The Monk

Volume One Chapter 726 The Name of Master and Disciple

Chapter 726: The Name of Master and Disciple

The middle of the whirlpool is empty, there is no water, and it does not affect speech. Zhang Tianfang asked: "Where is the fish man?" Zhang Ain replied: "He didn't come out." "Then you just sit here? Don't you go in and take a look?" Zhang Tianfang asked again. Zhang Weijing simply replied: "I can't get in."

The black mirror is the passage leading to the Bone Forest, and one must have fish-man blood to enter. The two brothers couldn't get in, so they had to wait patiently. The first day was fine, but from the second day onwards, Zhang Tianfang became extremely impatient and asked Zhang Awei to take out his flying boat. He also tried to float around in a light boat on the sea, and even wanted to fish in a whimsical way, which made Zhang Awei Make him a fishing hook.

Zhang was afraid that he wouldn't do it, so the two brothers just floated on the sea and waited under the sea. More than a month passed in the blink of an eye. Zhang Tianfang was so bored that he wanted to go crazy, so he ran under the whirlpool and asked Zhang Afraid: "Did you make a mistake?"

"What do you think?" Zhang Ping gave him a blank look and didn't understand what was going on. Why was there no sign of the fish-man?

Zhang Tianfang felt bored and returned to the sea to toss. At this time, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, the whirlpool gradually became smaller, the sea water merged, and layers of pressure pressed on Zhang Wen, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. Zhang was afraid of breaking out of the water, but when he looked down again, he saw that the whirlpool had disappeared, and the black mirror on the seabed had also disappeared.

Zhang Tianfang rushed over and asked, "What's wrong?" Zhang Ain took out the astrolabe and took a look. He was so depressed that the bright spot disappeared and the channel was closed! This result made the two of them a little depressed. Zhang Tian shouted in frustration: "What are you doing? Are you kidding me?"

Zhang was afraid of speaking softly, so he just played it. It was better than some fish-headed men coming out, so he said to Zhang Tianfang: "Go back."

Although Zhang Tianfang was not happy, he had to return to Tianlei Mountain together. Before leaving, Zhang Wenwei took the fixing astrolabe and looked at it carefully again. He put it away and flew back when he didn't see any bright spots.

Walking back, he took a look at the border between Vietnam and Wu. As he wished, the war had stopped. The former killing battlefield now had a mighty tent, guarded by hundreds of people from both Wu and Yue countries. Everything else has not changed. It was what it was before, and it is still what it is now. The Yue army is a million-strong army, and the Wu army is facing hundreds of thousands of warriors. There are also 250,000 prisoners of war trapped in the rear camps.

Zhang Ai understood at a glance that the idea he gave Peng Zhan worked. Wu State took 250,000 prisoners of war to negotiate terms with Yue State. He thought: It’s slow enough. It’s been just negotiations for more than a month? But the fight is finally over, which is a blessing to the people.

After crossing the border and flying north, we returned to Tianlei Mountain soon and flew straight to the back mountain to find the children and see how they were doing now.

The group of children were sitting in a big room, and they all listened seriously to what Cheng Xi'er was saying. Fifteen fat children were also among them. Zhang was afraid so he didn't bother him and turned around to go to Lin Sen's residence.

As soon as he entered the yard, the old man was pouring himself some spirit wine, surrounded by a group of sand bears, who were fighting for the wine with him. Seeing that Zhang was afraid of coming back, he smiled and said: "You are really busy, come on, have a drink."

Zhang Ai smiled apologetically: "Anyway, there are always a lot of things." He caught the sand bear, ravaged it first, and then kissed it for a while. Lin Sen said: "Stop making trouble and drink." Zhang Ain agreed and sat down opposite Lin Sen.

At this time, Zhang Tianfang also came in and said, "Take me one." After sitting down, Da Lilie asked Zhang Ao for a drink. Zhang Ao took out a few bottles of wine and asked him, "Didn't your name be Fang Jian?" Zhang Tianfang grabbed the wine and said :"Go ahead."

This lazy person has a good appetite, and the time to talk has already been exhausted.

Monsters have a keen sense of spiritual power. The nineteen sand bears have always been loved by people and have a very good relationship with everyone. Therefore, they bravely entangled a few people to drink spiritual wine without fear of annoying them. Other monsters do not have this courage. , all retreated to various places in the courtyard.

Zhang Pao grabbed two sand bears and talked to Zhang Tianfang: "You are just like them, you know how to eat." The lazy white sand bears gathered in a group and snorted in protest. Zhang Xing said angrily: "You are super-level monsters, can you have some grace?"

I had a drink with Lin Sen, then went to see Song Yunyi, exchanged a few words with him, and then went to Zhan Yun to ask some questions.

Zhan Yun was tossing in the fight, imparting all his years of combat experience, tossing more than a thousand people like coolies, without the sense of elegance and detachment that a cultivator should have. Seeing that Zhang Wei came to him, he said casually: "Look at the soldiers I trained. How do you think?"

The three teams, needless to say, Bai Zhan, are all human spirits, all Nascent Soul masters, and do not need Zhan Yun's guidance on how to practice. Hei Zhan is a killer and has his own training methods. The only way is to fight hard, there are many people, the background is low and chaotic, the cultivation methods are not unified, Zhan Yun has nothing to do, so he comes to torment them.

Zhang is a little speechless. After all, he is also a cultivator. Has he become a soldier in your mouth? He nodded and said, "It's okay." Then he asked, "You won't accept any more disciples?"

"Why are you collecting that? I've collected it before, and it's just like that. It's boring. What's the matter with you?" He answered Zhang Awei's question and asked Zhang Awei again.

Zhang Awei nodded: "I have something to ask you." "How can I know something that you don't even understand?" Zhan Yun spoke while still looking at Qian Duo Li Zhan.

Zhang was afraid that it had been nearly half a year since he had been down the mountain, and the last time he came back he only went up the mountain before going down again, so he didn't know many things on the mountain. When he returned to the mountain, Ruiyuan got the news and hurried to see him. He had something to tell him.

Seeing Ruiyuan, Zhang Zhen frowned. The last time he went back to the mountain, Ruiyuan sent him down the mountain with just one word for half a year, and now he's back? He said with a grimace: "Is there something else going on?"

After Ruiyuan greeted him respectfully, he said: "Last time, I said that tens of thousands of people came to be apprentices. We will choose a date for the assessment three months ago..." He just started, but Zhang Wen quickly interrupted: "This is your business, you can do whatever you want, I will No need to know."

Ruiyuan said yes, and then added: "There is one more thing I want to ask my uncle. That is the sixty-four new children you have accepted. The boys are fine, but what about the dozen girls? Tianlei Mountain does not accept female disciples. …”

"Okay, I'll take care of this. If the worst happens, I won't accept it. I'll just live in the back mountain." Zhang Ai said helplessly.

"That's not what you're saying. Uncle Master is the number one person in Tianlei Mountain. How do you plan the divisions of your more than sixty disciples? Although the three teams regard you as their master, after all, they only have the title of master and disciple. You never Willing to teach others..." Ruiyuan was interrupted again by Zhang Aoi: "What does it mean to only have the name of master and disciple? The fact is that they all call me master."

"Uncle, have you ever taught someone the Heavenly Thunder Mountain Kung Fu? Or have you given guidance to any of your fellow apprentices?" Ruiyuan had the courage to expose Zhang Wei's ugly face. His righteous words made Zhang Weijing feel depressed and blush: "Let's not talk about this for now, what plan did you just say?"

"Uncle Master is the number one person in Tianlei Mountain. He has more than a thousand disciples and hundreds of Nascent Soul masters. Uncle Master's team is the strongest force in Tianlei Mountain. However, those people in the past only had the title of master and apprentice. The newly recruited sixty The four junior brothers are different. If a few of them manifest themselves in the future, their talents, minds, wills, and virtues will all be of the highest quality..." Ruiyuan once again failed to finish his words and was interrupted forcefully by Zhang Awei: "Don't think so much, okay? Look at them, take them in and raise them up, don't worry, no one will compete with you for the leadership." Zhang Ai admired his nephew very much, he dared to say anything, he always used the name of master and disciple to criticize himself for being lazy. He accepts disciples but does not teach them.

Rui Yuan said respectfully: "Uncle Master has misunderstood the disciple. The disciple is not interested in the empty position of the master. He is just worried that there are four sects under the master's sect at this time. What he learns and uses are different from the methods of the Tianlei Mountain sect. The disciple is thinking , in the future, when my uncle is away, if these four disciples have conflicts with the disciples of this sect, how will they be settled?"

Zhang Ai is completely speechless. Why don't you say nothing to me first? But what Ruiyuan said is right. Now he is suppressing a bunch of bastards. If he is no longer here, these bastards don't care what happens in Tianlei Mountain. If there are disputes, who knows what will happen in the future. He nodded and said: "This is it. You develop Tianlei Mountain with your heart, and I have my own arrangements for them."

Ruiyuan bowed and said yes. This was the purpose of his words. He would like to remind this lazy uncle in advance not to randomly recruit people back from the mountain next time. If he went down the mountain a hundred and eighty times, Zhang Ai's disciples would probably be worse than There are many disciples in the whole mountain, and they are chaotic and uncontrolled. For any sect, such a force is very troublesome.

"Is there anything else? If nothing happens, the sixty-four children will be under your control. Let them play for a while first, and then teach them the Tianlei Mountain exercises later. It is up to you to decide who to teach and what to do. ." Lazy Zhang is afraid of becoming a hands-off shopkeeper again.

Ruiyuan responded again and again, and then murmured in a low voice: "There is the name of master and disciple, but there is no real sense of master and disciple."

Zhang Weijing is completely convinced. This guy is determined to the end, so he is not afraid of my anger? Ignoring him, he turned to talk to Zhan Yun: "When will you finish your work?"

Zhan Yun has become much more open-minded and cheerful since he took the longevity pill. He has determined the day of life and death, and his cultivation can no longer be improved. He has no desire, no worries, and is strong. He has never been so relaxed and comfortable in his life. He does things according to his temper every day. If you want to do it, do it; if you don't like it, don't do it. I no longer think about people and things indiscriminately. If I think less, I will naturally be happier. Hearing Zhang Wei's question, he glared and said, "Don't expect me to teach your disciples for you, I won't take it myself."

Am I that lazy? Zhang Weijing said depressedly: "Who asked you to teach a disciple? I want to ask you... What do I want to ask you?" He was so depressed that he forgot the content of the question, so he became even more depressed.

Zhan Yun's eyes widened: "What do you want to ask? How do I know? I really can't understand that a fool like you can become a top-level master. Doesn't God make sense?"

"Ah, I remembered it." Zhan Yun's words reminded Zhang Ai, and he asked: "Do you think there is really a master of transforming gods in this world?"

"They say it exists, but I have never seen it. It has been circulated like this for tens of thousands of years. It should really exist." Zhan Yun replied.

Zhang Ain asked again: "What is the purpose of your practice?"

"Are you sick? Why don't I ask you what the purpose of coming to this world is, nerves." Zhang was afraid of being despised by Zhan Yun.

"Be serious, I'm asking seriously." Zhang Ain faced the contempt.

"What purpose can cultivation have? It's just immortality. Why do you ask?" Zhan Yun had no choice but to answer without scorning him.

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