard this, he shook his head again: "Can you be kinder to me?" After saying that, his figure flashed and disappeared from the place, but the figure flashed again and he came back again. The interval between the two flashes was extremely short, as if the place had not moved.

Zhang Awei frowned and sighed secretly: "I won't talk nonsense anymore. The power of this crow's mouth is too great." The master who noticed the leakage of spiritual information was not only Shura, six more people flew from the south, six high-level Nascent Soul monks, either with long swords hanging on their waists or with long swords on their backs, and one of them held his arms with both hands. With a long sword like this, I don’t know how it can run so fast.

The clothes of the six people are similar, they are all thin-soled boots, martial pants, and sword uniforms. The difference is the color. Two of them are wearing black clothes, two are wearing red clothes, the guy holding the sword is wearing yellow clothes, and One person is dressed in silver.

Zhang Awei chuckled: "Sword cultivator? Wu Guo?" As soon as he said this, the six people stopped and looked at him with stupefied faces. No matter what they looked like, they all had dead faces.

Shura sighed softly and asked: "Looking for you?"

Zhang Aif turned his head and looked at him, and replied seriously: "You're not looking for me, why don't you leave?"

Six high-level sword cultivators were parked in the air outside the lake, about ten meters above the ground. They were not afraid of ordinary people seeing them, and they obviously had no scruples.

They were not scrupulous, but Zhang was afraid that he had to be scrupulous. He waved to them and said, "Come down." The six of them turned a deaf ear and remained motionless and did not speak.

Zhang Wei sighed: "I can't stand this anymore. A bunch of idiots pretending to be deaf and dumb come here to pretend to be cool with me. I don't even think about it. Can you pretend to be cool better than me?" As he spoke, he raised his hand, and something appeared in his hand. A black folding fan shook slightly after unfolding.

After saying this, the eyes of everyone near Ninghu were all focused on him. There was no way, the lethality of this sentence was too great. The first half of the sentence was okay, scolding others, showing one's arrogance, but the second half was okay. In the middle of a sentence, the wind suddenly changed, and he said some idiotic nonsense. The funniest thing was that he took out a broken fan to respond to the situation.

A group of Bai Zhan looked at Zhang Afraid with their mouths open, and then turned back for a long time, sighing in their hearts, "Awesome!" Everyone gained confidence: If idiots like this can become top-level masters, we can definitely do it too!

The six sword cultivators were originally calm and showed their masterly demeanor, but Zhang Wear's words ruined their success. They were not sure whether they could handle this guy who seemed stupid but not stupid.

Before they came, they scanned all the people in the field and found out that there were two masters and the rest were only mid-level monks and below. For sword cultivators who aimed at killing all day long, killing them was as easy as chopping vegetables. From the beginning, the six sword cultivators were thinking about Zhang Afraid and Shura, thinking about using five people to entangle them, leaving one person to kill the low-level players. But they didn't expect that this master's style was a bit unexpected, and he would turn into a monster if something went wrong. The six of them had a vague feeling that something was wrong. They looked at each other and decided to take a look at the situation.

Zhang Tianfang remembered the fan he had bought at a high price, and put the ghost sword at his waist flat on the side of the ship. He reached out to Fang Jian and said, "Where's the fan? Lend it to me." Fang Jian said, "I didn't bring it with me." Since the birth of the baby, he has changed To become the purest cultivator, he doesn't carry anything with him except the things necessary for practice. He throws all the spiritual stones and elixirs in the room, not even a storage bag.

Zhang Tianda was furious: "You don't carry the things I gave you with you?"

Fang Jian replied quietly: "Zhang Ai gave me many things and didn't say anything. What do you call a broken fan? If you want to go to my room to find it, there are a lot of things in it. Take it as you like. I will never ask you for it." "

"A broken fan? A broken fan worth fifty million spiritual stones?" Zhang Tianfang shouted.

"Fifty million? Why do I remember it's 40 million." Fang Jian replied calmly. "Don't worry about tens of millions, you should keep the things I give you with you." Zhang Tian was very angry. Fang Jian still spoke quietly: "Okay, clothes and shoes are better than mine. You can give them as you like. I will definitely carry them every day."

Listening to the two brothers talking, Zhang Wen suddenly realized that Fang Jian was very capable of irritating people, and said helplessly: "You two, please keep your voices down. Alas, I have never seen such a waste of things. One of them spent tens of millions of spiritual stones." Buy a rag and give it away, and the other one gets tens of millions of rags and throws them into the room. He admires me so much. You must know that it is my spiritual stone!" The latter sentence was loudly shouted at Zhang Tian! Roar out, don’t let the white tiger transform and treat me like a kitten.

When Zhang Tianfang was yelled at, his face did not change, his heart did not beat, and he said nonchalantly: "Don't shout at me, the things are at Fang Jian's place." Fang Jian then answered: "It's okay, you have a lot of spiritual stones anyway."

They talked about all kinds of nonsense here without any restraint, which shocked the six sword cultivators. Who are these people? A man in red whispered: "The spiritual breath comes from the bottom of the lake, and that thing is still there."

They were attracted by the spiritual energy emitted by the dragon spirit. This is the magical effect of opening the crow's mouth. Its power is really amazing, even the Wu Guo sword cultivator can attract them.

The man in red spoke in a low voice, which reminded Zhang Ain of his business. He raised his head and asked, "Why are you here? We don't welcome you. Go back. I won't send you off."

The six swordsmen were confused. Is the guy on the boat stupid, crazy or crazy? I haven't said a serious word in the past half day.

Among the thirteen kingdoms of Wu, the six sword cultivators in front of me are from four Wu kingdoms. Last year, Bai Wu fought against Dai Viet and captured 400,000 people, but a top-level monk rescued 250,000. Such a big thing could not be hidden from anyone, and it slowly spread. All the monks in the thirteen kingdoms of Wu knew about it. There are several powerful countries that think something is wrong and Dawu is in danger.

They fight with each other every day and know each other's strength very well, but they don't know much about the Yue Kingdom. In order to avoid fierce fighting in the room, there is a crouching tiger in the bed, and a spy is sent around every two years to investigate the situation.

The news I found before was that the world of cultivation in the Yue Kingdom was in chaos and no powerful master was born, but who knew that a terrifying master suddenly appeared. The veteran Wu master couldn't sit still. Although he was just one person, no matter what, with his strength, he could not be allowed to live, so four countries with relatively good relations jointly sent six people to assassinate him. .

Not long after these six people entered the country of Yue, they searched for information day and night. The entire southern part of the country seemed to be cleansed. There was no cultivator in the sky and on the earth to ask questions. They were just as chaotic as headless flies. After a collision, I accidentally noticed the fluctuation of spiritual energy. I knew that a strange treasure was born, so I got greedy and came to take a look.

They all guessed that a strange treasure was born, but they didn't expect that what was born was just a pile of snake eggs, no treasure at all, but the dragon spirit that laid the eggs was more precious. Hearing that Zhang was afraid of letting them go, one person said: "Why should we leave?"

Zhang Awei chuckled: "I promise, if you leave, I won't kill you this time."

"Arrogant." Two black-clothed sword cultivators and one silver-clad sword cultivator formed a team of three, and their swords pointed directly at Zhang Wen.

Zhang Weijing pretended to be cool and shook his head slowly and said: "Want to fight? Do you know how death is written?" This sentence did not scare the enemy, but it was so exciting that Zhang Tianfang vomited and vomited. Even the pigs and kittens also vomited. In fact, many people in Bai Zhan wanted to vomit, but they didn't dare. It was Zhang Afraid who was disgusting, and they had to hold on.

Zhang was very angry. He took great pains to put on a cool look but was disturbed. He kicked Zhang Tian in the butt and said, "Why are you vomiting if you can't spit it out?" Then he yelled at the piglet and kitten: "And you two. You bastard, spit it out. If you don’t spit something out, I’ll cook you both.”

Zhang Tianfang was kicked away, but he didn't pretend to vomit. He raised a long voice in the air and said, "Can you be more nauseated?" The little pig and kitten also stopped pretending to vomit, and nodded repeatedly to confirm that Zhang Tianfang made sense.

They were fooling around here and completely shocked the bunch of cultivators by the lake. Even if they were beaten to death, they couldn't believe that top-level masters could be so bored! Well, the boredom of masters shows that they are open-minded, can tolerate things that are difficult to tolerate in the world, and have the strength to look down on people in the world. Although a dozen demon cultivators thought Zhang was boring, they did not dare to show any contempt for fear of offending a few idiots on the ship.

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