The Monk

Volume One Chapter 727 Fu Kong Returns

Chapter 727 Fu Kong returns

Zhang Ain lowered his head and thought for a while. He suddenly had an idea in Baiwu territory. What was the reason for being so busy every day and every month? What is the purpose of spiritual practice? Other cultivators have goals to pursue, but he has never had any lofty goals. In the past, he wanted to stop being afraid of being one, and later he wanted to become more powerful, but no matter how powerful he was, he never thought that he could become a top-level cultivator. Master.

His becoming powerful was an accident and had nothing to do with cultivation. Moreover, since he became a top-level master, he has no goals at all, has lost his direction, and runs around in a daze every day. I think that except for him, there is no such cultivator in the world.

It was then that his thoughts arose. By chance, the passage to the Dry Bones Forest was opened again, which made him want to figure out these things. Why is there such a strange existence as the Dry Bones Forest? I don’t understand now. Is it because I haven’t reached the level of cultivation yet and am not strong enough? Can I understand this when I become a god?

Because of these thoughts, I came to see Zhan Yun at this time. He worked so hard to transform into a god. Although he did not succeed, if he succeeded in transforming into a god, what would be his future goal? Zhang Ain asked him: "If you succeed in transforming into a god, what kind of state will you be in?"

"I don't know." Zhan Yun's answer was simple: "Everyone wants to transform into a god, so let's do it. As for what will happen after transforming into a god, it's just a wild guess. It is said that the whole person will undergo great changes and will have the same abilities as gods. You can There are mountains and rivers and oceans of rain, but it is just a legend. No one has ever seen it, and no one knows where this legend came from. "

This is a question that has no answer. Zhang is afraid to ask in another way: "How do you become a spirit? Keep practicing? Take Qidan? Or do you need to disperse the infant to concentrate like the melting pill and the formation of the infant when the pill is promoted to the Yuanying?" "

Zhan Yun replied: "It's useless to ask me. I've tried all the methods you mentioned, but they didn't work. Particularly, it is extremely difficult to disperse the infant. Self-explosion of the Nascent Soul will do it, but slowly dispersing it will not work."

The same question was asked in vain, and Zhan Yun's answer was no answer. Zhang Ping thought of Zuo Shi and the other sages. They had been trying hard to become gods, but no one had succeeded. It is said that the mountain god is in the state of becoming a god. Why not teach them the method? Thinking of this, I have the idea of ​​​​going to Shiwanda Mountain again. If I have the chance, I should go to see the mountain god and ask my questions. If you can become a god, of course you should try it, it is better than wasting your time.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Zhan Yun said, "Is there anything else? I'm leaving without you. I'm very busy."

you busy? Looking carefully up, down, left and right, I couldn't see where I was busy, so I casually said: "Go and do your business."

At this moment, Ruiyuan was standing by and Zhang Ain asked, "Do you have anything else? By the way, what are my three stupid dogs and one stupid wolf doing? I haven't seen you for a long time." Every time I scanned them with my spiritual consciousness, they were wandering around the mountain, not knowing what they were doing.

Ruiyuan smiled and said, "Uncle Master, those dogs have taken over the mountain and become kings."

"What?" This answer startled me. Ask again: "What are they doing?"

Ruiyuan smiled and said: "It's the mountain that used to be the Ten Thousand Beast Cave. After the Ten Thousand Beast Cave was destroyed, the top of the mountain was shortened, leaving only sand, stones, grass and trees. Uncle Master's three dogs wandered there all day long, and no one else was allowed. When they get close, their fellow disciples say they have taken over the mountain and become kings.”

When he said this, Zhang Hui understood a little bit. It was the home of the three stupid dogs who guarded the Cave of Ten Thousand Beasts back then. Only the three stupid dogs accompanied him through those lonely years, and he felt that they were quite nostalgic. But that peak was some distance away from the main peak and was not among the eighteen peaks. It was not protected by the magic circle, so he asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

"There were two fights before, and some people coveted them, but things got better later and nothing like this happened again," Ruiyuan said.

Three stupid dogs are fighting with people, and they don’t even know it? Zhang Ping sighed secretly and wanted to see them. At this time, the children ran out. Knowing that Zhang was afraid of coming back, a group of children, including Fu'er and fifteen fat dolls, came to see him. The fat doll was very straightforward. When he saw him, he stretched out his hand and shouted: "I want fireworks."

They dared the child to go back to the mountain and show off the fireworks with the fat baby, and they wrote them down. Zhang Ping said: "I'll make it for you when I have time." Ask the children: "Get used to it." The children were more ferocious than the fat babies. They formed several circles around Zhang Ping and shouted even louder: "I want sand." Bear, I want a sand bear.”

Yes, a group of little guys were playing competition here and quickly turned around and ran away. Although the dolls and children were reluctant to let him go, they couldn't catch up with him, so they had to scream angrily behind him.

Zhang Ai quickly ran to the mountain gate and stopped, thinking to himself: The little guys are too fierce. I just took this opportunity to walk through the eighteen peaks and check the magic circle.

Today, there are many people living in each of the eighteen peaks. Except for the main peak, there are usually a few or a dozen disciples of the sect leading hundreds or even thousands of disciples to practice hard here. After seeing that the magic circle was fine, we went to the old site of Ten Thousand Beasts Cave for a while. Three big dogs, one big wolf, and four mighty ferocious beasts were entrenched here, and they dug out four caves to shelter them.

Zhang was afraid of feeding them some spiritual energy pills, and wondered why the red wolf didn't go to see his children? The red wolf's cub, which was originally given to Fu'er and the others for foster care, is now a super-level monster, much more powerful than their mother.

One person and four animals stayed idle for a while, then forcibly took them back to the main peak. It's not that I'm worried about being in danger, it's that I'm too lonely in a barren mountain.

At night, fireworks light up in the sky behind the mountain, blooming one after another in the night sky, which is very beautiful. But after only a dozen or so, it stopped, and then the blackness returned to the night, and the beauty disappeared.

It was the children showing off their treasures, and beside them stood the girls and Fu'er. Zhang was afraid of watching them play from a distance, so he thought to himself: It would be a good thing if everyone in the world could live such a happy life, but it is a pity that most people are unhappy.

After that, we spent some peaceful days on the mountain, and everyone was busy or busy with their own business. Zhang Ai found a quiet room and concentrated on meditation. He wanted to find out what was beyond Yuanying and whether he could transform into a spirit.

As for what becoming a god is and how to become a god, no one knows. Nascent Soul top-level masters are the pinnacle pursued by cultivators in the world. It is a lifetime wish for ordinary people to reach the pinnacle, so how can they think about what is beyond the pinnacle? Only top masters will think about what is beyond the top and strive for it.

Zhang Ai is fighting for it now. Unlike Zhan Yun and others, the main purpose of those people is to extend their lives. He is just curious.

Time flies, winter turns to spring, and in the blink of an eye it is summer the next day. This summer is extremely hot. Most areas in northern Vietnam are in high temperatures, and half of these areas are dry and rainless.

There are many things at the bottom of the mountain that people on the mountain don't know. These so-called worldly masters are all busy with their own great cause of cultivating immortals, and they have no time to pay attention to the sufferings of the world.

Only a group of dolls were idle. Zhang Ping's child disciples were fighting fiercely with the fat dolls. With the fierce protection of Piggy Kitten and Huo'er, as well as several magic circle protections, there was no need to worry about safety issues. This group of guys just had fun, riding around on big horses all day long. Today they went for a walk in the woods, and tomorrow they went to Tianlei Mountain Hall for a stroll. There were also a group of fat bears who helped them do evil, coming and going like the wind like horse thieves. Run through eighteen peaks.

Zhang Ping didn't even know about the suffering at the foot of the mountain. He spent all day thinking about how to become a god without even leaving the house.

No matter what others may think, he does believe in the existence of masters of spiritual transformation. Just one Five Spirits Blessed Land can prove everything. He is now a top-level expert with a mysterious cultivation, but he does not have the strength to build mountains and earth. He can dig pits and pile soil, but moving mountains and filling the sea is not as simple as digging holes and piles of soil.

According to Lin Sen Shouyuan's inference, the Five Spirits Blessed Land has existed for at least ten thousand years. Zhang Ai sighed with emotion. He didn't know what earth-shattering masters the mainland had produced ten thousand years ago to create such heaven-defying existences as the Five Spirits Blessed Land and the Heaven-defying Cave.

He was thinking hard and didn't have time to come back. The healthy and clean young monk came to the front of the mountain, bowed down at the mountain gate, and then signed up: "Daxiong Temple has no time to come to see Zhang Ping."

The people at the foot of the mountain didn't know him, so they followed the rules and reported it to the monk on duty. The monk on duty was one of the more than 700 remaining disciples of the sect. He had some impressions of the young monk and hurriedly reported it to Ruiyuan. Ruiyuan is now also a powerful leader of the party, with a high and powerful position, which is rarely seen by ordinary disciples. After getting the news, he went to Zhang Tianfang. Zhang was afraid that he would not be able to come out of seclusion, so he could not disturb him casually. Fang Jian was also practicing, but Zhang Tianfang was the only one who was not serious and could take as much leisure as he wanted.

When Zhang Tianfang heard that the young monk was coming, he flew down the mountain. When he saw the young monk, he punched him on the shoulder and said happily: "Is the injury healed?"

Fu Kong was also very happy, but he still met people according to Buddhist etiquette, and then said: "The donor is thinking of you..."

"What are you worried about? It's not good to talk like before. After being injured again, people have become fake. Why don't you just go up the mountain? You are still asking for a meeting down there. It's boring! Come, let me take you up the mountain for a walk." Zhang Tianfang pulled him towards Walk up the mountain.

It's been about three years since we last met. Fu Kong had gone back to Daxiong Temple a long time ago and didn't know much about Tianlei Mountain. During this trip, he saw countless masters and was amazed. He praised: "Zhang Ai is really powerful. He is not an ordinary person, but he can do this. "

Zhang Tianfang was unhappy: "Stop talking nonsense, it's all thanks to me. The idiot you mentioned is in seclusion in the back mountain. He doesn't care about shit. He competes with himself all day long. He doesn't see any means. It's true that he fell ill." !”

Cursing Zhang Weifang, he led Fu Kong to see Song Yunyi and other girls. They were all old acquaintances. He always wanted to inform him when he came back. After talking, he went to see Lin Sen. This was Zhang Weifang's uncle and elder. Fu Kong and Zhang were afraid of their peers, so of course they had to pay their respects politely. Finally, the two of them came to the courtyard and stood still. Zhang Tianfang pulled his neck and shouted: "Zhang is afraid, Fang Jian, you two bastards, come out for me, the young monk is back."

This shout was full of energy, and the sound spread far away, startling countless birds in the forest, and also startled the children and fat babies who were keen on the horse thieves' cause. The sound of hoofbeats resounded through the mountains, and a fierce horseman Appear in front of you. This fierceness is talking about horses and has nothing to do with the riders on the horses, especially a group of fat babies, chubby, looking only festive and joyful, how can they be brave?

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