The Monk

Volume One Chapter 728 How to Become a God

Chapter 728: How to become a god

The children were not afraid of life and shouted: "Here comes a little monk to attack the mountain. Come and surround him." They played the game of catching a thief very meticulously, but they were scolded: "Come down, it's time to teach." Xi'er glared at the group of troublemakers. Forced by the female intimidation, these guys dismounted and walked toward the big house on the back hill in dejection.

Fu Kong looked at the joy and praised: "It's pretty good." At this time, Zhang Weifang gradually arrived. The first thing Zhang Wen did when he arrived was to kick Zhang Tianfang away: "When can you calm down? Why are you shouting so loudly?" ?" Then he smiled and said, "Here he is."

Fu Kong smiled and replied: "Here he comes."

Fang Jian also came to meet them. At this point, the small group of four became an army again.

Zhang Tianfang was kicked away, and he didn't feel any shame. He jumped back and shouted: "Stay, stay here, I will build a monk temple for you tomorrow, and the four of us will be together again."

Zhang Ai kicked me again: "Building a monk temple in a Taoist temple? If you want to die, just say so."

Zhang Tianfang dodged the second kick and laughed loudly: "That's interesting."

The four of them are now masters. It is rare for them to have innocent hearts and to have fun together, which makes the disciples around them stunned. Is this the demeanor of the number one master in Tianlei Mountain? Some people have doubts in their minds: Is it because we are not so powerful because we are not crazy enough?

Zhang Ping said: "Stay here, there are many rooms on the mountain." Fukong shook his head: "This is what the young monk did when he went up the mountain."

Zhang Tianfang shouted: "Tell me, what's the matter? I'll help you settle it, are you being bullied?"

"Can your pig brain be any stupider?" Zhang was afraid of scolding him. Let's not talk about Bu Kong's cultivation level or whether someone can bully him. Just speaking of his character, Bu Kong can't fight back or scold him, even if If someone bullies him, he will never speak to them.

Fu Kong said: "There is a severe drought in the northern part of the country, the weather is hot, and the people are miserable. I hope fellow Taoist Zhang..."

"For those who are not Taoist friends, tell me their names." Zhang Tianfang interjected.

Zhang Wen's expression changed when he heard this, he looked around, called a disciple and asked him to call Ruiyuan.

Not long after Ruiyuan arrived, Zhang Ain asked, "There's a severe drought in the north?" Ruiyuan didn't know these things either. From the perspective of ordinary people, they were aloof gods and how could they care about the sufferings of the world. After listening to Zhang Wen's question, he replied: "Disciple, please send someone to investigate right now. There will be news in the evening."

Zhang Wen said yes and said to Bu Kong: "There is some food on the mountain, and I also have some myself. It can probably survive for a million people for more than a month. We will figure out how to do the rest."

Bu Kong said: "The donor is very kind."

This is indeed Zhang's fear of great kindness. Not counting the constant food on the mountain, it is prepared for disciples below the foundation-building stage and his sixty-four child disciples. But the food in his storage bag was really prepared for the common people. He could replenish it whenever it was used up, thinking that if there was any disaster, there would always be some food to help the poor people get through the difficulties.

Zhang Ain waved his hand and said: "What's good? Let's go inside first and have a rest, and then make arrangements in the evening." He believed in Ruiyuan's ability to do things, and he would report back with detailed information in the evening.

Fu Kong promised that after he was seriously injured, he relied on the countless pills provided by Buddha and Zhang Ai to recover to his previous strength within thirty months, like a miracle. This time he came to Tianlei Mountain to thank everyone for helping him. When I went to the territory of Yue State and found a severe drought, I paid more attention to it. When I found that the drought was serious, I came to Zhang Wen for help. When doing things, it’s always good to have more people.

They went into the room to talk, and it was hard to liven up the atmosphere with Zhang Tianfang, who was talking nonsense and crazy things. He was a Buddhist disciple who cared about the people, his face was full of concern, and he was not in the mood to joke. Zhang Awei advised: "It's useless no matter how anxious you are, you have to find a solution."

Fu Kong said: "Of course we ask for rain when there is a drought, but I heard from people that since the winter has not yet fallen, the rivers have shrunk three or four times, and some serious lakes have dried up."

Zhang was afraid of hearing this and cursed secretly: This thief, God, there were floods last year, and there will be drought this year, what on earth do you want to do? He persuaded: "No matter what, it depends on man-made conditions. The drought only makes it more difficult to draw water, and the harvest in autumn will be affected. If we provide more food, we can always get through it."

Fu Kong put his hands together and said, "I hope so."

Drought is not a serious disaster for ordinary people. It does not kill people in an instant. As long as there is water in the well, they will not die of thirst. The trouble is that the crops are not harvested due to severe drought, and the days to come are the most troublesome.

The four of them sat there all afternoon. After nightfall, with the moon hanging in the sky, Ruiyuan came to report the specific situation. The general idea is that there are as many places and as many people as there are affected by the disaster. There are no casualties yet, but there is just a lack of water, which makes the people panic.

Zhang Ping said: "You go contact the six sects and tell Tianlei Mountain to reduce disasters for the people. No matter whether it rains in the next few months, make some preparations first and transport some food from other places, such as Song Dynasty." This happened. Of course, all six major sects have to be dragged into the matter. For their own sake, they have to make a trip. As the saying goes, things get easier when there are more people.

Ruiyuan stepped back and went to arrange things. No matter whether it is a disaster in the future or not, since he is the leader to handle the situation, how can Zhang Ain be used to take action personally?

Fu Kong was stunned when he heard the words: "Is this the end?" Zhang Ain smiled and said, "If you care, you will be confused. As long as there is a heavy rain in the future, there will be no drought. It is useless to worry about it now."

Fu Kong said: "Then let's make it rain for them." Zhang Tianfang was frightened and said: "I don't have the ability." Zhang Ai also laughed: "Do you think we are Dragon Kings?" Fu Kong insisted: "Can't we use magic? "

"No matter how powerful a cultivator is, he can't make clouds and rain, can he?" Zhang Ain said, but he was wondering if a master of spiritual transformation has this ability?

Bu Kong said: "Let's go to the beach to condense the water into ice, carry it in a storage bag, bring it back and turn it into rain."

"Don't mess around. I haven't heard about seawater farming. Lake water may be possible, but there is a lack of water now. How much water can be taken out to alleviate the drought? Some things can't be too anxious. You are not a god. Take care of it. Don't come to this world." Speaking of this, Zhang Ain suddenly had an idea, who created the world? People say it was done by a deity. Is this deity a master of transforming into gods? The more I thought about it, the more likely it was, and I didn't say anything for a while.

Zhang Tianfang shouted: "What are you thinking about?" Zhang Ping said: "Guess." Then he talked to Fu Kong about the valley in the desert oasis, what kind of ghost valleys and caves are there, and what kind of Holy Sect sect, the sect leader He is a tall man over two meters tall.

Fu Kong was surprised when he heard this: "Is there such a place in the desert?" Then he said: "I guess Master also knows about it, he just didn't tell me." They are also Buddhists, and all the five great monks in the Holy Kingdom know this. How could the abbot of Daxiong Temple, the first temple, not know? Moreover, five great monks have been guarding the ghost ancestor on the oasis. Anyone who is interested can find out after checking.

Zhang Ai nodded and said: "I also think this matter cannot be hidden from the old monk." Let's just talk about the matter of Ghost Ancestor. Whether it is good or bad, it is up to the Buddhists to take the lead. He doesn't plan to go to the desert oasis to feel uncomfortable anymore, and he just wants to play hard.

He stopped talking and turned to look at Fang Jian. That guy was very smart. He might have his own opinions on the transformation of gods. He asked, "Do you know what the transformation of gods is?"

Fang Jian was startled: "You want to transform into a god? I am only an intermediate level cultivation, and I am still far away. How can I know about transforming into a god?"

Zhang Ping said: "I have seen many top-level masters, and I have killed many of them. They are all first-class smart. However, dozens of top-level masters have spent years and hard training, but they still can't break the infant and transform into a god. I guess it's No one has figured out the secret; I am really curious about how to become a god and what is needed to become a god."

Fang Jian spread his hands and said, "It's useless to ask me. Why don't you go to Shiwanda Mountain and ask. There are a bunch of top-level monks there who should have some clues. After you ask, you can tell me about them." He also wants to eat ready-made food.

"Okay, let's go to Shiwandashan another day." Zhang Ain said casually.

From this day on, Fu Kong stayed in the mountain. Maybe it was an unlucky year, but God was really reluctant to rain. It rained heavily for two days after autumn, and there was almost another flood. When the doorman reported the news, Zhang was so angry that he pointed at God and cursed him to death.

When it rains after autumn, no crops can be fed, and it is naturally difficult for the poor people to live. It is rare for the seven sects of Yue Kingdom to do a good deed, sending rations and seeds to farmers. It is not hard work, but a bit busy and troublesome. Many Buddhist monks who came to help were curious that the selfish monks in the past could actually do good deeds. They were surprised and also felt a good impression.

While doing these things, Zhang Ai did not go down the mountain. Only Fu Kong and Zhang Tianfang followed a large number of disciples down the mountain to deliver food. Zhang Ai was concentrating on studying the method of transforming into a god. He thought about it over and over again, but couldn't think of anything. At this time, he seems to have learned a craft, just like cooking and making furniture. No matter how good and skilled he is, he can only cook and make furniture, but he can't make it to heaven. What he is thinking about is what can he do to get himself to heaven?

Thinking about what I have learned from beginning to end, I always feel that cultivation and transformation into gods are two different things. I simply don’t think about it, but I think of another place, the Temple of Refining. There are valleys and halls in that place, all in the name of refining gods. I don’t think so. The names were called in vain, and there might be some connections. I plan to visit them when I have time.

After a little calculation in my mind, I have traveled to many strange places over the years, such as the Monster Forest, the Refining Temple, the Ghost Cave, the Bone Forest, and the Ghost Valley in the desert. Each one is weirder than the last. But why are there so many places in the vast continent? Weird places exist? The Monster Forest is a little better. Although there are weird things after entering, they are always on a piece of land. However, the rest of the places are different. After entering, they are all different strange existences. What is it that connects them to the land? It's nothing more than a passage, but what is a passage? Why can it connect two places? Is it like a storage bag or a beast bag, with another space?

He couldn't figure out anything after thinking about it randomly, but his mind was much broader, and he remembered a lot of different things. For example, he had an enemy Cai Xiaoxiao, who always wanted to kill him at first, such as King He of Longhu Mountain wanted to kill him, such as Hongguang Inn deliberately tried to trick him and make him fight with Longhu Shan. I thought of many such things, but they were all against him.

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