The Monk

Volume One, Chapter 730: Jiao Jing Lays Eggs

Chapter 730: Jiao Jing lays eggs

There were more than a dozen masters below, and the strength of the crowd made the five alchemy-forming monks timid and did not dare to go down. If they did not go down, they would naturally not be able to seize the elixir. However, they were reluctant to leave, so they stopped and looked up in the sky.

Seeing that they refused to leave, Zhang Tianfang took the ghost sword and went up to look for trouble. Zhang Weijing grabbed him and pointed to the lake and said: "Something must have happened to the Jiao Jing, otherwise there would be no bubbles leaking out whereabouts. It's useless to just drive them away. After we leave, others will come over again. I'll go and take a look under the water." What's going on?" After saying this, he jumped into the water and swam towards the center of the lake.

It was easiest for him to swim. He swung his feet and swam straight through like a fish. He dived downwards as he swam, and soon reached the bottom of the thousand-meter lake. The bottom of the lake is naturally mostly mud, so dark that nothing can be seen.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't need to look, so he used his spiritual consciousness to locate the Jiao Jing and slowly approached. He didn't want Dajiao to misunderstand that he had ulterior motives, and he would play hard with him on impulse, which would be really troublesome.

As it sank deeper and deeper, the distance got closer, and a cave appeared in front of it. The entrance of the cave was as big as a pot lid, and it was surrounded by mud. I don't know how many layers it was thick. Behind the mud was a big hole, which I think was the Jiaojing cave. Several broken magic weapons fell near the cave. They lost all their spiritual energy and turned into scrap metal and sunk in the mud.

After diving here, Zhang was afraid of stopping. Twenty meters away from him lay the dragon spirit that he had seen several times. It had a violent and ferocious aura, locked firmly on him, and was always ready to fight. He wanted to say something to explain, but he couldn't open his mouth under the water, so he relaxed all his strength, without any murderous intention, released a peaceful breath, stepped back, and stopped ten meters away.

The monster is very sensitive to identifying scents, and it can tell that Zhang is the person who once rescued him at sea. But people are unpredictable and it is hard to predict. The good guys in the past may be bad guys now. Jiao Jing did not dare to take risks. He still pointed the big snake head in the direction of Zhang Wen and was on guard.

Zhang feared and said: "What about it? I want to kill you, why go to such great lengths?" He entered the water to see what happened. He immediately searched around and found no other monsters or cultivators. We found more than ten or twenty broken magic weapons of various kinds, and some storage bags scattered everywhere. It seems that some people discovered the Jiao Jing and wanted to take advantage of it. In the end, they took advantage of the Jiao Jing. There were no corpses in the wild, and they should have been eaten by the big snakes. . He speculated: Could it be that the big snake deliberately released its breath to attract others to catch it because it tastes like meat?

There was nothing unusual around him, so he turned his attention to the big snake. Its long and thick body lay in a slightly curved shape at the bottom of the lake, with its head held high, facing him. Except for being a little bigger, it seems to be no different from before. At this time, Jiao Jing's body suddenly trembled, as if in pain, his mouth opened, and a bubble rose upwards.

Zhang was afraid that he realized something was wrong. He searched the big snake's body inch by inch with his spiritual consciousness. He found that the waist was very thick and swollen, and he knew what was going on. He and this stupid snake who was always being hunted had not seen each other for tens or hundreds of years. Zhang was too lazy to calculate how long it had been. In short, it had been a long time since they had seen each other. The dragon spirit was pregnant, and the relationship was between a female dragon and a female dragon. Don’t they all say Jiaolong Jiaolong? Why do dragons also have mothers?

He couldn't understand this, but he knew that the big snake was about to give birth and was in physical pain, so it would make a noise and be noticed by the cultivators. He thought to himself: "Fortunately you are not the God-Destroying Snake, otherwise it would be really difficult to get close to you." Based on his understanding of the God-Destroying Snake, he guessed that the Jiao Jing might not be able to hold on anymore. There's going to be harm out there. Little did I know that it wasn't safe to go home.

Want to understand what's going on, Zhang is afraid to get out of the way and let this guy lay eggs slowly. The God-Suppressing Snake is so powerful that it will become extremely weak for a period of time before it lays eggs. It seems that the Jiao Jing will not be able to get any favors and is always in danger. But since Zhang Ain saw it, I will protect you once. It can be regarded as a predestined meeting.

Surfaced on the water, launched the No. 5 large ship, called everyone on board, got the horses and carriages on board, and then explained to everyone what happened. Fu Kong heard what he said was a good thing. Zhang Tianfang said that he was a bad guy, but Bai Zhan was shocked in his heart. What happened to this man? He was so cruel when he killed us, and then led us to do even more cruel things, seizing our bodies!

Seizing one's body is something that all cultivators in the world hate and reviled. It is the evil among evils, but Zhang Weizhi encouraged them to do it so generously without feeling any guilt at all. He was supposed to be a ferocious man, so why did he help a seriously injured monster? This man is a good man.

I don’t know how they came to this conclusion, but they obeyed the orders honestly. Just now they carried the child and the fat baby onto the ship, and then went to carry the carriage and horses; now they are acting as temporary sailors, and a group of Nascent Soul masters are being used as coolies.

They were struggling here, and the five people in the sky were confused. They originally thought that there were only a dozen white-clothed masters, but they didn't know that there were more than two hundred masters in the carriage, as well as a bunch of terrifying monsters, and more than forty people who were either forming pills or Yuan Yuan. The female cultivators in Ying just didn't understand why there were a group of ordinary children among them, but they were definitely not able to compete with such terrifying strength. The five people looked at each other, finally decided to give up, admit defeat, and turned around and flew away.

The children were very happy to get on the boat. The boat was big, and barriers were set up on the sides of the boat to isolate the inside and outside, so they could run around and play around on the deck.

However, his disciples had seen monsters in fat babies, and heard that Zhang Aoi had many big snakes, so they came up with the idea of ​​underwater dragon spirits and asked Zhang Aoi to get snake eggs, so that they also wanted monsters.

Zhang Weijing ignored them and called Cheng Xi'er to take the child back and give him a good education. Monsters can be obtained, but they must be obtained in a wise manner, not by force, and must control their greed.

From that day on, everyone spent a few days playing in Ninghu. On the fifth day, the underwater dragon spirit suddenly became weak and seemed to be seriously injured and dying. Zhang was afraid to know that this was to collect spiritual energy to supply snake eggs, and the big snake was about to give birth.

Although the big snake was worried that Zhang Wen and others on the lake had ulterior motives, it couldn't help but give birth when the time came to lay eggs. If he was worried, he would die and swam back to the cave to lay eggs.

Five days after the Jiao Jing entered the cave, the lake surface suddenly sank, and then bounced upward. The calm lake surface was like an explosion, and a wave of water exploded from the ground, with a height of 30 to 40 meters. Then the water wave fell and crashed. Entering the lake, at this time, a spiritual breath formed a ring and scattered upward from the bottom of the lake. After a while, another spiritual breath rose from the bottom of the lake, passed through the heavy lake water, and expanded to the surrounding areas.

The people on the boat looked at these changes in surprise, and Zhang fearfully said: "Why are you going so hard to give birth to a child? There was no such big noise when the God-Snake was laying eggs."

When the Subdued Snake laid eggs, it was said to be premature, and it was after the death of the big snake. The soul forcefully forced the eggs out, so of course there would be no big disturbance. At that time, it was fortunate that Zhang was afraid of taking away the snake eggs and had Divine Tears to help. Otherwise, these snake eggs would be nothing more than a pile of dead eggs and could only be used to refine elixirs and weapons.

I saw the spiritual energy spreading out in circles, one after another, and there were about thirty of them. Zhang was afraid that he was in trouble. Because there was their big ship here a few days ago, and there were a bunch of ferocious monsters, even if the dragon spirit made some noise, it could easily be fooled. No one dared to investigate, no one dared to have a thought. But it's different now. The spiritual breath is scattered in all directions, which will definitely alarm some people.

Cheng Xier asked a group of girls to escort the fat doll, children, and many monsters into the cabin. He, dozens of Bai Zhan team members, Zhang Tianfang and others stood at the bow of the ship and watched.

Jiao Jing knew that the spread of spiritual energy when laying eggs would be discovered by cultivators. With her current strength, if she was caught by cultivators, she would be unlucky, so she buried all the snake eggs under the mud, then floated out of the water and washed away. Zhang Ain nodded his thanks.

It knew the ship and several people on the ship. They had saved it in the beginning and now they were protecting it to lay eggs. It was a great kindness and it must be thanked. It wants to thank the snake and release its body to go south, luring away the pursuers of cultivators so that the snake eggs can hatch smoothly and give birth to some young ones.

Zhang Awei saw it nodding to thank him, and said softly: "It's okay, you can go back, I'll cover it for you." The calm tone of his voice calmed Jiao Jing's heart, and he nodded again, thanking Zhang Awei. Get into the water. Go dig out the eggs, carry them into the cave and put them away.

The spiritual energy that the dragon spirit lays its eggs spreads brightly between the heaven and the earth. Although it is not powerful, it can be clearly sensed that some treasure must have been born. The cultivators hiding in the surroundings come to check it out one after another.

This place is in the south of the country of Yue, and was originally the sphere of influence of the four demonic sects. However, the demon sect is declining day by day, and no sect dares to clearly state that this place is under his control. In addition, the righteous sect is so powerful that the demon cultivators dare not come out and move around. Therefore, there are only a dozen low-level demon cultivators hidden in the surrounding area for more than a thousand miles. Now, this group of low-level cultivators are flying towards Ning Lake.

After the explosion, the lake returned to calm. Zhang Tianfang lowered his head and looked down into the water. After looking at it for a while, he asked, "How many are there?"

"How many?" Zhang Ain asked. "Snake eggs." Zhang Tianfang said. Zhang fearfully said, "I don't know, I didn't check." He answered the question, hugged Huo'er and said, "Don't mess around with that stupid pig in the future."

All the other monsters entered the cabin, except Piggy and Kitten. The two brothers liked the excitement and wanted to have a fight. Huo'er was a little follower and followed Piggy around all the time. Hearing what Zhang Weijing said, Xiaozhu was furious, and a palm-sized flame appeared on the top of his little head.

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Hey, I have grown up and can roast pigs."

While he was talking nonsense here, a cultivator arrived. A junior demon cultivator who formed a pill quickly came to the lake. Because he found a bunch of masters who were unsure of their strength on the big boat in the lake, the demon cultivator did not dare to approach and released the magic cultivator. After a simple scan, he immediately flew high into the sky to remain vigilant.

As soon as the first one came, the second one would come. Soon, a dozen low-level demon cultivators gathered by the lake, basically all with foundation-building cultivation. This level of strength was really not enough. Zhang Tianfang was very disappointed that such an opponent could not even arouse his desire to fight. He took a few steps back and sat down and said, "You are solemn about this, just to guard against such a group of idiots?"

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "It's always right to prepare in advance. What if a master passes by?"

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